{{{#!wiki style="margin: -10px -10px" | <tablealign=center><tablebordercolor=#041483><tablebgcolor=#041483> | 미합중국 공군의 서수공군 Numbered Air Force |
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-0px -10px -5px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -11px" {{{#!wiki style="text-align: center" {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all" {{{#!wiki style="font: 1.0em/1.1 monospace; font-family: revert;" | <nopad>[[제1공군| 제1공군 제2공군 제3공군 제4공군 제5공군 제6공군(D) 제7공군 제8공군 제9공군 제10공군 제11공군 제12공군 제13공군 제14공군(D) 제15공군 제16공군 제17공군(D) 제18공군 파일:제19공군.svg ]][[제20공군|제19공군 제20공군 제21공군(D) 제22공군 제23공군(D) 제24공군(D) 제25공군(D) |
※ 각주 • D(Disactivated): 현재 비활성화됨 | }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} |
<colcolor=#fff><colbgcolor=#06458B> 제9공군 Ninth Air Force | ||||||
| ||||||
창설일 | 1941년 8월 21일 | |||||
소속 | | |||||
상급부대 | | |||||
분류 | 서수 공군 | |||||
사령관 | | |||||
부사령관 | | |||||
참전 | 제2차 세계 대전 걸프 전쟁 | |||||
위치 | 미국 사우스캐롤라이나 쇼 공군기지 | |||||
1. 개요
Ninth Air Force. 제9공군은 미국 공군 예하의 서수 공군으로, 중부사령부의 공군구성군이다. 사령부는 사우스캐롤라이나 주 쇼 공군기지에 위치해있다.현 사령관은 데릭 프랑스 공군중장이며, 제9공군사령관은 중부사령부 예하의 연합군공군구성군사령관을 겸임하고 있다.
2. 역사
제9공군은 미국 육군항공대가 서수 공군에 항공지원 임무를 할당하면서, 1941년 8월 21일에 제5공군지원사령부라는 명칭으로 창설되었다. 그리고 제9공군으로 재지정된 뒤에, 북아프리카 전역에 배치되었다. 북아프리카 현지에서 제9공군은 지중해공군사령부 예하 영국 공군 중동사령부에 배치되었다. 제9공군의 예하 부대는 칼 스파츠 중장이 지휘하는 북서아프리카공군에 분산되어 활동했으며, 일부 폭격기 부대는 플로이에슈티 공습에 참여하기도 했다.노르망디 상륙 작전을 앞두고 유럽에 배치된 육군항공대가 재편되면서, 제9공군은 예하 부대를 제12공군에 넘기고 서부전선에 배치되었다. 제9공군은 연합원정공군의 작전 통제를 받았으나, 동시에 미국 유럽전략공군의 행정 통제를 받았다.[1] 그리고 제9공군은 서부전선에 배치된 전술기, 전술 폭격기, 수송기 부대와 방공, 공병 부대를 예하에 편입하면서 상륙작전 이전까지 약 5,000대의 항공기와 약 200,000명의 인력을 갖추게 되었다.
제9공군의 주요 목적은 노르망디에 상륙한 제12집단군에 대한 근접항공지원이었고, 이에 따라 예하 사령부인 제9전투기사령부에서 제9, 19, 29전술공군사령부가 창설되어서 각각 제1, 3, 9군을 지원하게 되었다. 그리고 예하의 제9폭격기사령부는 대서양 방벽에 대한 공격과, 독일군에 대한 전술폭격을 전담하게 되었다. D-Day 당시 제9병력수송사령부가 제82공수사단과 제101공수사단의 공수강하를 지원했고, 다른 제9공군 예하 부대는 해변이 확보되자 연합군이 노르망디에 형성된 교두보를 돌파하는 것을 지원했다.
사령관이 루이스 H. 브레레턴 중장에서 호이트 반덴버그 소장[2]으로 교체된 이후, 마켓 가든 작전을 위해 제9병력수송사령부가 제1연합공수군 예하로 이동하게 되었다. 벌지 전투 초반에는 악천후로 인해 지상군에 지원을 할 수가 없었으나, 날씨가 풀리자 곧장 제공권을 장악해 독일군을 패배로 몰아넣는데 기여했다.
V-E Day 이후 제9공군의 일부는 유럽공군에 배치되었지만, 대다수는 동원이 해제되면서 미국으로 귀국했다. 그리고 제9공군 역시 1945년 12월 2일에 해체되었다.
하지만 얼마 지나지 않아, 제9공군은 1946년 3월 28일에 텍사스 주 빅스 공군기지에서 재창설되었다. 재창설된 제9공군은 전술공군사령부 예하에서 미시시피 강 동쪽에 주둔한 전술비행단들을 지휘했다. 냉전 동안 제9공군의 예하 부대들은 한국 전쟁과 베트남 전쟁 당시에 파견되어 현지에서 작전했고, 유럽에도 자주 파견되어 NATO군을 지원했다.
1980년에 신속파병합동특수임무부대가 창설되자 제9공군 예하 부대가 중동에 배치되었고, 1983년에 중부사령부로 확장되자 제9공군은 중부사령부의 공군구성군이 되었다. 그리고 걸프 전쟁이 일어나자, 제9공군은 중동에 배치된 공군 부대를 지휘해 이라크군을 사정없이 두들기며 쿠웨이트에서 내쫓는데 크게 기여했다. 이후 미국-아프가니스탄 전쟁과 이라크 전쟁에서도 제9공군은 중부사령부의 공군구성군으로서 지속적인 전투를 벌였고, 대IS 군사 개입 이후에도 여러 작전을 수행하고 있다.
==# 편제 #==
제332항공원정비행단(미공개 위치)
332nd Air Expeditionary Wing (Undisclosed Location)- 제1원정구조전대
1st Expeditionary Rescue Group - 제26원정구조비행대대[HC-130J]
26th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron - 제46원정구조비행대대[HH-60G]
46th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron - 제52원정구조대대
52nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron - 제801원정정비대대
801st Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron - 제447항공원정전대
447th Air Expeditionary Group - 제332원정작전전대
332nd Expeditionary Operations Group - 제22원정전투비행대대[F-16C/D]
22nd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron - 제332원정전투비행대대[F-16C/D]
332nd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron - 제777원정공수비행대대[C-130J]
777th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron - 제64원정구조비행대대[HH-60G]
64th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron - 제47원정정찰비행대대[MQ-1]
46th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron - 제332원정작전지원대대
332nd Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron - 제362원정정찰비행대대[MC-12W]
362nd Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron - 제727원정항공통제대대
727th Expeditionary Air Control Squadron - 제332원정정비전대
332nd Expeditionary Maintenance Group - 제332원정임무지원전대
332nd Expeditionary Mission Support Group - 제332의무전대
332nd Expeditionary Medical Group - 제22원정공중급유비행대대[KC-135R]
22nd Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron
제378항공원정비행단(사우디 아라비아 프린스 술탄 공군기지)
378th Air Expeditionary Wing (Prince Sultan Air Base)- 제378원정작전전대
378th Expeditionary Operations Group - 제77원정전투비행대대[F-16C/D]
77th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron - 제430원정전자전투비행대대[E-11A]
430th Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron - 제378원정작전지원대대
378th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron - 제378원정정비대대
378th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron - 제378원정임무지원전대
378th Expeditionary Mission Support Group - 제378원정토목공병대대
378th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron - 제378원정통신대대
378th Expeditionary Communications Squadron - 제378원정계약대대
378th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron - 제378원정부대지원대대
378th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron - 제378원정군수즉응대대
378th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron - 제378원정군사경찰대대
378th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron - 제378원정의무전대
378th Expeditionary Medical Group
제379항공원정비행단(카타르 알 우데이드 공군기지)
379th Air Expeditionary Wing (Al Udeid Air Base)- 제379원정작전전대
379th Expeditionary Operations Group - 제7원정공중지휘통제비행대대[E-8C]
7th Expeditionary Airborne Command and Control Squadron - 제340원정공중급유비행대대[KC-135R]
340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron - 제746원정공수비행대대[C-130H/J][C-21]
746th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron - 제763원정정찰비행대대[RC-135V/W]
763rd Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron - 제816원정공수비행대대[C-17A]
816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron - 제379원정항공의무후송대대
379th Expeditionary Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron - 제379원정작전지원대대
379th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron - 제379원정정비전대
379th Expeditionary Maintenance Group - 제379원정항공기정비대대
379th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron - 제379원정정비대대
379th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron - 제379원정임무지원전대
379th Expeditionary Mission Support Group - 제379원정토목공병대대
379th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron - 제379원정군사경찰대대
379th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron - 제379원정통신대대
379th Expeditionary Communications Squadron - 제379원정계약대대
379th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron - 제379원정군수즉응대대
379th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron - 제379원정의무전대
379th Expeditionary Medical Group - 제379원정의무작전대대
379th Expeditionary Medical Operations Squadron - 제379원정의무지원대대
379th Expeditionary Medical Support Squadron
제380항공원정비행단(아랍에미리트 알 다프라 공군기지)
380th Air Expeditionary Wing (Al Dhafra Air Base)- 제380원정작전전대
380th Expeditionary Operations Group - 제1분견대, 제380원정작전전대
Detachment 1, 380th Expeditionary Operations Group - 제380원정작전지원대대
380th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron - 제908원정공중급유비행대대[KC-10]
908th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron - 제968원정항공통제비행대대[E-3B/C]
968th Expeditionary Airborne Air Control Squadron - 제159원정전투비행대대[F-15C]
159th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron - 제94원정전투비행대대[F-22A]
94th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron - 제4원정전투비행대대[F-35A]
4th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron - 제380원정정비전대
380th Expeditionary Maintenance Group - 제380원정항공기정비대대
380th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron - 제380원정정비대대
380th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron - 제380원정임무지원전대
380th Expeditionary Mission Support Group - 제380원정계약대대
380th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron - 제380원정통신대대
380th Expeditionary Communications Squadron - 제380원정토목공병대대
380th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron - 제380원정군수즉응대대
380th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron - 제380원정군사경찰대대
380th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron - 제380원정부대지원대대
380th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron - 제380원정의무전대
380th Expeditionary Medical Group
제386항공원정비행단(쿠웨이트 알리 알 살렘 공군기지)
386th Air Expeditionary Wing (Ali Al Salem Air Base)- 제387항공원정전대
387th Air Expeditionary Group - 제43원정전자전투비행대대[EC-130H]
43rd Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron - 제46원정정찰비행대대[MQ-1][MQ-9]
46th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron - 제737원정공수비행대대[C-130H/J]
737th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron
제1원정토목공병전대(알 우데이드 공군기지)
1st Expeditionary Civil Engineer Group (Al Udeid Air Base)- 제557원정신속기술전개중작업수리공병대대
557th Expeditionary RED HORSE Squadron - 제577원정주요기지공병비상군대대
577th Expeditionary Prime BEEF Squadron
- 제609항공작전센터(알 우데이드 공군기지)
609th Air Operations Center (Al Udeid Air Base) - 제609항공지원대대
609th Air Support Squadron - 제609항공통신대대
609th Air Communications Squadron - 제609원정항공통신대대
609th Expeditionary Air Communications Squadron
- 제99특수임무부대(쇼 공군기지)
Task Force 99 (Shaw Air Force Base)
===# 1944년 #===
- 제10사진전대
10th Photographic Group - 제30전술정찰비행대대[F-6]
30th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - 제31사진정찰비행대대[F-4][A-20]
31st Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron - 제33사진정찰비행대대[F-5]
33rd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron - 제34사진정찰비행대대[F-4][F-10]
34th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron - 제423야간전투비행대대[A-20]
423rd Night Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제30근무전대
Team A, 30th Service Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제30근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 30th Service Group - 제493근무대대
493rd Service Squadron - 제1464병기중형정비중대(항공)
1464th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제49병기기동개간수리대대
49th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제1078병참중대(근무전대)
1078th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - A분견대, 제2251병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2251st Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - B분견대, 제1106통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment B, 1106th Signal Company (Service Group)
- 제47연락비행대대[L-5]
47th Liaison Squadron
- 제125연락비행대대[L-5]
125th Liaison Squadron
- 제28사수&견인표적편대
28th Gunnery & Tow Target Flight
- 제29사수&견인표적편대
29th Gunnery & Tow Target Flight
- A분견대, 제9공군
Detachment A, Ninth Air Force
- 제392통신중대(공군)
392nd Signal Company (Air Force)
- 제21기상대대
21st Weather Squadron
- 제26통계통제부대
26th Statistical Control Unit
- 제1058군사경찰중대(항공)
1058th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제1223군사경찰중대(항공)
1223rd Military Police Company (Aviation)
- A분견대, 제1223군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1223rd Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제4육군항공대전투카메라부대
4th Army Air Force Combat Camera Unit
- 제20사진해석분견대
20th Photographic Interpretation Detachment
- 제3무선대대
3rd Radio Squadron
- 제40통신대대(항공통신시스템)
40th Communications Squadron (Airways Communications System)
- 제438통신건설대대(항공)
438th Signal Construction Battalion (Aviation)
- 제447통신건설대대(항공)
447th Signal Construction Battalion (Aviation)
- 제459통신건설대대(항공)
459th Signal Construction Battalion (Aviation)
- 제90기지보완대대
90th Station Complement Squadron
- 제316기지보완대대
316th Station Complement Squadron
- A분견대, 제316기지보완대대
Detachment A, 316th Station Complement Squadron
- 제324기지보완대대
324th Station Complement Squadron
- 제769육군항공대군악대
769th Army Air Force Band
- 제2060공병소방소대(항공)
2060th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
- 제9공군 중앙의무시설
Ninth Air Force Central Medical Establishment
- 제39야전병원
39th Field Hospital
- 제40야전병원
40th Field Hospital
- 제221의무진료소(항공)
221st Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제222의무진료소(항공)
222nd Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제223의무진료소(항공)
223rd Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제6병기폭발물처리반
6th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제8병기폭발물처리반
8th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제9병기폭발물처리반
9th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제10병기폭발물처리반
10th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제41병기폭발물처리반
41st Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제42병기폭발물처리반
42nd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제43병기폭발물처리반
43rd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제44병기폭발물처리반
44th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제45병기폭발물처리반
45th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제46병기폭발물처리반
46th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제48병기폭발물처리반
48th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제47병기폭발물처리반
47th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제68병기폭발물처리반
68th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제70병기폭발물처리반
70th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제71병기폭발물처리반
71st Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제72병기폭발물처리반
72nd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제73병기폭발물처리반
73rd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제74병기폭발물처리반
