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최근 수정 시각 : 2025-02-28 17:56:38

WKBRL: The Voice That Hears You

파일:관련 문서 아이콘.svg   관련 문서: 스타 파크

{{{#!wiki style="margin: -10px -10px" word-break: keep-all"<table align=center><tablewidth=330><tablebordercolor=#017dda> 파일:브롤스타즈 로고.svg브롤스타즈
관련 문서
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<colbgcolor=#f01919> 게임 요소 <colbgcolor=#ffffff,#1f2023>브롤러(세부사항 · 트리오 · 마스터리 · 칭호) · 스킨 · 게임 모드(특수 모드) · · 트로피 리그 · 클럽(클럽 리그,문제점) · 시스템(스타 드롭 · 상점) · 브롤 패스(브롤 패스 2.0) · 맵 메이커
패치 기록 2017년 · 2018년 · 2019년 · 2020년 · 2021년(40.141 버전) · 2022년 · 2023년 · 2024년(스폰지밥 콜라보 업데이트) · 2025년
E스포츠 브롤스타즈 오픈 코리아 · 브롤스타즈 월드 챔피언십(참가 팀 목록) · 프로게임단 목록
이벤트 15승 크리에이터 릴레이
로어 WKBRL · 8비트 미니게임 · 스타 파크
기타 문제점 및 비판(밸런스 문제 · 쇼다운 티밍 · 트롤 유저 문제) · 사건 사고 · 버그 · · 광고 · 로딩 화면 변천사 · 테마 · Bad Randoms · 2차 창작 · 브롤 토크 · 게이머 · 브롤리데이 · · 메타 및 브롤러 성능카페 · 갤러리
}}}}}}}}} ||

The Voice That Hears You
<colcolor=#fff><colbgcolor=#eb1c7b> 장르 브롤스타즈 떡밥 송출
방송 시작일 2020년 4월 19일
방송 종료일 2021년 9월 16일
유튜브 구독자 수 35.8만명
유튜브 조회수 29,060,710회
링크 파일:유튜브 아이콘.svg

1. 개요2. 소스3. 상세
3.1. WKBRL 1.0 & 2.03.2. WKBRL 3.03.3. 스트리밍 종료
4. 송출 음성 목록
4.1. WKBRL 1.0 & 2.04.2. 2020년 9월 6일 폭로4.3. 2021년 4월 19일 사건4.4. WKBRL 3.0
5. 여담


1. 개요

브롤스타즈떡밥 투척 스트리밍. 스타 파크에서 송출된다는 설정이었다.

2. 소스

3. 상세

3.1. WKBRL 1.0 & 2.0

This is normal.
WKBRL 1.0 기본 화면. 라디오에 적혀 있는 'сила сигнала'는 '신호 세기'라는 뜻이다.

-- -.- -... .-. .-..

2020년 5월 '타라의 바자' 테마가 적용된 맵 좌측을 보면 빨간 불빛이 일정한 패턴으로 깜빡이고 있었다. 이것을 본 Zipper라는 해외 유저가 모스 부호로 해독하였더니 'WKBRL'이 나왔다.#[1]

2020년 4월 19일[2]부터 꾸준히 음성이 송출되었으며, 배경 소리와 영상이 가끔 조금씩 변경되었다.


스트리밍에는 한동안 큰 변화가 없다가 2020년 9월 5일 뜬금없이 라디오 위에 맥스의 에너지 드링크가 생겼다. 또한 송출되는 음성도 42분을 주기로 반복되었다.#


다음날인 2020년 9월 6일 에너지 드링크가 쏟아져서 라디오에 연기가 나기 시작했고 음성이 듣기 힘들 정도로 왜곡되었다.


같은날 한 노인의 폭로 이후 라디오와 불이 꺼지고 사이렌 소리만 들리게 되었다.


다음날인 2020년 9월 7일 에너지 드링크가 없어지고 쓰레기가 생겼으며 "This is normal."라는 음성만 반복적으로 송출되었다. 이때를 보통 2.0의 시작으로 본다.

2020년 10월 10일 "This is normal."가 "We already told you, this is normal."로 바뀌었으며 배경 소리가 불타는 소리로 바뀌었다.

WKBRL 1주년인 2021년 4월 19일 제시로 추정되는 여자아이의 목소리가 송출되었고 그 직후 "We already told you, this is normal."가 "We already told you, this TIME is normal."로 바뀌었다.

2021년 6월 2일 배경음악이 물 흐르는 소리로 바뀌었다.

2021년 8월 7일 스트림이 검은 화면만 송출하다가 3.0으로 넘어갔다.

3.2. WKBRL 3.0


WKBRL 3.0 업데이트 후 화면.

Transmitting live from Starr Park.
From the deep dark depths of the gem mine to the snowy peaks of mystic mountain.
From the frontier to studio B.
Forwards and backwards across space and time.
You are listening to acceptable radio on WKBRL.

(낮은 목소리로)The voice that hears you.
스타 파크에서 실시간 송출됩니다.
깊숙하고 어두운 젬 광산에서 신비로운 설산의 꼭대기까지.
경계[3]부터 스튜디오 B까지.
시공간의 처음부터 끝까지.
여러분은 WKBRL에서 인정받을 만한 라디오 방송을 듣고 계십니다.

(낮은 목소리로)당신을 듣는 목소리.
WKBRL 3.0의 인트로 멘트.

2021년 8월 7일, WKBRL 스트리밍이 크게 바뀌었다.

너덜너덜했던 라디오가 새 것처럼 깔끔해졌고 (그나마) 제대로 된 라디오 방송의 형태를 갖추게 되었다. 영어, 일본어, 스페인어, 러시아어 등 여러 언어가 재생되었던 1.0, 2.0과 달리 3.0은 영어만 송출되었으며 K-POP, J-POP 장르의 신청곡, 날씨와 스타 파크의 규칙, 웃음을 강요하는 명령, 자장가(?), 광고, '행복'에 관한 철학적 논쟁 또한 송출되었다.

스트리밍은 24시간을 주기로 반복되었으며 중간중간에 새로운 음성이 추가되었다.

프로필과 채널아트도 바뀌었으며, 채널명도 _에서 WKBRL: The Voice That Hears You로 바뀌고, 채널 정보란에는 ©️2021 STARR CORP[4]라는 글도 써져 있다.

파일:WKBRL 3.0 A.jpg
Приемлемое радио[번역]
WKBRL 3.00

해당 채널 아트의 밝기를 올리면 브롤스타즈 로고가 드러난다.[6]

파일:WKBRL 3.0 B.jpg
WKBRL 3.00

러시아어가 태국어로 바뀌었다.

파일:WKBRL 3.0 C.jpg
إذاعتنا النظامية[번역]
WKBRL 3.00

태국어가 아랍어로 바뀌었다.

3.3. 스트리밍 종료

2021년 9월 16일 밤, WKBRL 스트리밍이 종료되었다.

스트리밍은 총 12,370시간 17분 44초, 총 조회수는 2900만회를 기록했다.

4. 송출 음성 목록

4.1. WKBRL 1.0 & 2.0

<rowcolor=#eb1c7b> WKBRL 1.0 & 2.0 송출 음성 목록(번역 필요)
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Older soundsCircus battle theme 1

Archived at: Starrchive

Notes: Contains a reversed part. Sounds like a Battle theme. Maybe point out the upcoming update theme.

Circus prelude

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Circus victory/Brawler Unlock sound

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Notes: Has extremely distorted legendary unlock sound.

Property damage

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Transcription: Following (??) a scheduled community talk regarding proposition 627,with particular emphasis placed on the liability in the property damage result; with particular emphasis placed on the liability and property damage resulting from the demolition from outside entities. Pursuant to 419 section 14; pursuant to 419 section 14 of the general laws of the commonwealth we have now notified the public to appear at the time and place and for the purposes mentioned inside [Music] notification (??)

Notes: Leaked the Brawl Talk’s date, which was June 27th (6/27).

Energy drink Ad #1

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: Et c'est la fin de notre séquence *****, le meilleur de la pop, qui fait pétiller vos matins de 8 à 10 heures. Sponsorisé par 10 secondes de boissons énergisantes, une énergie seconde après seconde pour attaquer votre matinée de bon pied au plancher.

Translation: It’s the end of our show [inaudible], the best of the pop songs that make your morning pop from 8 to 10 AM! Sponsored by 10 seconds of Energy Drinks! Energy seconds after seconds, to have a successful morning, with speed!

Credits: RedUser45291 from Reddit

Notes: The 1st Ad about Energy Drink

 Energy drink Ad #2

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: It’s 1 AM we start talking slow but when you drink some of our energy drink you're faster and got everything celebrity, power…” And then it’s too fast to read the rest!

Notes: The 2st Ad about Energy Drink. Also significe the part of Brawl Stars universe.

Italian Crossbow Ad

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Transcription: Tre milioni di anziani soffrono di carenza cronica di balestre. Questa carenza supera di gran lunga prima [parte non molto chiara] di qualsiasi altro anno, il mancato accesso armamentario adeguato raddoppia il rischio di fabbrizzazione [?] nei soggetti dai 65 anni in su. Aiutaci a dare una balestra a chi ne ha più bisogno. 🎶B-A-L-ESTRE B-A-L-ESTRE B-A-L-ESTRE🎶. Gli anziani ne han bisogno.

Translation: 3 million old people suffer from chronic shortage of crossbows. This shortage far exceeds before [part not very clear] any other year, the missed adequate access to armaments doubles the risk of fabrication [?] in subjects aged 65 and over. Help us to give a crossbow to those who need it the most. 🎶B-A-L-ESTRE B-A-L-ESTRE B-A-L-ESTRE🎶. Old people need them.

Credits: Hunt❤WKBRL#4313 from Discord

Notes: Previously known as “Italian Mac Ad”

Roof repair (Japanese)

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: あなたの家の屋根はどうですか? あなたの家の屋根は穴が空いていますか? 大丈夫、みんな同じです。 大中小どんな穴でも修理可能。 屋根は崩れたり、凹んだり、剥がれてお隣の庭に落ちてしまうことも。 小川屋根はいい会社。 何が原因で空いた穴でも大丈夫。 私たちにお任せください。 シングル屋根、タイル屋根 高層ビルの屋根 セダムやこけが生えた屋根。 小川屋根は14種類以上の屋根を取り扱っています。 どんな状態の屋根でも大丈夫。 丸ごと解決できます。 信頼の小川屋根では穴のない屋根を提供します。 いますぐワークショップに参加して夢の屋根を手に入れよう。 小川屋根はあなたの屋根の夢を叶えます。

Translation: How is the roof of your house? Is it perforated? All right, everyone is the same. Large, medium or small holes can be repaired. The roof can collapse, dent, or peel off and fall into the garden next door. Ogawa roof is an awesome company. The hole's type and size doesn't matter. Leave it to us. Single roof, tile roof, skyscraper roof, sedum and mossy roof. Ogawa Roof handles more than 14 types of roofs. The roof in any condition is fine. You can solve the whole problem. Reliable stream roofs provide a holeless roof. Join our workshop now and get the roof of your dream. Ogawa roof will make your roof dream come true.


Credits: Varun#7055 from discord


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Transcription: O verão ’tá aí. E isso significa enxames de helicóptero por todos os lados. Dê um jeito nessa inconveniência voadora de uma vez por todas com HeliSwatter, o único mata-helicóptero do mercado. Feito por tecnologia de ponta para garantir que nenhum helicópterozinho irritante chegue perto da sua cara. Nosso HeliSwatter vem equipado com tecnologia eletromagnética para mandar helicópteros de volta para o chão, de onde eles nunca deveriam ter saído. Assim, você pode voltar a escalar prédios relaxado. Ponha esses helicópteros p’ra rodar com HeliSwatter. Disponível nas melhores lojas do ramo.

Translation: Summer’s here. And that means helicopter swarms everywhere. Fix this flying inconvenience once and for all with HeliSwatter, the only helicopter killer on the market. Made with cutting edge technology to ensure that no annoying little helicopter gets close to your face. Our HeliSwatter comes equipped with electromagnetic technology to send helicopters back to the ground, from where they should never have left. Then you can go back to climbing buildings relaxed. Put these helicopters spinning with HeliSwatter. Available at the best convenience stores.


Credit: dd.pardal#3661 from Discord

Sounds added on July 17th+Tripwire

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: Combat your dental hygiene in a stealthy way with New Tripwire Floss. For Teens! (Yeah!) Blast away plaque buildup and detonate dental debris with Tripwire Flosses’ Eagle-eyed persuasion. For Teens! (Yeah!) Landmine cavities (will) be dented down, your new smile will go BOOM! Tripwire Floss will blow your mom and dad away! (YEAH!) Trip-trip-trip-tripwire. 🎶Trip, Tripwire; (???) your mouth the American way, when you floss with this kind of string(?) you’ll blow your friends and family away. (Wow!) Tripwire Floss! Kids for small adults under eighteen! Yeah!🎶

Notes: Notes: The final sentence is interesting, the syntax doesn’t really make that much sense… “For kids and small adults under eighteen.” would have sounded better, in my book. Clear name reference to Bo’s Gadget

My Little Mine

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Transcription: A new Joy for the whole family to fear! *Cheers* Be explosive! *Explosion* Devastate the terrain! With the new, remote-controlled, My Little Mine! (?) Leave the whole town in an anxious mess, because only you control when this thing will blow! *Evil laughter* It’ll feel like the real thing, BECAUSE IT IS! *Grandiose series of explosions*

Notes: It’s interesting to note how there are two clips that allude to Bo’s Gadget…

Anti-energy substance

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Transcription: (Do) You want to be a winner? *Echoes* (EDM Drums in Background) Then give yourself an edge over your enemies, with Slow-Crow Anti-Energy Substance. Don’t drink it, throw it, It’s poison-poison-poison… Some people want a level-playing field, other people would rather use poison…Don’t drink it! Throw it! It’s poison, silly! Slow Crow Anti-Energy substance replenishes your opponents with the necessary toxins they need in order for you to win…

Notes: Arguably the most direct reference to a gadget, that being Crow’s Slowing Toxin. For safety reasons (and to prevent lawsuits), the commercial clearly states to not drink the product, but instead throw it, as it is poison. Will this be a future goodie that Supercell can distribute?

Meteor on demand

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Transcription: We’ll continue this episode of space junk after the break. *space-themed commercial audio break music plays* Today’s episode is sponsored by Meteor on Demand. Meteor on Demand is the only personal meteor delivery service that brings a meteor straight to your doorway. You don’t have to have a podcast to appreciate the convenience of a good delivery service. That’s why I’m such a fan of Meteor on Demand.They take the confusion out of meteor delivery so you don’t have to fuss with ancient prophecies or star charts; you get what you want, when you want it. Simply open up the Meteor-On-Demand App and a personal meteor will drop within your general vicinity. It’s that easy. My Partner loves Meteor on Demand’s gift delivery feature too. Dropping a meteor on someone is way more personal, and memorable, than flowers. And for a limited time, podcast listeners get free delivery on their first meteor order with the code, “See ya Crater” and now, back to our show.

Notes: This sounds like an excerpt of the commercial break for a podcast show, titled “Space Junk”. While there is a real-life variant of this show currently available on the website OPT corp.com, (https://optcorp.com/blogs/podcast) the host of this show has a distinct British accent, unlike the real-life American host of the show.. The Star charts part may be a jab at the Mystic Trio, as their designs contain motifs for the sun, moon, and stars. If this whole thing does tie into an ARG (Alternate Reality Game), the code that the host mentions here may be something to take note of.

Shovel repair

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Transcription:*Dial Tone* uhh, yeah, uhh… this message is for “Mort”. *Bats heard in distance* It’s your shovel repair tech (Technician?) and uhh… I’m calling about these, uhmm… bats. *Fluttering* I don’t know if you know this or not, but you got a lot of bats in your shovel, and well we’re not- totally equipped to uhh, deal with all the bats. Normally we don’t get shovels riddled with bats like this in our shop, so that’s gonna… take some… that’s gonna take some more time.. *Gust of bats, distant breaking sound* I mean, what are you doin’ with this thing?? One bat I can understand… but a whole swarm or whatever it’s called… I… that don’t seem right. We can’t keep fixing this thing if you bring it in full of bats like thi- *Cuts off*

Notes: Although not explicitly stated, it can be assumed that this audio clip is referencing Mortis’ second gadget, survival shovel. A group of bats is called a colony of bats, as the man in the call notes. Overall this clip is more of an easter egg than a reference to anything in particular

Outer space broadcast

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Transcription: Добрый вечер, звуки который мы слышим сегодня являются рентгеновскими лучами. Они исходят у BrDPL-158 и доносятся к нам из галактики, находящейся между Мессье 81 и Сомбреро, в 12 миллионах световых лет от Земли. Данные переведены в аудио пульсации Юрием Горьким из Роскосмоса.

Translation: *Chirping in background* Good evening, the sounds we hear today are X-rays. They come from BrDPL-158 and reach us from a galaxy located between Messier 81 and Sombrero, in 12 million light-years from Earth. The data was translated into audio pulsations by Yuri Gorky from Roskosmos.

