LP 더블 앨범으로 발매되었다. 그렇지만 비틀즈의 화이트 앨범인 The Beatles나 핑크 플로이드의 The Wall처럼 게이트폴드 자켓은 아니다. 1996년 리마스터 당시엔 1CD로 발매했으나[1] 2013년 리마스터에서는 의도대로 2CD로 발매되었다.
앨범 아트가 대중음악 역사상 가장 위대한 앨범 커버로 꼽힐만큼 유명하다. 참고로 이는 엘비스 프레슬리의 셀프 타이틀 앨범인 Elvis Presley의 앨범 커버를 패러디한 것이며, Elvis Presley 앨범 커버를 촬영한 촬영기사에 대한 예술적 오마주를 표현했다고 한다. 해당 커버의 원조는 기타를 연주하며 열정적으로 노래를 부르는 엘비스의 모습을 담았던 반면, 이 커버는 밴드의 베이시스트인 폴 시모넌이 격정적으로 베이스 기타를 부숴버리는 정 반대의 모습을 하고있는 것이 특징. 원본 사진은 1979년9월 20일뉴욕시에 있는 팔라디움이라는 클럽에서 투어 공연 도중 찍은 사진이었는데, 정작 이 장면을 찍은 사진가 페니 스미스는 처음엔 '너무 흐리게 나왔다'며 사용하는 걸 꺼렸다고 한다. 결국 시모넌과 앨범 커버 디자이너가 열심히 설득해서 허가해줬는데, 대박이 터졌다.
포스트 펑크 앨범으로, 펑크를 포함한 레게, 로커빌리, 팝 음악, 하드 록, 재즈 등 수많은 장르들을 수용하였다. 또한 사회적 회피, 실업, 인종 갈등, 마약 등 다양한 주제들을 다루고 비판하는 내용을 담고 있다.
The Clash가 데뷔 후 처음 내놓은 두 앨범은 매우 긍정적인 평가를 받았습니다. 하지만 펑크의 청사진을 따라가던 그들의 음악은 1979년에 들어서자 다소 옛날 것처럼 느껴졌습니다. 한계를 극복하겠다고 결심한 밴드는 카센터 옆에 만든 임시 공간에서 연주를 시작했습니다. 레게, 소울, 로커빌리, 펍 록 등 다양한 스타일의 노래를 커버했죠. 사실 밴드가 평소 잘하던 장르는 아니었지만, 초심으로 돌아간 이런 시도는 성공적이었습니다. 이후 탄생한 더블 앨범 'London Calling'은 획일적인 스타일에서 벗어나 실험적인 면모로 가득했고, The Clash를 펑크 밴드 이상의 입지로 끌어올렸습니다.
||<table width=100%><table align=center><tablebgcolor=#fff,#191919><table bordercolor=#9f9f9f><bgcolor=#9f9f9f><rowbgcolor=#9f9f9f><rowcolor=#fff><width=5%> 트랙 ||<width=18%> 곡명 ||<width=30%> 작사 / 작곡 ||<width=10%> 재생 시간 ||
London calling to the faraway towns 런던 멀리 떨어진 마을에게 알린다 Now war is declared, and battle come down 이제 전쟁이 선포되었고, 전투가 개시되었다 London calling to the underworld 런던이 지하세계에서 알린다 Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls 너희 모든 남녀들은 찬창에서 나와라
London calling, now don't look to us 런던에서 알린다, 우리에게 희망을 걸지 마라 Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust 가짜 비틀매니아들은 이제 전부 죽었다 London calling, see we ain't got no swing 런던에서 알린다, 곤봉으로 때려 패는거 말고는 'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing 우리는 평화를 추구한다
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in 빙하기가 도래하고있다, 해는 가까워진다 Meltdown expected, the wheat tastes so thin 멜트 다운이 예상된다, 밀 생산량은 줄어든다 Engines stop running, but I have no fear 엔진의 가동은 멈췄다, 하지만 난 두려움이 없다 'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river 왜냐하면 런던이 템즈강 아래에 잠기면 난 강변에 살면 되니까
London calling to the imitation zone 런던에서 모방하는 지역들에게 알린다 Forget it brother, you can go it alone 그냥 잊어버려라, 혼자서도 해볼 수 있다 London calling to the zombies of death 런던에서 죽은 좀비들에게 알린다 Quit holding out, and draw another breath 그만 참고 숨을 쉬어라
London calling, and I don't wanna shout 런던에서 알린다, 그리고 난 소리지르고 싶지 않아 But while we were talking, I saw you nodding out 하지만 우리가 말하는동안 네가 마약에 취해진걸 봤어 London calling, see we ain't got no Hyde 런던에서 알린다, 우린 마약에 취하지 않지 Except for that one with the yellowy eyes 노란 눈을 가진 한명을 빼면 말이야
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in 빙하기가 도래하고있다, 해는 가까워진다 Engines stop running, the wheat tastes so thin 엔진의 가동은 멈췄다, 밀 생산량은 줄어든다 A nuclear error, but I have no fear 핵이 문제를 일으켰지만, 하지만 난 두려움이 없다 'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river 왜냐하면 런던이 템즈강 아래에 잠기면 난 강변에 살면 되니까
Now get this... 이제 알겠지... London calling, yes, I was there too 런던이 알리는걸. 그래, 나도 거기에 있었어 And you know what they said? Well, some of it was true! 걔네들이 뭘 말하는지 알겠어? 글쎄, 몇개는 진짜였어! London calling at the top of the dial 런던이 다이얼의 맨 위에서 알리고 있지 After all this, won't you give me a smile? 이 모든 것이 끝난 뒤에 나에게 미소 지어주지 않을래? London calling... 런던에서 알린다...
I never felt so much alike alike alike alike... 난 ...과 같은 것을 절대 느끼지 못하겠다고...
