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최근 수정 시각 : 2025-01-22 20:02:06

Alternate Battlegrounds/사건 사고

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스킨 및 대사
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사건 사고 | AB:A | 모티브가 된 작품 }}}

1. 2023년
1.1. 개발자 대거 이탈 사건
1.1.1. 발단1.1.2. TylerPee의 폭로1.1.3. 닉스의 사과문1.1.4. Koda의 어뷰징1.1.5. 반응과 여파1.1.6. 마스터소드의 문서

1. 2023년

1.1. 개발자 대거 이탈 사건

1.1.1. 발단

한국시간 2023년 6월 19일부터 갑작스레 많은 개발자들과 관리자들이 서버를 떠나기 시작했다. 단순히 "재미가 없다" 가 이유인 경우가 많았고, 개발자 Qnixu[1]와 아주 친한 SaintUza는 나가면서 이렇게 말했다.
This might be the last message in this server, and I wanna address it to Nix, the creator of this game. You've been a really great friend and I hope we can still talk even after I leave, but I wanna say that I hope the best for AB. I know you haven't worked much on AB, but just know that it changed me. This server is the reason I "grew up" and the reason i met my best friends. As for the game, the community supports your game, WE support your game. I know what u think, that AB is just a mess and everything, but it made the life of many people in this server. Many people want to see AB grow and I truly hope the best for this game, so please take me seriously: Continue working on what u love, continue making people love your game. Continue being who are you. I love you all and I'm grateful for everything this server did for me.

아무래도 이 메시지가 서버에서 보내는 마지막이 되겠군요. 그리고 저는 게임 제작자인 Nix를 언급하고 싶습니다. 닉스, 넌 정말 좋은 친구였고, 내가 여길 나가도 우리가 계속 얘기할 수 있기를 바라지만, 난 AB에 좋은 일만 있기를 바라. 난 네가 AB에 관해서 그렇게 일을 많이 하지 않았다는 걸 알지만, 그냥 그게 나를 바꿔줬다는 사실만 알아줘. 이 서버는 내가 "성장"하고 내 최고의 친구들을 만날 수 있게 해준 이유야. 게임에 대해서는, 커뮤니티가, 우리가 네 게임을 계속 지지하고 있어. 네가 무슨 생각하는지 알아. AB가 그냥 쓰레기같겠지. 하지만 그게 이 서버에 있는 많은 사람들의 삶 속 한 부분을 차지했어. 많은 사람들이 AB가 성장하는 걸 보고싶어하고 나도 이 게임이 정말 잘 됐으면 좋겠으니, 내가 하는 말들을 진지하게 들어줘. 네가 좋아하는 걸 계속 하고, 사람들이 계속 네 게임을 좋아하도록 만들어. 너 자신을 잃어버리지 마. 그리고 여러분, 사랑합니다. 그리고 감사합니다.

그저 친구가 피치 못할 사정으로 떠나며 남은 친구에게 덕담을 해주는 것으로 보였으나...

1.1.2. TylerPee의 폭로

한국시간 2023년 6월 21일 오전 6시쯤, 한 디스코드 모더, TylerPee[2]가 4장의 사진과 함께 장문의 글을 올린다.
So ABians you may know me as TylerPee, I became a Admin yesterday and when the chaos happened. So recently I got ahold of so info on what's been going down in this AB drama. There has been rumors spreading around where Jaden and the rest of the staff team left on there own terms... This is not the case, Mastersword and Nix had Jadens demotion all planned out. The demoted Jaden because Jaden didn't let Mastersword and Nix do there whatever do behavior, we can see this from yesterdays lockdown. The lockdown was caused from Nix and Mastersword making the Alternate Battleground Bot spam degenerative stuff, most active community members would know that the Alternate Battleground Bot has been saying really weird stuff. Mastersword and Nix are also manipulative liars who tried to hide the truth from the other game designer (Fresh) in hopes to keep the AB community stable
Just letting you know that AB:A was suppose to have a promised Gaster Rework, X!Chara and Cross Separation Rework, and Sans Rework. This will never happened now because of Nix and Mastersword both being lazy. Another thing VOID GASTER was suppose to be a super secret event skin similar to the Nightmare Mode event skin. Guess what will never happen since Meemster was suppose to work on it, but he's gone now...
For the seven months I have been a active community member and I want to inform you guys on this information. Just seeing these things go down makes me on the edge of leaving AB. I'm fully aware of my actions and I'm ready to get banned. In my eyes I view that I'm a member more than a admin. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the chance of being a huge part of the AB community. So for now I'll see ya guys later.