Notes: Roscosmos is the real-life space agency of the Russian state. The Sombrero Galaxy, otherwise known as Meiser object 104, is located 31.1 Million Light Years away from Earth. I’m making the assumption that the x-rays being emitted are from a space object located between the two galaxies mentioned, and said object is located 12 million light years away, as the clip says. Since x-rays help detect bones, and sombrero is explicitly mentioned, is this clip referencing Poco in some capacity?

Credits: Vanya_N#0419 from Discord

Darryl's true identity

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Translation: Leave your past behind you. They will stop calling you “small” and now “Darryl”. Let the high tide take you to your future. More than a barrel, more than a robot. Leave it all behind you, and carry only your skin. For women, for men, and for robots.

Notes: This seems like genuine lore. Definitively shows why Darryl was given such a high-pitched voice. As Frank once mentioned in a tweet, “there’s more to Darryl than meets the eye.” In terms of the actual commercial itself, I believe this is for a skin-care product, due to the listing of nouns at the end of the audio clip.

Cactus company

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: Howdy Cow Folks, are you sick of weak cactus? You wish you could have cactus in Siberian winter, or even nuclear winter? Then You’re in luck, little doggy (Buddy?), our cactus are made of special soil, the best humane (human) grown vitamins so they have the sharpest, well to say, uh, “teeth”. This cactus practically take care of themselves, is almost like, a little man is inside. But do not look inside for little man. Never look inside for little man. We have upgrades too, our cactus are perfect for weddings, birthdays, funerals, theme parks… funerals.So mosey on down to Cowboy Ivan’s Cactus Patch. Come pick your cactus before they pick you.

Notes: Clear reference to spike, even including an allusion to KairosTime’s speculation of Spike being a mascot… this clip is particularly interesting, even mentioning “theme parks” as one of the optimal places where these cactuses are to be placed in. One of the most winter-capable cactuses that exist are the hedgehog cacti, native to the southwest of the United States. This ad would sound as if it would air within a wild west setting, seeing how “cow folk” and cowboy make up the vernacular of this commercial.

Sounds added on August 6th and laterSecond skin

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Transcription:Прикрии си многото кръгли рани с превръзките на second skin. skin има първо име и името e second. second skin предлага се навсякъде където се предлага skin.

Translation: Hide your many round wounds with the second skin bandages. Skin has a first name and the name is second second skin, available everywhere where "skin" is sold.

Notes: Everytime skin is said, it’s in english, meaning an in-game skin and not literal skin.

Credit: SaberBro08#3339 on Discord & some random weeb on the internet from Youtube

Patient No. 8

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Transcription: Patient numéro 8. Sujet à des délires mégalomaniaques. Convaincu d'être un ninja Persuadé de pouvoir voler dans l'espace.Sujet a compulsions: doit appuyer sur ses propres boutons dans un ordre numérique spécifiques lorsque la situation ne tourne pas à son avantage. Le patient numéro 8 est un paradoxe ambulant. Note: le patient numéro 8 est une machine lente, colérique et manquant d'assurance. Il lui est "virtuellement. impossible de se séparer de son pistolet laser. Toute provocation pourrait avoir des résultats meurtriers. Assure que son mode défaut est rage. Assure de ne pas être apprécié par son entourage sans pouvoir donner d'exemple précis pour se justifier. Des examens supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour explorer l'obscurité dissimulée dans cette machine composée de panneaux de fibre à densité moyenne. *Speaking to someone* Nicole marquez le pour jeudi en 8 et mardi en 15... ah mais c'est pas éteint ça ?

Translation: Patient number 8. Prone to megalomaniacal illusions. Convinced that [he] is a ninja. Convinced that he can fly in Space. Subject to compulsions: must press his own buttons in a specific numerical order when the situation does not turn to his advantage. Patient number 8 is a walking paradox. Note: Patient number 8 is a slow, angry, insecure machine. It is "virtually" impossible for him to part with his laser gun. Any provocation could have lethal results. Make sure his default mode is rage. Ensures that he is not appreciated by his entourage without being able to give a precise example to justify himself. Further tests are needed to explore the darkness inside of this machine made out of medium-density fiberboard. *Speaking to someone* Nicole mark it for Thursday the 8th and Tuesday the 15th. *Unheard response*Ah. but isn't that off-*cuts off*

Notes: Probably the densest clip ever discovered in the Livestream.This is a clear reference to 8-bit, the small, angry, deadly, and slow trophy road brawler. This is due to the clip specifically mentioning the number 8, the fact that the patient is slow has to press his own buttons, the fact that he cannot be separated from his laser gun (additional pun being the mention of the word "virtually", due to 8-bit being a machine.) and the fact that he is made out of medium-density fiberboard. This is interesting to note, because as the name implies, fiberboard is made out of wood fibers, not plastic or metal as would be expected of an arcade machine such as 8-bit. Maybe this points towards a new 8-bit skin being made out of wood? Some comical allusions are of 8-bit being socially insecure and easily jealous whenever he's around his entourage (the arcade trio), him believing that he is a ninja (hilarious) and that he can fly in space. This is yet another mention of space in the Livestream, another example being the Russian galaxy audio excerpt. User Ladi on twitter (https://twittercom/Ladi22565654/status/12911588376853667847s=2) pointed out that this might as well be Virus 8-bit being mentioned, due to patient #8 containing some sort of darkness that needs to be explored further. It could also mean that 8bit can literally transform into his virus counterpart. To quote Ladi once more, "to add, virus 8bit's voice lines have hints of jealousy and lack of motivation. For example: " I am not a bug, I am a feature!". Anyways I still can't believe that 8-bit wants to be a ninja, that is hilarious. In regards to the actual audio clip itself, it seems to be a psychiatric briefing common for many therapists, with it being implied that 8-bit is visiting a therapist to deal with his behavioral issues. Nicole, the other person mentioned besides the narrating therapist, might be a name to consider if more clips like these appear. and to conclude, the most important takeaway from this audio clip are the two dates specifically mentioned, Thursday the 8th and Tuesday the 15th. These would be 10/8/2020 and 9/15/2020 respectively, which seem a bit askew given how supercell has released the season updates. Anyways, the 15th is the day after the next season starts, so who knows what's in store for us.....


Roller coaster

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: *Music Plays* If you or a loved one is suffering from molecular reconstruction as a result of a rollercoaster,*audio distorted* You may be entitled for a gift card voucher settlement worth up to 35 gems. * screams of joys*. Don’t let Big Coaster throw you for a loop. Call now for free consultation.

Notes:This is a pretty straightforward clip, simply being a compensation ad common to any radio station advertising monetary compensation for certain medical conditions. In this case, said illness is molecular reconstruction; or in avid WKBRL theorist terms, -molecular reconstruction" can be another way to say shapeshifting... Another allusion to the term skin hidden in these clips that I'm associating with a new brawler. Another thing to note is the direct mention of a rollercoaster! Each time these theme park allusions are mentioned, I can't stop thinking about Kairos Time's theory  in terms of humor in this audio clip, I find it hilarious how only a maximum of 35 gems is being offered for an injury as significant as molecular reconstruction. Another weird thing to note is how the radio spokesperson doesn't mention a number at the end of the commercial... if this were an ARG, a number would clearly be available for us to call and uncover more clues.

Kaw Talks

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: *Music plays* You’re listening to Kaw Talk. This crow’s got the tough answers for your toughest questions. *Telephone Jingles plays* *dial tone*

Female voice: Hey Crow, my Genie and I have been together for about 8 months now, and….. Well, I am not sure I want to be around him anymore. I’m afraid to bring it up because I don’t want to hurt his self-esteem, but shouldn’t a person be able to rub a lamp without rubbing all this codependency too? Don’t get me wrong, Gene’s great. I mean, he gave me a wish. But is making me feel responsible for his happiness really a fair exchange for a backyard pool? I guess I just feel he needs to find his own bottle, You know?

*Crow kaws*

Wow! I never thought about it that way! I AM projecting my fear of commitment, and that isn’t fair to my partner. You’re totally right! We need to designate an emotional support zone where both parties feel safe and open the lines of communication in order to work toward a greater mutual understanding! Thanks, Crow *call end jingle plays*

Notes: A very humorous clip about taking responsibility for your relationships. Pretty adult stuff, don't you think? Here we have direct to two different brawlers, Gene, and Crow. This time Crow is an actual bird and the host of a couple's advice telephone show called Caw-Talk. Some of the unimportant details in this audio clip include the mention of a backyard pool, a clear reference to the Christina Aguilera song of the same name, "Genie in a bottle", which is also about responsibly dealing with relationships, and the allusion to an emotional support zone- yet another tie-in to the subject of mental wellbeing present in these clips.

Skin of Mike

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: *Music starts playing* Have the skin of a princess but the heart of a coal miner? Then you might be Mike. *echoing* Become the calloused, sun deprived, explosively spectacular you... Lil' miss scratchy beard, stubble stuck and a mouthful of missing teeth-you. It's not shapeshifting, it's skin transplant. *echoes* Skin of Mike.... 'Repeats, echoed*

Notes: A very vivid and rather morbid description of some of the physical characteristics our favorite coal miner has... this is an advertisement for a -skin transplant" for the young women interested in transforming themselves into their true selves, something that goes along with their true inner identity, that being an elderly coal miner with an affinity for explosives. This is yet another audio clip mentioning "skin'. and even shapeshifting. Could this be a hint of what the latest brawler in the game does?


Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: *Rock Music starts playing* Today’s Rock Block is powered by Gene-a-lator. The only genei repellent guaranteed to eliminate Geneis. Rub your lamp the right way: Gene-a-lator .

Notes:This is an ad most likely airing within a radio station/ television channel dedicated to streaming exclusively rock music, with the particular term being used here being "rock block", i.e. a "block" of content, such as rock music. This advertisement, alongside the Meteor on Demand ad, are currently the two ads framed as sponsorship deals for two shows- the first being a podcast called "Space junk", and the second being this unnamed rock music radio station. This is a clear reference to Gene, and the second time he's been mentioned in the livestream after the Caw-Talk advertisement. This ad is one side of the coin, being thematically parallel to another similar ad, also dealing with Genies. As to why the advertised product seeks to repel "Clean" Genies is still a mystery to me. Is this why genies are found homeless and astray in the next upcoming ad?

Genie without lamp

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: *Bell chimes* *Sad piano melody starts playing* Right now, all over the world there's a genie without a bottle, while another is trapped in a takeout container, with yesterday's French Fries. These frightened, mostly innocent Genies don't even know how to wish for the hope of a better lamp *Piano starts swelling* Three Wishes Genie Shelter leaves no surface unrubbed, in order to find these genies and help them learn to lamp again. But we can't do it alone. For the price of an energy drink, you too can save these wish-less genies left unloved and adrift. Won't you help us? *strange sound plays* We can't end genie lamplessness, but we can help light the lamp that lights the way.

Notes: A pretty hilarious yet sad advertisement for a genie shelter for all the homeless genies around the world. Once again, another clear reference to Gene, making this the third time he's appeared in the livestream. Did you also happen to catch the reference to Max as well? As I mentioned previously, this is the other side to the "Genie" coin, being thematically opposed with the Genealator ad. Instead of wanting to repel genies, this ad is all about taking them in and caring for them, as any animal lover would. Other than that, this ad isn't that special, mostly just being a fun scenario easter egg. Imagine a world where Genies ran wild like Pokemon... Sounds fun. doesn't it?

Cactus repellant

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: Тази реклама е катрикалукактрикалус единствения осинин мехлем доказан да защитава кактриална инфекция от ооикновени охапвания на кактус. Сега със аус

Translation: This advertisement is for “Catricaricatricaus", the only aspen ointment proven to protect against “Cactrical" infection from ordinary cactus bites. Now with Aurus (?)

Notes: : As short as this advertisement is, it is one of the most bizzare and dense ones out there. First off, this is yet another reference to Spike, this being the third time he's appeared after the Cowboy Ivan Cactus Patch ad as well as the other Bulgarian advertisement. This time though, it appears as if things have gotten out of hand, with "cactus bites" being clearly mentioned- a direct call-back to the Cowboy Ivan advertisement which mentioned "little men' inside cactuses and cactuses having "teeth'. Is there a pandemic of miniature cactus people going around hurting humans? All I can think about is Spike's beta description... Two of the words present here, "Cactricaricactricaus' (the product name) and "cactrical", are actually made up. Try saying the first word four times quickly! The second word goes along the lines of "bacterial' so it might as well just be wordplay. In regards to the actual ingredients used in the ointment, Aspen is most commonly found in North American tree species, an out of place allusion for an ad that seems to be airing in Eastern Europe. In regards to the other ingredient mentioned, “aurus", it actually refers to an armored limousine produced in Moscow. Russia... Not exactly useful. but it still ties in with the whole Eastern Europe setting. This is an ad that seems to be dropping some lore in regards to the Brawl Stars characters, along the lines of the French Darryl ad.

8-Bit meditation

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: *Extensive binaural hum* Find a comfortable position, sitting, or lying down, in your dark corner of the Starrcade. *Bird chirping* Notice how you're feeling right now. Physically, and mentally..... *Rustling* Take a deep breath... and release it. Let the air carry the pent-up aggression up and out of your cabinet. Notice where your control panel is tense. Focus your attention on your buttons.... with each breath, your buttons will become unstuck, and more easily tappable. Breathe in insecurities rooted in slowness....Breathe out total world domination. Now, begin to create a picture in your mind, where your enemies bow to you. Visualize the sights, sounds, and smells of fear from your foes. You feel calm and safe here. Repeat after me: I appreciate who I am. I value myself as a video game console. I deserve to be unplugged. I deserve to be free. I look forward to no longer having my buttons smashed. I view my shortcomings as strengths not yet developed rather than as weaknesses. I accept my lack of speed. I am important. I am a console with flaws. I love myself as I am. I nurture the memory cards within me.

Notes:This extremely long, (4 minutes and 12 seconds) soothing yet terrifying audio track once again features 8-Bit, our megalomaniacal, anxious and deadly walking arcade machine in what seems to be a direct tie-in to the Patient #8 psychological briefing. Here we can hear 8-Bit relaxing to the tune of world domination and the destruction of all his enemies... pretty crazy how such a villainous character has such a relaxing audio clip attributed to him. We know that 8-Bit walks around unplugged, being powered by a battery instead, which makes me think that 8-Bit suffered a very stressful past, being subject daily to hundreds of kids pounding on his buttons at the arcade he inhabits; all he wants know is to take a break from this wanton suffering... and even perhaps take over the world. What really catches my attention is the mention of a "Starrcade", the same company present in the billboards around Super City as well as being the main group attributed to that mysterious logo being found everywhere these days, from the hidden crowns in the environment to its hidden appearance in Barley's coaster. Does this mean that Starr is the company behind 8-Bit and quite possibly other machines in the Brawl Stars Universe? This is a mystery that'll take a while to solve... in the meantime we can enjoy this soothing audio track and speculate on what everything means.

Paper company

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: At Consolidated Paper and Cardboard, we have all the top quality corrugated paper products to fit your office, small business, restaurant or bar needs. Our inventory includes paper towels and napkins, paper cups, coffee sleeves, and our best-selling bar coasters. Our thick high-quality coasters are heavy-duty and reliable, able to soak up water from the sweatiest, most condensation-covered glasses. Never again will an inconsiderate customer slurp down his or her sopping wet glass on your beautiful polished wooden table, ruining the finish with a blatant disregard of the rules. *Anger noises* Consolidated coasters are strong enough to soak up the wet inconsiderate puddles from the most selfish rule breakers in the world. Here at Consolidated it makes us... Let's just say it makes us very angry to even think about people not using our coasters when they're right there available for use. In fact this anger can often feel all-consuming a rage that starts deep in the chest and is in danger of spilling over into a parade of fury that will blot out the sky. USE A COASTER, USE A COASTER. USE A COASTER, GAAH! If we have to tell you this one more time we'll destroy every wet fiber of your being. Do not test our patience. We will— [Music] Consolidated paper company, the products you should always use. Consolidated paper company, the products you should always use! 🎶

Notes: this sound is a clear reference to Barley's Last Call animation.

Sounds added on August 20th and laterPlayer 1, get ready

Archived at: Starrchive

Notes: This sound was heard for the first time shortly before the 8-Bit minigames easter egg was found.8-bit's iconic voiceline is uttered after being followed by a series of sounds that may be a code (probably not). This is all that the clip sums up to, most likely signaling the existence of the easter egg minigame to the avid listeners of the livestream. Analyzing what the Mini-game itself contains is a whole topic in itself.... but nevertheless I would like to address a few insights of mine: I believe the whole minigame to be a mental health PSA: we literally delve into the mind of an emotionally unstable and insecure individual whose pent up anger is an issue he is currently working to resolve. This can be seen by his visits to a therapist/psychologist in the Patient #8 audio clip as well as his extensive meditation audio clip. This is a journey of self-discovery for 8-bit, as he attempts to move on from a painful past of being extensively abused as an arcade machine and become his own individual. It is a very heartfelt story, surprisingly deep for a game as comedic as Brawl Stars.

