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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-02-28 22:09:36


군사용어 일람에서 넘어옴
파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: 군사용어
1. #2. A3. B4. C5. D6. E7. F8. G9. H10. I11. J12. K13. L14. M15. N16. O17. P18. Q19. R20. S21. T22. U23. V24. W25. X

1. #

6 P's: Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Perfomance

2. A

AA: Air to Air (공대공)

AA: Assembly Area (집결지)

AA: Anti-Aircraft (대공)

AAA: Anti-Aircraft Artillery (대공포/방공포)

AADC: Area Air Defense Commander (지역 방공사령관)

AADP: Area Air Defense Plan (지역방공계획)

AAGS: Army Air Ground System (육군공지체계)

AAR: After Action Review (사후 검토)

AASLT: Air Assault (공중강습)

AAM: Air to Air Missile (공대공 미사일)

AAN: Army After Next (차세대 육군)

ABC: Atomic, Biological, Chemical (화생방)

ABC: Air Boss Conference (항공 지휘관 회의)

ABCCC: Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center (공중 전장 지휘 통제 본부)

ABCS: Army Battle Command System (육군 전투지휘 시스템)

ABD: Air Base Defense (기지방호)

ABM:Anti-Ballistic Missile (대탄도 미사일)

ABN: Airborne

ABT: Air Breathing Threat (항공기위협)

A/C: Aircraft (항공기)

ACA: Airspace Control Authority (공역통제권)

ACC: Air Component Command (공군 구성군 사령부)

ACC: Airspace Control Center (공역통제본부)

ACE: Airspace Control Element (공역 통제반)

ACE: Airspace Coordination Element (공역 협조반)

ACO: Airspace Control Order (공역 통제 명령)

ACOM: Army command

ACSIM:Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management

ACTD: Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations (고급개념기술시연)

ACR: Armored Cavalry Regiment (기갑수색연대)

ACWS: Aircraft Control and Warning System (항공통제경보시스템)

ACU: Army Combat Uniform (미군복)

AD: Active Duty (현역)

ADA: Air Defence Artillery (방공포병)

ADA: Air Defense Area (방공구역)

ADAM: Area Denial Artillery Munition (대인용지뢰탄)

ADC: Aide-De-Camp (전속부관)

AD & C: Air Defense & Control (방공관제)

ADD: Agency for Defense Development (국방과학연구소)

ADIZ: Air Defence Identification Zone (방공식별구역)

ADOA: Air Defence Operation Zone (방공작전구역)

ADOS: Active Duty Operational Support

ADVON: Advanced Echelon (선발제대)

ADLP: Army Distance Learning Plan (미 육군 원거리 학습 계획)

AE: Aeromedical Evacuation (항공의무후송)

AEW: Airborne Early Warning (공중조기경보)

AEW&C: Airborne Early Warning & Control (공중조기경보 및 통제)

AEZ: Air Exclusion Zone (공중배타구역)

AF: Assault Force (강습부대)

AFAC: Airborne Forward Air Controller (공중 전방항공통제관)

AFFOR: Air Force Forces (공군전력, CA참모)

AFKN: American Forces Korea Network (주한미군 방송)

AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle (장갑전투차량)

AFO: Advanced Force Operations(선발 작전 부대)

AGI: Air Ground Integration (공지통합)

AGL: Above Ground Level

AGM: Air to Ground Missile (공대지 미사일)

AGOS: Air Ground Operations System/School (공지작전체계/학교)

AH: Attack Helicopter (공격헬기)

AI: Air Interdiction (항공차단)

AIDE: (부관, 보좌관)

AIT: Advanced Individual Training (후반기 주특기 교육)

AIM: Air Intercept Missile (공중 요격 미사일)

AKAC: Allied Crypto-graphic Operational Code or Cipher (연합작전용 음어)

ALB: Air Land Battle (공지전투)

ALB-F: Air-Land Battle Future(미래 공지전투)\

ALC: American Language Course (군사영어(Military English) 교육)

ALCC: Air Lift Control Center (공수통제본부)

ALO: Air (Army) Liaison Officer (공군(육군)연락 장교)

ALO: Air-Land Operation (공지작전)

ALOC: Air Line of Communications (공중이동로 (병참선)

ALLOREQ: Allocation Request (할당요청)

AM: Amplitude Modulation (진폭 변조)

AMC: Airborne Mission Commander (공중작전 임무 지휘관)

AMC: Army Materiel Command

Ammo: Ammunition (실탄)

AMT: Aerial Mail Terminal (항공우편물 취급소)

AMT: Air Mobile Training (공중기동훈련)

AMT: Aircraft Maintenance Tool (항공기 정비공구)

AMLS: Airspace Liaison Company (공역통제연락반)

AMRAAM: Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (중대공 미사일 이름: AIM-120 AMRAAM)

ANG: Air National Guard (주방위군 공군)

ANGLICO: Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (항공 함포 연락중대)

AO: Area of Operation (작전지역)

AOA: Amphibious Objective Area (상륙목표지역)

AOA: Angle of Attack (받음각)

AOB: Air Order of Battle (공군전투서열)

AOC: Airbase Operation Center (항공 작전본부)

AOD: Air Operations Directive (항공작전지침)

AOE: Area of Engagement (교전지역)

AOR: Area of Responsibility (책임지역)

AOP: Aerial Observation Post (공중감시소 / 대공관측소)

AP: Ammunition Point (탄약분배소)

AP: Anti Personnel (대인)[1]

AP: Armor Piercing (철갑탄)

AP: Auto Pilot (자동 조종 장치)

APC: Armoured Personnel Vehicle (장갑수송차량)

APC : Armored Personal Carrier

APFSDS: Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (날개안정분리철갑탄)

APP: Army Policy Plan (육군기본정책기획서)

APPCON: Approach Control (접근관제)

AR: Armor

AR: Assault Rifle (돌격소총)

AR: Army regulation

AR: Automatic Rifle (자동소총)

AR: Available Rate (가동률)

AR: Aerial Refueling (공중급유)

ARCYBER: U. S. Army Cyber Command

ARNG: Army National Guard (주방위군 육군)

ARS: Automatic Replying System (자동응답체계)

ARSOF: Army special operations forces

ARSTAF: Army Staff

ARTCC: Air Route Traffic Control Center (항로교통 관제본부)

Arty: Artillery

ASA-ALT: Assistant Secretary of the - Acquisition, Logistics and Technology

ASA-IE&E: Assistant Secretary of the Army - Installations, Energy and Environment

ASCC: Army service component command

ASD: Anticipatory Self-Defense (우선적 자위권)

ASG: Area Support Group (지역지원단)

ASM: Air-to-Surface Missile (공대지 유도 미사일)

ASMIS: Army safety Management

ASOC: Air Support Operation Center (항공지원 작전본부)

A/S: Authority Strength (인가병력)

ASIP: System Improvement Program (시스템개선 프로그램)

ASP: Ammunition Supply Point (탄약보급소)

ASR: Air Support Request (항공지원요청)

ASRP: Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program (저장탄약신뢰성평가)

ASRAAM: Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile (영국제 미사일 이름)

ASUW: Anti-Surface Warfare (대수상전)

ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare (대잠전)

AT: Annual Training (연례 훈련) 사실 AT라고 하면 평소 이걸 제일 많이 쓴다.