AB 유저 여러분, 아마 여러분들은 저를 타일러로 알고 계실 겁니다. 바로 어제 디스코드 모더레이터가 됐고, 이 혼란의 시작을 지켜봤지요. 이 AB 드라마의 수면 밑에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지에 대한 정보들을 좀 파악했습니다. Jaden[3]과 다른 개발자들이 서버를, 팀을 자기 발로 나갔다는 루머가 퍼지고 있는데... 사실이 아닙니다. Mastersword[4]와 닉스가 제이든의 권한 박탈을 진작에 계획하고 있었습니다. 제이든이 권한을 박탈당한 이유는 그가 마스터소드와 닉스로 하여금 지들 하고싶은대로 하는 걸 가만히 지켜보지 못했기 때문입니다. 어제의 락다운이 이걸로 설명이 가능한데, 락다운은 닉스와 마스터소드가 AB 디스코드 서버 봇을 가지고 부적절한 언행을 반복하도록 했기 때문에 발생했습니다. 아마 활동적인 커뮤니티 멤버분들은 어제 디코 봇이 이상한 말들을 반복해서 내뱉었다는 사실을 알고 계셨을 겁니다. 또한 마스터소드와 닉스는 다른 게임 디자이너(Fresh)에게 이 모든 사실을 숨겨 AB 커뮤니티를 안정적으로 유지하려 했던 거짓말쟁이들이기도 합니다.
AB:A가 분명한 가스터 리워크, 크로스와 X차라 분리 리워크, 샌즈 리워크를 약속했다는 사실을 알려드리고 싶습니다. 이제 이것들은 마스터소드와 닉스의 게으름 탓에 영원히 빛을 보지 못할 것입니다. 그리고 "공허 가스터"라는, NMM 샌즈처럼 아주 비밀스러운 이벤트 스킨도 계획되어 있었습니다만... 작업중이던 Meemster[5]가 나가버렸기 때문에 이것도 어떻게 될 지 모르겠네요
지난 7달동안, 저는 활동적인 커뮤니티 멤버였고, 그저 이런 정보들을 제공해드리고 싶었습니다. 이런 게 일어나는 걸 보는 것만으로도 당장 AB를 떠나고 싶게 만드네요. 전 제가 무슨 짓을 벌이고 있는지 잘 알고, 밴당할 준비도 됐습니다. 제 눈에는 제가 관리자이기 이전 하나의 평범한 멤버로 보입니다. 진심으로, 이 커뮤니티의 큰 부분이 될 수 있어서 감사합니다. 그러니 지금은 작별을 고합시다.
마스터소드와 닉스, 두 리드 개발자들의 독단적 행동과 패악질에 대부분의 개발자들이 나갔다고 폭로하는 글이었다. 첨부된 4장의 사진 또한 이 주장을 완벽히 증명하는 스크린샷이었다. 닉스가 디코 봇을 가지고 성적으로 부적절한 장난질을 치는 대화 기록 스크린샷과 한 개발자가 마스터소드와 제이든의 권한 박탈에 대하여 대화를 하는 3장의 사진으로 구성되어 있었고, 실제로 마스터소드가 다른 게임의 개발자에게 이 사실들을 숨기고, "따르지 않는다면 나가라" 식의 태도를 보이는 것 또한 확인됐다.

1.1.3. 닉스의 사과문

결국 폭로 4시간 만인 오전 10시에 닉스가 공지를 올렸다.
Hello ABians,
I want to preface this by saying TylerPee is a good person, with his exceptional ability to be good friends with anyone. He was a great community member, and the announcement he made today was from his perspective and what he has gathered from Jaden. I failed to speak with him beforehand and I’ve come to clarify some things briefly and apologize for the unjustifiable.
Before you ask, it is true that we have been planning on demoting Jaden for a little over a week now, for reasons that will be discussed at a later time inside an explanation doc sword is preparing. Because our lack of transparency for that is explainable and reasonably just, it falls into that document as well.
What I want to address at the moment is the screenshots that were posted with TylerPee’s message. My actions were undeniably wrong. You guys know that I do not interact with the community that much. I’m used to spending most of my time in the staff channels, where everyone is used to joking around in that matter, as rules aren’t enforced in them. Seeing that people were excited to see what the bot could do, I have misjudged my actions, and for that I am sorry. There is no reason for an owner to be doing these things publicly. There is no defense. I also want to clarify that the messages had no correlation to Jaden’s ban as some may believe.
I’m indebted to this community for how far it got me, but I’m not sure how I can move on. My only reason for continuing was because of you guys, and now it seems I’ve lost the support of the people. On the other hand, part of me refuses to do what SoulShatters did and completely forget about the rework. So I’ve decided to continue with what little I have left. The best I can do now is push the rework with less character moveset changes than originally planned. Other character’s reworks will have to be pushed into the future, releasing after AB:A. Perhaps later down the road we can rebuild our team and take on more ambitious projects, but until then just know that I’m working with what I got.
I’m going to continue, but I need to take a break first (a day or two).
Till then,

안녕하세요, AB 유저 여러분.
서두를 타일러가 누구나 친구가 될 수 있는 특별한 능력을 가진 좋은 사람이라는 것으로 떼고 싶습니다. 그는 훌륭한 커뮤니티 멤버였고, 그가 오늘 올린 폭로문은 그가 제이든에게서 받은 정보를 토대로 그의 관점에서 쓰여진 것입니다. 저는 그와 소통하는 데에 실패했고, 몇 가지 사항들을 정리하고 정당화될 수 없는 것들에 대해 사과하고자 글을 씁니다.
우선, 저희가 일주일 하고도 조금 더 전부터 제이든의 권한 박탈을 계획하고 있었던 건 맞습니다. 이유는 마스터소드가 준비 중인 문서에 전부 들어가 있습니다. 저희가 이걸 투명하게 공개할 수 없는 정당한 이유도 그 문서가 설명해 줄 것입니다.
제가 언급하고 싶은 것은, 타일러가 첨부한 스크린샷입니다. 제 행동은 확실히 잘못됐습니다. 여러분들도 제가 커뮤니티와 별로 교류하지 않는다는 것을 아실 겁니다. 저는 보통 대부분의 사람들이 선을 넘나들며 농담을 던져대는 스태프 채널에서 시간을 보냅니다. 거긴 규칙들이 적용되지 않으니까요. 사람들이 디스코드 봇의 능력을 알고싶어하는 것을 보고, 제 스스로 잘못된 판단을 내렸습니다. 정말 죄송합니다. 아무리 게임의 소유자라고 해도, 이런 짓을 공개적으로 해서는 안됩니다. 변명의 여지가 없습니다. 그리고 이건 제이든의 권한 박탈과 관계가 없다는 것을 밝히고 싶습니다.
저는 이 커뮤니티가 제게 준 도움을 기억하고 있지만, 어떻게 나아가야 할 지 잘 모르겠습니다. 제 유일한 이유는 바로 여러분들이었고, 이제는 제가 사람들의 지지를 잃은 것으로 보이네요. 또한, 저의 어떤 부분은 소울섀터가 했던 짓, 리워크를 전부 백지화하는 것을 거부하고 있습니다.[6] 그래서, 저는 제 남아있는 일부분과 함께 계속 여정을 하기로 마음먹었습니다. 제가 지금 할 수 있는 것은 당초 계획된 것 보다 적은 양의 변경점들을 포함한 리워크를 밀어붙이는 것입니다. 다른 캐릭터들의 리워크는 AB:A가 안정적으로 자리잡은 후에 계속되어야 할 것입니다. 아마 나중에는 다시 팀을 꾸리고 좀 더 야망있는 프로젝트에 매달릴 수도 있겠지만, 그때가 오기 전까지는 그저 제가 최선을 다해 일하고 있다는 것만 알아주세요.
저는 이탈하지 않을 것이지만, 우선 휴식이 필요할 것 같습니다.(하루나 이틀 정도)
닉스 올림.