My baby drove up in a brand new Cadillac Yes she did! My baby drove up in a brand new Cadillac She said, "Hey, come here, Daddy!" "I ain't never comin' back!"
Baby, baby, won't you hear my plea? C'mon, sugar, just come on back to me She said, "Balls to you, Big Daddy." She ain't never coming back!
Baby, baby, won't you hear my plea? Oh c'mon, just hear my plea She said, "Balls to you, Daddy." She ain't coming back to me
Baby, baby drove up in a Cadillac I said, "Jesus Christ! Where'd you get that Cadillac?" She said, "Balls to you, Daddy." She ain't never coming back!
The police walked in for Jimmy Jazz I said, he ain't here, but he sure went past Oh, you're looking for Jimmy Jazz
Sattamassagana for Jimmy Dread Cut off his ears and chop off his head Police came looking for Jimmy Jazz
So if you're gonna take a message 'cross this town Maybe put it down somewhere over the other side See it gets to Jimmy Jazz
Don't you bother me, not anymore I can't take this tale, oh, no more It's all around, Jimmy Jazz
J-a-zee zee J-a-zed zed J-a-zed zed Jimmy Jazz And then it sucks, he said, suck that! So go look all around, you can try your luck, brother ANd see what you found But I guarantee that it ain't your day Chop! Chop!
Sing, Michael, sing-on the route of the 19 Bus Hear them sayin' How you get a rude and a reckless? Don't you be so crude and a feckless You been drinking brew for breakfast Rudie can't fail
So we reply I know that my life make you nervous But I tell you that I can't live in service Like the doctor who was born for a purpose Rudie can't fail
I went to the market to realise my soul 'Cause where I need I just don't have First they curse, then they press me til I hurt We say Rudie can't fail
We hear them sayin' Now first you must cure your temper Then you find a job in the paper You need someone for a saviour Oh, Rudie can't fail
We reply Now we get a rude and a reckless We been seen lookin' cool an' a speckless We been drinking brew for breakfast So Rudie can't fail
Okay! So where you wanna go today? Hey boss man! You're looking pretty smart In your chicken skin suit
You think you're pretty hot In your pork pie hat But...Rudie can't fail Look out, look out... Sky juice!...10 cents a bottle!
Spanish songs in Andalucia The shooting sites in the days of '39 Oh, please, leave the vendetta open Fredrico Lorca is dead and gone Bullet holes in the cemetery walls The black cars of the Guardia Civil Spanish bombs on the Costa Rica I'm flying in on a DC 10 tonight
Spanish bombs, yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón Spanish bombs, yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón
Spanish weeks in my disco casino The freedom fighters died upon the hill They sang the red flag They wore the black one But after they died it was Mockingbird Hill Back home the buses went up in flashes The Irish tomb was drenched in blood Spanish bombs shatter the hotels My senorita's rose was nipped in the bud
The hillsides ring with "Free the people" Or can I hear the echo from the days of '39? With trenches full of poets The ragged army, fixin' bayonets to fight the other line Spanish bombs rock the province I'm hearing music from another time Spanish bombs on the Costa Brava I'm flying in on a DC 10 tonight
Spanish songs in Andalucia, Mandolina, oh mi corazon Spanish songs in Granada, oh mi corazon
Say, where did I see this guy? In Red River? Or a place in the sun? Maybe the Misfits? Or From Here to Eternity?