AT: Anti-Terrorism (대테러)

AT: Anti-Tank (대전차)

ATACMS: Army Tactical Missile System (육군 전술유도탄 체계)

ATBM: Anti Tactical Ballistic Missile (대 전술탄도탄)

ATC: Air Traffic Control (항공교통관제)

ATCC: Air Traffic Control Center (항공교통 관제본부)

ATCCS: Army Tactical Command and Control System (육군 전술지휘 및 통제 시스템)

ATCIS: Army Tactical Command Information System (지상전술지휘정보체계)

ATD: Advanced Technology Demonstrations (고급기술시연)

ATDL: The Army Training Digital Library (육군훈련 전자도서관)

ATE: Army Training Experiment (육군 훈련 실험)

ATEC: U. S. Army Test and Evaluation Command

ATF: Amphibious Task Force (상륙기동부대)

atk: attack

attn: attention

ATO: Air Tasking Order (항공 임무 명령서)

ATP: Ammunition Transfer Point (탄약 전환보급소)

ATT: Army Training Test (육군 훈련 시험)

AUM: Air to Underwater Missile (공대수중 유도탄)

AV: Aviation (항공)

AVLB: Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge

avn: aviation

AW: Automatic Weapons (자동화기)

AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System (공중경보 및 통제체제)

3. B

BAI: Battlefield Air Interdiction (전장항공차단)

BB: Battleship (전함)

BC: Battle Cruiser (순양전함)

BCD: Battle Coordination Detachment (전투협조처)

BCE: Battle Coordination Element (전투협조반)

BCT: Basic Combat Training (기초군사훈련)

BCT: Battle Command Training (전투지휘훈련)

BCT: Brigade Combat Team(여단전투단)

BCTP: Battle Command Training Program group (전투지휘 훈련단)

BDA: Battle Damage Assessment (전투피해평가)

BDA: Bomb Damage Assessment (폭격피해판정)

BDAR: Battlefield Damage Assessment & Repair (전장응급정비)

bde: brigade

BDU: Bomb Dummy Unit (모의탄)

BECS: Battlefield Electric CEOI System (전장 통신전자운영체계)

BEQ: Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (독신 부사관숙소)

BHL: Battle Handover Line (전투이양선)

BL: Basic Load (Ammunition) (기본휴대량)

BM: Ballistic Missile (탄도 미사일)

BMD: Боевая машина десантная, БМД (공수전투차, 러시아제 공수장갑차의 약자)

BMP: Боевая Машина Пехоты, БМП (보병전투차, 러시아제 보병전투차의 약자)

BMNT: Beginning of Morning Nautical Twilight (해상박명초)

bn: battalion

BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (생화학적 산소요구량)

BOQ: Bachelor Officer Quarters (독신장교숙소)

BOS: Battlefield Operating System (전장 관리 체계)

BP: Battle Position (전투진지)

BSC: Battle Simulation Center (전투모의센타)

BTCS: Battalion Tactical Computer System (대대전술 사격지휘체계)

BUR: Bottom Up Review (아래로부터의 검토)

Brass: 탄피

4. C

C2: Command and Control

C3: Command, Control and Communications

C4: Command, Control, Communication and Computer

C/S: Chief of Staff (참모장)

C/S: Call of sign(호출부호)

C4I: Command, Control, Communication, Computer and Intelligence (지휘, 통제, 통신, 컴퓨터, 정보 체계)

C4ISR: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (지휘, 통제, 통신,
컴퓨터, 정보, 감시, 정찰 체계)

CA: Heavy Cruiser/Cruiser, Armored(Armoured) (중순양함, 장갑순양함)

CA: Civil Affairs (민사)

CA: Coordination Altitude (협조고도)

CAR: Chief, Army Reserve

CAL: Caliber (구경)

CALO: Combined Air Lift Office (연합공수 사무소)

CAP: Combat Air Patrol (전투공중초계)

CASEVAC: Casualty Evacuation (사상자 후송)

CAS: Close Air Support (근접항공지원)

CASIC: Combined All Sources Intelligence Center (연합정보 종합상황실)

CATS: Combined Arms Training Strategy (제병협동 훈련전략)

CATF: Combined Amphibious Task Force (연합상륙기동부대)

CAV: Cavalry

CBRN: Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclearal (화생방)

CBRS: Concept based requirement system (소요제기체계)

CBU: Cluster Bomb Unit (확산탄)

C2, CC: Command and control

CCC: Command and Control Center (지휘통제본부)

CCIR: Commander's Critical Information Requirement (지휘관 중요첩보요구)

CCP: Communications Check Point (통신확인점)

CCT: Combat Control Team (전투통제반)

CDR: Commander (지휘관)

CENTCOM: U. S. Central Command (미합중국 사령부)

CEOI: Communication Electronics Operating Instructions (통신전자운용지시)

CEWI: Combat Electronics Warfare Intelligence (전투전자전정보)

CF: Command Facility (지휘시설)

CF: conventional forces

CFA: Covering Force Area (엄호부대 경계지대)

CFC: Combined Forces Command (연합군사령부)

CFL: Coordinated Fire Line (사격협조선)

CFX: Command Field Exercise (지휘조 야외기동연습)

CG: Commanding General (사령관)

CGCC: Coalition Ground Component Command (연합지상구성군사령부)

CH: Cargo Helicopter (수송헬기)

Challenge: 암구호를 묻다.