여기서 주목해야 하는 것은 바로 마스터소드가 준비 중인 문서이다. 제이든의 권한 박탈은 생각보다 공정한 처사였을지도 모르기에, 섣부른 판단은 아직까지 금물. 사실 대부분의 개발자들이 이탈한 정확한 이유도 아직 밝혀지지 않았다.

이렇게 일단락 되는 줄 알았으나...

1.1.4. Koda의 어뷰징

1.1.5. 반응과 여파

당연히 팬층은 난리가 났다.

디스코드는 순식간에 아수라장으로 변했다. SaintUza가 나간 뒤로 퍼블릭 채팅들이 막혔었는데, 풀리자마자 각종 비관적인 도배[7]를 당하고 몇분만에 다시 막혔으며, 밸런스 관련 사항을 올리는 포럼조차 이에 관한 게시글들로 도배되고 간이 채팅방처럼 사용되다가 결국 막혔다.

여론은 대부분 닉스를 비난하지만, 오히려 남은 모더레이터들을 중심으로 닉스를 두둔하는 움직임이 나타나고 있다. 그가 단지 16살[8]밖에 안되는 미성년자이니, 그럴 수 있다는 반응. 그러나 닉스의 "이건 그저 내 성장을 위한 발판일 뿐이다" 라는 발언 때문에 오히려 민심이 나락으로 떨어지기도 했다. 관리자 중 한명은 아예 대노하여 "이렇게 해서, 성인이 아니면 게임을 절대 운영할 수 없다는 사실이 밝혀졌다", "닉스는 커뮤니티를 존중한다고 하면서 완전히 무시하는 언행을 보이고 있다" 등의 발언을 하는 공지를 남기고 나가기도 했다.[9]

모든 사건이 전개된 후에는, 닉스와 마스터소드를 제외한 개발자 단 4명을 남기고 핵심 인원들이 전부 사라졌다. 친한 사람들이 나가버리니 더 이상 팀에 남을 이유가 없는 것. 같은 SS류 팬게임인 UTPR로 넘어가거나 아예 다른 길을 찾거나 한다고 한다. 꽤나 인기 있던 게임의 핵심 인원으로 활동했다는 것은 후에 팀을 구할 때 유용하게 작용할 테니...

디스코드까지 참여할 정도로 활동적이었던 팬층은 소수를 제외하고 대부분 좌절하는 중. 그 소수마저도 정신승리에 가까운 합리화를 하고 있지만.

확실한 것은, 애초에 대략적인 예상 날짜도 나오지 않았던 AB:A의 출시가 훨씬 뒤로 밀렸다는 것이다. 업데이트 날짜 또한 완전 미지수가 되어버렸다.[10] 붙잡고 낑낑대던 개발자가 절반도 안 남았기 때문. 거기다 닉스의 경우 적잖은 심리적 타격도 받았을 것으로 예상된다. 본인의 실수로 게임이 망하기 직전이니까...

현재 채팅이 다시 가능하며, 핵심 개발자이자 애니메이터 중 한명이었던 Maple과 Meemster가 돌아왔다. 집행유예

게임의 업데이트를 반쯤 조져놓은 사건이라 자연스럽게 동접자수도 많이 줄었다.[11] 원래는 한국시간 기준 피크인 오후 10시~새벽 1시까지도 동접자수가 5~6천명, 많으면 7천명도 찍었었는데, 현재는 500명도 간당간당하다.

1.1.6. 마스터소드의 문서

한국시간 2023년 8월 9일 오후 2시 21분, 마침내막장드라마를 설명해 줄 문서가 세상에 나왔다.
원문 링크
[ 전체 글 ]

Miscellaneous Explanations
Why Was TylerPee Demoted and Banned?
TylerPee’s demotion incentives are fairly straightforward - he pinged everyone in an announcement out of the blue and >stirred by far the worst drama AB has ever seen in its year of existence. I don’t blame him for this announcement, as with >the information he collected at the time, his perspective was logical, but through recent evidence we’ve collected we have >decided TylerPee is without a doubt purely an antagonist towards AB as a whole. It has been confirmed in both leaks of a >server he’s participated in and even messages to the members of AB that TylerPee has intended to burn down the AB >community entirely (seen in evidence #22 - #39). He bragged about his actions in regards to destabilizing the server and >admitted to scheming a plan for tarnishing both Nix’s and my reputations further, as well as damaging the AB server and >game as much as he could in the process. Additionally, the way he planned to go about doing so was evading his ban by >using his friend’s account and hosting a false game night. Due to this, we cannot allow TylerPee to ever return to AB >again.

Why Was TylerPee’s Announcement Deleted?
Despite initial assumption by some, TylerPee’s announcement was not deleted in an effort to “censor” or “suppress” what >his message was trying to get across. I initially deleted it because, at the time I had seen it, I was at work and only >had the time to read a few sentences. The most I saw in that moment was the fact it pinged everyone and his claims of Nix >and I being manipulative liars, so of course I deleted it in an attempt at preventing any drama stirring before I could >facilitate the server when I got home. Unfortunately, I deleted it too late, and instead the effect was a riot of furious >people under the assumption I was trying to censor what he said. I said “sorry for the ghost ping” after his announcement >was deleted because, although the message itself was gone, the everyone ping still alerted every member of the server, and >those who hadn’t read the message yet would be wondering what was happening. I can’t just let an everyone ghost ping go >without at least that form of a short apology. To support this, for the people who had caught wind of his message, I said >“expect an explanation” for any and all accusations TylerPee had against AB, Nix, or myself. Upon getting home and realizing the deletion of the message was impulsive, I read the entire message and reposted it in announcements for anyone who was curious to be able to see it, as again, almost everything he stated was explainable and is explained in the document you’re currently reading. My motive was not to censor anything he was saying, as again, I did repost the message in announcements, but to prevent rioting and any unnecessary burdens on the then smaller mod team.

