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[[My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy| ]][[Yeezus| ]][[The Life Of Pablo| ]][[ye(칸예 웨스트)| ]]''' 6집[[Yeezus|Yeezus''']]
2013. 6. 18.[[JESUS IS KING| ]][[Donda| ]]<bgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f> * Donda 2는 데모 앨범으로, 기타 앨범 문단 참조 바람
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- ||<-5><width=650><tablebgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f><bgcolor=#401b13> ||3집5집[[My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy|My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy]]6집8집10집11집
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{{{#!folding [ 앨범 미수록 싱글 ]취소선: 공개 중지}}}}}}
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- ||<-4><width=650><tablebgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f><tablebordercolor=#000,#fff><bgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f> 하위 문서 ||
활동 미발매 음반 논란 및 사건 사고 여담 ||<-5><width=650><tablebgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f><tablebordercolor=#000,#fff><bgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f> 패션 ||패션 YEEZY AIR YEEZY
(with NIKE)Adidas Yeezy
(with Adidas)Yeezy Gap
(with GAP)취소선: 협업 중단||<-2><width=650><tablebgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f><tablebordercolor=#000,#fff><bgcolor=#fff,#1c1d1f> 다큐멘터리 ||지-니어스: 카니예 3부작 In Whose Name
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- ||<table width=100%><rowbgcolor=#fff><bgcolor=#fff><colbgcolor=#fff><width=15%> # ||<width=70%> 곡명 ||<width=15%> 러닝타임 ||
1 <colbgcolor=#fff,#191919><colcolor=#000,#fff> Donda Chant <colbgcolor=#fff,#191919><colcolor=#000,#ddd> 0:52 2 Jail 4:57 3 God Breathed 5:33 4 Off The Grid 5:39 5 Hurricane 4:03 6 Praise God 3:46 7 Jonah 3:15 8 Ok Ok 3:24 9 Junya 2:27 10 Believe What I Say 4:02 11 24 3:17 12 Remote Control 3:18 13 Moon 2:36 14 Heaven And Hell 2:25 15 Donda 2:08 16 Keep My Spirit Alive 3:41 17 Jesus Lord 8:58 18 New Again 3:03 19 Tell The Vision 1:44 20 Lord I Need You 2:42 21 Pure Souls 5:58 22 Come To Life 5:10 23 No Child Left Behind 2:57 24 Jail pt 2 4:57 25 Ok Ok pt 2 3:24 26 Junya pt 2 3:02 27 Jesus Lord pt 2 11:30 디럭스 트랙 # Life Of The Party 6:32 # Up From The Ashes 2:43 # Remote Control pt 2 5:24 # Never Abandon Your Family 3:28 # Keep My Spirit Alive pt 2 3:42
{{{#fff 'Life Of The Party (with André 3000)'}}} | |
<colcolor=#fff><colbgcolor=#000> 수록 앨범 | |
앨범 발매일 | 2021년 11월 15일 |
녹음 | 2020년 - 2021년 |
장르 | 컨셔스 힙합 |
보컬 | André 3000 |
프로듀서 | Kanye West, All Day, BoogzDaBeast, The Twilite Tone, Vindver, Ojivolta, Dem Jointz, Fonzworth Bentley |
러닝 타임 | 6:32 |
1. 개요
칸예의 앨범인 Donda에 수록된 칸예와 안드레 3000의 곡이다.1.1. 상세
2021년 10월 스템 플레이어에서 먼저 공개되었다.The Dramatics의 I Was the Life of the Party, Herb and the Spices의 Cannibal Cutie를 샘플링 하였고, DMX의 아웃트로는 이 영상에서 따온 것이다.