Dancer’s Audition

Archived at: Starrchive

Transcription: Are you a dancer!? Come dance for us, we’ll hire you. We need dancers for our fun summer show. It’s an amazing show and safe for everyone. We need more dancers right now, but not only good dancers; if you are a good dancer, come dance for us, and we will hire you. If you are not good, we will teach you. And then you can join the show! Many, many, healthy dancers with strong immune systems and few family connections, will get a job in the dance show. Spinning is important, it’s a big part of the show. Come to audition! We want dancers who don’t notice things, so pay attention to your instructor, no wondering eyes. Just pay attention, eyes forward and dance, ok? Do you have a weak sense of smell? That's a plus too. Please bring your own shoes to the audition and dance at your best!


Credit: Moncho115#7355 from Discord

Bird Brothers

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription:Saturday mornings of Hatchery-Miss-Matchery ! That’s right, everyone’s favourite duo-bird brothers with the same mother are at it again, in an all new episode skyward (??). Check local(…) for feather rocket fun.

• Notes:

• Credit: Moncho115#7355 from Discord

Scrap-surance Ad

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: Do you work on a scrapyard? Are you sick? If you answered yes to one or both of those questions, then you may be eligible for health insurance coverage on Scrap-surance healthcare. The only insurance company by, and for scrapyard workers, we specialize in medical conditions, such as… being sick. Don’t let life scrap you by (?), call scrapinsurance health insurance today.

• Notes:

• Credit: Moncho115#7355 from Discord

Frozen TV Ration

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: Minuet Monday [possibly “Menu at Monday”] is brought to you by Frozen TV Rations. [Try] Frozen TV Rations. It’s like having a theme park in your mouth. Find it in the frozen section of your grocery store.

• Notes: Possibly a hint to a future winter-themed update.

• Credit: dd.pardal#3661 from Discord

Sounds added on September 2nd

Announcement from S.P. Corp.

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: The following announcement is from S.P. Corporation and its legal affiliates. It is intended for the audience of the defendant in the pursuant matter who will henceforth be referred to as “Rey”. “Rey” has been problematic concerning the inquiry and obtainment of information regarding the development of property construction and operation of joy-based businesses for the express purpose of jubilant children and well-fed adults for and by S.P. Corporation. “Rey” has unlawfully procured and shared information regarding but not limited to:

• Unaffiliated radio stations,

• star-shaped joy hats,

• personal voice messages pertaining to shovel repair,

• arcades and/or Starrcades,

• robot-operated saloons,

• socks befitting cacti,

• self-actualizing arcade cabinets,

• skin second and otherwise shape-shifting,

• phone-based meteor delivery applications,

• space exploration and space-related theorization,

• ambiguous smiley face locals,

• and any other confidential materials that shall remain secret.

In addition to “Rey’s” inaccurate French translations, the perpetrator has broken doctor-patient confidentiality by sharing “Patient 8’s” personal information in the form dictation notes intended for the sole purpose of the attending physician. Furthermore, “Rey’s” unauthorized collaboration with an individual known only as “Advertisement Guy” is particularly offensive to S.P. Corporation. In regard to the above reference matters, “Rey” is instructed to cease and desist all further inquiries, postulations, posits, presuppositions, assertions, wanton allegations, and reckless speculative guesswork, effected immediately under the threat of a lifetime ban from entering S.P.-owned properties and its affiliates. “Rey” is hereby informed that the information that he has shared is false and defamatory and did not go unnoticed. Have a day as bright as starving.

• Notes: This is the first clip to mention people from the community. It mentions Rey and Advertisement Guy. The voice that says “Advertisement Guy” sounds distinct, maybe indicating that the original clip had someone else’s name, but it was later replaced.

• Credits: dd.pardal#3661 from Discord

Mind your own business degree (Lex Speculation Warning)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: Do you have lots of people following you,hanging on to your every word? Are you a powerful, influential individual? Have you ever thought about using your power and influence for good? Instead of nosiness is your name... Lex? Then it's time you earned a mind your own business degree from Haven University. In less than six weeks, or as quick as right exactly now you could be using your powerful voice to talk about all sorts of helpful things, instead of using your voice for a bunch of fizzy body pot stirring. You could be talking about almost anything at all: life hacks, makeup, car mods, costume design, unlikely animal friendships, or just sit there crinkling some paper into a microphone. With a mind your own business degree from Haven, almost all topics are fine, except a few specific ones about mysteries and secrets that need to be kept quiet. The mind your own business degree from Haven University it's not just a degree, it's a warning. *in a fast-paced voice* This message is relaxed. We're specifically telling you to be quiet. This is mandatory. We are not messing around.

• Notes:

• Credit:

Semi-Finals with Bibi Cartoon (Vampire)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription:

• Monster: *Evil Laughter* You're pretty confident for a human; let's see how confident you are when you're bad as a bat

• [sound of wind]

• Bibi: Give me my bat back you stinking monster.

• ??: Come on, umpires do something.

• Umpire: What do you mean; umpire? I'm a vampire.

• ??: Come on team and all those jacks this is original semifinals

• Umpire: Battles up get it because he's back he's max

• Bibi: Watch it nerd.

• Monster: Get ready for a knuckleball

• ??: Look out he just threw his own knuckles [Music]

• Bibi: Kodiji whack

• Notes:

• Credit:

Semi-Finals with Bibi Cartoon (Monster Parts)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription:

• Evil character: *Evil laughter* Say goodbye to your regional semifinals, loosers!

• *locking sounds*

• Bibi: What a [inaudible], you cheating, no-good abomination! You made a big mistake! It’s no use, we’re locked in! We’re never gonna make the game on time.

• Unknown #1: Which means we’re gonna have to floof(?) it.

• Unknown #2: But my dad said he was gonna come to my game…

• Unknown #1: How are we gonna play a baseball game when we’re locken in the equipment room with all these monster parts?

• Bibi: Monster parts, you say? Say(?), that gives me an idea. Team Huddle, activate!

• *i don’t even know how to describe this sound*

• Unknown #2: Regional semi-finals, here we come...

• Notes:

• Credit:

Starr Corporation Road to the Future Promotional Ad

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription:  Here at 超巨星 (chō kyosei) Starr Corporation, we do more than invest in goods. We shape the soil, and soil the seas. We are the technology behind the claws(?) in your house. We are the computations that help your dynamite candles light the way. We are the burning coal that illuminates the basement furnace to power the road to now. A road paved with power and pavement. Where is this road going? Places. Possibility of potential. Because of that 超巨星 (chō kyosei) Starr Corporation, it's our believe that all our chemistry, all our completion(?), all our inventions, once you divided by x and carry the one, they add up to the future. That’s not a guarantee, it's a promise and a warning. 超巨星 (chō kyosei) Starr Corporation

• Notes:

• Credit: Moncho115#7355 from Discord

Song request for Adrian Carter: Barking up the right Tree

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: Up next a request for a nosy Adrian Carter who's been sniffing around to other folk's business again here's "Barking up the right Tree" by the "Singing Canaries" for a certain smartypants out there who has a nose for knowing stuff about other people's stuff. [Music]

• Notes:

• Credit:

Song Request (Mind Your Own Biz)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: This song request goes out to a certain someone who seems to know a little too much about a certain something. Here’s Mind Your Own Biz by Doctor Shhh for Pop Comic. Sounds like someone’s on to something. [Music]

• Notes:

• Credit:

Song Request (Stop Spillin' Secrets)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: *Music* And here’s a song request for rouge fellow Marco, hello! Who stumbled upon something private and told everyone about it. Here's a [??] classic “stop spillin’ secret by the discreters. Sounds like someone uncovered [??]

• Notes:

• Credit:

Song Request (Dashing Towards the Truth)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: [Music] And now a special song request for a dangerous fellow, who cracked open an egg full of someone else's secrets. Here's "Dashing close to the truth" by the Code breakers for Zipper04. Be careful with those mystery eggs, pal! [Music]

• Notes:

• Credit: Fredrick#2880 from Discord

Sound request for Coxxer221

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: Esta canción está dedicada a Coxxer21, que está yendo demasiado de la lengua. Suena: ¿Qué más sabes? Secretos Implicados. Seguida de: De Verdad, No Pasa Nada, Solo Queremos Saberlo, de los Calladitos. Para una persona que está hablando de más sobre cosas que todavía no han salido a la luz. [Musica de Piano]

• Translation: This song is dedicated to Coxxer221, who is talking too much. Now playing: What more do you know? Involved Secrets, followed by: Really, Nothing’s Gonna Happen To You, We Just Want To Know, from The Silenced. For someone that has been talking about things that haven’t seen the light.

• Notes:

• Credit: Moncho115#7355

Sound request for Develop Art

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: А эта песня для того, кто думает что всё понял. "Да ладно?" в исполнении группы "Рот на Замок". Для нашего любознательного DevelopArt1. Похоже кто-то скоро доумничается.

• Translation: Now this song is for the one who thinks that he understood everything. "Really?" performed by the group "Shut up the Mouth". For our inquisitive DevelopArt1. Looks like someone has to stop showing their thoughts soon.

• Notes:

• Credit: Vanya_N#0419 from Discord

Song request for Moji with flower emoji

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: *music* Hello there listeners. Quick reminder: if life is a game, you need to slow it down. Going too fast is a bit too much. This next song goes out to moji with the pink flower emoji. It’s called Slow Down, Slow Like a Slug by Project and the Lazers. And remember, folks: just because you’re not first doesn’t mean you’re not a Starr. Catch you on the flipside

• Notes:

• Credit:

Song request for Zipper04: Founded Out

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: This song request goes out to someone who's got a knack for uncovering stuff that's supposed to be hidden. Here's "Founded Out" by the "Redacted 6" for Zipper04. [Music]

• Notes:

• Credit:

Special Special Message to Special Special Listeners (Morse Code for Zipper04)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription:
Morse code in the sound:

• Notes: The Sentence said this sound was in english, but in a Jamaican accent. Which made it hard to understand. There was a long Morse code which translated to above.

• Credit:

Saturdays are now Mondays Ad (Brawl Talk Date Confirmed)

• Archived at: Starrchive

• Transcription: *music* Everybody’s favorite day is now a different day. That’s right, If you love Saturday then you’re gonna love Mondays. Because Monday’s the new Saturday. All the Saturday flavor you know and love packed in a shiny new Monday wrapper. It's like Saturdays but Mondays. Try it now... if now is Monday. *music*

• Notes: A Hint to the next Brawl Talk being on a Monday

4.2. 2020년 9월 6일 폭로

2020년 9월 6일. 일본어로 여러 음성이 재생되다가, 의문의 노인[12]이 나와서 "진실을 말하겠다" 라고 이야기를 늘어놓다가 중간에 라디오에 불이 나서 사라진다. 스타 파크의 핵심 떡밥을 담고 있는 것으로 추정된다.
<rowcolor=#eb1c7b> THE RANT(폭로)
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px "
{{{#!folding [ 원문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-6px -1px -15px"
(Energy Drink Spills)

Unknown voice #1: “Hello? Can you hear me? Is anyone- is anyone out there? Can you hear me?”


Conspiracy Theorist: Hey, h-okay. It’s on MIC’S ON, MIC’S ON, MIC’S ON! CHECK-CHECK-CHECK ONE-TWO ONE-TWO ONE-TWO That’s enough!


Conspiracy Theorist: Hello? Ha-h-did you hear that? Im gonna keep talking, I’M GONNA KEEP TALKING.


Conspiracy theorist: Ha! I-imma-Hey! Huh! Ha-I don’t have much time. Listen. Listen, open your ears.


Here we Go! Up to meeeee, I’m talkin’ now. (Whispers) people watching I can’t talk very long. We’re running out of time, I gotta get this out-okay. (grunts) ITS 100% DAILY REQUIREMENT OF TRUTH! COMING AT YA!


Hello! Ha! Hey! I don’t have much time. I snuck in here, and I was able to dig in through the basement door and I was able to- (???) I talk to you RIGHT NOW! About WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON IN THIS WORLD! And heyyyy, there’s so much I can discuss. Ohhhh man, I want to talk about a lot of things. [I’m] gonna tell you the TRUTH, about everything that I’ve seen and the things I haven’t seen because they live in the UNSEEN world. How can you see what you can’t see? Well you gotta close your eyes first! Get up and get something, okay? You gotta dance, but dance in your mind. Okay? Think about it, think about it, think about it. What am I thinking about? Gems. Why? Because WHAT ARE THEY!? WHAT ARE THEY!? HOW’D THEY GET HERE? I wanna know but I do know but I don’t know (allegedly) I- someone I can’t talk about… but here’s what I do. Know. For facts. You change one letter in gems and you get GERMS. That’s right, they got things we ain’t even tought ’bout before! And they have them before we can even conceive the notion that they exist that’s what we’re talking about and it’s not gonna be a fun time to go up there, unless you can get through the rainbow door. Now of course, allegedly, there is an (?) AND IT DOES INVOLVE PENGUINS. Now, back to penguins: why are they wearin’ that formal dress? What kind of party are we talkin’ bout? Ohhh, there’s so fancy! What are they doin’ and whyyy do they have them dress up so much? I know for FACTS that penguins are devious creatures. They are in an alliance, with many seabirds beyond the borders of this dimension! Interdimensional birds! Yes! But I digress… but at the same time [I’m] right on point. There ain’t no tickets, for a carnival, that you can’t buy tickets for! Exactly! You gotta get in for freee! How? The Back. Gate. Why? Because that’s where the fun is! You gotta take your interdimensional snippers, and cut that fence! And sliiide in underneath! I’ve had my mind blown before, have you? Obviously not, that’s why I’m talking to you, here, now listen, (cutting off) shovels. (cutting off) Everybody knows it. And bats are upside down for a reason. (silence) Okay, who controoools the gem economyyy-ah? and why (???) the word. E-Con-No-Me? Con. Meat. E. They connin’ me! They con you! WE’RE ALL BEING CONNED! THAT’S WHAT THE ECONOMY IS, THINK ABOUT IT! I don’t have much time. I don’t have a lot of time, I gotta get this out. Okay. Uhh. Eeeehhhh- They’re comin’. Why are they green, why are they purple? Why are they such delicious flavors-looking-colors? Why’d they look like you’d wanna eat ’em? You can’t. You have to eat them with your mind. You have to get inside the gems... I’m telling too much but I’m not telling enough, and I haven’t said anything yet. Shhh, they’re comin’. I don’t know where. (grunts) (grits teeth) (whispers) I have to be quieter. Bu- an- at the same time I have to be louder, BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT HEARING WHAT I’M SAYIN’! Think about it. The moon. Is made. Of moon. Rocks. What are rocks? Gems. In another form. Ahahahaha. Sometimes truth is not rewarded. Sometime a gem is only an agate! But sometimes it can be much moore than that. Crack it open to see what’s there. (silence) Gosh, sometimes its so clear to me that I cant believe everybody’s got blinders on out there. Take your blinders off and look around! Ohh! I just did it, and I don’t know where I am. It’s a competition, it’s a dancin’ competition (laughs) on our minds that’s what we’re gonna do. Allegedly. I can’t be s-quoted from that. Do not quote me. I won’t be quoted. I gotta tell you the truth about things. (inhales) Spaghetti. What is it? What is it hidin’? They got something in those meatballs. This is a game. I’m telling you right now, it’s all a game. Press start, press select, check the map! Where am I? Who am I? Answer’s out there, over and over again. Who am I, who am I, who am I? Who am I, who am I, who am I? Why do you know who you are if your skin keeps changing? Hmm? Think about that. We got skin swappers over here swapping out skins left and right. They’re trading them. They’re trading them, they’re traders (traitors?)! Who are you  when you look in the mirror if you don’t… the person you saw yourself yesterday? Hmm? Somebody else! That’s who! I wish it was an elephant. Rhiiinocerouses (sic.) never existeeeeed! Take yourself a chill pill and wonder out loud to yourself “who is controlling my character?” Is it me? Or is there a second player out there? PLAYER TWO HAS ENTERED THE GAME, WOOOOOOOW! Oh no, someone’s comin’. (silence) Okay, they know I’m here. Obviously, but I don’t have time- (stutters) You get that. So I gotta spit it out and I gotta spit it out real quick, okay? What about this, what about this? Space. Starr. Starr Space, Starr, starr with two “R’s” look at the spelling! It’s all there- their grammartarians (sic.) don’t make mistakes. Every mistake is a clue. Two “R’s”. I take those two “R’s” and I take one of ‘em out. That’s an extra “R”. I don’t need that there. And I put that “R” over in my favorite word: Gem! And I squeeze it right in the middle; what’s it turn into? Germ! GERM! GERM! (gasps) I think I heard someone coming down the hallway. But it could’ve just have been the footsteps in my mind. Anyway, I don’t have much time. (sigh) Ok, let me getcha wha- (shudders) let me tell ya what’s really happening. -Huey. Okay. Okay. Penguin feet: Are they hooves? Are they claws? I DON’T KNOW?! I DON’T THINK PENGUINS KNOW! I never seen one of them (look) down! Huh- singularity! Huh? Singularity! Is there an echo in here? No, I said it twice because that’s how important it is. Okay. Crows are too smart for their own good. I say this a lot of times, I had- I had a crow friend, use to bring me shiny objects in exchange for food. WE’RE NOT FRIENDS NO MORE! They knooowww, they know too much. That’s why they’re flying around squawking’. Don’t tell me Crow, don’t tell me what you know before you know what you know. Okay. Crows. Blinking Lights. They connect. How? I’ll show you. Every time a Crow blinks a-a light goes out. (whispers) blinkin’ lights. (unintelligible) (You) ever thought about Morse code? Who was it made for, and why’d they even invent it? How do they know the dots and the slashes, and the slashes with the dots, wat makes those letters? Hmm? I know. I asked them myself, by going (morse code). If you know what I said, don’t repeat it! Where’d I get this information from? Not important. I didn’t hear it from you, you didn’t hear it from me. I know it makes too much sense. That feeling you feel is your mind being blown! Hang on to your cranial capacity cuz we’re going deep! Alright, (unintelligible) now think about it: it’s a game, it’s a show it’s a game show! Bingbingbingbingbing Winner! What d’you’d win? Another laptop of pain! Don’t take the prize! Look into door number 2! What’s behind door number 2? Gems. What’s behind door number 1? Feral children running in the jungle! They control everything! What’s behind door number 4? There was no door 4. You’ve made a huge mistake my friend. You’re trapped now, forever! Interdimensional theme parks. Do they exist? Obviously. Are they expensive? You bet your butt! (sighs) Guys-Guys-Guys. And girls. And everyone, I’m gonna reveal something to you real quick that’s going to blow everyone’s mind I have to do it right now. (Breathes in) b-by right now I mean a couple moments. It’s too intense to just spit it all at once. I gotta talk real slow when I say it. There. Is. A. secret. Coming. Opp- (silence) Now I have a genie. Yes. He haunts me in my dreams sometimes. I happened (upon) him by a lake, when I was doin’ some prospectin’. Foolishly I rubbed it. What I’d find? Nothing good turns out he’s (been?) had cursed that object, I interrupted the spell and now he’s cursed, and attached to me. Is it a picnic? No. but is it nice to have company sometimes? Yes! Look! There’s a LOT GOING ON! Gumballs, red, blue, green, yellow, black, white, huh? No. Think. With. Your eyes. Don’t use your mind, shut your mind off. They’re starting to show, they’re obvious you can see them everywhere. We got- we got disasters, appearing left and right. Posing as toxic waste, as a toxic waste, that’s basic, that’s grade school-level answer. We gotta go a little beyond that. The truth is stuck in tall grass somewhere. We gotta cut the grass, see the truth! It’s there, it’s there. All I’m doin’ is putting patterns together. See what I’m seeing. Yeah. Well listen to me tell you (something) right now. There’s disasters everywhere. Could they be toxic waste? Yeah, they could. You know what I could be a cow on the moon! I’m not! And it’s not. What is it actually? Comets. Comets. Disasters are only disasters if you think of them as disasters. I-huh. I gotta tell you this one for now. Cactus ain’t what he says he is. That cactus. Is not. What. He claims. To be. Now (unintelligible) (safe to say?) he’s a little bit shifty. A little bit prickly. I don’t find that to be the case, in fact, he’s a little too friendly if you ask me. He’s a little forward. Yeah. I don’t know what happened but- I’m pretty sure that cactus payed my student loans. I was in deeeep. Woke up one mornin’, all them gems piled up. I think that he did it. I don’t know can’t prove it. I saw him wink at me one time. I couldn’t tell if it was friendly or sinister. It was just kind of a weird vibe. He always got his hands up. I think. What does he know that we don’t? Where. Is. He. Getting. His. Water? Cac-ti. Cacti. Again, formal. Formal wear. Tie. Penguins! Think about it. Penguins start with “P” cactuses have a “P” in them. Just do the maths...Okay? But dont add up the numbers add up mind numbers. Add up the stars; add up the gems; add up the thing you cant add up; and subtract and ‘do not’ divide. Division was given to us by them. Why? To divide us. I only multiply. I only “X” i only “+”. Never subtract; never divide. only open your eyes. Realize. Realize. Realize. Did I say three things or three different things? You think about it.