Why Did We Hide Jaden’s Demotion Plan?
In TylerPee’s announcement, Nix and I were portrayed as manipulative liars due to the fact that we hid our plan to demote Jaden from the admin team. While it is true that we did hide it, it’s not for the reasoning hinted at in his announcement. We are not, in fact, ‘manipulative liars’. The reasoning behind Jaden’s demotion is seen below, in its respective section, but I’ll begin with the history of the plan and why we hid it. In summary, Jaden and I have had our issues over the past 10 months or so, which began to increase in intensity and promise worsened possible outcomes over the past 2-3 months. Because of this, Nix and I wanted to demote Jaden in an attempt to finally resolve some of these issues. It was a difficult decision, but when we came to our conclusion we couldn’t just outright demote him at that moment. Due to an agreement Jaden had with some of the staff, if he were to leave, they agreed to leave with him. Demoting him without a trial and a proper explanation wouldn’t seem fair, so AB would have no chance at maintaining the admins that we hoped to keep, even in Jaden’s absence. To ensure us our best chance at keeping as many as we could after Jaden’s demotion, I had to write an explanation doc to share with all of the admins during the process. That document is the one you are reading right now, which is why you’ll shortly see a message I wrote a month ago referring to the admins in the Jaden’s Demotion section. As time went by, the document (which at the time only had our reasoning behind Jaden’s demotion and was intended for the admins) was approaching its completion. Before we could actually demote Jaden and have a discussion with him and the admins, unfortunately, the night where Nix and I played around with the Jit bot took place. Jaden understandably had an issue with the things that were taking place in lounge, and began to take action on them, which caused a disagreement, considering it was 5-6AM for Nix and I and we certainly weren’t acting with our best judgements. In the end, he resigned from his position as Manager on his own, and in light of the undefendable things that took place that night, the admins left with him. We had no way of preventing this after the disagreement, as the document was nowhere near finished and it never covered the Jit bot messages anyway, so the worst possible outcome of Jaden’s demotion happened without us demoting him in the first place. Because Jaden was already out of AB and the admins that would leave with him had already left, the document and the plan behind Jaden’s demotion no longer served a purpose. With that in mind, I chose to stop working on the document and not reveal the plan, as revealing it to the admins that stayed despite what unjustifiably happened that night would only make things worse, with them potentially leaving as well. Sure, AB lost a lot of admins that we certainly would’ve preferred not to, but with Jaden gone, the issues had already been resolved. I thought that the worst of the situation was already behind us, and we would only move forward from Jaden’s resignation. Unfortunately, TylerPee’s announcement followed a bit later, claiming that Nix and I hid the plan for malicious reasons and that Jaden was banned by us unreasonably, despite the fact that he resigned on his own. Afterwards, I was forced to explain a variety of things behind this drama to the AB community (including our reasons behind Jaden’s Demotion plan), so I was brought back to this document that was initially intended for the admins.

Was Jaden Banned For The Jit Bot Messages?
As stated previously, Jaden was not banned for the Jit bot messages, nor was he demoted by us at all. Despite TylerPee’s announcement, Nix and I did not intend to demote Jaden for opposing the change to Jit and what we were doing with it, as his opposition was fully reasonable. Not only would we have no basis to demote him on if that were the case, but the document and plan behind Jaden’s demotion were started before the night of those bot messages, so any correlation between the two would be impossible. Again, I believe there’s no real justification for what took place that night, which is why that’s the only thing not explained in this document, but the claim that the actions themselves were behind our intent to demote Jaden is completely false. Additionally, the bot no longer acts this way. It stopped the morning after.


There is a significant portion of the following section that is now considered by both Jaden and I as outdated after recent discussion. These include the Koda demotion issues within Contention 2 and the issue in Contention 1. I am aware they are outdated, and they will be further elaborated in Jaden’s video, which is linked in the same announcement this document is. I have decided to keep them, however, as they were still nonetheless a part of our reasoning behind wishing to demote Jaden. They were truthful and honest to my and various other staff’s best assumptions at the matters they discussed, and thus will be used to defend the challenging of our reasoning by TylerPee. Once again, although they may be outdated now, they were the most we could honestly confirm at the time of their writing, and are certainly not the reasoning TylerPee has claimed supports the Jaden demotion plan. Contention 1 especially holds no current value against Jaden’s administrative abilities and certainly his character - which is fine - as damaging Jaden’s reputation or challenging his character is NOT the purpose of ANY of these contentions or this entire document at all. As previously stated, this document is purely a defensive resource to the allegations brought upon AB, myself, and Nix by TylerPee. Additionally, please keep in mind the section addressing the admins is also outdated. It was written during the time in which this document only served the purpose of justifying Jaden’s hypothetical demotion to the old admins, as discussed earlier in the Miscellaneous Explanations section. I have decided to not change anything in this doc from how it was originally written to address the admins simply because it is now meant for the members’ eyes, and to stay as transparent as possible.

Jaden’s Demotion & Permanent Ban from AB
There are a plethora of reasons that AB has chosen to permanently relieve Jaden of his administrative roles, as well as in regards to the fact that we do not believe Jaden has a place at AB anymore. Before I go into any of these in this explanation, please understand that this decision IS final. There is nothing you can do or say to change that. And no, this is not a joke like the Koda and TylerPee promotion to Manager.