74th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제75병기폭발물처리반
75th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제76병기폭발물처리반
76th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제77병기폭발물처리반
77th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제78병기폭발물처리반
78th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제79병기폭발물처리반
79th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제80병기폭발물처리반
80th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제81병기폭발물처리반
81st Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제82병기폭발물처리반
82nd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제83병기폭발물처리반
83rd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제84병기폭발물처리반
84th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제85병기폭발물처리반
85th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
- 제86병기폭발물처리반
86th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
====# 제9폭격기사령부 #====
IX Bomber Command
- 제97폭격비행단(경)
97th Bombardment Wing (Light) - 제409폭격전대(경)
409th Bombardment Group (Light) - 제640폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
640th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제641폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
641st Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제642폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
642nd Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제643폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
643rd Bombardment Squadron (Light) - B팀, 제4근무전대
Team B, 4th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제4근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 4th Service Group
483rd Service Squadron
A분견대, 제868화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 868th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
46th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1759th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1179th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2250병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2250th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1112통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1112th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제302기지보완대대
302nd Station Complement Squadron - 제2144공병소방소대(항공)
2144th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제207의무진료소(항공)
207th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1297군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1297th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제410폭격전대(경)
410th Bombardment Group (Light) - 제644폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
644th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제645폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
645th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제646폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
646th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제647폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
647th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - B팀, 제30근무전대
Team B, 30th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제30근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 30th Service Group
494th Service Squadron
B분견대, 제868화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment B, 868th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
49th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1569th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 1078병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1078th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2251st Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1106통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1106th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제314기지보완대대
314th Station Complement Squadron - 제2145공병소방소대(항공)
2145th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제206의무진료소(항공)
206th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1176군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1176th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제416폭격전대(경)
416th Bombardment Group (Light) - 제668폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
668th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제669폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
669th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제670폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
670th Bombardment Squadron (Light) - 제671폭격비행대대(경)[A-20]
671st Bombardment Squadron (Light) - A팀, 제4근무전대
Team A, 4th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제4근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 4th Service Group
484th Service Squadron
제868화학중대(공중 작전)
868th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
A분견대, 제46병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 46th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1781st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 1179병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1179th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2250th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1112th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제79기지보완대대
79th Station Complement Squadron - 제2055공병소방소대(항공)
2055th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제199의무진료소(항공)
199th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1297군사경찰중대(항공)
1297th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제98폭격비행단(중형)
98th Bombardment Wing (Medium) - 제323폭격전대(중형)
323rd Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제454폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
454th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제455폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
455th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제456폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
456th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제457폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
457th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - A팀, 제70근무전대
Team A, 70th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제70근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 70th Service Group
380th Service Squadron
제808화학중대(공중 작전)
808th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
39th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1469th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1767th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1054th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2196th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1087th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제19기지보완대대
19th Station Complement Squadron - 제2037공병소방소대(항공)
2037th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제200의무진료소(항공)
200th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1060군사경찰중대(항공)
1060th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제387폭격전대(중형)
387th Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제556폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
556th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제557폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
557th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제558폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
558th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제559폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
559th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - B팀, 제53근무전대
Team B, 53rd Service Group
분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제53근무전대
Detachment, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 53rd Service Group
53rd Service Squadron
A분견대, 제373화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 373rd Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1812th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1176병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1176th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2198병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2198th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1052통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1052nd Signal Company (Service Group) - 제46기지보완대대
46th Station Complement Squadron - 제2047공병소방소대(항공)
2047th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제196의무진료소(항공)
196th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1288군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1288th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제394폭격전대(중형)
394th Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제584폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
584th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제585폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
585th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제586폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
586th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제587폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
587th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - B팀, 제304근무전대
Team B, 304th Service Group
분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제304근무전대
Detachment, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 304th Service Group
320th Service Squadron
제810화학중대(공중 작전)
810th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1782nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1074th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2252nd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1025통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1025th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제311기지보완대대
311st Station Complement Squadron - 제2146공병소방소대(항공)
2146th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1060군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1060th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제397폭격전대(중형)
397th Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제596폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
596th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제597폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
597th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제598폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
598th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제599폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
599th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - A팀, 제304근무전대
Team A, 304th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제304근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 304th Service Group
6th Service Squadron
A분견대, 제810화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 810th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
A분견대, 제25병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 25th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1570th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1074병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1074th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
1025th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제64기지보완대대
64th Station Complement Squadron - 제2147공병소방소대(항공)
2147th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1175군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1175th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제99폭격비행단(중형)
99th Bombardment Wing (Medium) - 제322폭격전대(중형)
322nd Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제449폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
449th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제450폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
450th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제451폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
451st Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제452폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
452nd Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - A팀, 제42근무전대
Team A, 42nd Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제42근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 42nd Service Group
361st Service Squadron
제819화학중대(공중 작전)
819th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
28th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1642nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1136th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2253rd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제18기지보완대대
18th Station Complement Squadron - 제2044공병소방소대(항공)
2044th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제201의무진료소(항공)
201st Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1175군사경찰중대(항공)
1175th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제344폭격전대(중형)
344th Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제494폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
494th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제495폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