I was in a creepy old cemetery.  I couldn't interrupt (?) no music. Who is the DJ here; is he dead? I don’t wanna (??). I don’t wanna do all that. (whispering) Someone’s coming. Maybe it’s a record producer. (in normal voice) Now… But you are in a radio station. But you’re stuck in here! I can’t talk a lot… OK… There’s an old ranch of cowboys and cowgirls running around. IS THAT CACTUS FOLLOWING ME?! That was a dream I had the other day. Dreams can be clues for real life. Always make sure you sleep most of the day! That’s the deal; you pay the ticket, you take the ride. But I’ve seen people [in] the cemetery [that] shouldn't be there. I[’ve] seen that bambire(?), ghosty,  goolish fella’, with the shovels and the baseball ball… in the cemetery… at mid-night. What’s he doing there? Does he live there? Is he renting? What’s the price? I TELL YOU THIS MUCH: the rent is too high anywhere else but the cemetery. I don’t think he has got a job. HE DON’T GOT A JOOOOB! HA-HA! Neither do I.

That’s not the point. Well the point is here, is we’re connecting the dots. When there were no dots, d- do we connect it? We’re connecting the meatballs with the pieces of spaghetti. Why? Because that’s penguins’ favourite food. But it’s outlawed, so they become criminals! To find the (?) of spaghetti. Black market, where they’re receiving all the Italian food they can eat. Oh, those penguins, they’re not my friends, not like the crows, those are my best friends. But (??) differences (?) here.

We have gems. Where are the gems? At your feet, (?), there’s the clues. Aw, gh-. I can’t talk for long. Tick-tick-tick, the clock is ticking, but the weird thing is, it’s ticking backwards. Open your eeeeeyes! I’m (?) there- I’m- I’m hearing strong language, that rid(?) hits are sick. I’VE BEEN ALIVE A LONG TIME, AND I’VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING AS CRAZY AS THIS! I’m hearing people saying inner earth creatures. Uh-uh, didn’t hear from me, okay? Could be people outside the concavern(?), I don’t wanna talk about them much.

Oh, the pieces are all there. They (?) solved it, we’re just missing a corner piece. YOU GET HOME; YOU OPEN THE PUZZLE; YOU PUT IT ALL TOGETHER; THE CORNER PIECE IS MISSING; WHAT DO YOU DO?! You go back to the store, and you get another puzzle. AND YOU MAKE A SCENE AT THE STORE, TO THE [POINT] PEOPLE START VIDEO-TAPING YOU, WONDERING WHAT THE HECK THIS GUY IS DOING, MAKING A SCENE ABOUT A PUZZLE PIECE. That’s a true story.

I don’t recommend that. But you can take from that and learn from it, learn from my mistakes. Gems, carnival, (??) children in the jungle. What’s their names? They don’t have any! Here’s what they don't want you to know, they have weaponized spaghetti. We are talking military grade pasta. We’re talking ‘bout pasta industrial complex. We’re not gonna-, we’re not gonna strand-, we’re not gonna penne that is so lethal. No one knows what to do with it. we can’t store it anywhere. We are talking angel hair pasta with devil’s face. They are so incredibly powerful we have to bury it ten thousand feet underground with a (?) of a billion years. Now that is tasty pasta and a spicy meatball. But they won’t talk about the meatball are so spicy. (HUHUHUHU) . Time to spice (??) eyes out of your socket. they have weaponized spaghetti; Yes obviously they have technolized  spaghetti beyond what we can imagine. Now i think that nuclear reactors are par to par with this technology. How can I prove it? I can’t. Do I make a claim? No I don’t. It’s alleged. Forks! Forks! Forks! But no knives. Haha! No knives. I have no time explaining what you want. They are onto me. Alright now we (nounounou) give it (??). Everyone's fighting. Everyones (??) spaghetti . Are they connected (huhuhuh). what isn’t connected (sound cuts off) that's what I am doing. Everyone’s fighting wild (??) I see you; I see everywhere; I see division; I see cowboy fighting a robot. Where they at before. How they start fighting. I see umm… a Vampire ghosty creature fighting a mummy. Now i thought THEY WERE ON THE SAME TEAM. What do we know? nothin’. Ok? I see a cactus fighting everybody and I thought he was my friend. He was a friendly of one who he was fighting. I mean I tell you what(??) Sometimes I feel I am in a cosmic roller Coaster right now. Okay? I am spiralling and spinning out and in. spinnin out (??) spinnin in. you need to spin in and not spin out. It's all coming together, just like spinnin on top of a wheel and eventually you vomit truth. That’s what happens. You (??) that you have been told school. That was (??) hello wake up get your bells going off and you have slept the whole day DING-DING-DING. Simulation theory. You know about it? off course you do. But what if it's true. What if everything is a lie. Everything’s illusion. It’s all a game, it’s all a game. I’ll tell you this right now, hmmm. You can't?? turn the game from me. Come on! Turn on, turn off. See what you can do. I A M S P I N N I N G?? O U T , and I am inside a SIMULATION. Is all we see around us, illusions, lies, half-truths, inversions?. I’m not doing it, hmhm. What is it? Not thinking! hmm. Think about it. Yes, okay. SIMULATION. How do we know that we are real? That I’m real, that you are real. THAT ANY OF THIS IS REAL! (??) don't seem that real sometimes. A lie is getting to a point?? where I am really sure that I am not even able to control my arms and limbs. Hooo, and they are coming for me. Oh yes, you can bet on that.

Does anyone knows what it is inside of these Starr crowns on the ground? I have found one. The other day. Have a lot of people coming to me saying they found them. A lot of chatter, a lot of talk. And comments, I read the comments. Absolutely, I comment on the comments. You better believe I been interacting with my fans. I DON'T HAVE THAT MANY FANS. What I do know is I know that a lot of people are seeing them. And you can't disguise what they mean. TIRAANY! is a possibility. Not saying if it is what’s happening or not. Where are the crowns pointing to? Mmmm. Out there, the starrs, the stars that are out at night, watching us, like surveillance eyes, like a billion-eyed monster. I am seeing a lot of these things and I’m saying myself that something is going on here. The crowns ain’t right, they match ??

They are coming! They are coming for our heads. They want to sit on top of our heads, I´ll just put it on my head. DON'T DO IT! THINK ABOUT IT! We got ?? these crowns, wear these crowns. Let’s count the way they are pointing at (??). We’ve got one, we’ve got two, we’ve got three, we’ve got four! We’ve got, (rumbling) nineteen! Nineteen points. Are you kidding me? That’s way too many points on a crown to be a coincidence. I’m not a coincidence theorist, okay? That is not what I do. (??) bag, baby. I am not go there?? I go HERE. four, nineteen. Take one away, three point one nine PAAH. PAAHH. Not (??) cherry, not talking blueberry, it ain’t poisonberry either guys! Is math PAaHH, 3.1924589646892396 or? 21234967849422216 (??). I don't know if that’s the real number, but that's what it does, allegedly. It just keep going, don’t quote me on that. Mhhm. But what happens that 1 you took from 4-19 to make 3-19. Where did it go? Where did it go? Just disappeared? Is not how reality works! It has to go somewhere. You take away from one thing, it has to go somewhere else. That’s physics. Where did it go? Where did it go!? ANTARCTICA! PENGUINS GOT THE NUMBER ONE! They look like the number one, look at them. A bunch of number ones walking around. Wattling? here and there, on that foOOzen continent. ohh, they know secrets no man can tell. Ohh, yes they do. Penguins know things that even I don't want to know, and they won’t tell us either. And I’m trying to invite a penguin into this show, to see his side of the story. Or hers.. I would ask them: Where do you (stutters) think you are!?

Don't trust the bat, don't do it. They are night creatures, and they belong to the night. Let them have the night. And let the night have them. (pretty long silence)

I don’t enjoy maths, but maths is (stutters) something that is important here. I get, I get it. That's how life goes, sometimes you sit to do one thing, another thing comes away. You take the ticket. Okay? Who’s controlling who? We are in a simulation, I have to go to the bathroom. Is that a conspiracy? Hahahah, science points yes. Why do they give us water? Red, blue, green! Marbles? No, gumballs, yes! Shovel full of bats, the cactus! Every needle in the cactus is a LIEEE. That’s how they are! Untruthful. That's how you can tell. You want some truth? It’s free, just listen. Here we go, think about it, think about it, think about it. I am (pretty long silence). Here is my thing, here’s THE thing. Mommy ? (audio distorts a little), hear this. They don't want you to see it, they know! Hahha, what I’m saying is dangerous, that’s why I have to talk about something else. Electricity! Isn't what you think it is, okay? It’s the opposite.

Find yourself open to these ideas. Find yourself! Look inside yourself and ask yourself, why am I talking this way. Yeahh, exactly. But enough about that, let's talk about this. Here’s my message, and that’s what I consider the facts. What is facts? Pretend?? the word, F- act. I’m an actor. What? I got really mad?? now. Yes, we are all presenting, we are all wear masks. You don’t know where you are until you see your backside! Think about my thoughts now. Consider this mindwaves! Oh oh! Serve’s up?? in the mind beach. I knew myself, I had to tell myself what I knew in myself. The self is a shelf, and you’re opening up the door and you find yourself more and more.. OLD BEANS. Old beans at the back of the shelf, when did they expire? They are still good, probably. You didn’t hear it from me. Allegedly, this is not financial advice! But I would invest in beans. Why? Exactly. But I can't tell anymore about that, in fact I have said too much already.

There are good conspiracies, there’s bad conspiracies, where am I? I’m on the side that doesn’t believe in good and evil. They divide, and then they conquering. So I conquer to divide. You see what I’m saying? I’m building a bridge. A mind bridge between my mind and yours. That’s what we are talking about. These words are formed on a mind bridge. Hear what they are saying, and look where they’re going.

That’s all the time I have. I don’t have much, I can’t do it anymore birthdays or announcements. I don't even know why I’m doing this. I found those on the radio station, I hijacked into. I shouldn't be doing this at all! Whether?? on the favs. There’s a blue sky tomorrow! Here’s something, I gotta go. They are coming. Oh no! Oh,  I smell something. It’s green gas! It’s seeping in the door. I gotta get out of here. Yo hear that? Somebody is coming, someone took me off. They heard me, and they didn't like what I was saying. They know that I know, that they don't know what I know. It’s time for me to show them what I know. And by that I mean “N O”, I say no to this! Goodbye! Farewell, good luck. (silence) I’m still here! I haven't left yet. The door exit is (???), I think I´m stuck in here for a while. The gas is coming in! So I guess I´ll just keep talking. I see you on the other side. No, you can't do it, I won't… Hey! Get out of here. This is my truth booth. Nooo, Ahhh! That was pretend, they haven't come in yet, but I was doing a drill in my mind just to make sure I was ready for it. I’m ready for it. (loud alarm noises in the background starts) Okay, now they are coming for real! NOOO! Get out of my truth booth! Remember the truth I said! (alarm keeps on going)
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안녕! 와!

난 지하실 문을 파고 여기에 몰래 숨어들어와서 시간이 별로 없어.

하지만 이 세상에 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 얘기는 당장 해야겠어, 그리고 논의할게 엄청 많다고.

자, 난 내가 본 것과 그들이 보이지 않는 세계에 살기 때문에 내가 보지 못한 것들에 대해서 진실을 얘기할거야.

네가 볼 수 없는걸 어떻게 볼 수 있냐고?

그럼 먼저 눈을 감아, 일어나서 뭐라도 해, 알았지? 춤을 춰, 다만 마음 속으로 춤을 춰야 해.

그래, 그걸 생각해보자, 그걸 생각해보자, 그걸 생각해보자...

내가 뭘 생각하게? 보석들이야.

왜냐고? 그것들은 뭔데? 그것들은 뭐냐고??? 어떻게 여기까지 온거지?

난 내가 뭘 아는지 알고 싶지만, 내가 말할 수 없는 누군가에 전해진 바에 대해선 몰라.

하지만, 이건 진실에 대해서 내가 아는 것들이야.

너가 보석(Gems)에서 한 글자만 바꾸면, 세균들(Germs)가 돼.

그래, 그들은 우리가 전엔 생각치도 못한 것들을 생각하고 있었고, 우리가 존재한다는 것을 깨닫기 전의 것들을 가지고 있었어. 그게 우리가 이야기하는 거야. 무지개 문을 통과할 수 없다면, 거기까지 가는건 즐거운 일이 아니지.

물론 이제 전해진 바에 의하면 출구가 있고, 펭귄이 관련되어 있지.[13]

이제 펭귄으로 돌아가서, 그들은 왜 정장을 입고 있을까?

우리가 무슨 파티에 대해 이야기하는 걸까? 오, 너무 환상적이야. 그들은 뭘 하는 거지? 왜 그렇게 차려 입는 거야?

난 사실을 알고 있어. 펭귄들은 사악한 생명체들이야.

그들은 차원의 경계를 넘어서 많은 바다새들과 동맹을 맺고 있어.

다른 차원의 새들! 그래, 주제에서 벗어났지만, 난 동시에 포인트를 잡았어.

축제엔 티켓이 없어, 살 수 있는 티켓이 없다고!

정확히 넌 무료로 입장해야 해.

어떻게? 뒷문으로. 왜냐고? 재밌으니까!