For the admins reading this, please note that I completely respect each and every single one of your decisions. I acknowledge the fact that in light of Jaden’s absence, some of you may choose to leave with him. Although I definitely prefer that all of you stay, and I will make an attempt at achieving this, it is true that you may have your own personal reasons. If you want further elaboration or clarification from me in any way, I am happy to help you out. Otherwise, please keep the inevitable discussion in the GC civilized. There is no need for an argument, as AB’s decision will remain stagnant. All your previous conditions will remain valid, and new ones are up to request.

Contention 1
Our first contention is by far the most foremost and objective, which is the fact that, if we were to proceed with inaction regarding Jaden and his place in the staff team, we would be harboring a suspended user and be actively condoning his authority. To appeal his suspended Discord account, he would have to prove to Discord that he is above the US age of consent (18) because of the various excessively explicit contents of his DMs (those are his DMs though, I’m not judging him by those it’s just Discord TOS). Common sense states that, as a community server, this would be unacceptable, and could result in punishment of the AB discord as a whole. I’m sure that you all, as administrators, can realize that. Alone, this should be enough cause to rid Jaden of his power roles.

Contention 2
Our second contention concerns Jaden’s irresponsible usage of power and irresponsible behavior, specifically revolving around unjustified and personally-driven punishment dispensed to those undeserving. A prime example of this was seen in cmpdr’s case. As many of you know, Jaden has carried a very potent personal grudge against cmp (evidence #3) for a considerably large amount of time, roughly 3 months. This had only escalated, however, after cmp offered to help stabilize AB in response to Jaden’s threats of crumbling it and removing most of the administrators the morning after he sent the following message (evidence #1 in the proof library). Others who Jaden both publicly and privately lashed out against for this same reason include Vietnam and BenAE. Conveniently, following cmp’s leak of the singular joke Uza made, he was immediately demoted without notice. Although I agree that cmp’s demotion was fair, as leaking staff chat is breaking a rule, I know that the process by which it was carried out was completely unacceptable. In fact, the reasoning behind cmp’s demotion was deliberately hidden from him by Jaden (as shown in evidence #17). Fortunately, it was a failed attempt, but upon having noticed that cmp knew why he was demoted, Jaden reacted furiously, essentially grilling any of the staff with access to high ranks (as seen in evidence #2).

An extension of this unprofessionalism and irresponsible behavior was showcased by Jaden before this, during the week or so he sat in AB without any power roles. Essentially each day, for almost a week straight, Jaden sat in lounge and began to publicly spread drama and insult various members, especially me. Post-resigning then, Jaden’s reasoning for staying in the server was to “watch AB burn” and “make fun of that joke Mastersword”. He went as far as to create problems for Astral, disturbing the members to the point of which some of them even asked him themselves to change the topic of conversation. All of this can be seen in the proof library (evidence #4 - #11). Of course, he did not change the topic of conversation. On top of that, frequent rants like these occurred even unprovoked. I had not sent a message in AB 30 minutes to an hour prior to Jaden’s first message in lounge in that session of his activity. Not only does this act as another reason for Jaden’s removal, as it showcases the extent to which his unprofessionalism and emotion can override his logical capacity regarding myself (his coworker), it serves as an incentive to keep Jaden completely out of AB, regardless of role or power status, since he has proven to cause issues in the server with or without his administrator perms.

As for a more recent example, the situation between XEventia and Jaden showcases some instances of his irresponsible usage of power. On one occasion, he decided to game ban Spirit_Kana in AB’s lounge for no apparent reason after an argument (as seen in evidence #16). Upon us inquiring his reasoning for doing so in a vc, his only response was that it was for “getting a message across”. After causing problems and getting into personal beef with high ranks and the owner of the XEventia server, Jaden lost his admin role in XEventia, and proceeded to rant about it. His immediate reaction was to purge and delete the server in retaliation, as he was fairly upset, but conceded after about 30 minutes of Nix and I talking with him. Even though Jaden had a good reason to have an admin role in XEventia initially, the showcase of his immediate destructive tendencies gave us another reason to be skeptical of Jaden being fit to manage AB. While it is true that Jaden played a role in helping XEventia out of its undeniably degenerate state, he lost his role far after the server was amended, whilst they still maintained Uza’s role and thus his ability to watch over the server. Still, Jaden reacted with a desire to execute unprecedented and extreme force. XEventia has since not had any issues with the respectability and quality of its community’s messages, regardless of Jaden’s presence or absence. Unfortunately, after Jaden’s fiasco with the XEventian leaders, he amassed a notably bad reputation with its important people and active members (as seen in evidence #12 - #15).

Staying on recent examples, there has been an issue between Jaden, some of the staff, and Nix & I regarding Koda. Since I’m sure you all are in the admins GC to observe Jaden’s rant about it, I’ll just summarize the issue and how it fits into this line of reasoning. Today (at the time of writing, Jun 17, 2023), Koda was demoted from her position as Moderator, advocated mainly by Astral, Ponko, and more importantly, Jaden, for the following reasons: “Had Vintage write responses on her mod app so she could pass”, “Displayed attention seeking behavior”, “Manipulated behavior via sympathy”, and “Has broken the rules and made too many references to stuff we are not allowed to mention (Im guilty of this too tho)”. Although none of the reasons correspond to her actual performance as a moderator, the legitimacy of the reasons themselves can be argued by both sides, which is why I’m not challenging them. Koda even admitted herself that she recognizes how her past behavior could have been perceived as ‘attention seeking’. There were two separate problems found in this situation, respectively addressed by Nix and I. Nix found a minor and completely reparable issue with how he was never told about any staff occurrences or major events, such as the addition or removal of moderators/administrators from the staff team. I, however, found a problem in Jaden’s conduct regarding Koda’s newfound access to viewing high ranks. True, an ex-mod should not be able to view the contents of the high ranks channel, but the “jeopardizing” of high ranks that caused him to move the channel to the bottom of the lowest text category piqued my interest. Before Ponko could delete the channel, or was told to delete the channel, I was able to see various messages degrading Koda and showcasing an extremely negative sentiment, even while she was a moderator, with DM leaks and messages that gave both Nix and I a reason to believe that Jaden, along with some other staff, intended on hiding their backstabbing from Koda. The notion that separates Jaden’s offense here from the other staff involved is the fact that Jaden has been proven to have these negative tendencies, with other cases to support that claim, yet the rest of the admins had only committed this one violation (as far as I’m concerned). This both ties back to the instance of Jaden’s display of excessive desire to hide the truth and segways into our next contention: dishonesty.

