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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-04-18 00:16:16

Epic Rap Battle Parodies/시즌 2 Episode 15

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월마트 VS 타깃 VS K마트 VS 게임스탑 VS 토이저러스 VS 샘스클럽 VS 월그린 VS 크로거 VS 코스트코 VS 마트 보안관

소매점 랩배틀

미국의 유명한 소매점들의 랩배틀이다.
월마트, 타깃, K마트, 샘스클럼, 크로거, 코스트코는 식품을 판매하는 마트이고, 게임스탑은 게임 판매점,토이저러스는 장난감 판매점, 월그린은 우리나라의 올리브영같은 드러그스토어이다.
마지막에는 이런 마트들을 지켜주는 마트 보안업체를 대표하는 보안관이 등장한다.

1. 가사

타깃 :

I expected more from your shitty corporation
네 엿 같은 회사에 더 기대 했어.

But I payed less, you have no high expectations
하지만 적은 돈을 지불했는데 기대가 크지 않았지.

Always low prices? Bullshit, you know that's a lie
언제나 저렴한 가격이라고? 나쁜 놈, 뻥치지마.

when you sell a pillow for the price of a golden chained tie
니가 황금 사슬 타이의 가격에 베개를 팔 때

Wipe off that smiley face like you did with the retro star
레트로 별에서했던 것처럼 웃는 얼굴을 닦아 내.

Your deli reeks of a homeless boy who just came out of the bar

Get ready, Wal-Mart, I'm gonna stomp you into a flea market
준비해라, 월마트, 너를 벼룩 시장으로 몰아 넣을거야.

I'll pull out my bow, because you are my next Target
니가 내 다음 목표이기 때문에 나는 활을 뽑을거야.

월마트 :

Talk about pay less when your economy is high
귀사의 경제가 높을 때 비용을 줄이는 것에 대해 말해봐.

Saying "Here pay 500 bucks for this cherry apple pie!"
그러면 ""이 체리 사과 파이에 500 달러를 지불합니다!""라고 하겠지

You sell expired food, and you're calling me a fraud?
너는 유통기한 지난 음식을 팔면서, 나는 사기라고?

I'm the true superstore, scrap that, supergod
내가 바로 진정한 슈퍼마켓이라고!

Save money and live better when I kick your ass, I'm lovin' it
돈을 저축하고 내가 네 엉덩이를 걷어차 더 잘 살면, 나는 그것을 좋아하지.[1]

Serving you frying rhymes with a Big Mac
1인분의 튀긴 라임과 빅맥

I've got prices that go down lower than your mother
니네 엄마보다 더 낮은 가격

I expected more from you, stay on target, you bugger
나는 너에게서 더 많은 것을 기대하고, 표적에 머무르고, 너 새끼

K마트 :

Attention, Kmart shoppers, we got a special offer, homie
주목해라, K마트 쇼핑객, 우리는 특별한 제안을 얻었다.

The ass-kicking of Target and Wal-Mart for half price, limited time only
타겟 가격과 월마트 가격의 반값에 한해서만 발길질

My cold rhymes will surely make you ship your pants

With these big gas savings, you'll be left in a trance

I got a gas station, a car wash, and a café!

This shit ain't about the price tags, yeah, listen to Jessie J

Discount your lines from this battle, Kmart's the one who'll win,

My raps are true bargains, yours just belong in the bin

게임스탑 :
GameStop it already, you so-called corporations

Before I Bioshock you, Super Smash you like a PlayStation

You think you're superior enough to make everything you sell overpriced?

Have a five-dollar coupon and a Wii Points Card; buy yourself a life

My shops are all over the world with all sorts of awesome names

Micromania, MovieStop, Babbage's, EB Games

I've got an Impulse to tell you all that I'm the greatest retailer

So prepare to get crushed when I bring power to the players

토이저러스 :
KKKKKKK, yeah, shut the heck up and park it

Go back to your clan, and step out of the black market

I only have to open up my doors and the children come flooding in,

You break, you buy, so you better get on your ass, and start cleaning

You close your shop at 11 to have a break, I'm open all night,

The only time I'd be a customer is to tell you I'm always right

I may be Toys R Us, but this battle belongs to me!

Screw Target and the 'marts, I make little kids happy!

샘스클럽 :
You can call me Sam's Club, bitch, I got the ultimate deals

Crushing you puny punks with my bulk, leave you in rubble, for reals

I'll put your ass on blast, you two marts and shit, selling everything on clearance just to market it

I'll start a fit with wits, so let me target this, you motherfuckers should know never to come at this

And GameStop, get real, what's with your shitty ass trades?

I'm attracting buying customers, leave all your stores deserted for days

And what's your giraffe ass gonna do? Splash me with a water gun?

You're just a Toys R' Us Bitch, insert pedophile pun

월그린 :
Alright motherfuckers, welcome to Walgreen's

I'm the dopest pharmacy store, that you've done ever seen

I have a hell load of customers, but enough time to fuck you up.

I'll diss every aspect of you, from Wal-Fart to Gay-Stop

What would you guys be without me? Just one pile of shit

My service is twenty times faster, just go on and live with it

We bring pills, ointments and plasters in all kinds of colors

I'll bury you all alive with this shovel, only twenty-five dollars

크로거 :
You cheesy crappy supermarkets ain't seen nothing yet

I've got better products than all of you, we don't even need to bet

What the hell is a Sam's Club? Man, just merge yourself with BJ's

You faggots, you literally proved that stores can be gays

You think you can outnumber me? Ha, you're really out of luck

If you're not satisfied with the product, I don't give a fuck

Toys R Us likes little kids? Huh, what a perv

This final line is like my checkout, cause you just got served

코스트코 :
Clear your shelves, I'll shut you down, I'll be the number one retailer

I'd say the same for you, but you're all just failures

These rhymes are just a sample of what I can do to you

I'll cream you punks and turn you into quality food

We're VIP, only the best deserve to enter

You drain the souls of all your shoppers just like a Dementor

You can't win, it's impossible; I'm afraid you've lost yo

So drop like my prices and bow down to Costco

보안관 :
The greatest supermarket coming in, who you gonna call?

If you think you won't fall, then suck this mall's balls

I've been around for ages, yet you call yourself history?

When I was built, all you faggots wanted to come inside of me

Where else can you get a video game and a meal?

A mall is filled with everything, it's pretty much the best deal and

Without me, you guys would all have nowhere to live,

SO be thankful, otherwise I've got no K's to give

Wal-Mart, I got Paul Blart, Target, you're not God.

You aren't o-K-mart and GameStop's just got COD

Step into my food court, you won't be acquitted

Cause you're Walgreen of jealousy, fellas, you're all bitches just admit it

Isn't it a gimmick when you're pinning down the king

You're just little prick thrift shops, who think you can win it

Well it's time to lock up for the night, your shift's done

I've put you all out of business, and there are no refunds

[1] 밑에 빅맥을 파는 맥도날드의 슬로건.