다른 차원 간의 절단 가위를 가지고 울타리를 싹둑 잘라버려. 그리고 슬며시 들어가.

난 큰 충격을 받아본적이 있어, 너는 어때? 아마 아닐거야.

이게 내가 여기서 말하고 있는 이유야.

이제 들어봐 #$%@ 모두가 알고 있는 거 &*$# 그리고 박쥐가 뒤집힌 것엔 다 이유가 있지...

좋아, 누가 보석 경제(Economy)를 통제하지?

그리고 단어를 철자대로 읽어보면, E-CO-NO-MY... CON MEAT E...

THEY CON ME(그들은 날 속이고 있어), 너도 속고 있고, 우리 모두가 속고 있는거야!

이게 경제가 뜻하는 거야.

생각해 봐, 난 시간이 별로 없어. 시간이 정말 없으니 그 이야기를 꺼내야겠네.

좋아, 음... 말해보자고. 그들이 오고 있어.

왜 그것(보석)들은 보라색이지? 왜 그것들은 녹색이지? 왜 이렇게 맛있어 보이는 색깔들이야?

왜 너가 먹고 싶어하는 것 같지? 안 돼.

마음으로만 먹어야 해. 넌 보석 속으로 들어가 봐야 해.

너무 많은 걸 말하고 있지만, 난 충분히 얘기하지 않았고, 아직 아무것도 말하지 않았어.

쉿, 그들이 오고 있어. 난 어딨는지 몰라.

난 조용히 말해야겠지만, 동시에 더 크게 말해야 해. 너가 내 말을 못 들을거니까.

생각해 봐, 달은 월석으로 만들어져 있어.

돌은 뭐지? 다른 모양의 '보석'이야. 하하하하하

가끔씩 진실은 보상받지 못해.

가끔씩 보석은 단지 마노일 수도 있지만, 때로는 그것보다 더 한 걸수도 있지.

그걸 부수고, 열고, 안에 뭐가 있는지 봐...

세상에, 가끔은 모두가 눈가리개를 하고 있다는 사실이 내게 믿기지 않을 정도로 명확해.

모두 눈가리개를 벗고 주위를 둘러봐!

난 방금 그걸 해냈고, 난 지금 내가 어딨는지 모르겠어.

이건 경쟁이야. 이건 우리 정신 속에서의 춤 경쟁이야. 전해진 바에 따르면, 이게 그들이 하려고 하는거고, 난 거기에 인용되지 않을 거야.

날 인용하지 마, 난 인용되지 않을 거라고!

이제 진실을 말해줘야겠어, 바로 스파게티야.

그게 뭐야? 그게 뭘 숨기고 있는 거야? 그들이 미트볼에 뭔갈 했나?

이건 게임이야. 내가 지금 말하는거지만, 이건 모두 게임이야.[14]

시작을 눌러! 선택을 눌러! 맵을 확인해! 난 어딨지? 난 어딨지?

네 스스로에게 계속 물어봐, 난 누구지? 난 누구지? 난 누구지? 난 누구지? 난 누구지? 난 누구지?

네 피부(스킨)가 계속 변한다면, 넌 왜 너가 누구인지 알겠어? 응?

여기에 왼쪽이나 오른쪽으로 움직여서 스킨을 교체하는 스킨 교체기가 있어.

그들은 거래하고 있어, 그들은 거래하고 있다고, 그들은 배신자야!

거울을 볼 때, 어제의 나와 다른 사람이 있다면 넌 누구인 거야? 응? 다른 누군가! 그게 누군데!

난 내가 코끼리였으면 좋겠어, 코뿔소는 존재하지 않거든.

진정제를 먹고, '누가 내 캐릭터를 조종하고 있지?'라고 너 자신에게 큰 소리로 물어봐.

나일까? 아니면 저 밖의 두번째 플레이어일까?

플레이어 2가 게임에 접속했어, 우와아!

오 안돼, 누군가가 오고있어!

그래, 그들이 내가 여기있는 걸 분명히 알고 있어. 하지만 내겐 시간이 별로 없어.

그래서 난 계속 말을 쏟아내야 해, 그것도 엄청 빨리, 알겠지?

이건, 이건 어때?

우주 별, 별 우주, 별(Starr)의 스펠링엔 두개의 'r' 있어.

그들의 문법주의자는 실수하지 않아, 모든 실수는 바로 단서야.

두개의 r 중 하나의 r을 가져가 봐. 그리고 그 r을 내가 제일 좋아하는 단어에 붙였지. 보석(Gem) 말이야.

가운데를 꽉 쥐면, 뭐로 변할까? 세균(Germ), 세균, 세균!

하, 누가 복도로 내려오는 소리가 들려.

하지만, 그게 내 마음속에서의 발소리일수도 있으니까...

어쨌든, 난 시간이 많지 않아.

좋아, 차를 가져올거야, 그리고 무슨 일이 일어난 건지 말해줄게.

좋아, 좋아, 좋아... 펭귄 발, 발굽인가? 발톱인가? 난 잘 모르겠어, 펭귄도 잘 모를걸?

난 아래를 내려다 보는걸 본 적이 없어! 뭐? 특이점[15]! 뭐? 특이점!

여기 에코가 있냐고? 아니, 이게 정말 중요한거라서 내가 두 번 말한거야.

좋아, 까마귀는 자신의 이익을 위해선 정말 똑똑하지.

내가 이걸 여러번 말하는 거지만, 난 까마귀 친구가 있었어.

그는 음식과 교환하려고 반짝이는 것들을 가져오곤 했지.

우린 이제 더 이상 친구가 아니야!

그들은 너무, 그들은 너무 많은 걸 알고 있어.

이게 그들이 까악거리면서 날아다니는 이유야.

날 까마귀라고 부르지마, 네가 알기 전에 네가 아는걸 말하지 마.

좋아, 까마귀들. 반짝이는 빛들.

서로 연결되어 있지. 어떻게냐고? 내가 보여줄게.

까마귀가 깜빡일 때마다 빛이 꺼지지. 깜빡이는 불빛.

모스 부호에 대해 얘기해본 적 있어?

누가 이름을 지었고, 왜 그걸 만들걸까?

그들이 점과 선 혹은 선과 점이 글자를 만든단걸 어떻게 안걸까? 흠?

난 알아. 난 그에게 (모스부호)로 물어봤지.

무슨 뜻인지 알았다면, 따라하지 마.

이 정보를 어디서 얻었냐고? 그건 중요하지 않아.

난 너한테서 그걸 들은게 아니고, 너도 나한테서 그걸 들은 게 아니야.

이건 꽤나 말이 되지. 지금 너가 느끼는 감정은 네가 충격을 먹고 있다는 거야.

이제 뇌 수용력을 꽉 잡아, 우린 더 깊이 갈거거든!

좋아, 이제 생각해봐, 이건 게임이야, 이건 쇼야, 이건 게임쇼라고!

빙빙빙빙빙 승리! 넌 뭘 타갈거야? 노트북의 또다른 고통!

상을 받지 마!

2번 문 뒤에 뭐가 있지? 보석이야.

1번 문 뒤엔 뭐가 있지? 정글을 달리는 야생의 아이들이야.

그들은 모든 것을 통제한다고.

4번 문 뒤엔 뭐가 있지? 4번 문은 없었어.

넌 큰 실수를 저지른거야. 넌 여기에 영원히 갇힌 거라고!

여러 차원 간의 테마파크[16], 그게 존재하냐고? 확실하지. 그것들이 비싸냐고? 확실하지!

소년 소년 소년 소녀, 그리고 모두들, 모두들을 충격 먹게 할 무언가를 지금 바로 공개할거야.

난 지금 그걸 해야만 해.

자, 잠깐만, 한 번에 다 뱉어내기에는 너무 강력해.

난 정말 천천히 말할 거야. 비밀이, 오고, 있#$%@어.

이제 내겐 지니가 있어.

그래, 그는 가끔 꿈에서 날 괴롭히지.

탐사를 하던 중 램프를 발견했고, 어리석게도 난 그걸 문질렀어.

내가 뭘 찾았게? 아무것도 좋은 건 얻지 못했어. 그는 그 물건에 저주를 받아 왔으니 말이야.

내가 주문을 멈췄고, 그는 이제 저주에 걸렸고, 내게 붙어버렸지.


아니, 하지만 가끔 같이 있어줄 친구가 있으면 좋지 않니? 그래!

봐! 많은 것들이 있다고.

빨간색, 파란색, 초록색, 노란색, 검은색, 흰색의 검볼들, 응?

아니, 네 눈으로 생각하라고.

네 정신을 쓰지 마, 마음을 닫아 둬.

그것들이 보이기 시작했어, 어디서나 볼 수 있는 게 분명해.

사-사방팔방에서 재난이 나타나고 있어.

유독성 폐기물로 가장하는 것, 그건 기본이야. 초등학교 수준의 대답이라고.

우리는 그 이상의 것을 해야 해.

진실은 키 큰 잔디밭 어딘가에 갇혀 있고, 우린 그 잔디를 깎아내야 해. 진실을 보라고!

저깄네, 저깄어! 내가 하고 있는 건 패턴을 맞추는 것뿐이야.

내가 뭘 보고 있는지 봐, 이게 내가 지금 너한테 말해주려는 거라고.

사방팔방에 재난이 닥쳐왔어. 유독성 폐기물이냐고?

뭐, 그럴 수도 있어, 하지만 내가 달의 소가 될 수 있지만, 난 아니야! 그니까 그건 아니라고.

그럼 뭘까? 혜성들? 혜성들...

재난을 재난이라고 생각하면 재난일 뿐이야.

어, 자기 전에 지금은 이걸 말해줘야겠어.

선인장은 그가 말하는 그런 사람이 아니야.

그 선인장은 그가 주장하는 게 아니라고.

사람들은 그가 좀 교활하다고 말하지. 좀 가시돋힌 말이지.

난 그렇게 생각 안 해. 적어도 나한테는 꽤나 친절하다는 거지.

그는 엄청 정직해.

그래, 무슨 일이 있었는지 모르겠지만, 난 그 선인장이 내 학자금 대출을 갚아줬다고 확신해.

난 깊-이 잠들었다가, 아침에 일어났는데, 보석들이 쌓여있었어.

아무래도 그가 해낸 것 같더라고. 모르겠어, 증명할 순 없지만, 그가 내게 윙크하는 걸 봤어.

우호적인 건지 불길한건지 참. 그냥 이상한 분위기였어. 그는 항상 손을 들고 있지.

그는 우리가 모르는 걸 알고 있을까? 대체 그는 어디서 물을 구하는지 말이야.

선인장, 선인장...

돌아와서, 정장... 정장, 넥타이, 펭귄들.

생각해봐, 펭귄은 'P'로 시작하고, 선인장도 'P'가 들어있지.[17]

그냥 계산해봐, 알겠지?

하지만 숫자를 더하진 마, 마음 조각을 더해봐.

별을 더해봐, 보석을 더해봐, 더할 수 없는 걸 더해봐, 빼거나 나누지 마.

이 나누기는 그들에 의해 우리에게 주어졌다고.

왜냐고? 우릴 나누어 놓기 위해서!

나는 곱셈만 해. 난 'X' 뿐이야. 난 '+' 뿐이야.

절대 빼지 마, 절대 나누지 마.

그냥 눈만 떠. 깨달아, 깨달아, 깨달아.

내가 3개를 말했어? 아니면 3개의 다른걸 말했어?

생각해 봐.

나는 으시시한 오래된 공동묘지에 있었어. 테크노 음악을 방해할 순 없더라고.

DJ는 누구고, 그는 죽은걸까?

난 황혼에 가고 싶지 않아. 난 생각하고 싶지 않아.

누군가가 오고 있어. 어쩌면 음반 제작자일 수도 있어.

아니, 하지만 넌 라디오 방송국 안에 있는걸. 넌 거기에 갇혀 있다고!

많이 말할 순 없어...

좋아, 카우보이카우걸들이 뛰어노는 오래된 목장이 있어.

저 선인장이 날 따라오고 있는건가? 그건 저번에 꾼 꿈이였어.

꿈은 현실 세계에서의 단서가 될 수 있지. 하루 종일 잠을 자도록 해봐!

그게 거래야, 너가 티켓을 사고, 넌 놀이기구를 타고.

난 공동묘지에 있어선 안 될 사람들을 그곳에서 본 적이 있어.

삽과 방망이를 들고 있는 유령같은 그 뱀파이어를 봤어.

묘지에서? 밤 12시에? 대체 뭘 하는 거지? 그가 거기에 사는 걸까? 세 놓고 사는 걸까? 집 값은 어떨까?

난 이렇게 말해줄게, 공동 묘지를 빼곤 모두 집 값이 비싸다고.

내 생각에 그는 직업이 없는거 같아, 하하! 나도 마찬가지긴 해.

그게 요점이 아니지 참, 요점은 여기에 있어.

우린 점들을 연결하고 있어, 점이 없어도 연결할까?

우리는 미트볼과 스파게티 조각을 연결하고 있어.

왜냐고? 펭귄이 가장 좋아하는 음식이거든. 하지만 불법이라 범죄자가 돼버려.

스파게티의 스파게티를 찾기 위해서.

그들이 먹을 수 있는 모든 이탈리아 음식을 받는 암시장이지.

오, 그 펭귄들, 그들은 내 친구가 아니야.

하지만 까마귀들은 내 가장 친한 친구야!

하지만 여기에 차이점이 있어. 우리에게는 보석이 있지. 보석은 어디에 있을까? 발밑을 따라가면 단서가 있을거야.

으, 나는 모든 똑딱똑딱을 말할 수 없어. 시계가 똑딱거리고 있는데, 이상한 점은 거꾸로 똑딱거리고 있다는 것야.

눈을 떠! 난 아직 거기 있어. 난- 난 빨간 머리가 아프다는 센 언어를 듣고 있어.

나는 오랫동안 살아왔지만, 이것만큼 미친 것을 본 적은 없다고.

나는 사람들이 지구 내부의 창조물이라고 말하는 것을 듣고 있어.

어, 내가 말한 거 아니, 알았지? 동굴 밖에 있는 사람들일 수도 있는데, 별로 얘기하고 싶지는 않아.

오, 모든 조각이 거기에 있어. 그들은 그걸 해결했고, 우리는 모퉁이 조각을 놓치고 있을 뿐이야.

넌 집에 도착했고, 넌 퍼즐을 열지, 모두 맞춰보니까, 모서리 부분이 없네.

뭘 해야겠니? 가게로 돌아가서 또 다른 퍼즐을 얻는거야. 그리고 가게에서 장면을 녹화하는 거야.

사람들이 널 비디오 테이프로 찍기 시작하고, 얘가 뭘 하고 있는지 궁금해하고, 퍼즐 조각에 대한 장면을 만드는거야.

이건 실화야. 추천하는 방법은 아니야.

하지만 넌 그걸로부터 깨달을 수 있고, 배울 수 있고, 내 실수로부터 배울 수 있어.

보석, 축제, 정글의 야생 아이들. 그들의 이름은 뭐지? 그들은 아무것도 가지고 있지 않아!

그들이 네가 알기를 원하지 않는 게 있어. 그들은 스파게티를 무기화했다고.

우리는 군용 등급 파스타에 대해 이야기하고 있고, 우리는 파스타 산업에 대해 얘기하고 있어.

우리가 말하는건, 우리는 묶이지 않을거야, 우리는 그렇게 펜네(스파게티 면)를 안할 거야. 치명적이거든.

아무도 그것으로 뭘 해야할지 몰라. 우리는 그걸 어디에도 보관할 수 없어.

우리는 악마의 얼굴을 가진 천사 머리 파스타를 이야기하고 있지.

엄청 강력해서 반감기가 10억 년인 지하 3000km 정도에 매장해야 해. 이제 그건 맛있는 파스타와 매콤한 미트볼이지.

하지만 그들은 미트볼에 대해 말하지 않을 거야.

너무 맵다고. 후우우우... 눈이 튀어나올 만한 향신료라고.

그들은 스파게티를 무기화했어.

그래, 분명히 그들은 우리의 상상 그 이상으로 스파게티를 기술화했고, 이제 난 원자로가 이 기술의 일부라고 생각해.

어떻게 증명할 수 있나고? 나는 못 해. 내가 클레임을 걸어? 아니요. 전설일 뿐이야.

포크! 포크! 포크! 칼은 없어, 하하 칼이 없다고.

네가 원하는 걸 설명할 시간이 없어. 그것들 내게 있어.

좋아 이제 우리는 #&$@*!($&#(!$*&#^!*$%)!(#*&$^!@ 모두가 싸우고 있어!

모두가 스파게티를 먹고 있고, 모두가 싸우고 있어. 연관이 있는걸?

후우우우우, 연결이 안된건 $%^# 그게 내가 하는거야. 모두가 거칠게 싸우고 있어.

왜? 왜 다들 싸우고 있지? 난 보여, 그게 모든 곳에서 보여. 나는 분열이 보여. 로봇과 싸우는 카우보이가 보여.

그들은 전에 어디에 있었을? 그들은 어떻게 싸움을 시작 했을까?

나는 지금 미라와 싸우는 유령같은 뱀파이어를 본 적이 있어. 나는 그들이 같은 팀이라고 생각했다고.