Chop: Change of operational control (작전통제권 이양)

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency (미국 중앙정보국)

CIB: Combat Infantryman Badge(전투보병휘장)

CIC : Combat Information Center (전투정보실)

CID: Criminal Investigation Department (범죄수사단)

CIO: Chief Information Officer (수석정보관)

CIWS: Close In Weapons System (근접방어체계)

CJCS: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (합동참모의장)

CJMD: Combined Joint Manning Document (연합인원편성편제)

CL: Light Cruiser (경순양함)

CLF: Combined Landing Force (연합상륙군)

CLS: Combat Lifesaver Course

CLGP: Cannon - Launched Guided Projectile (레이저 유도포탄)

CMCC: Combined Marine Component Command (연합 해병구성군사령부)

CMEF: Combined Marine Expeditionary Force (연합해병원정군)

CMFC: Combined Marine Forces Command (연합 해병사령부)

CMOC: Civil Military Operation Center(민사작전본부)

CMTC: Combat Maneuver Training Center

CNCC: Combined Naval Component Command (연합 해군구성군사령부)

CO: Command Officer (지휘관)

co: Company

COA: Course of Action (방책)

COC: Council of colonels

COCOM: Combatant command

CODA: Combined Delegated Authority (연합권한위임사항)

COE: Chief of Engineers (수석 엔지니어)

COMSEC: Communication Security (통신보안)

CONUS: continental United States (미 대륙)

Coord: coordinating

COP: Combat Outpost (전투전초)

COP: Command Observation Post (지휘관측소)

CP: Check Point (확인점)/Command Post (지휘소)/Contact Point (접촉점)/Control Point/Post (통제점/소)

CPA: Chief, Public Affairs

CPMX: Command Post Maneuver Exercise (지휘조 기동연습)

CPOTF: Combined Psychological Operations Task Force (연합심리전사령부)

CPX: Command Post Exercise (지휘조 연습)

CQB(CQC): Close Quarters Battle/Combat.

CRAC: Combined Rear Area Coordinator (연합후방지역 조정관)

CRC: Control and Reporting Center (중앙관제소)

CRM: composite risk management

CRP: Control and Reporting Post (지방관제소)

CRTOC: Combined Rear Tactical Operations Center (연합후방 전술작전본부)

CS: Combat Support (전투지원)

CS: chlorobenzalmslononitile (riot control gas, tear gas)

CSA: Chief of Staff, Army

CSB: Contracting Support Brigade (계약지원여단)

CSC: Command & Staff Course (고급지휘관 참모과정)

CSAR: Combat Search And Rescue (전투탐색구조)

CSRP: Chemical materials Stockpile Reliability Program (저장 화생방물자 신뢰성 평가)

CSCT: Combat Support Coordination Team (전투지휘협조반)

CSG: Chief of the General Staff (참모총장)/Corps Support Group (군단지원단)

CSI: Cooperative Security Location (협력안보대상지역)

CSOC: Combat Service Operations Center (전투근무 작전본부)

CSR: Controlled Supply Rate (통제보급률)

CSS: Combat Service Support (전투근무지원)

CSSOC: Combat Service Support Operation Center (전투근무지원 작전본부)

CTB: Combined Targeting Board (연합표적위원회)

CTC: Combat Training Center (전투훈련 센터)

CTCD: Combat Training Center Directorate

CUWTF: Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force(연합특수전사령부)

CV: Cruiser Voler (항공모함)

CVN: Cruiser Voler Nuclear (핵추진 항공모함)

CVE: Cruiser Voler Escort (호위항공모함)

CVL: Cruiser Volet Light (경항공모함)

CVT: Cruiser Volet Training (연습항공모함/항공모함 훈련함)

5. D

DA: Department of the Army
DAG: Division Artillery Group (사포군)
DA PAM: Department of the Army Pamphlet
DARNG: Director, Army National Guard
DASC: Direct Air Support Center (직접항공지원본부)
DATE: Decisive Action Training Environment
DAIS: Defense Ammunition Information System (국방 탄약 정보 체계)
DAL: Defended Asset List (방어자산목록)
DBA: Deep Battle Area (종심전투지역)
DBSL: Deep Battle Synchronization Line (종심 전투통합선)
DCA: Defensive Counter Air (방어제공)
DCA CAP: DCA Combat Air Patrol (방어제공 전투공중초계)
DCA INT: DCA Interception (방어제공 요격)
DCG: Depute Commanding General (부사령관)
DCS: Deputy Chief of Staff
DD: Destroyer (구축함)
D3SOE: Denial, Degraded, Disrupted Space Operational Environment
DEAD: Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (적 방공체계 파괴)
DEFCON: Defense Readiness Condition (전투준비태세)
DEFPAT: Defensive Patrol (방어 초계)
DELIIS: Defense Equipment Logistics Integrated Information System (국방 장비 정비 정보 체계)
DLIS: Defense Logistics Information System (국방 군수 정보 체계)
DMIS: Defense Material Information System (국방 물자 정보 체계)
DIMA: Defense Imagery and Mapping Agency
DIME: Diplomatic Informational Military Economy (외교 정보 군사 경제)
DIRLAUTH: Direct Liaison Authorized
DMZ: DeMilitarized Zone (비무장지대)
DO: Duty Officer (당직장교)
DOD: Department of Defense (국방부)
DOT: Director of Training
DOTMLPF–P: Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and education, Personnel, Facilities, and policy
DP: Dual Purpose (이중목적)
DP: Decision Point (결심지점)
DP-ICM: Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (이중목적개량탄)
DRU: Direct Reporting Unit
DS: Direct Support (직접지원)
DST: Decision Support Template (결심지원도표)
DT: Dynamic Target (긴급표적)
D/L: Description Logistic (군수품목현황)
D/L: Distribution List (분배표)
D/L: Dead and Loss (손망실)
D/L: Dead Line Equipment (불가동 장비)
DTAQ: Defense Agency for Technology and Quality (국방기술품질원)
DTG: date time group
DUSTWUN: Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown (실종자)
DZ: Drop Zone (투하지역)

6. E

E: Extremely high
E2D: Employ to Deploy (운용 후 전개)
EA: Electronic Attack (ECM) (전자공격)
EA: Engagement Area (교전지역)
EAB: Echelons Above Brigade
EAM: Emergency Action Message (긴급조치전문)
EASI: East Asia Strategic Initiative (동아시아 전략구상)
EBO: Effect Based Operations (효과중심작전)
EC: Electronic Combat (전자전)
ECM: Electronic Counter Measures (전자 방해 기술)
ECCM: Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECM 방어대책)
ECAS: Emergency Close Air Support (비상 근접항공지원)
ECOA: Enemy Course of Action (적 방책)
EDRE: Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise
E&E: Escape and Evade (탈출 및 대피)
EEFI: Elementary Element of Friendly Information (우군첩보 기본요소)
EEI: Essential Elements of Information (첩보기본요소)
EENT: End of Evening Nautical Twilight (해상박명종)
EFA: The European Fighter Aircraft (차세대 유럽형전투기)
EH: Explosive Hazards (위험성폭발물)
EHCT: Explosive Hazards Clearing Team (위험성폭발물 처리반)
EMERGCON: Emergency Condition (긴급/비상상황)
ENG: Engineer Joint/UNC (연합/유엔사 공병참모)
EOB: Electronic Order of Battle (전자전투서열)
EOD: Explosive Ordnance Disposal (폭발물 처리반)
EP: Electronic Protection (ECCM) (전자보호)
EPW: Enemy Prisoner of War (적 포로)
eq: equipment
ERC: Engineer River Crossing (공병도하)
ERL: Economic Repair Limits (경제적 수리 한계)
ERV: Emergency Rendezvous (비상시 합류지)
ESC: Expeditionary Sustainment Commands
ETA: Estimate Time of Arrival (도착예정시간)
ETIC: Estimated Time in Commission (예상 복구 완료시간)
ETD: Employ to Deploy (운용 후 전개)
EUSA: Eighth United States Army (미 8군)
EW: Electronic Warfare (전자전)
EWS: Electronic Warfare Support (전자전 지원)
EXORD: Execution Order

