나무모에 미러 (일반/밝은 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2024-06-26 13:07:59


{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; display: inline-table"<tablebordercolor=#000><tablebgcolor=#000>
Track listing
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px"
{{{#!folding [ 펼치기 / 접기 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px"
The Plow That Broke the Plains
<rowcolor=#fff> # 제목 길이
<colbgcolor=#262626><colcolor=#fff> 1 <colcolor=#fff>A Quick One Before the Eternal Worm Devours Connecticut <colcolor=#fff> 7:53
2 Bloodhail 5:38
3 The Big Gloom 8:04
4 Hunter 9:44
5 Telephony 4:36
6 Who Would Leave Their Son out in the Sun? 5:18
7 There Is No Food 4:01
The Future
<rowcolor=#fff> # 제목 길이
8 Waiting for Black Metal Records to Come in the Mail 6:15
9 Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000 6:27
10 The Future 3:48
11 Deep, Deep 5:24
12 I Don't Love 6:07
13 Earthmover 11:28
}}}}}}}}} ||