안드레 3000이 가사가 검열되지 않기를 바래서 비검열 버전이 싱글로 따로 발매되었다.\
이 곡에서의 안드레 3000의 벌스는 Complex와 HipHopDX가 2021년 최고의 벌스로 선정했다.##
1.2. 가사
{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, SF Pro Display, HelveticaNeue, Arial, sans serif" {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; display: inline-table" | <tablebgcolor=#0d0d0d> | }}}}}} It's after hours at that glamorous night spot 호화로운 밤의 장소에서 몇 시간이 지났어요 And they're taking it easy, swapping personal experiences 그들은 서로의 경험을 공유하며, 피로를 풀고 있죠 Let's listen in America today 지금 미국에서 감상하세요 Life of the party, mhm, 'til I almost cry, mhm 파티의 주인공처럼, 음, 내가 울음을 터뜨릴 만큼, 음 It's the life of the party, to think I could've almost died 파티의 주인공이야, 내가 죽음에 다다랐다고 생각할 만큼 Lord, help us 신이시여, 도와주소서 Hey, Miss Donda 돈다 여사님 You run into my mama, please tell her I said, "Say something" 저희 엄마한테 달려가서, 제가 아무 말이나 해보라 했다고 전해줘요 I'm startin' to believe ain't no such thing as Heaven's trumpets 이제는 천국의 트럼펫같은 건 없다는 생각이 들어요 No after-over, this is it, done 사후세계는 없다고, 그냥 끝이라고 If there's a Heaven, you would think they'd let ya speak to your son 천국이 있다면, 천사들이 당신의 아들과 소통할 수 있게 돕지 않았을까요 Maybe she has in the form of a baby's laugh 아마도 다시 환생해서, 아기 울음소리로 그러고 계실 수도 있겠네요 I heard passing by in a stroller remindin' me, "Hey, keep rolling" 유모차 타고 지나가는 아기가 저한테 말한 것 같았거든요, '앞만 보고 가' I don't know, maybe she has with a prick of a blade of grass 아니면 잔디의 형태로 그러셨을 수도 있겠네요 I've been layin' on way too long, got me itchy 잔디에 오래 누워 있으니까, 등이 간지러워서 Got up and roamed a lil' more 일어나서, 좀 돌아다녔거든요 Miss Donda, you see my mama, tell her I'm lost 돈다 여사님, 제 엄마를 보셨다면 내가 길을 잃었다고 전해줘요 You see, she'd always light a cigarette, we talk, I would cough 아시겠지만, 엄마께선 항상 담배를 피우곤 하셨거든요, 우리가 말하면, 난 바로 기침이 나왔죠 Exaggeratin' a lil' bit so she get the point 일부러 호들갑도 좀 떨었어요, 그래서 엄마께서 절 보시고 Tryna get her to stop smokin', I would leave and fire up a joint 금연하시면 좋겠어서, 근데 전 집 나와서 대마를 피웠죠 'Til I quit, started back up again, twenty years later 끊고, 피우고, 다시 끊고, 그렇게 20년이 걸렸어요 All that time, y'all thought a ni**a was high, thought I was crazy 그 시간 동안, 사람들은 제가 꼴았다, 미쳐 있다 생각했죠 My mom, she ain't cut no corners 저희 엄마는, 뭔가 하면 대충 하신 적은 없었어요 Got me back on track, I don't miss her overstepping 거기서 배웠죠, 엄마의 꾸지람은 그립지 않지만 But do miss her showin' Seven civilian life shit 제게 삶의 모습을 보여주시던 모습은 그리워요 Ah, Miss Donda, you see my mama, whisper her this: 음, 돈다 여사님, 제 엄마를 보신다면, 이렇게 귀띔해 주세요 The real reason I was geeked to go to church 제가 교회 가는 걸 그렇게 기대한 이유는 Must confess, when y'all grown-ups would be in Bible study 고해성사해야겠네요, 어른들이 성경 공부를 하는 동안 That girl helping me with my homework? Her and I were fucking 제 숙제를 도와주던 그 소녀, 걔랑 전 관계를 가졌어요 So pure and perverted, so spirit spinning and dirty 정말 순수하면서도 변태적인, 정신 나가겠고 더러운 So on, so on, and so on, we hoped that no one heard us 그걸 계속, 계속, 계속 그러면서도 저희는 아무도 못 들었기를 바랐죠 Sh-sh, ah, ah And to this day, I think her mama knew but let us explore 지금 생각해 보건대, 소녀네 어머니께선 아시면서도 우리가 서로 알도록 내버려 두신 것 같아요 Miss Donda, you see my father, please, ask him why he never married 돈다 여사님, 제 아버지를 보신다면, 왜 결혼하지 않았는지 물어봐 주세요 Always smiled, but was he happy inside? 제 기억에 항상 웃으셨지만, 그게 진실된 웃음이었을까요? Because I carried my mother's name, did he carry shame with him? 