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최근 수정 시각 : 2022-06-26 14:18:48

써트 슬레이어

파일:Thought Slayer 3.5.jpg

1. 개요2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈
2.1. 3.5
3. 기타4. 관련 문서

1. 개요

써트 슬레이어는 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈의 등장하는 몬스터이며 써트 이터와 동족 관계이며 그 모습은 뼈가 나온 짐승에 모습을 하고 있지만 종족은 애버레이션 계통이다.

2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈

2.1. 3.5

써트 슬레이어(Thought Slayer)
크기/유형(Size/Type): 거대형(Huge) 애버레이션(Aberration)(초능력)
생명점 주사위(Hit Dice): 14d8+70 (133 hp)
우선권(Initiative): +1
속도(Speed): ? 피트(ft). (? 제곱(squares))
방어도(Armor Class): ?? (? 크기(size), ? 민첩성(Dex), ? 자연적(natural)), 무방비(Flat-Footed) ?
기본 공격/드잡이(Base Attack/Grapple): +10/+26
공격(Attack): 한글명칭(English)
전력 공격(Full Attack): 한글명칭(English)
공간 범위/도달 범위(Space/Reach): 한글명칭(English)
특수능력(Special Attacks): 한글명칭(English)
특성(Special Qualities): (한글명칭(English)
내성굴림(Saves): 인내/체질(Fort) +11, 반사(Ref) +5, 의지(Will) +10
능력치(Abilities): 근력(Str) 26, 민첩성(Dex) 13, 건강(Con) 24, 지능(Int) 7, 지혜/통찰(Wis) 12, 매력/존재력(Cha) 15
기술(Skills): 한글명칭(English)
재주(Feats): Alertness, Cleave, Great Fortitude, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (bite)
환경(Environment): 한글명칭(English)
조직(Organization): 단독 또는 무리(Solitary or flock) (?-?)
도전 지수(Challenge Rating): 13
성향: 종종(Often) 혼돈 중립
발전(Advancement): 15-28 HD (거대형(Huge))
레벨 보정 페널티(Level Adjustment):
Thought slayers do not speak.
A thought slayer can spend a maximum of 10 continuous minutes on the Material Plane before its wispy flesh finally dissipates and it falls dead. If badly wounded, it escapes to the Ethereal Plane rather than continuing the fight.

Mind-Consuming Gaze (Su)
Instantly kill (by draining the mind away), range 30 feet, Fortitude DC 19 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is considered a mind-affecting death effect. If a thought slayer’s gaze is met indirectly (such as through a mirror or a reflection in water), the opponent does not die on a failed save but instead is dazed for 14 rounds. This otherwise is a gaze effect.

The gaze cannot affect creatures on the Material Plane while the thought slayer remains ethereal, but it can affect ethereal creatures while the thought slayer is on the Material Plane.

Psi-Like Abilities
At will—brain lock (any nonmindless, DC 14*), chameleon, detect psionics, distract (DC 13); 3/day—body adjustment (5d12*), mental barrier (+6 AC, 2 rounds*), mind trap (10 rounds*), precognition, wall walker; 1/day—escape detection. Manifester level 14th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

*Includes augmentation for the thought slayer’s manifester level.

Ethereal Jaunt (Su)
A thought slayer can shift from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as part of any move action, and then shift back again as a free action. The ability is otherwise identical to the psionic ethereal jaunt power.
출처: OGL SRD 3.5

3. 기타

4. 관련 문서