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최근 수정 시각 : 2023-10-19 13:13:51

Orcish Artillery

TCG매직 더 개더링》에 나오는 카드.
영어판 명칭Orcish Artillery파일:Orcish Artillery.jpg
한글판 명칭-
유형생물 — 오크 전사
{T}: Orcish Artillery는 대상에게 피해 2점을 입히고 당신에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.
In a rare display of ingenuity, the Orcs invented an incredibly destructive weapon. Most Orcish artillerists are those who dared criticize its effectiveness. (~6판)
“Ready … aim … fire!”
“So they want to kill my men? Well two can play at that game.” —General Khurzog (8판~)
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