제가 어머니의 성을 따랐을 때, 아버지는 부끄러워하셨을까요? I'm sure she did it out of spite, 'twas her decision at birth 그건 아마도 엄마가 화나서 내린 결정이었을 거예요 Shit, she probably was hurt, ah, poor baby 어머니도 고통스러우셨겠죠, 아, 불쌍해라 Two young people with different views, a lot for a young lady 두 젊은이의 관점 차이, 젊은 아가씨에게는 너무 큰 일 No coincidence, they both passed away from heart conditions 두 분이 다 심장질환으로 돌아가신 건 우연이 아니었을 거예요 There's a dissidence at play, dad and mom do hard division 관점 차이, 아빠와 엄마는 헤어지기로 결정하고 Three Thou', poster child for big dick ni**as raised by their mothers 3000, 엄마가 홀몸으로 기른 좆 큰 놈의 대표격이 되었죠 I'm supposed to smile as if God knew that I would be troubled 웃어야만 하죠, 제 주변을 돌아다니는 문제들이 Keeps me around, for what? I don't know 신께서 의도하신 거라면, 뭐 때문인지는 모르겠지만요 But I do know that it's crucial, that we do so, pronto 하지만 중요하단 건 알아요, 그래서 바쁘게 돌아다니죠 I don't know how much long though 언제까지 그래야 하는지는 모르겠지만 Listen, straight from Shibuya, on some zen 들어봐, 시부야에서 바로, 참선(參禪)하며 We back, ramped up, we on ten, 다시 돌아왔어, 희망과 함께, 10점 만점에 10점 It's a marathon and look, we coming for the win 인생은 우승을 향해 달려가는 마라톤이야 Just like Puff told Christopher, we gon' win big (C'mon) 퍼프가 비기에게 말했던 것처럼, 우리는 크게 터뜨릴 거야 Put the whole family on, look at what my Kim did (C'mon) 가족 전체의 큰 성공, 나의 킴이 뭘 했는지 봐봐 Just like Puff told Christopher, we gon' win big (Uh) 퍼프가 비기에게 말했던 것처럼, 우리는 크게 터뜨릴 거야 We gon' win big (What?) 크게 터뜨릴 거야 Southside gang mentality way heavy 사우스사이드 갱, 훨씬 무거운 생각을 달고 살아 I was thinking out the box even in a Box Chevy 박스카 안에서도 내 사고방식은 상자 밖 And my favorite art teacher name was Mrs. Levy 그리고 내가 좋아했던 미술 선생님 성함은 레비 씨 'Round the time, I learned to put my feelings to a medley 그분의 가르침을 받는 동안, 나는 가사에 내 감정을 녹여내는 법을 배웠지 I ain't turn in homework for like four months and I bet she let me 숙제를 4개월 동안 제출하지 않았어, 그래도 봐주신 것 같아 She saw the vision 내게서 뭔갈 보셨겠지 "Yeezy you special, go make your own decisions then" "이지, 넌 특별해, 너의 결정을 만들어봐" Man, that was a good choice, faith driving us like a Rolls Royce 탁월한 선택이었어, 운명을 롤스 로이스처럼 우리를 몰아주고 They tried to take my voice away, I ain't try to take ya choice away 내 목소리를 뺏으려고 든 그들, 나는 너희 선택을 존중했어 I just prayed the water break, just for my daughter sake, from a slip-up 내 딸을 위해서 양수가 터지길 기도했어, 실수로부터 Fake signatures from fake managers, it all damage her, good Lord 가짜 매니저의 가짜 사인, 그녀에겐 고통, 공평하신 하나님 Give 'em enough of they own rope to hang 'em with 걔네들한테 밧줄 충분히 줘, 목을 매달도록 The paparazzi never really got what my angle is 파파라치는 사진에 내 뜻을 담아준 적이 없어 They treat my married life like some type of entanglement 그들은 나의 결혼을 가십거리로 삼았어 My neighbor still dissing, wondering why I ain't saying it 이웃집에선 나를 디스, 왜 답가가 들려오지 않는지 궁금해하고 있어 I can smell the setup, that's that 2Pac in Vegas hit 다 짜여진 느낌이거든, LA에서 투팍이 쏘였을 때같이 I revealed myself and some don't know what to make of it 난 날 있는 그대로 드러냈어, 누군 날 받아들이기 힘들대 God has said himself to make sure that the baby live 신께선 이 아이가 살아갈 수 있게 스스로 기도하셨네 And if Ye ain't here, then tell me who gonna say this here? 만약 예가 없다면, 누가 이런 걸 말할 것 같은지 얘기해 줄래? Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a goddamn minute 기다려 봐, 기다려 봐, 1분만—씨, 기다려 보라고 Let me stop playing with it, hopped in a Lamb' with it 장난은 멈춰야지, 람보르기니에 올라타 Hopped in a Lamb' with it, in a damn pandemic 람보르기니에 올라타, 빌어먹을 팬데믹 속에서 Know that Uncle Sam gotta have his damn hand in it 그래, 샘 삼촌은 여기에 관여해야겠지 Listen, straight from Shibuya, on some zen 들어봐, 시부야에서 바로, 참선(參禪)하면서 I'm on ten, it's a marathon and look, we comin' for the win 10점 만점에 10점, 인생은 우승을 향해 달려가는 마라톤이야 Just like Puff told Christopher, we gon' win big (C'mon) 퍼프가 비기에게 말했던 것처럼, 우리는 크게 터뜨릴 거야 Put the whole family on, look at what my Kim did (C'mon) 가족 전체의 큰 성공, 나의 킴이 뭘 했는지 봐봐 Just like Puff told Christopher, we gon' win big (Uh) 퍼프가 비기에게 말했던 것처럼, 우리는 크게 터뜨릴 거야 We gon' win big (What?) 크게 터뜨릴 거야 Do y'all feel me? Really? 나한테 공감이 돼? 진짜로? Get off Scott Free, I'm talking Ridley 스콧을 풀어줘, 리들리 말하는 거야 Get off our knees, that's if you're with me 무릎꿇지 말고 일어나, 너와 내가 같이 있다면 Get off your knees, that's if you're with me 무릎꿇지 말고 일어나, 너와 내가 같이 있다면 Get off your knees and let's get free 무릎꿇지 말고 일어나, 그리고 자유를 얻자 Get off your knees and let's get free 무릎꿇지 말고 일어나, 그리고 자유를 얻자 Really, I mean really 정말로, 응, 정말로 Really, I mean really 정말로, 응, 정말로 I need release, I don't need police 난 자유가 필요해, 경찰은 필요 없어 I'm like, "Ni**a, puh-lease" 난 마치 "님아, 제에발" Y'all can't hear me, (Harmonizing), for the real me 당신들은 날 이해 못해, 진짜 나를 For the real me, I mean, mhmm-mm 진짜 나를, 내 말은, 음 Alright, it's gonna shoot us in the— woah, uh-oh, uh-oh "우리, 좀 있다가 올라간다, 워, 워" Ready mama? (Yup) "마마[1], 준비됐어?" —"응." I'm so proud of you, yup, you're gonna have so much fun "아빠는 딸이 정말 자랑스럽다. 응? 즐거운 경험이 될 거야." They gonna shoot us in the air, mama, okay? "우릴 쏠 거야. 알겠어?" C'mon, P, I got you, it's okay, mama "와 봐, P, 내가 널 잡아줄게, 괜찮아, 마마" Hold your head back, hold your head back (Three, two, one) "머리 뒤로 당겨, 머리 뒤로 당겨" —"3, 2, 1" Daddy's here, daddy's here, daddy's right here "아빠가 있어, 아빠가 있어, 아빠 여기 있어" It's okay, mama, daddy's here, daddy here "괜찮아, 마마, 아빠가 있어, 아빠 있어" Help, help, daddy's right here, I'm scared "도와줘, 도와줘요!" —"아빠 여기 있어" —"무서워요" Okay, okay, I got you, it's okay "괜찮아, 괜찮아, 나 여기 있어, 괜찮아" Okay, we goin' slow, we goin' slow down "다 됐다, 이제 천천히 가, 천천히 간다" It's okay, stop cryin', daddy got you, see, it's over, you did it, P! "괜찮아, 울지 마, 내가 있어, 봐, 끝났어. P, 네가 해냈다!" You already did it! See? It's already over! Yay! You did it! "진짜로 끝났어! 보여? 진짜로! 와! 네가 해냈어!" Big Girl! It's already over! It's already over, it's already over (The life of the party) "용감한 놈! 다 끝났어! 끝, 끝" (파티의 주인공처럼) Daddy right here, daddy right here ('Til I almost cried) "아빠가 여기 있어, 아빠 여기 있어" (내가 울음을 터뜨릴 만큼) I told you I'm not gon' let you go "네가 날아가도록 안 내버려둔다고 했지" I'm not gon' let you go, mama, okay? "마마, 안 날아간다고 했지, 응?" Daddy got you, daddy gon' bring us all the way down, okay? "아빠가 있으니까, 아빠가 혹여 그러더라도 너 밑으로 잡아당길 테니까, 응?" How was it? (We good) "어땠어?" —"좋았어요" You did a good job (It was scary) "잘했어!" —"무서웠어요" Good job! (Our daughter got more heart than you) "잘했어!" —"우리 딸이 너보다 더 씩씩한 것 같다." Written By: André 3000 & Kanye West, Jack Hansen, Paul Anastasio, Bruce Kirkman, Ab-Liva, Mark Williams, Brian Miller, Norma Toney, Raul Cubina, IRKO, BoogzDaBeast, The Twilite Tone, Federico Vindver, Fonzworth Bentley, Malik Yusef, Pusha T, Dem Jointz |
1.3. M/V
칸예의 잘 알려진 옛날 사진들을 단순히 나열해놓은 것 같아 보이지만 자세히 보면 모두 당시 발매된 이지갭 의류를 입고 있다.
2. 오리지널 버전