495th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제496폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
496th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제497폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
497th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제40기지보완대대
40th Station Complement Squadron - 제2058공병소방소대(항공)
2058th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제198의무진료소(항공)
198th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1201군사경찰중대(항공)
1201th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제386폭격전대(중형)
386th Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제552폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
552nd Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제553폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
553rd Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제554폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
554th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제555폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
555th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - B팀, 제70근무전대
Team B, 70th Service Group
분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제70근무전대
Detachment, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 70th Service Group
76th Service Squadron
A분견대, 제808화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 808th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
A분견대, 제33병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 33rd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1769th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1054병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1054th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2057병참트럭중대(항공), 제1577병참대대(기동)
Detachment A, 2057th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation), 1577th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile)
분견대, 제2196병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment, 2196th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1087통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1087th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제20기지보완대대
20th Station Complement Squadron - 제2045공병소방소대(항공)
2045th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제194의무진료소(항공)
194th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1176군사경찰중대(항공)
1176th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제391폭격전대(중형)
391st Bombardment Group (Medium) - 제572폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
572nd Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제573폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
573rd Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제574폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
574th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - 제575폭격비행대대(중형)[B-26]
575th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) - A팀, 제53근무전대
Team A, 53rd Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제53근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 53rd Service Group
87th Service Squadron
제873화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 873rd Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1589th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1176th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2198th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1052nd Signal Company (Service Group) - 제82기지보완대대
82nd Station Complement Squadron - 제2038공병소방소대(항공)
2038th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제197의무진료소(항공)
197th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1222군사경찰중대(항공)
1222nd Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제1선도기비행대대(임시)[B-26]
1st Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional)
- 제399통신중대(항공)
399th Signal Company (Aviation)
- 제195의무진료소(항공)
195th Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- A분견대, 제1201군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1201st Military Police Company (Aviation)
- A분견대, 제1222군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1222nd Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제1288군사경찰중대(항공)
1288th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제58기동훈련부대
58th Mobile Training Unit
====# 제9전투기사령부 #====
IX Fighter Command
- 제73기동훈련부대
73rd Mobile Training Unit
- 제85기동훈련부대
85th Mobile Training Unit
- 제414통신중대(항공)
414th Signal Company (Aviation)
- 제75기지보완대대
75th Station Complement Squadron
- 제85기지보완대대
86th Station Complement Squadron
- 제305기지보완대대
305th Station Complement Squadron
- 제318기지보완대대
318th Station Complement Squadron
- 제211의무진료소(항공)
211th Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제213의무진료소(항공)
213th Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제218의무진료소(항공)
218th Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제219의무진료소(항공)
219th Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제1224군사경찰중대(항공)
1224th Military Police Company (Aviation)
=====# 제9전술공군사령부 #=====
IX Tactical Air Command
- 제70전투비행단
70th Fighter Wing - 제48전투전대
48th Fighter Group - 제492전투비행대대[P-47]
492nd Fighter Squadron - 제493전투비행대대[P-47]
493rd Fighter Squadron - 제494전투비행대대[P-47]
494th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제327근무전대
Team B, 327th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제327근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 327th Service Group
329th Service Squadron
제807화학중대(공중 작전)
807th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1829th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제32병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 32nd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
A분견대, 제1180병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1180th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2200병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2200th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1113통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1113th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제83비행장대대
83rd Airdrome Squadron - 제98기지보완대대
98th Station Complement Squadron - 제2018공병소방소대(항공)
2018th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제2151공병소방소대(항공)
2151st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1292군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1292nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제367전투전대
367th Fighter Group - 제392전투비행대대[P-38]
392nd Fighter Squadron - 제393전투비행대대[P-38]
393rd Fighter Squadron - 제394전투비행대대[P-38]
394th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제327근무전대
Team A, 327th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제327근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 327th Service Group
79th Service Squadron
A분견대, 제807화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 807th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1830th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
32nd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1180th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2200th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1113th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제81비행장대대
81st Airdrome Squadron - 제17기지보완대대
17th Station Complement Squadron - 제2150공병소방소대(항공)
2150th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제217의무진료소(항공)
217th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1292군사경찰중대(항공)
1292nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제371전투전대
371st Fighter Group - 제404전투비행대대[P-47]
404th Fighter Squadron - 제405전투비행대대[P-47]
405th Fighter Squadron - 제406전투비행대대[P-47]
406th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제83근무전대
Team A, 83rd Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제83근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 83rd Service Group
98th Service Squadron
B분견대, 제807화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment B, 807th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1829th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
31st Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1242nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2204th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1028th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제2062공병소방소대(항공)
2062nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1228군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1228th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제474전투전대
474th Fighter Group - 제428전투비행대대[P-38]
428th Fighter Squadron - 제429전투비행대대[P-38]
429th Fighter Squadron - 제430전투비행대대[P-38]
430th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제9근무전대
Team B, 9th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제9근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 9th Service Group
486th Service Squadron
C분견대, 제807화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment C, 807th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1784th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1072병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1072nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2195병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2195th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1055통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1055th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제64비행장대대
64th Airdrome Squadron - 제16기지보완대대
16th Station Complement Squadron - 제2167공병소방소대(항공)
2167th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제216의무진료소(항공)
216th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1228군사경찰중대(항공)
1228th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제332통신중대(비행단)
332nd Signal Company (Wing) - C중대, 제926통신대대(전술공군사령부)
Company C, 926th Signal Battalion (Tactical Air Command) - 제327전투기통제대대
327th Fighter Control Squadron - 제555통신항공기경보대대
555th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion
- 제71전투비행단
71st Fighter Wing - 제366전투전대
366th Fighter Group - 제389전투비행대대[P-47]
389th Fighter Squadron - 제390전투비행대대[P-47]
390th Fighter Squadron - 제391전투비행대대[P-47]
391st Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제26근무전대
Team A, 26th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제26근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 26th Service Group
366th Service Squadron
1639th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
35th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1053rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2487th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1071st Signal Company (Service Group) - 제82비행장대대
82nd Airdrome Squadron - 제45기지보완대대
45th Station Complement Squadron - 제2029공병소방소대(항공)
2029th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제196의무진료소(항공)
196th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1227군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1227th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제368전투전대
368th Fighter Group - 제395전투비행대대[P-47]
395th Fighter Squadron - 제396전투비행대대[P-47]
396th Fighter Squadron - 제397전투비행대대[P-47]
397th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제84근무전대
Team B, 84th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제84근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 84th Service Group
382nd Service Squadron
1814th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1052nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제1221병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1221st Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2499병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2499th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1074통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1074th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제66비행장대대
66th Airdrome Squadron - 제73기지보완대대
73th Station Complement Squadron - 제2137공병소방소대(항공)
2137th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제187의무진료소(항공)
178th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1298군사경찰중대(항공)
1298th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제370전투전대
370th Fighter Group - 제401전투비행대대[P-38]
401st Fighter Squadron - 제402전투비행대대[P-38]
402nd Fighter Squadron - 제403전투비행대대[P-38]
403rd Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제9근무전대
Team A, 9th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제9근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 9th Service Group
485th Service Squadron
1783th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
48th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1072nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
Detachment A, 2195th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1055th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제6비행장대대
6th Airdrome Squadron - 제96기지보완대대
96th Station Complement Squadron - 제2068공병소방소대(항공)
2068th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제184의무진료소(항공)
184th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제214의무진료소(항공)
214th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1227군사경찰중대(항공)