7. F

FA: Field Artillery (야전포병)
FAA: Forward Assembly Area (전방집결지)
FAC: Forward Air Controller (전방 항공통제관)
FAC-A: Forward Air Controller - Airborne ( 공중 전방 항공통제관)
FACP: Forward Air Control Party (전방 항공 통제반)
FARP: Forward Arming and Refuling Post (전방무장 및 연료 재보급소)
FASCAM: Family of Scatterable Mines (살포식 지뢰)
FAST: Forward Area Support Team (전방지역 지원팀)
FB: Forward Boundary (전방 전투지경선)
FCC: Flight Coordination Center (비행협조소)
FCS: Future Combat System (미래전투체계)
FD EX: Focus Dragon Exercise (맹룡 연습)
FDC: Fire Direction Center (화력지휘소)
FDO: Fire Direction Officer (사격지휘장교)
FDO:Flexible Deterrence Options (신속억제방안)
FE : Force Enhancement (전투력 증강)
FE: Foal Eagle Exercise (독수리 연습)
FEBA: Forward Edge of Battle Area (전투지역전단)
FF: Frigate (호위함)
FFA: Free Fire Area (화력자유지역)
FFIO: Field Artillery Intelligence Officer (포병정보장교)
FFIR: Intelligence Requirement (우군첩보요구)
FIBUA: Fighting in Built-Up Areas (시가전)
FIDO: Fighter Duty Officer (전투비행 당직장교)
FIST: Fire Support Team (화력지원팀)
FIR: Flight Information Region (비행정보구역)
FL: Focus Lens (포커스렌즈 연습)
FLOT: Forward Line of Own Troop (아군 부대 전투 접속선 / 전선)
FM: Field Manual (야전교범)
FM: Frequency Modulation (주파수 변조)
FMP: Force Module Package (전투력 증강)
FMS: Foreign Military Sales (대외 군사판매)
FN: Foreign National
FO: Forward Observer (관측장교)
FOB: Forward Operating Base (전진 작전 기지)
FOB: Friendly Order of Battle (아군전투서열)
FOC: Final Operational Capability(최종운용능력)
FOE: Follow-On Echelon (후속제대)
FOFA:Follow On Forces Attack (후속제대 공격)
FOP: Forward Orbit Point (전방대기지점)
FORSCOM: U.S. Army Forces Command
FOUO: For Official Use Only (대외비)
FPF: Final Protective Fire (최후방어사격)
FRAGO: Fragmentary Order (단편명령)
FRMS: Formation Resources Management System (편성부대 자원 관리시스템)
FRO: Flexible Response Option (신속대응방안)
FROG: Free Rocket Over Ground (프로그 미사일-지대지)
FSB: Forward Operation Base (전방배치 작전기지)
FS cell: Fire Support cell (통합화력지원실)
FSC: Federal Supply Code (연방보급식별번호)
FSCC: Fire Support Coordination Center (화력지원 협조소)
FSCL: Fire Support Coordination Line (화력지원 협조선)
FSO: Fire Support Officer (화력지원장교)
FSO:Full Spectrum Operations (전영역작전)
FTR: Fighter (전투기)
FTX: Field Training Exercise (야외 훈련 연습)

8. G

G1: Assistant chief of staff, personnel
G2: Assistant chief of staff, intelligence
G3: Assistant chief of staff, operations and plans
G4: Assistant chief of staff, logistics
G5: Assistant chief of staff, plans
G6: Assistant chief of staff, command, control, communication and computer operations
G9: Assistant chief of staff, civil affairs
GBU: Guided Bomb Unit (항공 유도 폭탄)
GCA: Ground Controled Approach (지상관제접근)
GCC: Ground Component Command (지상구성군 사령관)
GEMSS: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System (지상살포식 지뢰)
GFAC: Groud Forward Air Controller (지상 전방 항공 통제관)
GIS: Geographic Infomation System (지리정보체계)
GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (지상군 연락장교)
GLOC: Ground Line of Communications (지상이동로 / 병참선)
GM: Guided Missile (유도탄)
G-N:The Goldwater-Nichols Act (골드워터 니콜스 법안)
GOB: Ground Order of Battle (지상군 전투서열)
GOP: General Outpost (일반전초)
GOP: Ground Observation Post (지상관측소)
GP: General Purpose (일반목적용)
GP: Guard Post (감시초소)
GPR: Global Defense Posture Review (해외주둔 미군 재배치계획)
GPS: Global Positioning System (인공위성 항법장치)
GS: General Support (일반지원)
GSR: General Support and Reinforcing (일반지원 및 화력증원)
GV: Grid Variation (도북편각, 자편각, GM각)
GWOT: Global War On Terror (전지구적 대테러전쟁)

9. H

H: Howitzer (곡사포)
HA: Holding Area (대기 지점)
HA: Humanitarian Assistance (인도적 지원)
HACC: Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center (인도적 지원 협조본부)
HAHO: High Altitude High Open (고공 낙하산 개방)
HALO: High Altitude Low Open (고공강하)
HARM: High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (고속 대 방사 유도탄)
HAWK: Homing All the Way Killer (호크 대공미사일)
HE: High Explosive (고폭탄)
HE-BB: High Explosive-Base Bleed (항력감소고폭탄)
HEAP: High Explosive Armour Piercing (고폭철갑탄)
HEAT: High Explosive Anti Tank (대전차고폭탄)
HEDP: High Explosive Dual Purpose (이중목적 고폭탄)
HEI: High Explosive Incendiary (고폭 소이탄)
HEI-T: High Explosive Incendiary - Tracer (고폭 소이예광탄)
HEP: High Explosive, Plastic (플라스틱 고폭탄)
HF: High Frequency (고주파)
H-Hour: H hour (작전개시시간 )
HIDACZ: High Density Airspace Control Zone (고밀도 공역 통제구역)
HPAC: Hazard Prediction Analysis Capability (화생방 위험 예측능력)
HPT: High Payoff Target (핵심표적)
HQ: Headquarters (본부사령부)
HQDA: Headquarters, Department of the Army
HRP: Highway Regulation Point (육로조정소)
HSLLADS: High Speed Low Level Air Delivery System (고속저공 공중투발체계)
HUD: Head Up Display (헤드업 디스플레이)
HUMINT: HUMan INTelligence (인간정보)
HVDP: Heavy Drop (중장비투하, 대량투하)
HVT: High Value Target (고가치 표적)