Contention 3
Our third contention is in view of Jaden’s previous objective dishonesty and obstruction of others’ attempts at work. On countless occasions during my extensive time working as Head of Development/Co-Owner of AB, Jaden and I ran into various issues regarding each other and the leading of the dev team. Because we had worked together for such a long time, I’m not going to get into the specifics for a lot of the issues and instead mainly summarize, saving prolonged discussion for only a few select instances. The main way tension between Jaden and I had all started was due to these disagreements and petty behavioral conduct. In the beginning, however, all was mostly well. AB development over the summer of 2022 was fine, until my school year started in late August. Once school had started, I was too inconsistent with my activity to efficiently guide development at the same pace I previously was. Jaden thankfully stepped up to the plate despite whilst only considered being Server Manager, and was picking up in places where I left off during the weekdays. Even though I was consistently able to take over on the weekends, Jaden began to ‘overstay his welcome’ in terms of leading development and slowly exhibited his desires to spread his control into the full week, even if I had opportunities to do my job during the weekdays or weekends. Over the course of a month or two, he successfully established his own authority with the devteam, and although the developers would still listen to me they would naturally look to Jaden in most cases. It was from then on where Jaden and I would get into most of our fights. Despite my efforts and clear intent to continue working, he would frequently undermine me and disregard anything I say, creating an everlasting tension between the two of us. Still, I was always able to do my 2nd job of building maps. This all skyrocketed, though, at some time in October of last year. Development to me seemed a lot slower, nothing was being said in the development server we had, nor in my DMs or in the AB server itself. Everything seemed off, and I didn’t hear a word of anyone taking any breaks. I decided to look into it, and as it turns out, Jaden made and was using a completely separate group chat (that wasn’t full) to go about development, with all of the other main developers and even Nix. After confronting him and being added to it, he told me that it was because “group chats are easier to use”, but I believe I have a very solid reason to think it was for the sole purpose of excluding me from whatever he was doing with my devteam, especially since it wasn’t full and I was never told about it. Of course, I was infuriated, but in light of all the positive work he’s done for AB even up to then, I decided to let it slide and told him to never do anything like that again. Although I was now in the development gc, the team that I had previously worked with became the most toxic working environment I’ve ever been in. For months, both Jaden and some of the developers were calling me useless, among other things, to my face and constantly talking behind my back while Jaden would continue to undermine me. To put it bluntly, I was treated like shit, but I can’t blame the developers. Since the creation of that gc they were always hearing things about me from Jaden, and since he was with them more often, they would always look to him. Once I was completely excluded and left in the dark about these things, they only had the presence of Jaden and the apparent absence of myself to formulate their new opinions of me, so I can’t say I was surprised. Still, I continued to work at a normal pace and push through the coming months, always building and leading where I could.

Fast forward many, many issues and a considerable amount of time later, one of the more recent major issues occurred. Some time in mid-late May, Lord was facing issues with previous UTPR staff who embezzled over 100k robux and many of the game’s assets from him, so a couple of our AB developers reached out to help him stabilize his game. In return, Grimbo, a talented builder at UTPR, kindly offered to temporarily help AB with anything development related. At around the same time, we were working on the Player event. Now, before Grimbo was hired by AB, a separate gc was made by Meemster to solely serve the purpose of working on the Player event. This was before any building for it was necessary, and since not all the developers were working on it, creating a separate and single-purpose gc for it was completely understandable. I simply asked to be added to it when building was necessary, and promptly was. After Grimbo’s hiring though, it ceased activity. Although building was then needed, Grimbo working with us meant to Jaden that he no longer had to rely on me, although he had absolutely no authority to be calling any shots development wise anyway. Of course, he created yet another separate dev gc despite being told not to back in October and chose to both exclude me from it and not mention a word. Consequently, he added Grimbo and took over Meemster’s initiative on the Player event. Not surprisingly, Grimbo was soon to be specifically instructed to not listen to anything I say to him and completely disregard me doing my job (as seen in evidence #18 - #19). Clearly, Jaden does not respect my authority in the field of development, so there should be no reason for me to respect his authority in the field of server management. Not only, however, does he jump at any opportunity to undermine me, his wishes to outstretch his authority here are both seen in this development-related contention and the issues with XEventia back in Contention 2. Additionally, I wasn’t the only developer that had various problems with Jaden. There was an instance of Jaden again obstructing development by overstretching his boundaries with Maple, at around the same time period (as seen in evidence #19 - #20). Maple previously hosted an event with the prize of her time paradox skin, which was already being worked on. By the time Jaden stepped in to stop the production of the skin, it already had assets made for it and was planned far before his intended influence on the skin. It was already promised to a member for completing Maple’s event, and considering she was Skin Manager, this was a completely reasonable decision. To this day, Jaden’s incentives for stopping its production are unknown to me.

As of wrapping up this document, the date is Aug 8, 2023. Jaden has parted ways with his position as AB’s Server Manager for a while now, and both of us would have it no other way. Jaden and I have remained friends even since his leave, and to be honest, things are much calmer. We both know how to separate friendships from work, and even during the issues we had, we were always able to enjoy time off together and laugh at the things we memed. Essentially, we are still on good terms. I physically cannot urge you more to NOT spread any hate for any mistakes he has made in the past. I believe that he is a good person inside, and I know through our conversations that he’s already been through more than most people ever will have. Plus, even if he were to make double the mistakes he did during his career at AB, it would be dishonest of me to say that AB would be the same without him. He undeniably played a major positive role in forming the community and game into what it is now, and for that I have nothing but respect for him. I can’t help but feel bad that I had to write all this about him, even though he had nothing to do with the TylerPee drama, as he was caught in the middle of his announcement. If you were to say anything to Jaden now, as a member, it should be “Thank you”.