1227th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제322통신중대(비행단)
322nd Signal Company (Wing) - 제316전투기통제대대
316th Fighter Control Squadron
- 제84전투비행단
84th Fighter Wing - 제50전투전대
50th Fighter Group - 제10전투비행대대[P-47]
10th Fighter Squadron - 제81전투비행대대[P-47]
81st Fighter Squadron - 제313전투비행대대[P-47]
313th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제312근무전대
Team A, 312th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제312근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 312th Service Group
88th Service Squadron
B분견대, 제88화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment B, 88th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1445th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
24th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1243rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2210th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1109th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제302비행장대대
302nd Airdrome Squadron - 제2148공병소방소대(항공)
2148th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제212의무진료소(항공)
212th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1291군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1291st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제365전투전대
365th Fighter Group - 제386전투비행대대[P-47]
386th Fighter Squadron - 제387전투비행대대[P-47]
387th Fighter Squadron - 제388전투비행대대[P-47]
388th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제84근무전대
Team A, 84th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제84근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 84th Service Group
99th Service Squadron
제857화학중대(공중 작전)
857th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1808th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
29th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1221st Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제9비행장대대
9th Airdrome Squadron - 제312기지보완대대
312th Station Complement Squadron - 제2048공병소방소대(항공)
2048th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제1291군사경찰중대(항공)
1291st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제404전투전대
404th Fighter Group - 제506전투비행대대[P-47]
506th Fighter Squadron - 제507전투비행대대[P-47]
507th Fighter Squadron - 제508전투비행대대[P-47]
508th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제83근무전대
Team B, 83rd Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제83근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 83rd Service Group
379th Service Squadron
C분견대, 제857화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment C, 857th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1591st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제31기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 31st Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
A분견대, 제1242병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1242nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2204병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2204th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1028통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1028th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제2149공병소방소대(항공)
2149th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1293군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1293rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제405전투전대
405th Fighter Group - 제509전투비행대대[P-47]
509th Fighter Squadron - 제510전투비행대대[P-47]
510th Fighter Squadron - 제511전투비행대대[P-47]
511th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제312근무전대
Team B, 312th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제312근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 312th Service Group
334th Service Squadron
A분견대, 제857화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 857th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1813th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1243병참중대(근무전대)
A분견대, 1243rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2210병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2210th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1109통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1109th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제2059공병소방소대(항공)
2059th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제215의무진료소(항공)
215th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1298군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1298th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제334통신중대(비행단)
334th Signal Company (Wing) - B중대, 제926통신대대(전술공군사령부)
Company B, 926th Signal Battalion (Tactical Air Command)
- 제67전술정찰전대
67th Tactical Reconnaissance Group - 제12전술정찰비행대대[L-4][F-6]
12th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - 제15전술정찰비행대대[L-5][F-6]
15th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - 제107전술정찰비행대대[F-6]
107th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - 제109전술정찰비행대대[F-6]
109th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron - B팀, 제26근무전대
Team B, 26th Service Group - A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제26근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 26th Service Group - 제369근무대대
369th Service Squadron - 제1768병기공급&정비중대
1768th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - A분견대, 제35병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 35th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - A분견대, 제1053병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1053rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - A분견대, 제2487병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2487th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1071통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1071st Signal Company (Service Group) - 제71기지보완대대
71st Station Complement Squadron - 제2152공병소방소대(항공)
2152nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제210의무진료소(항공)
210th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1062군사경찰중대(항공)
1062nd Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제6전술항공통신대대
6th Tactical Air Communications Squadron
- 제8전술항공통신대대
8th Tactical Air Communications Squadron
- 제738통신항공기경보대대
738th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion
- 제926통신대대(전술공군사령부)
926th Signal Battalion (Tactical Air Command)
- 제433통신건설대대
433rd Signal Construction Battalion
- 제1293군사경찰중대(항공)
1293rd Military Police Company (Aviation)
=====# 제19전술공군사령부 #=====
XIX Tactical Air Command
- 제100전투비행단
100th Fighter Wing - 제354전투전대
354th Fighter Group - 제353전투비행대대[P-51]
353rd Fighter Squadron - 제355전투비행대대[P-51]
355th Fighter Squadron - 제356전투비행대대[P-51]
356th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제326근무전대
Team B, 326th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제326근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 326th Service Group
461st Service Squadron
1593rd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제38병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 38th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
A분견대, 제1175병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1175th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2456병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2456th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1091통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1091st Signal Company (Service Group) - 제2026공병소방소대(항공)
2026th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제2138공병소방소대(항공)
2138th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제189의무진료소(항공)
189th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1064군사경찰중대(항공)
1064th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제358전투전대
358th Fighter Group - 제365전투비행대대[P-47]
365th Fighter Squadron - 제366전투비행대대[P-47]
366th Fighter Squadron - 제367전투비행대대[P-47]
367th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제309근무전대
Team B, 309th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제309근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 309th Service Group
462nd Service Squadron
1595th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
36th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1174th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2490th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1012통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1012th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제2056공병소방소대(항공)
2056th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제190의무진료소(항공)
190th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1194군사경찰중대(항공)
1194th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제362전투전대
362nd Fighter Group - 제377전투비행대대[P-47]
377th Fighter Squadron - 제378전투비행대대[P-47]
378th Fighter Squadron - 제379전투비행대대[P-47]
379th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제326근무전대
Team A, 326th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제326근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 326th Service Group
460th Service Squadron
1592nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
38th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1175th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2456th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1091st Signal Company (Service Group) - 제2057공병소방소대(항공)
2057th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제185의무진료소(항공)
185th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1194군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1194th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제363전투전대
363rd Fighter Group - 제380전투비행대대[P-51]
380th Fighter Squadron - 제381전투비행대대[P-51]
381st Fighter Squadron - 제382전투비행대대[P-51]
382nd Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제309근무전대
Team A, 309th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제309근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 309th Service Group
463rd Service Squadron
1594th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제36병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 36th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
A분견대, 제1174병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1174th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2490병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2490th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1012th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제2064공병소방소대(항공)
2064th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제188의무진료소(항공)
188th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1064군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1064th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제321통신중대(비행단)
321st Signal Company (Wing) - 제312전투기통제대대
312th Fighter Control Squadron - 제563통신항공기경보대대
563rd Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion
- 제303전투비행단
303rd Fighter Wing - 제36전투전대
36th Fighter Group - 제22전투비행대대[P-47]
22nd Fighter Squadron - 제23전투비행대대[P-47]
23rd Fighter Squadron - 제53전투비행대대[P-47]
53rd Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제32근무전대
Team A, 32nd Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제32근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 32nd Service Group
391st Service Squadron
1789th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
B분견대, 제859화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment B, 859th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
45th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1067th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2076th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1147th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제192의무진료소(항공)
192nd Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1110군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1110th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제373전투전대
373rd Fighter Group - 제410전투비행대대[P-47]
410th Fighter Squadron - 제411전투비행대대[P-47]
411th Fighter Squadron - 제412전투비행대대[P-47]
412th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제32근무전대
Team B, 32nd Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제32근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 32nd Service Group
495th Service Squadron
A분견대, 제859화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 859th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
18588th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제45병기기동개간수리대대
Detachment A, 45th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
A분견대, 제1067병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1067th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2076병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2076th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1147통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1147th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제193의무진료소(항공)
193rd Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1230군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1230th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제406전투전대