Everybody say, "Is he all right?" And everybody say, "What's he like?" Everybody say, "He sure look funny." That's...Montgomery Clift, honey!
New York, New York, New York, 42nd Street Hustlers rustle and pimps pimp the beat Monty Clift is recognized at dawn He ain't got no shoes and his clothes are torn
I see a car smashed at night Cut the applause and dim the light Monty's face is broken on a wheel Is he alive? Can he still feel?
Nembutol numbs it all But I prefer alcohol
He said go out and get me my old movie stills Go out and get me another roll of pills There I go again shaking, but I ain't got the chills
I'm all lost in the supermarket I can no longer shop happily I came in here for that special offer A guaranteed personality
I wasn't born so much as I fell out Nobody seemed to notice me We had a hedge back home in the suburbs Over which I never could see
I heard the people who lived on the ceiling Scream and fight most scarily Hearing that noise was my first ever feeling That's how it's been all around me
I'm all tuned in, I see all the programmes I save coupons from packets of tea I've got my giant hit discoteque album I empty a bottle and I feel a bit free
The kids in the halls and the pipes in the walls Make me noises for company Long distance callers make long distance calls And the silence makes me lonely
Hey, hey! Ooh! The kingdom is ransacked the jewels all taken back and the chopper descends they're hidden in the back with a message on a half-baked tape with the spool going round saying I'm back here in this place and I could cry and there's smoke you could click on
What are we gonna do now? Taking off his turban, they said, is this man a Jew? 'Cause they're working for the clampdown They put up a poster saying we earn more than you! When we're working for the clampdown We will teach our twisted speech To the young believers We will train our blue-eyed men To be young believers
The judge said five to ten, but I say double that again I'm not working for the clampdown No man born with a living soul Can be working for the clampdown Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fall How can you refuse it? Let fury have the hour, anger can be power D'you know that you can use it?
The voices in your head are calling Stop wasting your time, there's nothing coming Only a fool would think someone could save you The men at the factory are old and cunning You don't owe nothing, so boy get running It's the best years of your life they want to steal
You grow up and you calm down You're working for the clampdown You start wearing the blue and brown You're working for the clampdown So you got someone to boss around It makes you feel big now You drift until you brutalize You made your first kill now
In these days of evil presidentes Working for the clampdown But lately one or two has fully paid their due For working for the clampdown Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong! Working for the clampdown Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong! Working for the clampdown
Yeah I'm working hard in Harrisburg Working hard in Petersburg Working for the clampdown Working for the clampdown Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong Begging to be melted down Gitalong, gitalong (Work) (Work) (Work) And I've given away no secrets - ha! (Work) (Work) (More work) (More work) (Work) (Work) (Work) (Work) Who's barmy now?
Stagger Lee met Billy and they go down to gambling Stagger Lee throwed seven Billy said that he throwed eight So Billy said, hey Stagger! I'm gonna make my big attack I'm gonna have to leave my knife in your back
Why do you try to cheat? And trample people under your feet Don't you know it is wrong? To cheat the trying man So you better stop, it is the wrong 'em boyo
You lie, steal, cheat and deceit In such a small, small game Don't you know it is wrong
Billy Boy has been shot And Stagger Lee's come out on top Don't you know it is wrong To cheat the trying man To cheat Stagger man You'd better stop So you must start all over again-all over again You got to play it, Billy, play, you got to play it, Billy, play And you will find it is the right 'em boyo
But if you must lie and deceit And trample people under your feet Don't you know it is wrong It is the wrong 'em boyo
Now every cheap hood strikes a bargain with the world Ends up making payments on a sofa or a girl Love 'n hate tattooed across the knuckles of his hands Hands that slap his kids around, 'cause they don't understand how
Death or glory, becomes just another story Death or glory, becomes just another story
'n every gimmick hungry yob digging gold from rock 'n roll Grabs the mike to tell us he'll die before he's sold But I believe in this and it's been tested by research He, who fucks nuns, will later join the church
Death or glory, becomes just another story Death or glory, becomes just another story
Fear in the gun-sights They say lie low You say ok Don't wanna play the show Now all you're thinking "Was it death or glory now?" Playing the blues of kings Sure looks better now
Death or glory, just another story Death or glory, just another story
From every dingy basement, on every dingy street Every dragging handclap over every dragging beat It's just the beat of time, the beat that must go on If you've been trying for years, we 'ready heard your song
Death or glory, becomes just another story Death or glory, just another story
We gonna march, a long way Fight, a long time We got to travel, over mountains Got to travel, over seas We gonna fight, your brother We gonna fight, 'til you loose We gonna raise, trouble We gonna raise, hell
We gonna fight, your brother Raise, hell
Death or glory, becomes just another story Death or glory, becomes just another story
Death or glory, just another story? Death or glory, becomes just another story
}}} || 조 스트러머가 리드 보컬을 맡은 곡. 늙기 전에 죽고 싶다고 한 락 스타들에 대한 곡이다.