[ 번역문 ]
>주의 사항:
이 문서의 어떤 내용도 언급된 누군가를 개인적으로 공격하거나 이미 일어난 일에 또 다시 연루되게 하려는 의도가 없음을 밝힙니다. 관련된 이들에게, 특히 제이든에게 증오를 퍼뜨리지 말아주세요. 이 문서는 오로지 방어적인 목적의 설명과 타일러의 주장을 부정하기 위함을 밝힙니다.

세부 사항 설명
왜 타일러가 권한을 뺏기고 밴을 당했는가?
타일러의 권한 박탈에는 딱히 수상한 의도가 없습니다 - 그는 공지 사항에 언급된 이들을 전부 적으로 돌렸고 AB 탄생 이후 최악의 드라마를 이끌었습니다. 전 이 공지 때문에 타일러를 탓하는 게 아닙니다. 그가 당시에 모았던 정보들을 보면 그의 의도는 논리적이었으나, 저희가 수집한 최근의 정보들을 바탕으로 저희는 타일러를 한 치의 의심도 없이 완전히 적으로 간주하기로 했습니다. 그가 참여한 서버에서 그가 말한 내용과 AB 멤버들에게 말한 내용들을 보면, 타일러는 AB 커뮤니티를 완전히 붕괴시키려는 의도를 가지고 있었습니다(증거 #22 ~ #39). 그는 디스코드 서버를 불안정하게 한 자신의 행동을 자랑했고 저와 닉스의 평판을 훼손시키는 계획을 짰다는 것을 인정했습니다. AB 디스코드 서버와 게임을 그가 할 수 있는 만큼 망가뜨리려고 한 것 또한요. 추가적으로, 그가 자신의 계획을 실행에 옮기기 위해 생각해낸 방법이 자신의 친구 계정을 사용하여 밴을 피하고 게임 나이트 이벤트를 가짜로 여는 것이었습니다. 이러한 점들 때문에, 저희는 타일러가 다시 AB로 복귀할 수 있도록 허락하지 않을 것입니다.

왜 타일러의 공지 사항이 삭제됐는가?
사람들의 초기 추측에도 불구하고, 타일러의 공지사항은 그가 전하려고 했던 메시지를 "검열"이나 "억압"하기 위해 삭제된 것이 아닙니다. 제가 그걸 초기에 삭제한 이유는, 처음 공지를 봤을 때 저는 일을 하는 중이었고 몇몇 문장밖에 읽지 못했기 때문입니다. 제가 그 당시에 바로 알아차린 것은 그가 모두에게 핑을 친 다음 저와 닉스를 교묘한 거짓말쟁이로 간주했다는 사실이었고, 제가 집에 도착해서 서버를 관리하기 전에 어떠한 드라마가 일어나지 않도록 삭제했습니다. 당연한 일이니까요. 불행히도, 공지를 너무 늦게 삭제하게 됐고, 그 결과는 그가 말하려 했던 것을 제가 검열했다는 추측 때문에 분노에 휩싸인 사람들의 폭동이었습니다. 저는 "여러분 고스트 핑[12] 죄송해요" 라고 그의 공지 사항이 삭제된 뒤에 말했는데, 메시지가 삭제되었음에도 전체 인원 핑이 서버의 모든 인원들에게 영향을 줘서 공지를 읽지 못한 사람들이 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는건지 궁금해 할 것이기 때문에 그랬습니다. 전 에브리원 고스트 핑이 최소한의 짧은 사과도 없이 흐지부지 되는 꼴을 참을수가 없어요. 또한 제 주장을 뒷받침하기 위한 근거로는, 타일러의 메시지를 포착한 사람들에게 저는 타일러가 AB, 닉스, 혹은 저 자신에게 제기한 의혹들에 대한 설명을 기다려 달라고 말했다는 사실이 있습니다. 집에 도착하고 공지 사항 삭제가 감정적이었다는 것을 깨달은 뒤, 저는 전체 메시지를 쭉 읽어봤고 그것을 다시 공지 채널에 올렸습니다. 그 공지를 다시 볼 수 있는지 궁금해 하는 사람들을 위해서요. 다시 말하지만, 그가 주장했던 것들은 설명이 가능했고 실제로 당신이 읽고 있는 문서에 설명이 전부 되어있습니다. 강조하건대, 제 의도는 그가 말한 것을 검열하려는 것이 아니었습니다. 확실히 전 공지 채널에 메시지를 다시 올렸고, 그 의도는 사람들의 폭동과 당시에 더 작았던 모더 팀들이 질 수 있는 불필요한 부담들을 막기 위해서였습니다.