406th Fighter Group - 제512전투비행대대[P-47]
512th Fighter Squadron - 제513전투비행대대[P-47]
513th Fighter Squadron - 제514전투비행대대[P-47]
514th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제74근무전대
Team A, 74th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제74근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 74th Service Group
390th Service Squadron
제859화학중대(공중 작전)
859th Chemical Company (Air Operations)
1899th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
30th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
1224th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제2061공병소방소대(항공)
2061st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제2153공병소방소대(항공)
2153rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제2154공병소방소대(항공)
2154th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제191의무진료소(항공)
191st Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제1110군사경찰중대(항공)
1110th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제309통신중대(비행단)
309th Signal Company (Wing) - 제306전투기통제대대
306th Fighter Control Squadron
- 제4전술항공통신대대
4th Tactical Air Communications Squadron
- 제11전술항공통신대대
11th Tactical Air Communications Squadron
- 제932통신대대(전술공군사령부)
932nd Signal Battalion (Tactical Air Command)
- 제448통신건설대대
448th Signal Construction Battalion
- 제319기지보완대대
319th Station Complement Squadron
- 제1230군사경찰중대(항공)
1230th Military Police Company (Aviation)
====# 제9병력수송사령부 #====
IX Troop Carrier Command
- 제50병력수송비행단
50th Troop Carrier Wing - 제336통신중대(병력수송비행단)
336th Signal Company (Troop Carrier Wing) - 제439병력수송전대
439th Troop Carrier Group - 제91병력수송비행대대[C-47]
91st Troop Carrier Squadron - 제92병력수송비행대대[C-47]
92nd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제93병력수송비행대대[C-47]
93rd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제94병력수송비행대대[C-47]
94th Troop Carrier Squadron - A팀, 제49근무전대
Team A, 49th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, A팀, 제49근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team A, 49th Service Group
44th Service Squadron
1471st Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1079th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2246th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1070th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제315기지보완대대
315th Station Complement Squadron - I분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment I, 21st Weather Squadron - I분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment I, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - 제1258군사경찰중대(항공)
1258th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2052공병소방소대(항공)
2052nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제813의무항공수송대대
813th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제308기지보완대대
308th Station Complement Squadron - 제440병력수송전대
440th Troop Carrier Group - 제95병력수송비행대대[C-47]
95th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제96병력수송비행대대[C-47]
96th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제97병력수송비행대대[C-47]
97th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제98병력수송비행대대[C-47]
98th Troop Carrier Squadron - B팀, 제49근무전대
Team B, 49th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, B팀, 제49근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team B, 49th Service Group
64th Service Squadron
1472nd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1079병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1245th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2246병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2246th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1070통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1070th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제307기지보완대대
307th Station Complement Squadron - DD분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment DD, 21st Weather Squadron - DD분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment DD, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - 제1198군사경찰중대(항공)
1198th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2139공병소방소대(항공)
2139th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제810의무항공수송대대
810th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - ZW분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment ZW, 21st Weather Squadron - 제203의무진료소(항공)
203rd Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제441병력수송전대
441st Troop Carrier Group - 제99병력수송비행대대[C-47]
99th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제100병력수송비행대대[C-47]
100th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제301병력수송비행대대[C-47]
301st Troop Carrier Squadron - 제302병력수송비행대대[C-47]
302nd Troop Carrier Squadron - A팀, 제100근무전대
Team A, 100th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, A팀, 제100근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team A, 100th Service Group
67th Service Squadron
1468th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1223rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2245th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1061st Signal Company (Service Group) - 제367기지보완대대
367th Station Complement Squadron - H분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment H, 21st Weather Squadron - H분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment H, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - A분견대, 제1258군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1258th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2013공병소방소대(항공)
2013rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제806의무항공수송대대
806th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제442병력수송전대
442nd Troop Carrier Group - 제303병력수송비행대대[C-47]
303rd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제304병력수송비행대대[C-47]
304th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제305병력수송비행대대[C-47]
305th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제306병력수송비행대대[C-47]
306th Troop Carrier Squadron - B팀, 제100근무전대
Team B, 100th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, B팀, 제100근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team B, 100th Service Group
330th Service Squadron
1470th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1223병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1223rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2245병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2245th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1061통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1061st Signal Company (Service Group) - 제62기지보완대대
62nd Station Complement Squadron - G분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment G, 21st Weather Squadron - G분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment G, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - 제1120군사경찰중대(항공)
1120th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2140공병소방소대(항공)
2140th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제442병력수송전대 방어소대
442nd Troop Carrier Group Defense Platoon - 제138육군우편부대
138th Army Postal Unit
- 제52병력수송비행단
52nd Troop Carrier Wing - 제335통신중대(병력수송비행단)
335th Signal Company (Troop Carrier Wing) - 제61병력수송전대
61st Troop Carrier Group - 제14병력수송비행대대[C-47]
14th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제15병력수송비행대대[C-47]
15th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제53병력수송비행대대[C-47]
53rd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제59병력수송비행대대[C-47]
59th Troop Carrier Squadron - A팀, 제78근무전대
Team A, 78th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, A팀, 제78근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team A, 78th Service Group
302nd Service Squadron
1473rd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1093rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2247th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1038th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제313기지보완대대
313th Station Complement Squadron - ZZ분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment ZZ, 21st Weather Squadron - ZZ분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment ZZ, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - 제1259군사경찰중대(항공)
1259th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2051공병소방소대(항공)
2051st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제817의무항공수송대대
817th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제313병력수송전대
313th Troop Carrier Group - 제29병력수송비행대대[C-47]
29th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제40병력수송비행대대[C-47]
40th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제48병력수송비행대대[C-47]
48th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제49병력수송비행대대[C-47]
49th Troop Carrier Squadron - A팀, 제82근무전대
Team A, 82nd Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, A팀, 제82근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team A, 82nd Service Group
383rd Service Squadron
1477th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1222nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2244th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1040th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제91기지보완대대
91st Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제1259군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1259th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2014공병소방소대(항공)
2014th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제314병력수송전대
314th Troop Carrier Group - 제32병력수송비행대대[C-47]
32nd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제50병력수송비행대대[C-47]
50th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제61병력수송비행대대[C-47]
61st Troop Carrier Squadron - 제62병력수송비행대대[C-47]
62nd Troop Carrier Squadron - B팀, 제317근무전대
Team B, 317th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, B팀, 제317근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team B, 317th Service Group
357th Service Squadron
1462nd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1069병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1069th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2248병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2248th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1000통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1000th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제320기지보완대대
320th Station Complement Squadron - XX분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment XX, 21st Weather Squadron - XX분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment XX, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - A분견대, 제1120군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1120th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2143공병소방소대(항공)
2143rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - C포대, 제605대공포대대(반기동)
Battery C, 605th Anti-Aircraft Gun Battalion (Semi-Mobile) - D포대, 제605대공포대대(반기동)
Battery D, 605th Anti-Aircraft Gun Battalion (Semi-Mobile) - 제315병력수송전대
315th Troop Carrier Group - 제34병력수송비행대대[C-47]
34th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제310병력수송비행대대[C-47]
310th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제43병력수송비행대대[C-47]
43rd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제309병력수송비행대대[C-47]
309th Troop Carrier Squadron - B팀, 제78근무전대
Team B, 78th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, B팀, 제78근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team B, 78th Service Group
95th Service Squadron
1474th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1093병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1093rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2247병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2247th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제309기지보완대대
309th Station Complement Squadron - YY분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment YY, 21st Weather Squadron - YY분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment YY, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - 제1185군사경찰중대(항공)
1185th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2053공병소방소대(항공)
2053rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제818의무항공수송대대
818th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제3병기폭발물처리반
3rd Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad - 제316병력수송전대
316th Troop Carrier Group - 제36병력수송비행대대[C-47]
36th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제37병력수송비행대대[C-47]
37th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제44병력수송비행대대[C-47]
44th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제45병력수송비행대대[C-47]
45th Troop Carrier Squadron - A팀, 제317근무전대
Team A, 317th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, A팀, 제317근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team A, 317th Service Group
340th Service Squadron
1461st Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1069th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
2248th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