10. I

ICAS: Immediate Close Air Support (긴급근접 항공지원)
ICBM: InterContinental Ballistic Missile (대륙간 탄도 미사일)
ICM: Improved Capabilities Missile (개량미사일)
ICM: Improved Conventional Munition (개량탄)
ID: Infantry Division (보병사단)
IED: Improvised Explosive Device (급조폭발물)
IEW: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (정보 및 전자전)
IFF: Identification Friend or Foe (적·아식별)
IFV: Infantry Combat Vehicle (보병 전투 장갑차)
IGS: Inertial Guidance System (관성유도장치)
IIR: Imaging Infra-Red (적외선 영상)
ILL: Illuminating (조명탄)
IMCOM: U.S. Army Installation Management Command
INF: Intermediate-Range Nuclear (중거리 핵전력)
inf: infantry
INFOCON: Information Operations Condition (정보작전 방호태세)
INS: Inertial Navigation System (관성항법장치)
INT: INTerdiction (항공후방차단)
IO: Input and Output (입출력)
IOC: Initial Operational Capability(최초운용능력)
IOE: Irregular Outer Edge (불규칙 지뢰지대)
IP: Initial Point (최초진입지점)
IPB: Intelligence Preparation of the Battle Field (전장정보분석)
IPE: Individual Protective Equipment (개인보호장비)
IPIR: Initial Photographic Interpretation Report (최초사진판독)
IR: Infrared (적외선)
IRBM: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (중거리 탄도 미사일)
IROAN: Inspect Repair Only As Necessary (아이론 정비)
ISAF: International Security Assistance Force (국제안보지원군)
ISR: Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (지능 감시 정찰)
ITADSS: Instrumentation, Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations
ITO : Integrated Tasking Order (통합임무명령서)
I&W: Indication & Warning (징후 및 경보)

11. J

JAAT: Joint Air Attack Team (합동공중공격반)
JAM: Jamming (전파방해)
JAOP: Joint Air Operations Plan (합동항공작전계획)
JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff (합동참모본부)
JELC: Joint Event Life Cycle (합동사태주기)
JEB: Joint Effects Board (합동효과위원회)
JFCOM: Joint Forces Command (합동전력사령부)
JFLCC: Joint Force Land Component Command
JRAC: Joint Rear Area Coordinator (합동 후방지역조정관)
JRTC: Joint Readiness Training Center
JPRC: Joint Personnel Recovery Center (합동 인명구조본부)
JTAGS: Joint Tactical Ground Station (합동전술 지상작전 통제소)
JIPOE: Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (합동작전 환경정보 분석)
JMRC: Joint Multinational Readiness Center
JMS: Joint Military Strategy (합동군사전략서)
JNTC: Joint National Training Capability
JSA: Joint Security Area (공동경비구역)
JSCP: Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (합동군사전략 능력기획서)
JSEAD: Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (합동 적방공제압)
JSOC: Joint Special Operations Command (미합중국 합동특수작전사령부)
JSTARS: Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (합동감시 표적공격 레이다 체제)
JTF: Joint Task Force (합동 임무 부대)
JUSMAG-K: Joint United States Military Affairs Group to Korea (주한미합동군사업무단)
JO: joint operation (합동 작전)
JV2010: Joint Vision 2010(합동비전 2010)
JV2020: Joint Vision 2010(합동비전 2020)

12. K

KACC: Korean Airspace Control Center (한국 공역통제본부)
KADIZ: Korea Air Defence Identification Zone (한국방공식별구역)
KALCC: Korea Air Lift Control Center (한국 공수통제본부)
KAME: Korean Air Mobility Element (한국 공중기동반)
KAMO: Korea Airlift Management Office (한국 공수관리소)
KATUSA: Korean Augmentation To United States Army (카투사: 미육군 배속 한국군)
KCOIC: Korean Combat Operations Intelligence Center (한국 전투작전정보본부)
KCRCC: Korean Combined Rescue Coordination Center (한국 연합구조협조본부)
KCTC: Korean army advanced Combat Training Center (과학화전투훈련단)
KIA: Killed In Action (작전수행중 사망. 전사)
KIDA: Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (한국국방연구원)
KIT: Personal Equiment (개인 장비)
KMAC: Korea Army Mapping Center (한국육군지도창)
KR: Key Resolve (키 리졸브) 훈련. 한미 연합 전구급 지휘소연습.

13. L

LA: Live Ammunition (실탄)
LAN: Local Area Network (근거리통신망)
LANTIFN: Low Altitude Navigation Targeting Infrared for Night
LAPES: Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System (저공낙하산 추출장치)
LATN: Low Altitude Tactical Navigation (저고도 전술비행)
LAU: Launcher Unit (발사대)
LAW: Light Antitank Weapon (경대전차화기 이름: M72 LAW)
LB: Local Battery (자석식)
LC: Line of Contact (접촉선)
LCM: Landing Craft Medium (상륙정)
LCU: Landing Craft Utility (보급상륙정)
LD: Line of Departure (출발선/공격개시선)
Ldr: Leader
LF: Landing Force (상륙부대)
LFT: Live Fire Training
LFX: Live Fire Exercise
LGB: Laser Guided Bomb (레이저 유도폭탄)
LGM: Laser Guided Missile (레이저 유도미사일)
LIC: Low Intensity Conflict (저강도분쟁)
LIMFACs: Limiting Factors (제한요소)
LIMOP: Limited Operational (작전제한)
LMG: Light Machine Gun (경기관총)
LO: Liaison Officer (연락장교)
LOA: limit of advance
LOAC: Law of Armed Conflict (무력분쟁법)
LOC: Lines of Communication(Logistic routes) (병참선)
LOE: Line of Effort (노력선)
LOGCAP: Logistic Civil Argumentation Project
LOS: Line of Sight (조준선 / 시선/ 가시선분석도)
LP: Listening Point (청음초)
LP: Loading Point (적재지점)
LPD: Landing Platform Dock (도크형 수송상륙함)
LRBM: Long Range Ballistic Missile (장거리 탄도 미사일)
LSD: Landing Ship Dock (도크형 양륙함)
LST: Landing Ship Tanks (전차상륙함)
LTP: Leader Training Program
LU: Link-Up (연결)
LUP: Lying Up Position (출발 지점)
LVC: Live, Virtual, Constructive
LWU: (the Land Warfare University)
LZ: Landing Zone (착륙지역)