Elevator! Going up! In the gleaming corridors of the 51st floor The money can be made if you really want some more Executive decision-a clinical precision Jumping from the windows-filled with indecision
I get good advice from the advertising world Treat me nice says the party girl Koke adds life where there isn't any So freeze, man, freeze
It's the pause that refreshes in the corridors of power When top men need a top up long before the happy hour Your snakeskin suit and your alligator boot You won't need a launderette, you can send them to the vet!
I get my advice from the advertising world Treat me nice says the party girl Koke adds life where there isn't any So freeze, man, freeze
Koka Kola advertising and kokaine Strolling down the Broadway in the rain Neon light sign says it I read it in the paper-they're crazy! Suit your life, maybe so In the White House-I know All Over Berlin (they've been doing it for years) And in Manhattan!
Coming through the door is a snub nose 44 What the barrel can't snort it can spatter on the floor Your eyeballs feel like pinballs And your tongue feels like a fish You're leaping from the windows-saying don't Ayaiiiiirrrghhh! *@!!*@!!*! Don't give me none of this!
I get good advice from the advertising world Treat me nice says the party girl Koke adds life where there isn't any So freeze, man, freeze Hit the deck!
There's a solitary man crying, "Hold me." It's only because he's a-lonely If the keeper of time runs slowly He won't be alive for long!
If he only had time to tell of all of the things he planned With a card up his sleeve, what would he achieve? It means nothing!
To the opium den and the barroom gin In the Belmont chair playing violins The gambler's face cracks into a grin As he lays down the king of spades
But the dealer just stares There's something wrong here, he thinks The gambler is seized and forced to his knees And shot dead
He only wanted more time Away from the darkest door But his luck it gave in As the dawn light crept in And he lay on the floor
From the Hundred Year War to the Crimea With a lance and a musket and a Roman spear To all of the men who have stood with no fear In the service of the King
Before you met your fate be sure you Did not forsake your lover May not be around anymore
Yeah, you must treat your lover girl right If you wanna make lover's rock You must know a place you can kiss to make lovers rock 'Cause everybody knows it's a crying shame But nobody knows the poor babie's name When she forgot that thing that she had to swallow
You Western man, you're free with your seed When you make lovers rock But woops! there goes the strength that you need To make real cool lovers rock 'Cause a genuine lover takes off his clothes And he can make a lover in a thousand go's An' she don't need that thing that she had to swallow
Well they were given the grapes that go ripe in the sun That loosen the screws at the back of the tongue But they told no one where they had begun-four horsemen
They were given all the foods of vanity And all the instant promises of immortality But they bit the dust screamin' insanity!-four horsemen
One was over the edge, one was over the cliff One was lickin' em dry with a bloody great spliff When they picked up the hiker he didn't want the lift From the horsemen
But you! You're not searching, are you now? You're not looking anyhow You're never gonna ride that lonely mile Or put yourself up on trial Oh, you told me how your life was so bad An' I agree that it does seem sad But that's the price that you gotta pay If you're lazing all around all day Four horsemen coming right through Four horsemen and they're pissing by you They make you look like you're wearing a truss Four horsemen and it's gonna be us
Well they gave us everything for bending the mind And we cleaned out their pockets and we drank 'em blind It's a long way to the finish so don't get left behind By those horsemen
And they gave us the grapes that went ripe in the sun That loosen the scews at the back of the tongue But we still told nothing 'bout what was to come Four horsemen
If it's true that a rich man leads a sad life N' that's what they from day to day Then what do all the poor do with their lives? On judgment day with nothing to say?