1110th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제65기지보완대대
65th Station Complement Squadron - 분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment, 21st Weather Squadron - 분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - A분견대, 제1185군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1185th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2066공병소방소대(항공)
2066th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제811의무항공수송대대
811th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제204의무진료소(항공)
204th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제161육군우편부대
161st Army Postal Unit - 제605대공포대대(반기동)
605th Anti-Aircraft Gun Battalion (Semi-Mobile)
- 제53병력수송비행단
53rd Troop Carrier Wing - 제337통신중대(병력수송비행단)
337th Signal Company (Troop Carrier Wing) - 제434병력수송전대
434th Troop Carrier Group - 제71병력수송비행대대[C-47]
71st Troop Carrier Squadron - 제72병력수송비행대대[C-47]
72nd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제73병력수송비행대대[C-47]
73rd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제74병력수송비행대대[C-47]
74th Troop Carrier Squadron - A팀, 제318근무전대
Team A, 318th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, A팀, 제318근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team A, 318th Service Group
458th Service Squadron
1465th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1068th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
1075th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제97기지보완대대
97th Station Complement Squadron - ZB분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment ZB, 21st Weather Squadron - ZB분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment ZB, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - A분견대, 제1229군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1229th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2142공병소방소대(항공)
2142nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제819의무항공수송대대
819th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - A분견대, 제1079병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1078th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제47병기중대
47th Ordnance Company - 제435병력수송전대
435th Troop Carrier Group - 제75병력수송비행대대[C-47]
75th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제76병력수송비행대대[C-47]
76th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제77병력수송비행대대[C-47]
77th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제78병력수송비행대대[C-47]
78th Troop Carrier Squadron - A팀, 제10근무전대
Team A, 10th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, A팀, 제10근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team A, 10th Service Group
13th Service Squadron
1463rd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
1063rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
1099th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제21기지보완대대
21st Station Complement Squadron - N분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment N, 21st Weather Squadron - N분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment N, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - A분견대, 제1198군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1198th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2046공병소방소대(항공)
2046th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제815의무항공수송대대
815th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제436병력수송전대
436th Troop Carrier Group - 제79병력수송비행대대[C-47]
79th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제80병력수송비행대대[C-47]
80th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제81병력수송비행대대[C-47]
81st Troop Carrier Squadron - 제82병력수송비행대대[C-47]
82nd Troop Carrier Squadron - B팀, 제318근무전대
Team B, 310th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, B팀, 제318근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team B, 318th Service Group
459th Service Squadron
1466th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1068병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1068th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제1075통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1075th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제304기지보완대대
304th Station Complement Squadron - ZC분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment ZC, 21st Weather Squadron - ZC분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment ZC, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - A분견대, 제1183군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1183rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2141공병소방소대(항공)
2141st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제127육군우편부대
127th Army Postal Unit - 제437병력수송전대
437th Troop Carrier Group - 제83병력수송비행대대[C-47]
83rd Troop Carrier Squadron - 제84병력수송비행대대[C-47]
84th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제85병력수송비행대대[C-47]
85th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제86병력수송비행대대[C-47]
86th Troop Carrier Squadron - B팀, 제10근무전대
Team B, 10th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, B팀, 제10근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team B, 10th Service Group
337th Service Squadron
1455th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1063병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1063rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2243병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2243rd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1099통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1099th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제69기지보완대대
69th Station Complement Squadron - GG분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment GG, 21st Weather Squadron - GG분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment GG, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - 제1229군사경찰중대(항공)
1229th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2054공병소방소대(항공)
2054th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제814의무항공수송대대
814th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제438병력수송전대
438th Troop Carrier Group - 제87병력수송비행대대[C-47]
87th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제88병력수송비행대대[C-47]
88th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제89병력수송비행대대[C-47]
89th Troop Carrier Squadron - 제90병력수송비행대대[C-47]
90th Troop Carrier Squadron - B팀, 제82근무전대
Team B, 82nd Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, B팀, 제82근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Team B, 82nd Service Group
97th Service Squadron
1478th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1222병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1222nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제2244병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2244th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1040통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1040th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제306기지보완대대
306th Station Complement Squadron - ZG분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment ZG, 21st Weather Squadron - ZG분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment ZG, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron - 제1183군사경찰중대(항공)
1183rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제2049공병소방소대(항공)
2049th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제816의무항공수송대대
816th Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron - 제205의무진료소(항공)
205th Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제9선도기비행대대(임시)[C-47]
IX Pathfinder Squadron (Provisional)
- 제202의무진료소(항공)
202nd Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- T분견대, 제21기상대대
Detachment T, 21st Weather Squadron
- 제388통신중대(항공)
388th Signal Company (Aviation)
- 제133육군우편부대
133rd Army Postal Unit
- 제321기지보완대대
321st Station Complement Squadron
- 제27병기기동개간수리대대
27th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
- 제37병기기동개간수리대대
37th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
- 제44병기기동개간수리대대
44th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
- 제2소대, 제32특전중대
2nd Platoon, 32nd Special Services Company
- T분견대, 제40기동통신대대
Detachment T, 40th Mobile Communications Squadron
- B분견대, 제1241병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment B, 1241st Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
- 제69병기폭발물처리반
69th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad
====# 제9공군근무사령부 #====
IX Air Force Service Command
- 제302항공수송비행단
302nd Air Transport Wing - 제27항공여객전대
27th Air Ferrying Group - 제310여객대대
310th Ferrying Squadron - 제325여객대대
325th Ferrying Squadron - 제326여객대대
326th Ferrying Squadron - 제31항공수송전대
31st Air Transport Group - 제313항공수송대대
313rd Air Transport Squadron - 제314항공수송대대
314th Air Transport Squadron - 제315항공수송대대
315th Air Transport Squadron - 제316항공수송대대
316th Air Transport Squadron - 제317항공수송대대
317th Air Transport Squadron - 제318항공수송대대
318th Air Transport Squadron - 제319항공수송대대
319th Air Transport Squadron
- 제1고등공군창고지역
1st Advance Air Depot Area - 제1전술공군창고
1st Tactical Air Depot - 제29창고전대
29th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제29창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 29th Depot Group
10th Depot Repair Squadron
96th Depot Supply Squadron - 제33창고전대
33rd Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제33창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 33rd Depot Group
33rd Depot Repair Squadron
33rd Depot Supply Squadron - 제85창고전대
85th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제85창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 85th Depot Group
85th Depot Repair Squadron
85th Depot Supply Squadron - A분견대, 제1256군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1256th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1457병기중형정비중대(항공)
1457th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1841병기중형정비중대(항공)
1841st Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제433병참소대(공군창고)
433rd Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제435병참소대(공군창고)
435th Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제2207병참트럭중대(항공)
2207th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2254병참트럭중대(항공)
2254th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2011공병소방소대(항공)
2011th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제45의무공급소대(항공)
45th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제876통신창고중대(항공)
876th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제10근무전대
10th Service Group - 제49근무전대
49th Service Group - 제78근무전대
78th Service Group - 제82근무전대
82nd Service Group - 제100근무전대
100th Service Group - 제309근무전대
309th Service Group - 제317근무전대
317th Service Group - 제318근무전대
318th Service Group - 제326근무전대
326th Service Group - 제2전술공군창고
2nd Tactical Air Depot - 제30창고전대
30th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제30창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 30th Depot Group
30th Depot Repair Squadron
30th Depot Supply Squadron - 제91창고전대
91st Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제91창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 91st Depot Group
86th Depot Repair Squadron
94th Depot Supply Squadron - 제47병기기동개간수리대대
47th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제1256군사경찰중대(항공)
1256th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1605병기중형정비중대(항공)
1605th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제2004병기중형정비중대(항공)
2004th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1957병기창고중대
1957th Ordnance Depot Company - 제2203병참트럭중대(항공)
2203rd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2206병참트럭중대(항공)
2206th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2012공병소방소대(항공)
2012th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제10의무공급소대(항공)
10th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제36의무공급소대(항공)
36th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제909통신창고중대(항공)
909th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제303기지보완대대
303rd Station Complement Squadron - 제65비행장대대
65th Airdrome Squadron - 제15수의반, 제2수의분견대(항공)
15th Veterinary Section, 2nd Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 제42근무전대
42nd Service Group - 제53근무전대
53rd Service Group - 제70근무전대
70th Service Group - 제304근무전대
304th Service Group - 제3전술공군창고
3rd Tactical Air Depot - 제43창고전대
43rd Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제43창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 43rd Depot Group
43rd Depot Repair Squadron
43rd Depot Supply Squadron - 제45창고전대
45th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제45창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 45th Depot Group
45th Depot Repair Squadron
45th Depot Supply Squadron - 제23병기기동개간수리대대
23rd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제41병기기동개간수리대대
41st Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제42병기기동개간수리대대
42nd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제43병기기동개간수리대대
43rd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제1255군사경찰중대(항공)
1255th Military Police Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1366군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1366th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1764병기중형정비중대(항공)