우리는 뭘 알고 있지? 아무것도 아니야.

좋아, 나는 모두와 싸우는 선인장을 보았고 그가 내 친구라고 생각했어! 그는 싸우고 있는 사람의 친구였고 말이야.

내가 하고픈 말은 가끔 내가 지금 우주 롤러코스터에 있는 것 같은 기분이 들어, 알겠어?

나는 나선형으로 돌고 있어! 밖으로 그리고 안으로! 내가 회전해야 할 때 회전하고!

넌 안으로 돌아야 하고, 밖으로 돌아버리면 안 돼.

모든 것들이 하나로 합쳐지고 있어, 마치 바퀴 위에서 빙글빙글 도는 것처럼 말이야. 결국 넌 진실을 토해내지!

그것이 일어나는 일이야. 당신은 학교에서 들었던 것을 토해냅니다. 그건 주입식 세뇌야.

이봐 일어나, 석식 종이 울렸어, 넌 하루종일 잤다고. 딩동댕, 시뮬레이션 이론.

넌 그걸 알고 있니? 당연하겠지. 근데 그게 사실이라면 어떨까?

모든 것이 거짓이라면? 모든 것이 환상이야. 다 게임이야, 다 게임이야.

내가 지금부터 말해줄게. 흠, 당신은 내게서 게임을 끄지 않을 거야.

어서 해봐! 켜고 꺼봐. 너가 뭘 할 수 있는지 봐봐.

나는 돌고 있고, 시뮬레이션 안에 있어!

그게 우리 주변에서 보이는 모든 것들, 환상들, 거짓말들, 절반의 진실들, 반전들이지.

난 안할거야. 흠, 그게 뭘까? 생각하지 마! 흠? 생각해 봐, 그래.

좋아, 시뮬레이션. 우리가 진짜라는 것을 어떻게 알 수 있지?

내가 진짜라는 것, 너가 진짜라는 것 이 모든 것이 진짜라는 말이야! 가끔 거짓말은 진실같지 않지.

거짓말은 내가 내 팔과 팔다리를 통제할 수 없다고 확신할 정도까지 왔어.

후, 그리고 그들은 날 잡으러 오지.

오 그래, 그건 장담할 수 있어.

땅바닥에 있는 '스타 모자'에 뭐가 들었는지 아는 사람? 난 하나를 찾았어.

어느 날, 많은 사람들이 그걸 찾았다면서 내게 오더군.

많은 수다, 더 많은 얘기들.

그리고 댓글들, 난 댓글들을 읽었어. 물론 난 대댓글도 달아줬고 말이야.

내가 내 팬들과 함께 활동해왔다고 믿는 편이 좋을거야.

난 그렇게 많은 팬들이 없다고!

내가 아는 건 많은 사람들이 그것들을 보고 있다는거지.

그리고 넌 그것들이 의미하는 바를 숨길 수 없어.

독재! 가능성이 있다고.

지금 무슨일이 일어나고 있는지 아닌지까진 말 안해.

왕관이 어디를 가리키고 있지? 음?

밖에 있는 별들이지. 감시의 눈처럼, 억만 개의 눈을 가진 괴물처럼 우릴 지켜보고 있어.

나는 이런 일들을 많이 보고 있고, 여기서 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있다고 나 자신에게 말하고 있지.

왕관이 맞지 않아, 딱 맞아.

그것들이 오고 있어, 그것들이 우리의 머리로 오고 있어.

그것들은 우리 머리 위에 앉길 원해. 그냥 머리에 써야겠어.

하지 마! 생각해 봐!

우리는 이 왕관들을 얻었어.

한번 써보고, 그것들이 다른 것들을 가리키는 방법을 세어보자고.

한 개, 두 개, 세 개, 네 개, 열아홉 개! 열 아홉개의 뾰족한 부분!

장난해? 우연의 일치라기엔 왕관에 너무 많은 뾰족한 부분이 있다고.

난 우연 이론가가 아니야, 알겠어? 그건 내 일이 아니라고.

그건 내 관심사가 아니야, 자기.

난 거기로 안가, 난 여기로 갈거야.

4.19, 일을 빼서, 3.19, 파이!

파이! 체리 파이도 아니고, 블루베리 파이도 아니야.

독 있는 베리 파이도 아니야 얘들아, 수학의 파이라고!


난 이게 진짜 있는 숫잔지도 모르겠어.

하지만, 바로 그런거야. 전해진 바에 따르면

그건 계속 가는거야, 날 인용하진 마.

음, 너가 4.19로 3.19를 만들 때의 1은 어디로 가는걸까?

어디로 가는 걸까? 그냥 사라져버리는 걸까?

그건 현실에서의 작동방식이 아니야. 어딘가로 가야만 해.

하나를 빼내면 그건 다른 곳으로 가야 해.

그게 물리학이야.

어디로 간 걸까? 어디로 간 걸까?

남극! 펭귄이 1을 가져갔어.

그것들은 1처럼 생겼어.

저들을 봐봐, 숫자 1들이 땅 위를 돌아다니는 걸 말이야.

얼어붙은 대륙 위에서 이리저리 뒤뚱뒤뚱 걷고 있어.

오, 그들은 아무도 말할 수 없는 비밀을 알고 있지.

오, 맞아, 그들이 그래.

펭귄은 내가 알고 싶지 않은 것을 알고 있고, 그들도 우리에게 말해주지 않을 거야.

그리고 난 이 쇼에 펭귄을 초대하려고 해!

이야기에서의 그의 측면을 보기 위해서, 아니면 그녀일지도...

난 그들에게 물어볼 거야, '당신이 어디에 있다고 생각하세요?' 라고 말이야.

박쥐를 믿지 마, 절대. 그들은 밤의 생명체고, 그들은 밤에 속해 있어.

그들이 밤을 보내게 하고, 밤이 그들을 갖게 해.

난 수학을 좋아하지 않아, 하지만 수학은 여기서 중요한 거야.

알겠어, 알겠어. 그게 인생의 흐름이야.

때로는 앉아서 한 가지 일을 하고, 또 다른 일이 찾아오지.

티켓을 끊어, 알겠지?

누가 누굴 조종하고 있지? 우린 시뮬레이션 속에 있어.

나는 화장실에 가야해.

음모냐고? 하하하, 맞다고 할 수 있지.

왜 그들은 우리에게 물을 주는 걸까?

빨강, 파랑, 초록! 구슬이냐고? 아니, 검볼들이야, 그래.

박쥐로 가득 찬 삽.

선인장! 선인장의 모든 침들은 거짓말이야.

그게 그들이 거짓된 방식이지.

그게 네가 알 수 있는 방식이지.

진실을 좀 원해? 공짜야, 그냥 들어봐. 시작한다.

생각해, 생각해, 생각해. 나는.

이건 내 거지, 그니까 내가 말하려는 거 말이야.

이것만 들어. 그들은 너가 그걸 말하려는 걸 원하지 않아.

그들은 알아, 하하하하

내가 말하려는 건 위험한 거야.

그래서 난 다른 이야기를 해야 해.

전기! 네가 생각하는 그런 거 아니야, 알겠지? 완전 반대라고.

이런 아이디어에 대해 열린 마음을 가진 널 찾아. 널 찾아.

네 내면을 보고 스스로에게 물어봐, '내가 왜 이렇게 말하는 거지?' 라고 말이야.

그래, 정확해, 하지만 이거에 대해선 충분하게 얘기했으니까, 이번엔 저거에 대해 이야기해보자고.

내 메시지는 이래, 이게 내가 사실에 대해 생각하는거야.

사실이란 무엇일까? F-act. 난 배우네(act-or).

뭐? 나 지금 좀 화났어.

그래, 우린 모두 가면을 쓰면서 발표하고 있어.

넌 네가 네 뒷면을 볼 때까지 네가 어딨는지 몰라.

지금 내 생각을 생각해봐. 이 정신의 물결(뇌파?)들을 생각해봐.

오, 정신의 해변에서의 서핑이라.

난 나 자신을 알았고, 내게 알고 있는 걸 내게 말해야했지.

자아는 선반이고, 넌 문을 열고 너 자신에 대해 많은 걸 발견하게 되겠지, 더 더 더 많은... 오래돤 콩들!

선반 뒤에 있는 오래된 콩들.

언제 유통기한이 끝나지? 아직 신선한가?

어쩌면, 넌 내게서 그걸 듣지 못했을 거야.

전해진 바에 따르면, 이건 재정적인 조언이 아니야.

하지만 난 콩에 투자할 거야.

왜냐고? 정확히.

하지만 난 그것에 대해 더 이상 말할 수 없어, 사실은 난 이미 너무 많은 걸 말했다고.

좋은 음모가 있고, 나쁜 음모가 있어, 난 어딨는거지?

난 선악을 믿지 않는 편이야.

그들은 분열하고, 그들은 이기고, 그래서 난 분열하기 위해 이기지.

무슨 말인지 알겠어?

난 다리를 짓고 있어. 내 정신과 너 사아의 정신 다리 말이야.

그게 우리가 말하고 있는거야.

이 단어들은 정신 다리 위에서 만들어지고, 그것들이 말하는 걸 듣고, 그것들이 가는 걸 봐.

이게 내가 가진 시간의 전부야. 내겐 시간이 많지 않거든.

더 이상의 생일이나 발표를 할 시간이 없어.

내가 왜 이러는지도 모르겠어.

내가 하이재킹한 라디오 방송국에서 그것들을 찾았어.

난 이것들을 전혀 해서는 안돼.

5일의 날씨(혹은 좋은 날씨), 내일은 푸른 하늘이 될 예정입니다.

여기 뭔가 있어, 가야겠는데... 그들이 오고 있어.

오, 이런, 어떤 냄새가 나, 녹색 가스네.

문 사이로 스며들고 있어. 여기서 나가야겠어.

들려? 누군가가 오고 있어.

어, 누군가 날 따라했어(혹은 떼어냈어). 그들은 내 말을 들었고, 내가 말하는 걸 좋아하지 않아.

그들은 내가 아는 걸 알고, 내가 아는 걸 몰라.

내가 아는 걸 그들에게 보여줄 때라고!

그리고 난 이것에 대해 'N-O'를 의미할거야! 난 거절할거라고!

안녕! 여러분, 행운을 빌어!

난 아직 여기 있어, 아직 안 떠났다고!

문이 잠겼어, 내 생각엔 여기에 한동안은 갇힌 거 같아.

가스가 들어오고 있어!

그래서 난 계속 이야기나 하고 있어야 할 거 같네.

저편에서 다시 만나자!

안돼! 절대 안돼! 난 절대, 이봐! 여기서 나가! 여긴 내 진실 부스라고! 안돼! 아아악!

방금껀 상상이였어, 그들은 아직 들어오진 않았지만, 난 내가 준비됐는지 확인하기 위해 연습하고 있었어.

난 준비됐어!

[무언가 부서지는 소리 & 큰 사이렌이 울리기 시작]

좋아, 이제 그들이 진짜로 오고 있어!

안돼! 내 진실 부스에서 나가! 안돼! 아아악!

[무언가 부서지는 소리]

내 진실을 기억해!

내가 말한 진실들을 기억해줘!!!

[무언가 부서지는 소리]

4.3. 2021년 4월 19일 사건

<rowcolor=#eb1c7b> 2021년 4월 19일 사건
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px "
{{{#!folding [ 원문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-6px -1px -15px"
I'm locked out!
Can someone hear me?
Let me in!

WKBRL 1주년인 2021년 4월 19일 제시로 추정되는 여자아이의 목소리가 송출되었다.

4.4. WKBRL 3.0

<rowcolor=#eb1c7b> WKBRL 3.0 24시간 루프 송출 음성 목록(번역 필요)
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px "
{{{#!folding [ 원문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-6px -1px -15px"
WKBRL Jingle
The Start
Woman: Transmitting live from Starr Park. From the deep dark depths of the gem mine to the snowy peaks of mystic mountain. From the frontier to studio B. Forwards and backwards across space and time. You are listening to acceptable radio on WKBRL.
(in a deep voice)The voice that hears you.

First time locations have been noted in the WKBRL Livestream.
Deep, Dark, Depths of the Gem Mine
Gem Mine is being addressed here as a general location, a proper noun, meaning that there is only one of these present in the universe Starr Park is located in. Or, it might as well be the name of one of the attractions found at the Park.
“The Snowy peaks of Gem Mountain” Same applies as mentioned above.
“The Frontier”: Reference to the start of Brawl Stars as a Wild West-themed game. Could also refer to a particular section/attraction at the park wherein all is Western-themed.
“Studio B”: Most likely the same Studio we observe the livestream to be hosted in. Also note that “B” denotes a particular location as being underground, as mentioned in another audio clip.
“Forwards and backwards across space and time.”: A reference to the apparently dire relativity of Starr Park. Further enunciation/ theory crafting is required.
“You are listening to acceptable radio on WKBRL”: Any radio stations’ broadcasting denotes what the radio station plays as it is broadcasting. Some radio stations state that they’re playing “the latest hits” or “rock from the 80’s”. In this case, the radio station titled WKBRL is playing “acceptable radio '', another mention of Starr Park’s sheer control.

Credits: Notes by Advertisement Guy.
Listen like somebody's watching
Man: WKBRL reminding you to dance like nobody cares. *silence* Listen, like somebody's watching.
Good morning music
*plays music for a long time and keeps playing for the entire sound*
Woman: Good morning! You are having a good morning. Are you having a good morning? No? You are having a good morning. Now, isn't the weather lovely? The weather is lovely; the weather is sunny today. The sun is shining bright; the sun is a powerful star. Your smile is our window to your soul; don't let your teeth hold you back. If you are awake you should go to sleep. *her voice slowly dissolves* Go to sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
*music keeps playing for a long time*
Interesting the fact they say to sleep when it's just morning.

News & Weather Report #1
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. This is the news. Tonight’s feature story: Are you smiling enough? A news team special report. But first, let’s take a look at the weather forecast.
Thanks, news! The forecast is sunny and fine. The temperature is 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
The News guy and the Weather guy are the same person.
First of a series of similar sound clips which demonstrate the mental breakdown of the “News and Weather Person.” who makes their first appearance in this particular audio clip
Temperature here is denoted in Fahrenheit, meaning Starr Corp. uses the Imperial system. Not a surprise as the company is located in the United States.
The particular number mentioned, 74, has no direct correlation to anything in Brawl Stars/ Brawl Stars related. Further speculation required to denote its meaning.
Sponsorship: “Your Mattress” is obviously a fictitious brand, most likely demonstrating that Starr Corp. Only permits its own products to be used within Starr Park, especially the people who are permanently residents there.
“The Hard Sleep, that doesn’t let the night terrors enter.”- this seems to suggest the occurrence of night terrors is commonplace for whomever doesn’t sleep properly according to the aforementioned guidelines of “8 hours”
Curiously, the term “Hard Sleep” is usually used when people have trouble sleeping, not when people are deep within it. Another of Starr Park’s idiosyncratic statements.
One can only imagine what the night terrors mentioned here are… Further speculation required.
News & Weather Report #1 Sponsorship: Mattress
Woman 2: This news and weather report is brought to you by the mattress that you sleep on. It is mandatory that you get exactly 8 hours of sleep tonight. The hard sleep that doesn’t let night terrors enter. Your mattress. Sleep on it.
8 hours is the duration of the "Time for Sleep" part.

KairosTim: Hello, fellow brawlers! Kairos Tim here, once again.

Tim to brawl, Tim to not listen to fake Kairos and tune into my YouTube channel. Like it, subscribe now.
Tim, I’m Kairos Tim.

The one and only Kairos Tim makes a brief appearance in the WKBRL Livestream, reminding listeners to subscribe to his YT channel.
It's a parody of the famous Brawl Stars' content creator Kairos Time. The lore of this is: KairosTim says that Kairos Time is the fake Kairos, but actually it's just for his theories' videos; probably Starr Corp. feels accused because Kairos Time says they're evil.
Nothing to worry about / Acceptable music

Man: That one makes me not worry about anything at all. Every time I hear it. You have nothing to be worried about because you’re listening to WKBRL, your only acceptable music choice.