I've been beat up, I've been thrown Out but I'm not down, I'm not down I've been shown up, but I've grown up And I'm not down, I'm not down
On my own I faced a gang of jeering in strange streets When my nerves were pumping and I Fought my fear in, I did not run I was not done
And I have lived that kind of day When one of your sorrows will go away It goes down and down and hit the floor Down and down and down some more Depression But I know there'll be some way When I can swing everything back my way Like skyscrapers rising up Floor by floor, I'm not giving up
So you rock around and think that You're the toughest In the world, the whole wide world But you're streets away from where It gets the roughest You ain't been there
Revolution rock, it is a brand new rock A bad, bad rock, this here revolution rock
Careful how you move, Mac, you dig me in me back And I'm so pilled up that I rattle I have got the sharpeest knife So I cut the biggest slice I have no time to do battle
Everybody smash up your seats And rock to this brand new beat This here music mash up the nation This here music cause a sensation Tell your ma, tell your pa Everything's gonna be all right Can't you feel it? Don't ignore it Gonna be alright
Revolution rock, I am in a state of shock So bad, bad rock, this here revolution rock
Careful how you slide, Clyde, all you did was glide And you poured your beer in me hat With my good eye on the beat, living on fixation street I ain't got no time for that
To the coolest mobsters in Kingstown, with the hardest eyes and the coolest tongue: Is your heart so made of rock that the blood must flow 'round the clock? Are you listening mobsters? Hey! Our people crawl, gonna die, while cargo fruit goes rolling by? It's food for thought, mobsters Young people shoot their days away I've seen talent thrown away Are you a loan shark?
The organ plays and they're dancing to the brand new beat This here music mash up the nation This here music cause a sensation Tell your ma-ma-ma-ma, tell your pa-pa-pa-pa everything's gonna be all right Can't you feel it? Don't ignore it Everything's gonna be alright I say, revolution rock
There's that old cheese grater Rubbing me down This must be the way out
Here's the cheap bit OO la oo la oo la
Any song you want Playing requests now on the bandstand El Clash Combo Paid fifteen dollars a day Weddings, parties, anything And Bongo Jazz a speciality
Say you stand by your man Tell me something I don't understand You said you love me and that's a fact Then you left me, said you felt trapped
Well some things you can explain away But my heartache's in me till this day
Did you stand by me No, not at all Did you stand by me No way
All the times When we were close I'll remember these things the most I see all my dreams come tumbling down I won't be happy without you around
So all alone I keep the wolves at bay There is only one thing that I can say
You must explain why this must be Did you lie when you spoke to me
Did you stand by me No, not at all
Now I got a job But it don't pay I need new clothes I need somewhere to stay But without all these things I can do But without your love I won't make it through
But you don't understand my point of view I suppose there's nothing I can do
You must explain why this must be Did you lie when you spoke to me?
Did you stand by me Did you stand by me No, not at all Did you stand by me No way Did you stand by me No, not at all Did you stand by me No way
[1] 마스터링 문제로 말이 많은 걸로 유명하다.[2] 앨범 자체는 1979년 말에 나온 앨범이지만 일반적으로는 80년대 앨범으로 취급한다.[3]롤링 스톤은 미국 잡지이기 때문에 60년대의 비틀즈, 롤링 스톤즈를 제외하면 다른 나라 밴드들에게 상대적으로 낮은 평가를 주는 잡지인데, 비틀즈와 밥 딜런은 50위권 내에 각각 6장, 4장을 올렸고, 미국의 루츠 록 밴드인 더 밴드도 50위권 내에 앨범을 2장이나 올렸을 만큼 미국 음악과 60년대 영국 음악에 대해 우호적인 반면, 70년대 이후 영국 음악의 대표적인 명반인 Who's Next는 28위, The Dark Side of the Moon은 42위, Led Zeppelin IV는 69위, A Night at the Opera는 231위에 랭크되어 있을 정도로 상대적으로 평가가 낮다. 이런 리스트에서 영국 밴드, 그것도 언더그라운드 밴드인 클래시의 앨범이 8위에 선정되었다는 것은, 이 앨범의 가치가 얼마나 높은지를 반증하는 결과라고 설명해 준다.