1765th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제2824병기중형정비중대(항공)
2824th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1954병기창고중대
1954th Ordnance Depot Company - 제443병참소대(공군창고)
443rd Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제445병참소대(공군창고)
445th Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제2006공병소방소대(항공)
2006th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제2136공병소방소대(항공)
2136th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제37의무공급소대(항공)
37th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제896통신창고중대(항공)
896th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제99기지보완대대
99th Station Complement Squadron - 제4근무전대
4th Service Group - 제30근무전대
30th Service Group
- 제2고등공군창고지역
2nd Advance Air Depot Area - 제4전술공군창고
4th Tactical Air Depot - 제2창고전대
2nd Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제2창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 2nd Depot Group
2nd Depot Repair Squadron
2nd Depot Supply Squadron - 제42창고전대
42nd Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제42창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 42nd Depot Group
2nd Depot Repair Squadron
2nd Depot Supply Squadron - 제87창고전대
87th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제87창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 87th Depot Group - 제34병기기동개간수리대대
34th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제1118군사경찰중대(항공)
1118th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1763병기중형정비중대(항공)
1763rd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1843병기중형정비중대(항공)
1843rd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1966병기창고중대
1966th Ordnance Depot Company - 제402병참소대(공군창고)
402nd Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제442병참소대(공군창고)
442nd Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제2201병참트럭중대(항공)
2201st Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2208병참트럭중대(항공)
2208th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2010공병소방소대(항공)
2010th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제1의무공급소대(항공)
1st Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제895통신창고중대(항공)
895th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제63기지보완대대
63rd Station Complement Squadron - 제9근무전대
9th Service Group - 제327근무전대
327th Service Group - 제5전술공군창고
5th Tactical Air Depot - 제10창고전대
10th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제10창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 10th Depot Group
10th Depot Supply Squadron - 제86창고전대
86th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제86창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 86th Depot Group
22nd Depot Repair Squadron
398th Depot Supply Squadron - 제1177군사경찰중대(항공)
1177th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1662병기중형정비중대(항공)
1662nd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1958병기창고중대
1958th Ordnance Depot Company - 제421병참소대(공군창고)
421st Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제440병참소대(공군창고)
440th Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제2209병참트럭중대(항공)
2209th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2242병참트럭중대(항공)
2242nd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2008공병소방소대(항공)
2008th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제11의무공급소대(항공)
11th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제878통신창고중대(항공)
878th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제900통신창고중대(항공)
900th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제310기지보완대대
310th Station Complement Squadron - 제16수의반, 제2수의분견대(항공)
16th Veterinary Section, 2nd Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 제83근무전대
83rd Service Group - 제84근무전대
84th Service Group - 제312근무전대
312th Service Group - 제6전술공군창고
6th Tactical Air Depot - 제7창고전대
7th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제7창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 7th Depot Group
7th Depot Repair Squadron
7th Depot Supply Squadron - 제16창고전대
16th Depot Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제16창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 16th Depot Group
90th Depot Repair Squadron - 제1196군사경찰중대(항공)
1196th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1454병기중형정비중대(항공)
1454th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1703병기중형정비중대(항공)
1703rd Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제2009병기중형정비중대(항공)
2009th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제444병참소대(공군창고)
444th Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제446병참소대(공군창고)
446th Quartermaster Platoon (Air Depot) - 제2202병참트럭중대(항공)
2202nd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2205병참트럭중대(항공)
2205th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2009공병소방소대(항공)
2009th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제34의무공급소대(항공)
34th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제877통신창고중대(항공)
877th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제322기지보완대대
322nd Station Complement Squadron - 제26근무전대
26th Service Group - 제32근무전대
32nd Service Group - 제74근무전대
74th Service Group
- 제9기지공군창고지역
9th Base Air Depot Area - 제1기지공군창고
1st Base Air Depot - 제2기지공군창고
2nd Base Air Depot - 제3기지공군창고
3rd Base Air Depot - 운송 창고
Intransit Depot - 탄약 창고
Ammunition Depot - 항공기 조립 창고
Aircraft Assembly Depot
- 제1병참트럭연대(임시)(항공)
1st Quartermaster Truck Regiment (Provisional) (Aviation)
- 제1586병참트럭연대(항공)
1586th Quartermaster Truck Regiment (Aviation)
- 제461통신건설대대
461st Signal Construction Battalion
- 제13교체제어창고
13th Replacement Control Depot
- 제20교체제어창고
20th Replacement Control Depot
- 제8공군수송기지그룹
8th Air Force Intransit Depot Group
- 제100기지보완대대
100th Station Complement Squadron
- 제320통신중대(비행단)
320th Signal Company (Wing)
- 제2068병참트럭중대(항공)
2068th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
- 제1440병기공급&정비중대
1440th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
- 제2109병기탄약대대
2109th Ordnance Ammunition Battalion
- 제9재무분견대
IX Finance Detachment
====# 제9방공사령부 #====
IX Air Defense Command
- 제50대공포병여단
50th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Brigade - 본부 및 본부포대, 제50대공포병여단
Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 50th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Brigade
- 제51대공포병여단
51st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Brigade - 본부 및 본부포대, 제51대공포병여단
Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 51st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Brigade
- 제422야간전투비행대대
422nd Night Fighter Squadron
- 제425야간전투비행대대
425th Night Fighter Squadron
- 제1대대, 제8대공포병단
1st Battalion, 8th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group
- 제303통신중대(비행단)
303rd Signal Company (Wing)
- 제321전투기통제대대
321st Fighter Control Squadron
- 제564통신항공기경보대대
564th Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion
- 제573통신항공기경보대대
573rd Signal Aircraft Warning Battalion
====# 제9공병사령부 #====
IX Engineer Command
- 제922공병항공연대
922nd Engineer Aviation Regiment - 제816공병항공대대
816th Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제818공병항공대대
818th Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제220의무진료소(항공)
220th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제471정비중대
471st Maintenance Company
- 제924공병항공연대
924th Engineer Aviation Regiment - 제843공병항공대대
843rd Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제846공병항공대대
846th Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제852공병항공대대
852nd Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제862공병항공대대
862nd Engineer Aviation Battalion
- 제925공병항공연대
925th Engineer Aviation Regiment - 제825공병항공대대
825th Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제830공병항공대대
830th Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제832공병항공대대
832nd Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제840공병항공대대
840th Engineer Aviation Battalion
- 제926공병항공연대
926th Engineer Aviation Regiment - 제826공병항공대대
826th Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제833공병항공대대
833rd Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제850공병항공대대
850th Engineer Aviation Battalion - 제206의무진료소(항공)
206th Medical Dispensary (Aviation) - 제475정비중대
475th Maintenance Company
- 제876공수공병항공대대
876th Airborne Engineer Aviation Battalion
- 제877공수공병항공대대
877th Airborne Engineer Aviation Battalion
- 제878공수공병항공대대
878th Airborne Engineer Aviation Battalion
- 제937공병항공위장대대
937th Engineer Aviation Camouflage Battalion
- 본부 및 본부대대, 제9공병사령부
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, IX Engineer Command
- 제902공병공군본부중대
902nd Engineer Air Force Headquarters Company
- 제1294군사경찰중대(항공)
1294th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제395통신중대(항공)
395th Signal Company (Aviation)
- 제126육군우편부대
126th Army Postal Unit
- A분견대, 제1052병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1052nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
- 제209의무진료소(항공)
209th Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
===# 1989년 #===
- 본부, 제9공군(쇼 공군기지)
Headquarters, Ninth Air Force (Shaw Air Force Base)
- 제9공군 전투작전참모부
Ninth Air Force Combat Operations Staff
- 제823신속기술전개중작업수리공병토목공학대대(헐버트 비행장)
823rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer Civil Engineering Squadron (Hurlburt Field)
- 제4448기동지원대대
4448th Mobility Support Squadron
- 제4401항공우편대대
4401st Air Postal Squadron - 제1분견대, 제4401항공우편대대(다란)
Detachment 1, Air Postal Squadron (Dhahran)
- 제1전술전투비행단(랭글리 공군기지)
1st Tactical Fighter Wing (Langley Air Force Base) - 본부, 제1전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 1st Tactical Fighter Wing - 제27전술전투비행대대[F-15C/D]
27th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제71전술전투비행대대[F-15C/D]
71st Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제94전술전투비행대대[F-15C/D]
94th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제6공중지휘통제비행대대[EC-135P]
6th Airborne Command and Control Squadron - 제4401헬리콥터비행편대[UH-1N]
4401st Helicopter Flight - 제1항공기생성대대
1st Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제27항공기정비부대
27th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제71항공기정비부대
71st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제94항공기정비부대
94th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제1부품수리대대
1st Component Repair Squadron - 제1장비정비대대
1st Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제1전투지원전대
1st Combat Support Group - 본부, 제1전투지원전대
Headquarters, 1st Combat Support Group - 제1공군기지조작대대
1st Air Base Operability Squadron - 제1군사경찰대대
1st Security Police Squadron - 제1토목공학대대
1st Civil Engineering Squadron - 제1임무지원대대
1st Mission Support Squadron - 제1근무대대
1st Services Squadron - 제1공급대대
1st Supply Squadron - 제1수송대대
1st Transportation Squadron - 제4410수송편대
4410th Transportation Flight - 제1감사대대
1st Comptroller Squadron - 제1의무전대
1st Medical Group
- 제4전술전투비행단(시모어 존슨 공군기지)
4th Tactical Fighter Wing (Seymour Johnson Air Force Base) - 본부, 제4전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 4th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제334전술전투비행대대[F-4E]
334th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제335전술전투비행대대[F-4E]
335th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제336전술전투비행대대[F-4E]
336th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제4항공기생성대대
4th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제334항공기정비부대
334th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제335항공기정비부대
335th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제336항공기정비부대
336th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제4부품수리대대
4th Component Repair Squadron - 제4장비정비대대
4th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제4전투지원전대
4th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제4전투지원전대
Headquarters, 4th Combat Support Group - 제4공군기지조작대대
4th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제4군사경찰대대
4th Security Police Squadron - 제4토목공학대대
4th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제4임무지원대대
4th Mission Support Squadron - 제4근무대대
4th Services Squadron - 제4공급대대
4th Supply Squadron - 제4수송대대
4th Transportation Squadron - 제4감사대대
4th Comptroller Squadron - 제4의무전대
4th Medical Group - 제4전술병원
4th Tactical Hospital
- 제23전술전투비행단(잉글랜드 공군기지)
23rd Tactical Fighter Wing (England Air Force Base) - 본부, 제23전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing - 제74전술전투비행대대[A-10A]
74th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제75전술전투비행대대[A-10A]
75th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제76전술전투비행대대[A-10A]
76th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제23항공기생성대대
23rd Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제74항공기정비부대
74th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제75항공기정비부대
75th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제76항공기정비부대
76th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제23부품수리대대
23rd Component Repair Squadron - 제23장비정비대대
23rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제23전투지원전대
23rd Combat Support Group - 본부, 제23전투지원전대
Headquarters, 23rd Combat Support Group - 제23공군기지조작대대