Life Of The Party의 오리지널 버전으로 드레이크에 의해 2021년 9월 4일 Sound 42에서 유출되었다.
칸예의 벌스가 발매된 버전과 굉장히 다른 것을 볼 수 있다.[2]
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2.1. 가사
Life Of The Party(오리지널 버전) [Intro: Kanye West] It's after hours at that glamorous blind spot Where they're taking it easy, swapping personal experiences Let's listen in America Today Life of the party, mhm, 'til I almost cry, mhm It's the life of the party to think I could've almost died Lord, help us [Verse 1: André 3000] Hey, Miss Donda You run into my mama; please tell her I said, "Say something" I'm startin' to believe ain't no such thing as heaven's trumpets No after-over, this is it, done If there's a Heaven, you would think they'd let ya speak to your son Maybe she has in the form of a baby's laugh I heard Passing by in a stroller remindin' me, "Hey, keep rolling" I don't know; maybe she has with a prick of a blade of grass I've been layin' on way too long, got me itchy Got up and roamed a lil' more Miss Donda, you see my mama, tell her I'm lost You see, she'd always light a cigarette, we'd talk, I would cough Exaggeratin' a lil' bit, so she get the point Tryna get her to stop smokin', I would leave and fire up a joint 'Til I quit, started back up again, twenty years later All that time, y'all thought nigga was high, thought I was crazy My mom, she ain't cut no corners Got me back on track; I don't miss her overstepping But do miss her showin' Seven civilian life shit Ah, Miss Donda, you see my mama whisper her this: The real reason I was geeked to go to church Must confess, when y'all grown-ups would be in Bible study That girl helping me with my homework? Her and I were fuckin' So pure and perverted, so spirit spinning and dirty So on, so on and so on, we hoped that no one heard us Sh-sh, ah, ah And to this day, I think her mama knew but let us explore Miss Donda, you see my father, please, ask him: Why he never married? Always smiled, but was he happy inside? Because I carried my mother's name, did he carry shame with him? I'm sure she did it out of spite; 'twas her decision at birth Shit, she probably was hurt, ah, poor baby Two young people with different views, a lot for a young lady No coincidence, they both passed away from heart conditions There's a dissidence at play; dad and mom do hard division Three Thou', poster child for big dick niggas raised by their mothers I'm supposed to smile as if God knew that I would be troubled Keeps me around, for what? I don't know But I do know that it's crucial that we do so, pronto I don't know how much long though [Verse 2: Kanye West, DMX & Diddy] Mama, your son in the red hat Had suffered set-backs, had, "shouldn't-have-said-thats" Had made everyone mad He made "808s" so he's everyone dad, know he ever gets sad Hotel rooms by the shore, close my eyes, I can see more Nobody punkin' me, nobody pressure me, nobody gangsta me Especially when the gangstas eat thanks to me And my favorite principal name was Mrs. Wooten She was strict, the perfect instructor for young Putin Vladimir, just so that is clear Whom should we fear when we know Dad is here? Daddy's right here, Daddy's