14. M

M: Moderate
MAAP: Master Air Attack Plan (종합공중공격계획)
MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction (상호확증파괴)
MARV: Maneuverable Reently Vehicle (핵탄두 유도탄)
MAS: Mutual Assured Survival(상호확증생존)
MASP: Mobile Ammunition Supply Point (기동 탄약보급소)
MATDEV: Materiel Developer
MBA: Main Battle Area (주전투지역)
MBT: Main Battle Tank (주력 전차)
MC: Medical Command (의무사령부)
MC: Management Conversion (관리 전환)
MC: Military Committee (군사위원회)
MCA: Movement Control Agency (이동관리대)
MCA: Military Construction, Army
MCM: Military Committee Meeting (군사위원회 회의)
MCS: Maneuver Control System (기동통제시스템)
MCRC: Master Control and Reporting Center (중앙방공통제소)
MCTC: Maneuver Combat Training Center
MCTP: Mission Command Training Program
MD:Missile Defense (미사일 방어)
M-day: Mobilization-day (동원개시일)
MDEP: Management Decision Evaluation Package
MDMP: Military Decisionmaking Process
mech: mechanized
MEDCOM: U.S. Army Medical Command
MEDEVAC: Medical Evacuation (의무후송)
METL: Mission-Essential Task List
MDL: Military Demarcation Line (군사분계선)
MEF: Marine Expeditionary Force (해병 원정군)
MEPS: Military Entrance Processing Station (병무청)
METL: Mission Essential Task List (임무주요과제 목록)
METT+TC: Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops and Time available, Civil affairs (임무, 적, 지형, 부대, 시간, 민간 요소)
MEZ: Missile Engagement Zone (유도탄 교전구역)
M/F: Maintenance Float (정비대충)
MG: Machine Gun (기관총)
MI: Military Intelligence (군사정보)
M.I.A: Missed In Action (작전수행중 실종)
MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Reader (자기잉크 문자판독기)
MLRS: Mutiple Launch Rocket System (M270 MLRS 다연장로켓)
MOE: Measure of Effectiveness (효과 측정 요소)
MOP: Measure of Performance (시행 측정요소)
MOPP: Mission Oriented Protection Posture (임무형 보호태세)
MOS: Military Occupational Specialty (군사특기)
MOT: Mortar (박격포)
MOOTW: Military Operations Other Than Wars (전쟁이외의 군사작전)
MOUT: Military Operations on Urban Terrain (시가전)
MP: Military Police (군사경찰)
MP: Master Plan
MRBM: Mid Range Ballistic Missile (중거리 탄도미사일)
MRC: Major Regional Conflicts (주요지역 분쟁)
MRE: Meals Ready to Eat (전투식량)
MRE: Mission Rehearsal Exercise
MRL: Multiple Rocket Launcher (다연장로켓 발사대)
MRR: Minimum Risk Route (최소위험경로)
MRX: Mission Readiness Exercise
MIRV: Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (다탄두발사차량)
MOB: Main Operating Base (주요 작전기지)
MOOTW: Military Operations Other Than War (전쟁이외의 군사작전)
MSD: Minimum Safe Distance (최소안전거리)
MSEL: Master Scenario Events List (주요사태목록)
MSR: Mission Support Request (임무지원요청)
MTR: Military Technology Revolution (군사기술혁명)
MTOE: Modification Table of Organization and Equipment
MTW: Major Theater of War (주요 전쟁전구)
MTP: Mission Training Plans (부대임무 훈련 계획)
MWO: Modification Work Order (개조 작업 명령)

15. N

NAD: Not on Active Duty (예비역)
NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization (북대서양 조약 기구)
NAI: Named Area of Interest (중요감시지역)
NBC: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (핵 및 화생방)
NBCRV: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (화생방 정찰차량)
NCA: National Command Authorisies (국가지휘기구)
NCC: Naval Component Command (해군구성군 사령부)
NCO: Noncommissioned Officer (부사관)
NCO: Network Centric Operation (네트워크중심작전)
NCOE: Network Centric Operation Environment (네트워크중심 작전환경)
NCW: Network Centric Warfare (네트워크중심전쟁)
NDS: National Defense Strategy (국가방위전략,국방전략)
NFA: No Fire Area (화력금지구역)
NFL: No Fly Line (비행금지선)
NG: National Guard (주방위군)
NGB: National Guard Bureau
NMS: National Military Strategy (국가군사전략)
NKO: Non-Kinetic Operations (비물리 작전)
NOD: Night Observation Device (야간관측장비)
NOS: Network Operating System (통신망 운영체계)
NORDO: No Radio (통신두절)
NP: Napalm Incendiary (네이팜소이탄)
NPT: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (핵확산금지조약)
NSC: National Security Council (국가안전보장회의)
NSS: National Security Strategy (국가안보전략)
NTC: National Training Center
NVG: Night Vision Goggle (야시장비)
NVS: Night Vision Sight (야간관측기)

16. O

OAC: Officer's Advanced Course
OB: Order of Battle (전투서열)
OBC: Officers' Basic Course
OCA: Offensive Counter Air (공세제공)
OCR: Optical Character Reader (광학 문자판독기)
OCIE: Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (전투장비지휘검열)
OCO: Overseas Contingency Operations
OCONUS: Outside the Continental United States
OE: Operational Environment
OEA: Operational Environment Assessment
OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom (아프가니스탄 전쟁 )
OFS: Officer Foundation System (장교 기본 시스템)
OFT: Office of Force Transformation (전력변혁실,미 국방부 조직)
OIF: Operation Iraqi Freedom (이라크 전쟁)
OIR: Other Intelligence Requirment (첩보요구)
OMA: Operation and Maintenance, Army
OMG: Operational Maneuver Group (작전기동군)
OMR: Optical Mark Reader (광학 표시판독기)
OODA: Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action (관측,판단,결심,행동)주기
OOTW: Operations Other Than Wars (전쟁이외의 작전)
ORE: Operational Readiness Exercise (작전준비태세 훈련)
ORI: Operational Readiness Inspection (작전준비태세 검열)
O/S: Over and Short (과부족)
OP: Observation Post (관측소/감시 초소)
OP: Orbit Point (선회 대기지점)
OPA: Other Procurement, Army
OPFOR: Opposing Force
OPCON: Operational Controls (작전통제)
OPLAN: Operation Plan (작전계획)
OPMS: Officer Personnel Management System (장교 인사관리체계)
OPORD: Operation Order (작전명령)
OPS GRP: Operations Group
OPSEC: Operation Security (작전보안)
OT: Observer Target (관목선)
OVM: On Vehicle Materiel (차량부수기재)