23rd Air Base Operability Squadron - 제23군사경찰대대
23rd Security Police Squadron - 제23토목공학대대
23rd Civil Engineering Squadron - 제23임무지원대대
23rd Mission Support Squadron - 제23근무대대
23rd Services Squadron - 제23공급대대
23rd Supply Squadron - 제23수송대대
23rd Transportation Squadron - 제23감사대대
23rd Comptroller Squadron - 제23의무전대
23rd Medical Group - 제23전술병원
23rd Tactical Hospital
- 제31전술전투비행단(홈스테드 공군기지)
31st Tactical Fighter Wing (Homestead Air Force Base) - 본부, 제31전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 31st Tactical Fighter Wing - 제307전술전투비행대대[F-16A/B]
30th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제308전술전투비행대대[F-16A/B]
308th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제309전술전투비행대대[F-16A/B]
309th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제31항공기생성대대
31st Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제307항공기정비부대
307th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제308항공기정비부대
308 Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제309항공기정비부대
309th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제31부품수리대대
31st Component Repair Squadron - 제31장비정비대대
31st Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제31전투지원전대
31st Combat Support Group - 본부, 제31전투지원전대
Headquarters, 31st Combat Support Group - 제31공군기지조작대대
31st Air Base Operability Squadron - 제31군사경찰대대
31st Security Police Squadron - 제31토목공학대대
31st Civil Engineering Squadron - 제31임무지원대대
31st Mission Support Squadron - 제31근무대대
31st Services Squadron - 제31공급대대
31st Supply Squadron - 제31수송대대
31st Transportation Squadron - 제31감사대대
31st Comptroller Squadron - 제31의무전대
31st Medical Group - 제31전술병원
31st Tactical Hospital
- 제33전술전투비행단(이글린 공군기지)
33rd Tactical Fighter Wing (Eglin Air Force Base) - 본부, 제33전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing - 제58전술전투비행대대[F-15C/D]
58th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제59전술전투비행대대[F-15C/D]
59th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제60전술전투훈련대대[F-15C/D]
60th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제33항공기생성대대
33rd Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제58항공기정비부대
58th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제59항공기정비부대
59th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제60항공기정비부대
60th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제33부품수리대대
33rd Component Repair Squadron - 제33장비정비대대
33rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron
- 제347전술전투비행단(무디 공군기지)
347th Tactical Fighter Wing (Moody Air Force Base) - 본부, 제347전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 347th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제68전술전투비행대대[F-16A/B]
68th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제69전술전투비행대대[F-16A/B]
69th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제70전술전투비행대대[F-16A/B]
70th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제347항공기생성대대
347th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제68항공기정비부대
68th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제69항공기정비부대
69th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제70항공기정비부대
70th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제347부품수리대대
347th Component Repair Squadron - 제347장비정비대대
347th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제347전투지원전대
347th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제347전투지원전대
Headquarters, 347th Combat Support Group - 제347공군기지조작대대
347th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제347군사경찰대대
347th Security Police Squadron - 제347토목공학대대
347th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제347임무지원대대
347th Mission Support Squadron - 제347근무대대
347th Services Squadron - 제347공급대대
347th Supply Squadron - 제347수송대대
347th Transportation Squadron - 제347감사대대
347th Comptroller Squadron - 제347의무전대
347th Medical Group - 제347전술병원
347th Tactical Hospital
- 제354전술전투비행단(머틀 비치 공군기지)
354th Tactical Fighter Wing (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base) - 본부, 제354전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 354th Tactical Fighter Wing - 제353전술전투비행대대[A-10A]
353rd Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제355전술전투비행대대[A-10A]
355th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제356전술전투훈련대대[A-10A]
356th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제354항공기생성대대
354th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제353항공기정비부대
353rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제355항공기정비부대
355th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제356항공기정비부대
356th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제354부품수리대대
354th Component Repair Squadron - 제354장비정비대대
354th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제354전투지원전대
354th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제354전투지원전대
Headquarters, 354th Combat Support Group - 제354공군기지조작대대
354th Air Base Operability Squadron - 제354군사경찰대대
354th Security Police Squadron - 제354토목공학대대
354th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제354임무지원대대
354th Mission Support Squadron - 제354근무대대
354th Services Squadron - 제354공급대대
354th Supply Squadron - 제354수송대대
354th Transportation Squadron - 제354감사대대
354th Comptroller Squadron - 제354의무전대
354th Medical Group - 제354전술병원
354th Tactical Hospital
- 제363전술전투비행단(쇼 공군기지)
363rd Tactical Fighter Wing (Shaw Air Force Base) - 본부, 제363전술전투비행단
Headquarters, 363rd Tactical Fighter Wing - 제17전술전투비행대대[F-16C/D]
17th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제19전술전투비행대대[F-16C/D]
19th Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제33전술전투비행대대[F-16C/D]
33rd Tactical Fighter Squadron - 제363항공기생성대대
363rd Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제17항공기정비부대
17th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제19항공기정비부대
19th Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제33항공기정비부대
33rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제363부품수리대대
363rd Component Repair Squadron - 제363장비정비대대
363rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제363전투지원전대
363rd Combat Support Group - 본부, 제363전투지원전대
Headquarters, 363rd Combat Support Group - 제363공군기지조작대대
363rd Air Base Operability Squadron - 제363군사경찰대대
363rd Security Police Squadron - 제363토목공학대대
363rd Civil Engineering Squadron - 제363임무지원대대
363rd Mission Support Squadron - 제363근무대대
363rd Services Squadron - 제363공급대대
363rd Supply Squadron - 제363수송대대
363rd Transportation Squadron - 제363감사대대
363rd Comptroller Squadron - 제363의무전대
363rd Medical Group - 제1분견대, 제363의무전대(올버니 해병대군수기지)
Detachment 1, 363rd Medical Group (Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany) - 제363전술병원
363rd Tactical Hospital
- 제56전술훈련비행단(맥딜 공군기지)
56th Tactical Training Wing (MacDill Air Force Base) - 본부, 제56전술훈련비행단
Headquarters, 56th Tactical Training Wing - 제61전술전투훈련비행대대[F-16A/B]
61st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제62전술전투훈련비행대대[F-16A/B]
62nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제63전술전투훈련비행대대[F-16C/D]
63rd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제72전술전투훈련비행대대[F-16A/B]
72nd Tactical Fighter Training Squadron - 제56전술훈련대대
56th Tactical Training Squadron - 제56항공기생성대대
56th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제61항공기정비부대
61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제62항공기정비부대
62nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제4456항공기생성대대
4456th Aircraft Generation Squadron - 제63항공기정비부대
63rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제72항공기정비부대
72nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit - 제56부품수리대대
56th Component Repair Squadron - 제56장비정비대대
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron - 제56전투지원전대
56th Combat Support Group - 본부, 제56전투지원전대
Headquarters, 56th Combat Support Group - 제56군사경찰대대
56th Security Police Squadron - 제56토목공학대대
56th Civil Engineering Squadron - 제56임무지원대대
56th Mission Support Squadron - 제56근무대대
56th Services Squadron - 제56전투지원대대(아본 파크 공군기지)
56th Combat Support Squadron (Avon Park Air Force Station) - 제56공급대대
56th Supply Squadron - 제56수송대대
56th Transportation Squadron - 제56감사대대
56th Comptroller Squadron - 제56의무전대
56th Medical Group - 제56전술병원
56th Tactical Hospital
- 제507전술항공통제비행단(쇼 공군기지)
507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Shaw Air Force Base) - 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단
Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing - 제1분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 브래그)
Detachment 1, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Bragg) - 제2분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 스튜어트)
Detachment 2, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Stewart) - 제3분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 녹스)
Detachment 3, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Knox) - 제4분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 베닝)
Detachment 4, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Benning) - 제5분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 캠벨)
Detachment 5, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Campbell) - 제6분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 포크)
Detachment 6, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Polk) - 제7분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 라일리)
Detachment 7, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Riley) - 제8분견대, 본부, 제507전술항공통제비행단(포트 드럼)
Detachment 8, Headquarters, 507th Tactical Air Control Wing (Fort Drum) - 제507전술항공통제센터대대
507th Tactical Air Control Center Squadron - 제682항공지원작전센터대대
682nd Air Support Operations Center Squadron - 제9전술정보대대
9th Tactical Intelligence Squadron - 제21전술항공지원비행대대[OV-10A]
21st Tactical Air Support Squadron - 제803전술항공지원비행대대[CH-3E]
703rd Tactical Air Support Squadron - 제71전술통제대대(맥딜 공군기지)[AN/TPS-43E]
71st Tactical Control Squadron (MacDill Air Force Base) - 제72전술통제편대(전방항공통제지점)(포트 먼로)[AN/TPS-43E]
72nd Tactical Control Flight (Forward Air Control Posts) (Fort Monroe) - 제73전술통제대대(머틀 비치 공군기지)[AN/TPS-43E]
73rd Tactical Control Squadron (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base) - 제74전술통제대대(랭글리 공군기지)[AN/TPS-43E]
74th Tactical Control Squadron (Langley Air Force Base) - 제726전술통제대대(홈스테드 공군기지)[AN/TPS-43E]
726th Tactical Control Squadron (Homestead Air Force Base) - 제728전술통제대대(통제보고센터)(듀크 비행장)[AN/TPS-43E]
728th Tactical Control Squadron (Control and Reporting Center) (Duke Field) - 제4445전술훈련대대(리틀록 공군기지)
4446th Tactical Training Squadron (Little Rock Air Force Base) - 제4507통합항공기정비대대
4507th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
[1] 연합원정공군이 해체된 후에는 연합원정군 최고사령부의 작전 통제를 받았다.[2] 후일 중앙정보국장을 거쳐 미국 공군의 제2대 참모총장이 되는 인물로, 반덴버그 우주군기지의 명칭이 그에게서 유래되었다. 여담이지만 굉장히 잘생겼던 사람이라서 마릴린 먼로에게 조 디마지오, 알베르트 아인슈타인과 함께 무인도에 함께 갇히고 싶은 세 남자로 지목되기도 했다.[HC-130J] HC-130J 운용 부대.[HH-60G] HH-60G 운용 부대.[F-16C/D] F-16C/D 운용 부대.[F-16C/D] F-16C/D 운용 부대.[C-130J] C-130J 운용 부대.[HH-60G] HH-60G 운용 부대.[MQ-1] MQ-1 운용 부대.[MC-12W] MC-12W 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[F-16C/D] F-16C/D 운용 부대.[E-11A] E-11A 운용 부대.[E-8C] E-8C 운용 부대.[KC-135R] KC-135R 운용 부대.[C-130H/J] C-130H/J 운용 부대.[C-21] C-21 운용 부대.[RC-135V/W] RC-135V/W 운용 부대.[C-17A] C-17A 운용 부대.[KC-10] KC-10 운용 부대.[E-3B/C] E-3B/C 운용 부대.[F-15C] F-15C 운용 부대.[F-22A] F-22A 운용 부대.[F-35A] F-35A 운용 부대.[EC-130H] EC-130H 운용 부대.[MQ-1] MQ-1 운용 부대.[MQ-9] MQ-9 운용 부대.[C-130H/J] C-130H/J 운용 부대.[F-6] F-6 운용 부대.[F-4] F-4 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[F-5] F-5 운용 부대.[F-4] F-4 운용 부대.[F-10] F-10 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[L-5] L-5 운용 부대.[L-5] L-5 운용 부대.[UC-78] UC-78 운용 부대.[L-5] L-5 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[A-20] A-20 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[B-26] B-26 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-38] P-38 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[L-4] L-4 운용 부대.[F-6] F-6 운용 부대.[L-5] L-5 운용 부대.[F-6] F-6 운용 부대.[F-6] F-6 운용 부대.[F-6] F-6 운용 부대.[P-51] P-51 운용 부대.[P-51] P-51 운용 부대.[P-51] P-51 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-51] P-51 운용 부대.[P-51] P-51 운용 부대.[P-51] P-51 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[P-47] P-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[C-47] C-47 운용 부대.[F-15C/D] F-15C/D 운용 부대.[F-15C/D] F-15C/D 운용 부대.[F-15C/D] F-15C/D 운용 부대.[EC-135P] EC-135P 운용 부대[UH-1N] UH-1N 운용 부대.[F-4E] F-4E 운용 부대.[F-4E] F-4E 운용 부대.[F-4E] F-4E 운용 부대.[A-10A] A-10A 운용 부대.[A-10A] A-10A 운용 부대.[A-10A] A-10A 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[F-15C/D] F-15C/D 운용 부대.[F-15C/D] F-15C/D 운용 부대.[F-15C/D] F-15C/D 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[A-10A] A-10A 운용 부대.[A-10A] A-10A 운용 부대.[A-10A] A-10A 운용 부대.[F-16C/D] F-16C/D 운용 부대.[F-16C/D] F-16C/D 운용 부대.[F-16C/D] F-16C/D 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[F-16C/D] F-16C/D 운용 부대.[F-16A/B] F-16A/B 운용 부대.[OV-10A] OV-10A 운용 부대.[CH-3E] CH-3E 운용 부대.[AN/TPS-43E] AN/TPS-43E 운용 부대.[AN/TPS-43E] AN/TPS-43E 운용 부대.[AN/TPS-43E] AN/TPS-43E 운용 부대.[AN/TPS-43E] AN/TPS-43E 운용 부대.[AN/TPS-43E] AN/TPS-43E 운용 부대.[AN/TPS-43E] AN/TPS-43E 운용 부대.