right here I don't play, boy Over y'all dead body 'fore my daughter pose in Playboy We don't condone over-sexualization of the kids in the home Battery in my back This house of pain won't ever last CyHi told me to my face that "SICKO MODE" was his biggest song Well go'n 'cause Donda was the best ghostwriter I ever had South Park had jokes about fish sticks 'Til this day, the whole team can kiss this dick I put Virgil and Drake on the same text And it wasn't about the matching Arc'teryx or Kid Cudi dress Just told these grown men, "Stop it with the funny shit" I might hire the whole team from ACG So don't text me like I'm Juanita JCV Or more important, Monica Corgan, who was there for me Somebody really there for me was rare for me That was new air to breathe When I was underappreciated, undervaluated Stockholders told me, "Board rooms will bore you" Can't remember going by your rules, try to follow the Lord's rules Thought we was the new Abu Dhabi Told Drake "Don't play with me on GD" And he sent that message to everybody So if I hit you with a "W-Y-D" You better hit me with, "Yes sir, I'm writing everything you need" I told you I was gonna take the summer back So any of the cap, won't take none of that Where my motherfuckin' red hat? Security and the nannies be forever handling I can't stand it when there's talks about puttin' the kids back in Sierra Canyon when daddy got his own school Trav, smile for these white people if you want (C'mon) While we build a team to get Hoover out the joint I do what I want, bro, in my life Serve and protect long as it's my wife Screaming on M-A-N's for trying to lower the percentage of SKIMS See, I was going in Back when they thought I was only making Ms, now it's nine-billi' You ain't gotta like me, but you feel me [Bridge: Kanye West] Do y'all feel me? Really? Get off Scott Free, I'm talking Ridley Get off our knees, that's if you're with me Get off your knees, that's if you're with me Get off your knees and let's get free Get off your knees and let's get free Really, I mean really Really, I mean really I need release, I don't need police I'm like, "nigga, please" Y'all can't hear me, (Harmonizing), for the real me For the real me, I mean, mhmm-mm [Outro: DMX] Alright, it's gonna shoot us in the- woah, uh-oh, uh-oh Ready mama? (Yup) I'm so proud of you, yup, you're gonna have so much fun They gonna shoot us in the air, mama, okay? C'mon, P, I got you, it's okay, mama Hold your head back, hold your head back (Three, two, one) Daddy's here, daddy's here, daddy's right here It's okay, mama, daddy's here, daddy here Help, help, daddy's right here, I'm scared Okay, okay, I got you, it's okay Okay, we goin' slow, we goin' slow down It's okay, stop cryin', daddy got you, see, it's over, you did it, P! You already did it! See? It's already over! Yay! You did it! Big Girl! It's already over! It's already over, it's already over Daddy right here, daddy right here I told you I'm not gon' let you go I'm not gon' let you go, mama, okay? Daddy got you, daddy gon' bring us all the way down, okay? How was it? (We good) You did a good job (It was scary) Good job! |