A reminder by the Radio Station Operator to not worry since we’re listening to WKBRL.
Rule #1: Wear your Starr Hat
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rules - Wear your Starr-hat all times.
You're listening to acceptable radio (jingle?)
Woman: You’re listening to acceptable radio, only on WKBRL.
Woman: Hold that smile, folks. There is absolutely nothing to be unhappy about. More hits from yesterday’s today as we know it. Coming up next on WKBRL.
Deep voice: The voice that hears you.
Easy on your ears
Man: That one makes me smile every time I hear it. And now, here’s another one, that’s easy on your ears.
Rule #2: Smile
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule-Smile! You’re happy.
Isn't happiness easy? (reversed)
Isn't happiness easy? Yes, questioning is hard. Questioning opens up the opportunity to be unhappy. But happiness is easy. You must be happy. It’s ok, everything is ok.
This sound and the music in the background are reversed.
Easy on your ears
Man: That one makes me smile every time I hear it. And now, here's another one that's easy on your ears.
News & Weather Report #2
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. This is the news. Is normal the new normal? A news team special report. But first, let’s check in with weather. Weather?
Thanks, news. The forecast is sunny and fine. The temperature is 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
Smile reminder #1
Woman: This is a smile reminder. Remember to show maximum teeth. If your tooth capacity is insufficient, employ issued teeth will be supplied.
Easy on your ears
Man: That one makes me smile every time I hear it. And now, here's another one that's easy on your ears.
Uninterrupted music sponsored by WKBRL Radio + reminder
Woman: That uninterrupted music hour was brought to you by WKBRL Radio, who reminds you to keep your chin up, head down and lips pressed together tightly and curled upwards at the ends.
Starr Park Siren System explainer
Woman: For your safety and the safety of others, please familiarize yourself with the Starr Park siren system.
2 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: If you hear this sound, this is an emergency. Please evacuate the area and [reconvene in sub?]level 5B, per emergency protocol.
1 second long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: If you hear this sound, it means this is a test of our emergency systems.
Please follow emergency protocol.
3 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: This sound means it’s lunchtime.
Rapid ringing siren plays.
Woman: This means a gate in the west quadrant was left ajar.
Slow ringing siren plays.
Woman: This means a gate in the east quadrant was left ajar.
4 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: This sound means it’s time to perform your semi-hourly quadrant gate check.
Rapid ringing siren plays.
Woman: This sound means the gate was successfully locked.
2 different sirens are played.
Woman: This sound means there’s an unauthorized mascot gathering occuring on the premises.
We don't know exactly where sub level 5B is.
They mention gates, probably because someone can escape from the park.
Interesting how there is a siren for mascots: the only mascots we saw in the investor video are a cactus and a penguin, that are references to Spike and Mr. P.
2 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: This is an emergency. I repeat, this is an emergency. Please evacuate. This is not a test.
This is Over
Man: That one makes me smile every time I hear it. And now, here’s anothe-
Deep voice: This is over.
WKBRL Jingle (listening to acceptable radio)
Woman 1: WKBRL radio. Always on, alwayz-
Robotic voice: accepted.
Woman 2: You’re listening to acceptable radio.
♫ WKBRL! ♫
Woman 2: The voice that hears you.
They Won't Press That Button
Man: And now, another long uninterrupted music hour. Don’t worry, y’all. They won’t push that button unless we force them to do it.
Still unknown what actually is "That Button" but seems like something relevant for the lore.
KairosTim's workout
Kairos Tim: Welcome everyone! This is Kairos and we’re gonna work out!
All rise. The time for muscle training is now. Are you ready? Are you feeling it?
Push-ups! Go! One arm. Decline with the clap in the middle. Go! Go! Go! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! All right, time for pull-ups. You got this, pinkies only, go!
Go! Iron cross, go! Keep smiling. And holding. And smiling. And holding. And smiling. Don’t lose it! You don’t wanna lose it. The smile, not the iron cross, you can always do another iron cross. But you can’t stop smiling, keep smiling, keep smiling. Now, rest!
Rest time over! Punch time, go! Punch right, punch left. Punch right, punch left. Punch right, punch left. Punch right, punch left. Punch right, punch left. Punch right, punch left. Stop! Now kick! Kickright, kick left. Kickright, kick left. Kickright, kick left. Kickright, kick left. Stop! And remember, this is Kairos. Muscle training is now complete.
Participants clap in the background.
The part where he says "Keep smiling" describes smiling like something you need training, because people in Starr Park have to smile for the entire day.
Maybe it is a workout for brawlers to improve their health for fighting.
Smile reminder #2
Robotic woman: This is your smile reminder. Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile!
Voice gets angrier with time.
Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile!
There. That’s better
News and Weather Report #3
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. THIS! Is the news. Breaking news today folks, everything is perfect. *laughs*, this has been the news!. And now, weather!
Man 2: *Laughs* Thanks news. The forecast is sunny and fine. The temperature is 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
Woman:WKBRL. Another rock, block and spiel of glockenspiel coming right up
Nothing to figure out / 9 gems are never enough
♫ Music ♫
Woman: Can you hear how happy you are? There is nothing for you to consider. There is nothing for you to figure out. Everything is as it seems
♫ Music ♫
Woman: No need to understand.
♫ Music ♫
Woman: Nothing to understand.
♫ Music ♫
Woman: Gems will make you happy. Nine gems are never enough. If you have 9 gems, you might as well have 0. Strive for 10. It's fine. It's finee~.
This sound contains a reference to Gem Grab game mode where you need 10 gems to win.
Lips Zipper Sponsorship
Woman: WKBRL is brought to you by the secret keeper Lip Zipper Company: makers of the zippers that keep you from blabbing about the secret you never even saw or heard about. Be a gem, throw away that key. And now, back to the end of the show.
Is it possible that the "key" is for a "safe"?
Extended WKBRL Jingle
♫Radio! Radio! Acceptable radio! Radio! Radio! Acceptable radio! W-K-B-R-L! Find joy on the radio! W-K-B-R-L! Find joy on the radio, radio!♫
This jingle reminds a lot the first song played on WKBRL daily loop (k-pop).
Nosey Questions
Woman: And now an hour of the only acceptable way to answer nosey questions like "Where is Starr Park?" and "What happened to Jessie?". You are listening to acceptable radio on WKBRL.
These two questions are really interesting and obviously they have not given us answers.
The question "What happened to Jessie?" is probably a reference to a WKBRL v2.0 sound discovered on April 19th 2021, where there was a girl, with a very similar voice to Jessie; we don't know exactly what happened to her but apparently she was locked somewhere(?).
You can find the sound here.
Joy Sounds Like
This sound appeared in the middle of the laughs
If this is what joy sounds like to you, you are correct! Here’s another killer.
Rule #3: Drink Water
♫ Music ♫
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests please respect the following rule drink water the moment has not yet come
♫ Music ♫
Man: Can you feel joy all around you can you see it turn around joy should be standing right there if joy is not hovering in your personal space ask a Starr Park joy enforcer for immediate assistance and now back to the show!
A Warm-Hearted Companion
Woman: You are a warm-hearted companion to all friends, all friends.
*woman laughing in the background*
News & Weather Report #4
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. This is the news. *scrambles through papers* *breathes in and sighs loudly*. This has been the news!. And now, weather!
Man 2: *Laughs* Thanks news. The forecast is sunny and fine. The temperature is 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
News & Weather Report #4 Sponsorship: Explosive Supplement
Women: This News and weather report was brought you by *explosion*. Let’s face it. Our bodies simply doesn’t make enough power, That’s why we made *explosion*, the only supplement fortified with raw power. Isn’t it time that your body did more for the power grid. Try *explosion* today. Now available in an easy to chew power plant based gummy form
Maybe this is a new version of an old advertisement on WKBRL v1.0 called My Little Mine(?).
Why Are You Not Laughin'?
Man: Why are you not laughin’? Are you not happy? Have you not been listening? There's no real reason to not be happy. If you are happy, act like it. This is truly a happy time here on WKBRL, The voice that hears you.
A Friend to Friends
Woman: You yourself, a friend to friends to friends
KairoTim's Laugh
KairosTim: HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, That's what KairosTim sounds like when he’s laughing.
Rule #4: The Past Should Remain There
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule: The past should remain there.
May Your Star Forever Shine Bright
Robotic female voice: May your star forever shine bright.
(audio track normal and reversed)
Laughters that keep getting reversed then played normal for several times.
We Are Happy
*In a slightly robotic and monotone female voice* The things we listen to make us happy. We are listening to WKBRL. WKBRL makes us happy! You are happy. We are happy! And we are listening…
WKBRL Jingle
♫ Music ♫
Different female voice: You are listening to acceptable radio - WKBRL! The voice that hears you.
Playing Today's Hits Today
Back to the monotone female voice: Playing today’s hits today, on Starr Park’s one and only source for acceptable music.
Rule #5: Questions Lead to Dead Ends
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule - Questions lead to dead ends.
Let Buzz Know
*In a slightly robotic and monotone female voice* The music is in you. Do you hear it? Are you drowning in it? Do you need a torpedo buoy? No? Okay. Well, if you do, let Buzz know alright? Let’s get back to the show
Contains a reference to Buzz, the brawler released in the same season as WKBRL v3.0 .
There is Nothing to be Unhappy About
♫Flute music plays in the background♫
Slightly echoing female voice: There is nothing to be unhappy about.
There is Only Joy Here
♫Flute music plays in the background♫
Slightly echoing female voice: There is only joy here.
Golf Ball Shaped Building
Man: For the record that they keep locked in a safe inside of a golf ball shaped building that I do not have security clearance for, that song is my favourite. And here’s my other favourite. WKBRL
We can see the "Golf Ball Shaped Building" in the investor video.
Non-Stop Flute
Man: We’re in the middle of another non-stop bamboo flute block. WKBRL.
News & Weather Report #5 (same as #1)
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. This is the news. Tonight’s feature story: Are you smiling enough? A news team special report. But first, let’s take a look at the weather forecast.
Thanks, news! The forecast is sunny and fine. The temperature is 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.