왜 우리가 제이든의 권한 박탈 계획을 숨겼는가?
타일러의 공지 사항을 보면, 저희가 어드민 팀에서 제이든을 쫓아낼 계획을 숨겼다는 이유로 저와 닉스를 교묘한 거짓말쟁이로 만들어 놨다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 저희가 이 계획을 숨긴 것은 사실이나, 타일러의 공지 사항에서 그가 암시한 이유 때문에 계획을 숨긴 것은 아닙니다. 저희는 "교묘한 거짓말쟁이" 가 아닙니다. 제이든의 권한 박탈은 별도의 문단에 후술하겠지만, 계획의 과정과 그걸 숨긴 이유부터 말하겠습니다. 요약하면, 제이든과 저는 지난 10달 정도 문제를 겪었고, 점점 그 강도가 심해지며 지난 2~3개월간은 갈등의 결말은 최악일 것이라는 암시하는 나날이었습니다. 이 때문에, 닉스와 저는 이 문제들 중 몇 가지를 좀 해결하려고 시도하기 위해 제이든을 추방시키고 싶었습니다. 힘든 결정이었지만, 저희가 결과를 내렸을 때는 제이든을 추방시킬 수 없었습니다. 제이든이 몇몇 스태프들과 한 약속 때문에, 제이든이 나간다면 그들도 제이든과 함께 나가기로 했기 때문입니다. 별도의 재판과 명확한 설명 없이 그를 추방시키는 것은 공평해 보이지 않기 때문에, 제이든이 없음에도 저희가 계속 밀고 나가고 싶었던 어드민 팀을 유지할 수 없었을 것입니다. 제이든의 추방 뒤에 최대한 많은 것을 유지할 수 있는 최선의 기회를 보장하기 위해, 저는 추방 과정동안 모든 어드민들과 공유할 설명 문서를 작성해야 했습니다. 그 문서가 여러분이 지금 읽고 있는 문서고, 그렇기에 조금 있으면 제가 한 달 전에 제이든의 추방 관련해서 어드민들에게 쓴 글을 볼 수 있을 겁니다. 시간이 흘러, 문서는 (당시 제이든의 추방 항목밖에 없었고 어드민들을 위한 것이었던) 완성에 가까워지고 있었습니다. 저희가 제이든을 추방시키고 그, 어드민들과 대화를 나누기 전에, 불행히도, 닉스와 제가 디스코드 봇을 가지고 놀았던 밤이 찾아왔습니다. 제이든은 라운지 채널에서 일어나고 있는 일들이 불편했고(충분히 이해할 수 있습니다.), 이에 조치를 취하기 시작했는데, 저와 닉스에게 있어서 오전 5~6시였고 저희가 최상의 컨디션을 가지고 행동하지 않았다는 것까지 고려되며 사람들이 제이든의 추방에 대해 반대하는 모습을 보였습니다. 최종적으로, 제이든은 스스로 매니저 자리에서 사임했으며, 그날 밤에 일어났던 변명할 수 없는 일들 때문에, 어드민들도 제이든을 따라 나갔습니다. 저희는 어드민들의 반대 이후 이것을 막을 방도가 전혀 없었습니다. 문서는 아직 완성되지 않았고 어쨌든 디스코드 봇에 대한 것은 언급되지 않았으니까요. 그래서 제이든의 추방이 불러올 수 있는 최악의 결과가 제이든을 추방시키지도 않았는데 일어난 것입니다. 제이든과 그와 함께 갈 것이라던 어드민들은 이미 AB를 떠났기 때문에, 문서와 제이든의 추방 뒤에 숨겨진 계획들은 이제 쓸모가 없습니다. 그걸 염두에 두며, 저는 문서 작업을 그만 두고 계획을 공개하지 않기로 했었습니다. 그날 밤에 일어난 것들에도 불구하고 스스로 AB에 남아있던 어드민들에게 이 사실을 알리는 것은 단지 그들도 나가는 상황을 만들어낼 것 같았습니다. 확실히, AB는 많은 어드민들을 잃었으나, 제이든이 떠나며 문제는 이미 해결됐습니다. 저는 최악의 상황은 이미 저희 뒤에 있다고 생각하며, 저희는 제이든의 사임으로부터 앞으로 나아가면 될 것이었습니다. 불행히도, 타일러의 공지가 조금 뒤에 나타났고, 닉스와 제가 좋지 못한 이유들로 계획을 숨겼고 제이든이 저희에 의해 밴 되었다는 불합리한 주장을 했습니다. 그가 스스로 사임했다는 사실에도 불구하고. 그 후로, 저는 AB 커뮤니티에게 이 드라마 뒤에 숨겨져있는 많은 것들을 설명해야 했고 (제이든의 추방 계획 뒤에 숨어있는 이유들까지), 그래서 원래는 어드민들을 위한 것이었던 문서로 다시 돌아온 것입니다.

제이든이 추방된 이유는 디스코드 봇 때문인가?
전술했듯, 제이든은 디스코드 봇 이슈 때문에 추방된것도 아니고, 애초에 저희가 추방시킨 것도 아닙니다. 타일러의 공지에도 불구하고, 닉스와 저는 제이든이 디스코드 봇을 손보는 것과 저희가 그걸 가지고 한 일들에 반발해서 그를 추방시키려 한 것이 아닙니다. 그의 반발은 충분히 이유가 있었으니까요. 만약 이게 사실이었다면 저희는 그를 추방시킬 근거가 없을 뿐더러, 문서와 계획 자체는 그 디스코드 봇을 가지고 놀았던 밤보다 훨씬 전부터 준비됐었기 때문에, 둘 사이의 연관성은 0에 수렴합니다. 다시 말하지만, 저는 그날 밤에 일어난 일에 대해 변명할 생각이 없습니다. 완전히 잘못된 것이었으니까요. 그렇기에 이 문서에서 유일하게 설명되지 않은 것입니다. 그러나 이 디코 봇 문제가 제이든 추방 계획의 일부였다는 것은 완전히 잘못된, 거짓입니다. 추가적으로, 봇은 이제 이런 식으로 활동하지 않습니다. 바로 다음 날 멈췄어요.


[1] 이하 Nix, 닉스[2] 이하 타일러[3] 이하 제이든, 인기있는 모더레이터였다.[4] 이하 마스터소드[5] 개발자 중 하나.[6] 소울섀터는 개발자가 게임을 버렸었다.[7] it's joever라고, 완전히 망했다는 뜻.[8] 생일이 지났다면 한국 나이로 17, 생일이 지나지 않았다면 한국 나이로 18살인, 고작 고등학교 1~2학년이다.[9] 현재는 글 삭제됨.[10] 이러다 다음 업데이트는 영영 없을지도 모른다.[11] 오버워치를 생각하면 편하다. 새로운 컨텐츠가 없으면 사람들은 나가떨어진다.[12] 후술하겠지만, 디스코드는 전체 인원 핑(@everyone)을 친 다음 그 메시지를 삭제하면 모든 사람들에게 알림이 가지만 정작 메시지는 볼 수 없다. 이것을 고스트 핑이라고 한다.

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