17. P

PC: Personnel Command (인사사령부)
PC: Patrol Corvett (초계함)
PC: Patrol Cap (패트롤캡)
PEO: Peace Enforcement Operations (평화강제작전)
PEO STRI: Program Executive Office for Army Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation
PGM: Precision Guided Munition (정밀유도폭탄)
PGW: Precision Guided Weapon (정밀유도무기)
PHA: periodic health assessment
PIE: Peninsula Intelligence Estimate (한반도정보판단)
PIR: Priority Intelligence Requirements (우선정보요구)
PKO: Peace Keeping Operations (유엔 평화유지활동)
PL: Phase Line (통제선)
PL: Prescribed Lord (규정휴대량)
PLADS: Parachute Low Altitude Delivery System (저고도 낙하산 투발체계)
PLL: Prescribed Load List (규정휴대량 목록)
PM: Pulse Modulation (펄스변조)
PMC: Private Military Company (민간군사기업)
PME: Peacetime Military engagement (평시군사개입)
PMESⅡ: Politics, Military, Economy, Social, Information, Infrastructure (정치, 군사, 경제, 사회, 정보, 기반시설)
P/O: Present Occupant (현재병력)
POM: Program Objective Memorandum
POL: Passage of Line (초월)
POW: Prisoner of War (전쟁포로)
PPBS: Planning Programming and Budgeting System (기획,계획,예산 제도)
PPH: Power Projection Hub (전력투사 중심기지)
PR: Programmed Requirement (계획 소요)
PRC: Portable Radio Communication (휴대용 무선 통화장비)
Pre-ITO: Prepositioned Integrated Tasking Order (기계획 통합임무명령서)
PRI: Preliminary Rifle Instruction (사격술 예비훈련)
PT: Physical Training (체력단련)
PZ: Pickup Zone (인수지대, 이륙지대)

18. Q

QR: Quarterly Review
QRT: Quick Reaction Team (신속대응팀)
QRF: Quick reaction force (기동타격대)
QDR: Quadrennial Defense Review (4년주기 국방검토보고서)

19. R

RA: Regular Army
RAAM: Remote Anti Armor Mine (원격조정 대전차지뢰)
RADAR: Radio Detection And Ranging (레이더)
RADC: Regional Air Defense Commander (지역방공사령관)
RADREL: Radio Relay (무선중계)
RAOC: Rear Area Operations Center (후방지역작전본부)
RAP: Rocket Assisted Projectile (로켓보조탄두)
RAPCON: Radar Approach Control (레이다 접근관제)
RC: Reserve Component
RCE: Regional Coordinating Element (지역 협조 기구)
RCT: Regimental Combat Team (연대전투단)
RDO: Reconnaissance Duty Officer (정찰담당장교)
RDO: Rapid Decisive Operations (신속결정작전)
RDTE: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
RECON: Reconnaissance (정찰)
RF: Reinforcing (화력증원)
RF: Radio Frequency (무선주파수)
RF: Reinforce (증원)
RFA: Restrictive Fire Area (화력제한지역)
RFL: Restrictive Fire Line (사격제한선)
RISTA: Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance and Target Acquisition
RJ: Road Junction (교차점)
RMA: Revolution in Military Affairs (군사혁신)
RML: Revolution in Military Logistics (군수혁신)
RO: Responsible Official
ROA/ROZ: Restricted Operations Area/Zone (작전제한구역/지대)
ROE: Rules Of Engagement (교전규칙)
ROF: Rules of the use Of Force
ROP: Rear Orbit Point (후방 선회대기지점)
ROTC: Reserve Officer's Training Corps (학군단)
RP: Release Point (분진점)
RP: Rendezvous Point (집결지점)
RPV: Remotely Piloted Vehicle (원격조정 무인정찰기)
RSOI: Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Intergration (수용,대기,전방이동및통합)
RSR: Required Supply Rate (소요보급률)
RTB: Return To Base (기지귀환)
RTU: Rotational Training Unit
RUE: Reciprocal Unit Exchange
RVA: Request for Visit Authorization

20. S

SACC: Supporting Arms Coordination Center (지원화기 협조본부)
SADC: Senior Air Defense Commander (구역방공 지휘관)
SADO: Senior Air Defense Officer (선임방공장교)
SAG: Surface Attack Group (해상전투단)
SAH: Semi-Active Homing (반능동 유도장치)
SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talk (전략무기제한 협정)
SALUTE: Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment
SAM: Surface to Air Missile (지대공미사일)
SAMS: School of Advanced Military Studies (고급군사교육과정,미 지참대)
SATCOM: Satelite Communication (위성통신)
SATS: Standard Army Training System (표준 육군 훈련 체제)
SCAR: Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance (타격협조 및 정찰)
SCM: Security Cooperative Meeting (한미 안보협조회의)
SCP: Surface COmbat Patrol (해상전투초계)
SCUD: Medium/Long Range Ballistic Missile(스커드 미사일)
SDI: Strategic Defence Initiative (전략방위구상)
SEAD: Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (적방공망제압)
SF: Special Forces(Ranger / Commando) (특수부대)
SHF: Super High Frequency (초고주파)
SIDO: Seior Intelligence Duty Officer (선임정보 담당장교)
SINCGARSSIP: Single Channel Ground Airborne Radio System (단일채널 지상항공 무선시스템)
SITREP: Situation Report (상황보고)
SLBM: Sea Launched Ballistic Missile (함상발사 탄도유도탄)
SLBM: Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (잠수함발사 탄도유도탄)
SLCM: Sea Launched Cruise Missile (함상발사 순항유도탄)
SLOC: Sea Lines Of Communications (해상병참선)
SN: Serial Number (일련번호)
SOCCE: Special Operations Command and Control Element
SOCKOR: Special Operations Command Korea (주한미 특전사령부)
SODO: Senior Operations Duty Officer (선임작전 담당장교)
SOF: Special Operations Forces
SOSA: System of System Analysis (복합체계분석)
SOI: Signal Operation Instructions (통신규정)
SOP: Standing Operation Procedure (부대예규)
SP: Start Point (출발점)
SPG: Special Protection Group (특별보호집단)
SPIN: Special Instruction (특별지시)
SQ: Squadron (비행대대)
SR: Special Reconnaissance (특수정찰)
SRAGM: Short Range Air to Ground Missile (단거리 공대지 유도탄)
SRAM: Short Range Attack Missile (단거리 공격용 유도탄)
SRBM: Short Range Ballistic Missile (단거리 탄도유도탄)
SRH: Semiactive Radar Homing (반능동 레이다추적)
SRT: Special Reaction Team (특수대응팀)
SS: Submarine (잠수함)
SSBM: Strategic Submarine Ballistic Missile (전략잠수함 탄도미사일)
SSBN: 탄도미사일 원자력 잠수함
SSC:Smaller Scale Contingency (소규모 우발사태)
SSGN: 순항미사일 원자력 잠수함
SSM: Surface to Surface Missile (지대지 미사일)
SSN: Ship Submarine Nuclear (원자력 추진 잠수함)
STAARS: Standard Army After Action Review System (표준 육군 사후검토체제)
STAFF: Smart Top Attack Fire and Forget (비유도 스마트탄)
START:Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (전략무기감축조약)
STOL: Short Take Off and Landing (단거리 이착륙)
STOW: the Synthetic Theater Of War (인조 전쟁전역)