Toothpaste Sponsorship
WKBRL News is brought to you by Toothpaste. Toothpaste keeps your smile toothy, especially with all that energy drink you drink. Ask for Toothpaste wherever truths are sold.
Flutes Are Calm
Man: Flutes are calm!
Are You Crying?
Man: What are you doing? Are you crying? You are? It's a okay to cry as long as they're tears of joy. Ok. Stop joying all over the radio. Just stop. Stop it. I said stop joy. Wait, what am I saying? Keep joying. There's nothing wrong with joying, I'm joying right now and so are you. WKBRL.
The speaker was not noticing he was saying to stop the joy, literally the opposite of what WKBRL reminds for the entire loop.
Smile Reminder #3
Woman: This is your reminder to smile.
The Places I Went To In My Head
Man: I cannot even begin to tell you about the places I went to in my head during that last song. I want to but we're out of time. This is WKBRL: The Voice That Hears You.
WKBRL Jingle
Welcome Back
Woman: Welcome, welcome, welcome back *with deep voice*! We're about to kick off another uninterrupted hour of non-stop music. Now it's the time to enjoooy- joy *with high-pitched voice*.
Happiness and Contentment
Man: If you're like me, that piece really transports you to a place where joy can be enjoyed. And now, let's turn our ears to an arrangement from a completely different space and time. This next piece is a much more introspective journey: it sits at the intersection of happiness and contentment.
Rule #6: Time is an Illusion
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule - Time is an illusion.
First Time Hearing
Man: I feel like I've heard that one before…No, I'm being told that this is definitely the first time I'm hearing it. And guess what? I love it! Here's another one that I'm being told I love.
Long and Slow Clip About Happiness
*with music background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* What are you hearing is how it feels when you feel happy!
Isn't happiness easy?
You must be happy.
You must choose the right brawler for the right event.
The wrong brawler in the wrong event makes us all unhappy.
You must be happy.
*music keeps playing for more time*
You must be happy.
They mentioned some in-game things.
You Are Smiling, Aren't You?
Woman: Well, well, we have you smiling during this non-stop music block. You are smiling, aren't you? Now smile harder!
Smile Reminder #4
Woman: Don't forget to smile! Frowns will be turned upside down.
News & Weather Report #6
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. This is the news. Breaking news today folks, everything is perfect. But is it? Really…? This has been the news as sanctioned. And now, the weather!
The forecast? Sunny and fine. The temperature? 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
Your Friends
Man: That's another 60 minutes of uninterrupted positive vibes from your friends, your FRIENDS *with very deep voice*.
WKBRL Jingle
W-K-B-R-L: acceptable radio.
The Voice That Hears You
Robotic Woman: I don't know why the next hour makes me so happy. I can't figure it out. Every time I listen to it my ears hear happiness. I feel safe! And I feel like destroying a safe all at the same time. So will you? I- and The Voice That Hears You.
We can see a clear reference to the Heist gamemode.
Happiness is Inevitable
*with a calm music in the background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* Happiness is inevitable.
Do You Feel Joy?
*with a calm music in the background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* Do you feel joy?
Keep Fighting
*with a calm music in the background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* Keep fighting!
Smile Reminder #5
Woman: Check your face! Are you smiling? Smiling is fun! And mandatory.
What Is There to Worry About?
*with a cryptic sound in the background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* What is there to worry about?
News & Weather Report #7
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. This is the news. This is the news? Is this the news? This is the news. News is this-. News. News. Neeews this- *starts laughing* news *talks while laughing* this is the the this this news news news news this this news ah news news *breaths loudly* You snooze, you news! *laughs* news *laughs* Oh, I didn't news that. *laughs* Before I used... And now, weather.
The forecast? Sunny and fine. The temperature? 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
The news weather guy starts to be a bit crazy and schizophrenic.
Let's Find Contentment
*with a cryptic sound in the background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* Let's find contentment.
Everything is okay
*with a cryptic sound in the background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* Everything is okay. Everything is right.
This is Normal
*with a cryptic sound in the background start increasing*
Woman: *with slightly voice* This is normal.
*very loud and annoying plane sound*
The plane sound may be a reference to an image on starrpark.biz called "DREAMJET.JPG".
It can also be a reference to Janet.
You Like Gems
*with a disturbing sound in the background*
Woman: *with a soft voice* You like gems.
Rule #7: Questions
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule - Questions: less is more.
The Mind is Free
Man: Wasn't that delightful? Mind is free to do what mind wants. And mind wants mouth to say that *voice keeps decreasing* this is normal; mind also wants mouth to say this is acceptable radio on WKBR- *with completely decreased voice*
WKBRL Jingle
♫W-K-B-R-L *clap clap* The Voice That Hears You♫ *clap clap*
Sporadically Interrupted
Woman: Up next we plunge into another hour of sporadically interrupted acceptable radio music. Only on WKBRL: *with high-pitched voice* The Voice That Hears You.
Smile Reminder #6 (same as #3)
Woman: Don't forget to smile! Frowns will be turned upside down.
Designed to Keep You Calm
Woman: You are listening to WKBRL, the home of all the drips from yesterday, tomorrow and today. And now, soak yourself in another non-stop hour of radio designed to keep you perfectly, perfectly calm, in the hailstorm that is your existence. Do you understand?
"Yesterday, tomorrow and today" are actually the same day because of the daily loop.
WKBRL Jingle (calm)
*piano music*
*slightly voice* ♫WKBRL♫ The Voice That Hears You.
Submerged in Joy
Man: You are currently submerged in joy on WKBRL: The Voice That Hears You.
News & Weather Report #8
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
The forecast? Sunny and fine. The temperature? 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
The news weather guy has become schizophrenic.
Stay Engulfed
Man: Stay engulfed in this non-stop flow of containment- I mean contentment. Only on WKBRL.
It's not random this words' confusion between contentment and containment.
A Storm of Acceptable Radio
Woman: A storm of acceptable radio music is a bruin. Only on WKBRL: The Voice That Hears You.
Back in a Splash
Man: Back in a splash with another deluge of tunes, right after a break from our sponsor.
Sponsor: Please Stop
*plays piano music*
Woman: Do you find yourself questioning your station in life? Having flashes of another plane of existence? Experiencing occasional bouts of sudden realness?
If you are suffering from these things or more you may be experiencing a rare, but serious, condition called awakenings. These temporal existential interferences disrupt your permitted activities and threaten your permanence. But now there is help. Introducing: Please Stop. Please Stop is the only hourly pill perfectly engineered to quell awakenings; just one pill an hour keeps these disruptions where they belong: elsewhere. Awaken no more with Please Stop, please just stop. Ask your doctor today if Please Stop is right for you. We already know they'll say yes.
They describe "awakenings" as a bad thing.
Reminder About the Lights
*with water sound in the background*
Woman: Please remember: we will only turn the lights off if absolutely necessary.
Rule #7: This is Normal
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule - If you are feeling happy, this is normal.
This woman may be the same as the WKBRL v2.0 loop where she says for the entire time "This is normal".
Everything's Right as Rain
Man: Man, it's really coming down! How long has it been raining like this? Hours? Days? Past lives? Who am I to ask questions? Everything's right as rain because you're listening to WKBRL: The Voice-.
"Past lives" is an interesting mention.
WKBRL Jingle (acceptable radio)
W-K-B-R-L: acceptable radio.
The Contest
Man: Do you ever feel down? Do you ever feel like you haven't won the contest? I don't feel that way because I win contest and therefore I am happy, there is no other option. Here is an uninterrupted hour of radio music to make you feel the way you already feel all the time. WKBRL: acceptable radio.
Rule #8: Backwards is not a Viable Way Forward
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule - Backwards is not a viable way forward.
Always Winning
Man: WKBRL is where you are always winning, keep it tuned right here unless you want to lose.
(reversed music)
Real Life Person
Woman: Start tomorrow, "tomorrow"? Start your day right now with me, a real life person who plays popular radio music on the WKBRL.
News & Weather Report #9
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. I'm anchor name here. Or am I? The last thing I remember is news outro *starts News and Weather Report outro and continues while he's talking* cuts him off. Mh? Oh, yes. I see you did. *outro ends* Oh thank you. I am a puppet.
This is the first clip without the weather part.
The outro transcript is, like in the other News and Weather Report sounds:
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
The "I am a puppet" part shows us that after that schizophrenic break Starr Corp did something to him.
KairosTim: Wear Your Starr Hat All the Time
*plays KairosTim's jingle*
KairosTim: Hello fellow brawlers! KairosTim would like to remind you that there is no better safer way of wearing your Starr-Hat than wearing it all the time, even when you sleep, even when you shower, even when you try on another hat. This is Kairos!
This sound is a parody of an old Kairos Time Brawl Theory video where he says that Starr Hats are mind-control devices. And confirms he is right.
You've Won!
Woman: You are tuned to WKBRL. And because of that you've WON! And now, we must SING! We must sing! We must sing directly into the microphone or they won't know that we are singing because you won and therefore are happy.
"or they won't know"? Who are they?
Smile Reminder #7
Woman: This is your reminder to smile.
An Hour of Victory
Man: That was an hour of uninterrupted victory. I hope you feel it in whatever skin you're wearing; I hope your feet are marching in the correct direction; I hope you keep it tuned right here to WKBRL. And don't make the mistake of leaving.
The word "skin" refers to skins in-game.
WKBRL Jingle (techno)
♫W-K-B-R-L *clap clap* The Voice That Hears You♫ *clap clap*
Limitlessness of Space
Woman: Up next we will find happiness in the limitlessness of space, our origin. Let's go back there, together.
They define the space like their origin because Brawl Stars in the alpha version was a space-themed game.
But can the meaning be deeper?
Smile Reminder #7 (same as #2)
Woman: This is your smile reminder. Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile!
Voice gets angrier with time.
Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile!
There. That’s better.
Project Yourself
Man: Project yourself onto the outer reaches of the infinity galaxy; with laser focus you can find yourself shining brighter than any star there never was, because you are tuned into WKBRL. And you are drifting through space. *with deep voice*
Clear reference to Project Laser, the first 8-Bit's minigame.
Your Insatiable Appetite for Fun
*calm music in the background*
Woman: *with slightly voice* Technology has been domesticated to meet your insatiable appetite for fun.
It's a quote from investor video.
News & Weather Report #10
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Hello and good day. I'm definitely anchor name here and this is the news. This just in: Everything is perfect. *laughs* So perfect. Too perfect *continues laughing* if you really think about it. *laughs*
Where the [sic] weather at?
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
Ogawa Roof Sponsorship
Woman: This commercial free hour of Space Jams is made possible by the Ogawa Roofing company. Ogawa Roofing has not been fixing roofs for decades because there's been zero roof trouble to speak of, whatsoever; no fiery objects have crashed in the middle of any roof said Ogawa knows of; but their roofers are always at the ready happy to help if and when your roof collapses under the weight of a gigantic robotic foot, which it won't, but if it does, call Ogawa today.
This advertisement is the new version of an old one on WKBRL v1.0, maybe the first ever found.
Here is the first Ogawa Roof ad.
KairosTim's Riddle
*KairosTim jingle*
KairosTim: KairosTim here and I have a riddle for you: what's fake and not real but he says that he is real but is fake? That's right. Fake Kairos. Click like and subscribe to the REAL Kairos, KairosTim.
Another sound where KairosTim keeps saying Kairos Time is the fake Kairos.
You Are Not Light-Years Away
Woman: You are not light-years away from another sentient being you are here! On solid happy ground! Stay tethered to WKBRL: The Voice That Hears You *with high-pitched voice*.
Rule #9: Time is an Illusion (same as #6)
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule - Time is an illusion.
Why Would You Ever Want to Leave?
*calm background music*
Woman: *with a little echo voice* Why would you ever want to leave? We're in space, man!
She doesn't mean they're literally in space.
WKBRL Jingle (listening to acceptable radio)
You are listening to acceptable radio ♫WKBRL♫ The Voice That Hears You.
A Journey Through the Outer Reaches
Man: Thank you for joining us today on a journey through the outer reaches of our hearts where we find that there is absolutely nothing to worry about, no reason for us to worry. This-
WKBRL Jingle (rock)
*rock music*
Fight and Respawn
Woman: If the next radio music hour doesn't make you want to fight and respawn then your behavior is unacceptable.
"fight and respawn" is another reference to something that happens in Brawl Stars.
Good Morning Conversation
Man: Good morning! You are having a good morning?
Robotic Woman: I am. I am having a good morning. Are you having a good morning? No? How about now?
Man: The weather is lovely. Isn't the weather lovely?
Robotic Woman: The sun is shining bright. The sun is a powerful star.
Man: Your smile is our window to your soul. Don't let your teeth hold you back.
Robotic Woman: Don't hold you back. Really bend your soul to be happy.
Man: Bend your [interference] your voice so that it hears you.
Robotic Woman: Make voice say WKBRL.
Man: This is acceptable radio.
This is the first sound of a summary of what WKBRL said for the entire loop. And it's made through a conversation.
We Let You Hear Us
Man: You hear us because we let you. WKBRL.
Starr Park Siren System Explainer
Woman: For your safety and the safety of others, please familiarize yourself with the Starr Park siren system.
2 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: If you hear this sound, this is an emergency. Please evacuate the area and [reconvene in sub?]level 5B, per emergency protocol.
1 second long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: If you hear this sound, it means this is a test of our emergency systems.
Please follow emergency protocol.
3 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: This sound means it’s lunchtime.
Rapid ringing siren plays.
Woman: This means a gate in the west quadrant was left ajar.
Slow ringing siren plays.
Woman: This means a gate in the east quadrant was left ajar.
4 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: This sound means it’s time to perform your semi-hourly quadrant gate check.
Rapid ringing siren plays.
Woman: This sound means the gate was successfully locked.
2 different sirens are played.
Woman: This sound means there’s an unauthorized mascot gathering occuring on the premises.
2 seconds long siren with pauses plays.
Woman: This is an emergency. I repeat, this is an emergency. Please evacuate. This is not a test.
Point Your Ears to the Radio Tower
Woman: Your ears are of value to us. Keep them pointed at the big flashing radio tower. WKBRL.
The big flashing radio tower is in the Super City environment.
Rule #9: We Will Only Push The Button if Necessary
Woman: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests, please respect the following rule - We will only push the button if necessary.
News & Weather Report #11
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: This is the news. News breaks so important I don't even have time to tell you good evening and hello. This just in: A valuable safe has been stolen. We don't know- now, we don't know- we do not know what- we do not know anything about what was going on or who stole it, but all we know is that a safe is gone and you are not safe. That is what we can take from this if a safe can be stolen in *beep* in broad daylight then guess what ladies and gentlemen you are not safe. Nothing is safe if safes are not safe. Uh this is… Yeah, I am deeply saddened. The state of our affairs… I wish I could tell you more. We do have choppers on the scene but they are covering the weather and unfortunately it is time for weather so we're going to throw it over to weather. Weather? What do you think about this society going downhill? *acts like weather person is talking* mh, mh, mh, mh. *breaths* Now, we're getting some extra reports that there might have been valuable contents in this safe. We don't know what; we don't know how; we do know that you, again, are not safe; nothing is safe and you should fear for yourself and others at all times of the day and night. That's all the time we have here at WKBRL. This is the news break, stay safe out there.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
"Safe" has two meanings: safe as an adjective and safe as a noun.
Smile Reminder #8 (same as #5)
Woman: Check your face! Are you smiling? Smiling is fun! And mandatory.
Self Destruction / You Really Do Hear Me
Man: You might think this music would set me on a course for self-destruction, but instead, it's done just the opposite. Repeat after me: you really do hear me(?). WKBRL.
Project Laser Music
It's the same sound as on 8-Bit's minigame. This is the track (music_bossfight_loop) for the bossfight in Starrcade Breakdown, the third minigame.
Journey Into The Soul / Safety Safes Sponsorship
Woman: That journey into the soul via fighting music was brought to you by Safety Safes:
is your safe unsafe? Safety's state-of-the-art Safes technology let's you protect your valuables while seeking and destroying your enemies' safe at the same time. Better they didn't hear this first, when you think safe think Safety Safes.
Hilarious how the News and Weather report literally said "Safes are not safe" then this ad has come.
Obvious reference to Heist game mode.
WKBRL Jingle (calm)
*calm piano music and voice*
♫WKBRL♫ The Voice That Hears You.
Walking on Air
Man: Here's one to air drum to while you're walking on air. Only on WKBRL: acceptable worry free radio.
That Music Brings Us Joy
Man: Listen to that music.
Robotic Woman: That music brings us joy.
Man: That music brings us happiness.
Robotic Woman: Only play games and listen to that music.
Man: Remember to eat. Remember to find joy.
Robotic Woman: Remember that the peace around us is peace everlasting.
Man: Is peace joy?
Robotic Woman: Can we live in the past?
Man: Can we live in the future?
Robotic Woman: No.
Man: So let's stay here.
Robotic Woman: Okay.
Man: The only time to be happy; the only time to be free; that time is now.
Robotic Woman: Can you hear how happy you are?
Man: There's absolutely nothing that you should consider.
Robotic Woman: There's nothing you need to figure out.
Man: Everything is as it seems.
Robotic Woman: Everything is as it seems.
Man: No need to understand.
Robotic Woman: Nothing to understand.
Man: Gems will make you happy.
Robotic Woman: It's fine. It's fine.
This is the second sound of a summary of what WKBRL said for the entire loop. And it's made through a conversation.
Don't Experience Awakenings
Man: Just a friendly reminder that if you're experiencing awakenings, don't. Just don't. This message has been brought to you by your bffs at WKBRL: The Voice That Hears You.
Another sound referring to awakenings, after Please Stop ad.
News & Weather Report #12
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: WKBRL action news flash: we have reports, strong reports, coming in. There is poison gas circling the arena. The poison gas is closing in, from what we understand that's as far as we know. Now if we have a skin uh if you- if you have a skin I think it would be a great time to wear it, if you’re one of the lucky ones with the skin out there I think it's a good time you put it on. Uh, and, uh, excuse me I believe this is uh... News, excuse me this is a weather report I think uh what you're doing right now so... I think that what I should say is: we do have poison gas, it is coming in. A cold front of poison gas is circling the arena as we speak. Be cautious. Be careful. Wear your skin. Is this news? Is this weather? I don't know. I'm having a schizophrenic break. Good luck to you, I'm gonna need it.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
The "poison gas" is the same as Showdown and KnockOut.
He talks like skins protect people from the gas.
You Have Nothing to Worry About
Woman: You have nothing to worry about because you're listening to W- WKBRL: Starr Park's only acceptable music choice.
Smile Reminder #9 (same as #1)
Woman: This is a smile reminder. Remember to show maximum teeth. If your tooth capacity is insufficient, employ issued teeth will be supplied.
WKBRL Jingle (calm)
*calm piano music and voice*
♫WKBRL♫ The Voice That Hears You.
Isn't Happiness Easy?
*with fireworks sound in the background*
Man: Isn't happiness easy?
Robotic Woman: Yes.
Man: Questioning is hard.
Robotic Woman: Questioning opens up the opportunity to be unhappy.
Man: Happiness is easy.
Robotic Woman: You must be happy.
Man: It is okay. Everything is okay.
This is the third sound of a summary of what WKBRL said for the entire loop. And it's made through a conversation.
Shine Bright, You Can
*with fireworks sound in the background*
Robotic Woman: Shine bright. You can. Every day.
Man: You are a warm-hearted companion.
Robotic Woman: So rich in gold and amazements.
Man: May you shine as long as the world exists.
Robotic Woman: Which world are you referring to, friend?
Man: You are correct.
This is the fourth sound of a summary of what WKBRL said for the entire loop. And it's made through a conversation.
"Which world are you referring to" sounds like something important.
News & Weather Report #13
Woman 1: News!
News and weather overlapping.
Woman 1: Have you heard the news?
News and weather.
♫ Music ♫
Woman 1: Live from Starr Park! This is the news and weather report from a news and weather person.
Man: Today breaking news folks: science is awesome. *laughs* More on that, here's a word from our science reporter, Science. Science? *music starts* *pretty long silence*

Science tells us that an objective viewers that exists separate from the seer. [sic] Subject separate from object does not exist. The perception that things, any all things, exist independently of one another separate from each other is simply not true. But doesn't it seem true, listener? Doesn't it seem [sic] to be the case? For the chair that you sit in would exist even if you didn't? The nature of our situation, as it is explained to us by those on the very forefront of scientific thought is such that the very act of observing produces a change in the system. The questions that are asked, sometimes subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, affect the way that reality presents itself to ussssss. *pretty long silence*
Why then, is it that our brain, our gut and every primordial instinct that arises within us screams to us that the opposite is true, mh? What can we glean from the current predicament in which our understanding of the very reality in which we exist can, at best, be described as tenuous.
The only conclusion that we can make, dear listener, if we are rational, honest and have any reverence for truth; the only conclusion is that we must not trust ourselves. We must not believe in the things we think. We must not TRUST OURSELVES *with creepy voice*. We can all agree that the view from the top of the mountain is clear. Unimpeded true *with distorted voice*. But whom among us has made it to the summit? I have not, have YOU *with creepy voice*? No. We all stand on the side of the mountain; and we, from where we stand, zenith is not near. This is good! We should celebrate on beautiful slopes of the mountain, we should sing, we should dance, we should CELEBRATE *with creepy voice*. But we should not trust ourselves. We should not believe that what we think we see is, in fact, what is.
Have our eyes not failed us in the past? Have we not seen bats fly out of shovels? Have our ears not failed us in the past? Have we not heard laughter when no one was laughing? Have our taste buds not failed us in the past? Have we not drank POISON *with creepy voice* believing it was nectar? Have the nerve endings in the tips of our fingers not failed us in the past? Do we not reach out for PRECIOUS STONES AND BECOME NOTHING BUT SAND IN OUR PALMS *with creepy voice*?
And so, listener. Which of our senses can be trusted? Which of our thoughts can be believed? Which story, that we tell ourselves, can be regarded as truth? *music stops*
It's important to remember that-.
And now the news weather guy I think.

The forecast is sunny and fine. The temperature is 74 and sunny. This has been your WKBRL weather report.
Woman 1: News!
That was news and weather.
This is the longest sound of WKBRL v3.0 .
This sound introduces a "science" part in News and Weather Report.
Time for sleep loop
*with calm sound in the background and voice*

We have been happy all day
Woman: We have been happy all day. We have been happy all day. We have been happy all day. Now is the time for sleep. Now is the time for sleep. Now is the time for sleep. Now is the time for sleep.

No reason for your eyes to be open
Woman: There is no reason for your eyes to be open.

Find peace with your eyes closed
Woman: Find peace with your eyes closed, please.

Now is the time for sleep
Woman: Now is the time for sleep.

You should be sleeping now
Woman: You should be sleeping now!

Shut your eyes
Woman: Shut your eyes!

Leave this dream
Woman: Leave this dream and find another dream.

This is a utopia
Woman: This is a utopia, of course. Conflict and fighting have no home here. This is a place where nothing could ever go wrong. Why would you ever want to leave this place?

Is this a dream?
Woman: Is this a dream? Yes, and it is real!
These sounds keep looping hourly for the entire night (the night lasts 8 hours) until the daily loop starts.
The sounds "This is a utopia" and "Is this a dream?" are quotes from the investor video.

5. 여담

[1] 타라의 바자 테마 적용 맵은 한동안 삭제되었다가 최근 다시 돌아왔는데 지금은 물을 뜻하는 H₂O를 모스 부호로 나타내고 있다.[2] 브롤 볼 아레나 테마 업데이트 로딩화면에 그려진 전광판 위쪽의 숫자도 04.19를 나타내고 있다.[3] 브롤스타즈의 서부 테마로 추정.[4] 스타 파크를 운영하는 가상의 회사.[번역] ACCEPTABLE RADIO[6] 파일:WKBRL 3.0 로고.jpg[번역] [번역] [9] 슈퍼셀의 의도.[10] 9월 16일 오후 5시쯤에 다시 복구되었다.[11] 스트리밍의 종료가 얼마 남지 않았다는 걸 암시했다.[12] 처음엔 목소리로 인해 게일로 추정되었으나, 보석을 좋아하고 미쳐있다는 점, 이리저리 도는 롤러코스터를 타고 있다는 언급 등으로 인해 현재는 이 노인이 다이너마이크임이 거의 정설로 받아들여지고 있다.[13] 이게 공개되기 전까지 Mr.P는 그냥 정장입은 펭귄 취급을 받았는데 이게 공개된후 빌런 후보중 하나로 떠올랐다.[14] 이게 게임이라는걸 인지하는 메타 발언이다. 이후 아래를 보면 자기가 조종당하고 있다는것도 알고 있는듯 하다.[15] 물리학 용어인 특이점을 의미하는 것으로 보이며, 이는 스타파크가 블랙홀 및 차원을 이용한 기술을 사용하고 있다고 추측하는 데 도움을 준다.[16] 스타 파크가 다른 차원간 연결되어 있다고 하는듯 하다.[17] 선인장(cactus)는 'P'가 들어있지 않다. 그러나, 스파이크(S'p'ike)는 p가 들어가있다.[18] 물론 현재는 러시아 지역에서의 서비스가 중단되었다.[19] 그러한 이유로 WKBRL 스트림 운영자가 R-T로 추측되고 있다.