21. T

TA: Table of Allowance (할당표)
TA: Table of Authorization (인가표)
TA: Target Acquisition (표적 획득)
TAA: Tactical Assembly Area (전술집결지)
TAACOM: Theater Army Area Command (전구 육군 지역사령부)
TACAN: TACtical Air Navigation (전술항법장치)
TACC: Theater Air Control Center (전구 항공통제본부)
TACP: Tactical Air Control Party (전술항공통제반)
TACS: Theater Air Control System (전구 항공통제체제)
TACON: Tactical Control (전술통제)
TADSS: Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations(훈련 교보재, 장비, 시뮬레이터와 시뮬레이션)
TASS: Total Army School System (미 육군 학교 체제)
TAI: Target Area of Interest (관심표적지역)
TAL: Tactical Action Line (전술조치선)
TAL: Theater Air Lift (전구공수)
TALO: Tactical AirLift Liaison Officer (전술공수 연락장교)
TAR: Tactical Air Reconnaissance (전술항공정찰)
TASE: Tactical Air Support Element (전술항공지원반)
TC: Training Circular
TCD: Tactical Control Director (전술통제관)
TCP: Traffic Control Point (교통통제소)
TRADOC:U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (미 육군 교육사령부)
T.S.E.C:Threat,Strategy,Environment,Capacity (위협,국가전략/의지,작전환경/국가속성,국가능력/역량의 작전술 변화 결정이론)
TD: Table of Distribution (분배표)
TDA: Table of Distribution and Allowances
TE: Table of Equipment (장비인가표)
TES-MP: Tactical Engagement System-Master Plan (전술적 교전 시스템 마스터 플랜)
TF: Task Force (특수임무부대)
TG: Tear Gas (최루탄)
TGOSC: Training General Officer Steering Committee
TGT: Target (표적)
THAAD: Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (고고도미사일방어체계)
TM: Technical Manual (기술교범)
TMD: Theater Missile Defense (전구 미사일 방어)
TMO: Traffic Management Office(r) (교통관리소)
TMO: Theater Missile Operations (전구 미사일 작전)
TNT: Trinitrotoluene (폭약의 종류 중 트리니트로톨루엔)
TO: Table of Organization (편성표)
TOC: Tactical Operations Center (지휘통제실)
TOD: Thermal Observation Device (열상관측장비)
TOD: Time Of Departure (출발시간)
TOT: Time On Target (Artillery Support) (동시 탄착 사격) or Time Over Target (Air Support)
TOW: Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided Missile (BGM-71 TOW 대전차미사일)
TP: Target Practice (표적연습용)
TPFDD: Time-Phased Force Deployment Data (시차별 부대전개제원/ 증원전력)
TR: Tactical Reconnaissance (전술정찰)
TRADOC: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
TS: Team Spirit (팀스피리트 훈련)
TSC: Theater Sustainment Command
TSP: Training Support Package (훈련 지원 패키지)
TTP: Tactics, Techniques and Procedure (전술, 전기 및 절차)
TVD: Theater of Military Action (군사작전 전구)

22. U

UAP: Unified Action Partners
UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (무인항공기)
UCMJ: Uniform Code of Military Justice (영창, 군법)
URAR: 예비군
UH: Utility Helicopter (다목적용 헬기)
UHF: Ultra High Frequence (극 초단파)
ULO: Unified land Operations
UNC: United Nations Command (유엔군 사령부)
UO: Urban Operations
USACE: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAFK: United States Air Forces, Korea (주한 미공군)
USACRC: U. S. Army Combat Readiness Command
USAR: U. S. Army Reserve
USARAF: U. S. Army Africa
USARCENT: U.S. Army Central
USAREUR: U. S. Army Europe
USARPAC: U.S. Army Pacific
USASMDC/ARSTRAT: U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command
USASOC: U. S. Army Special Operations Command
USFK: United States Forces, Korea (주한미군)
USMFK: US Marine Forces, Korea (주한 미해병대)
USNFK: US Naval Forces, Korea (주한 미해군)
UFG: Ul-chi Freedom Guardian (을지연습)
UXO: Unexploded Ordnance (불발탄)

23. V

VHF: Very High Frequence (초단파)
VID: Visual Identification (육안확인)
VIP: Very Important Person (귀빈)
VSTOL: Vertical and Short Take Off Landing (수직 및 단거리 이착륙)
VT: Variable Time fuse (가변시한신관)
VTT: Video Teletraining (비디오 통신망)
VTOL: Vertical Take Off and Landing (수직이착륙)
VUL: Vulcan (발칸포)

24. W

WATCHCON: Watch Condition (대북정보감시태세)
WCS: Weapons Control Status (무기통제상태)
WD: Weapons Director (무기통제사)
WEI: Weapon Effectiveness Index (무기효과지수)
WEZ: Weapons Engagement Zone (무기교전구역)
WFX: warfighter exercise
WG: Wing (비행단)
WG: Working Group (야전부대 훈련)
WGS: Worldwide Geological System (범세계 지도체계)
WHNS: Wartime Host Nation Support (전시지원)
WOC: Wing Operations Center (비행단 작전본부)
WP: White Phosphorous (백린탄)
WRSA: War Reserved Stock for Allies (동맹군을 위한 전시 예비 비축물자)
WS: Weapons System (무기체계)
W-W: Win-Win Strategy (윈윈 전략)
WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction (대량살상무기)

25. X

X: Experimental (실험용)
XO: Executive Officer (보좌관, 부지휘관)

[1] 탄약의 경우 기존 철갑탄과 겹치기 때문에 APERS로 구분지어 부르기도 한다