이 분류에 대한 설명은 Paradigm: Reboot/수록곡 문서나 문서를 참고하십시오. 하위 분류 P Paradigm: Reboot의 16+레벨 수록곡 Paradigm: Reboot의 16레벨 수록곡 "Paradigm: Reboot의 수록곡" 분류에 속하는 문서 #D3D3D3 (Blank Universe) -Etude -Sunset- [NWAD] И00. ✧・゚•.sweet dreams+-。-✧ ほしぞらトラベル アイム・マイヒーロー カラッポ・ノンフィクション キミとボクへの葬送歌 クリムゾン帝王 ドラスティックジェネレイト 夏色の思い出 夢/あるいは在りし日の 天使光輪 幽霊 庚子桜天國 星屑物語 月下桜天国 桜花怨雷 浮世絵横丁 漂流 無彩色のディストピア 爆裂魔法 猫娘 祈雨の菖蒲 緋星 胡蝶乃舞 虚(Halv) 虚(Paradigm: Reboot) 零號車輛 静寂に憂う 驟雨の狭間 A ARTEMiS ARTEMiS(WACCA) Abyssgazer Act Beloved Akasagarbha Aleph-0 Alexandrite Alexandrite(Rayark) Androgynos Anökumene Artificial Existence Ashes Astral Injection Avantgarde Awaken In Ruins Awakening of Civilization B BPM=RT Black : Magnam Blessed Bleath Blue Sphere Burn(BMS) C CO5M1C R4ILR0AD CROSS†SOUL Can't it be true Cereris Chariot(WACCA) Chartreuse Green Chase(Paradigm: Reboot) Chronostasis Cipher : /2&//〈|0 Class memories Clock Paradox Complex Mind Cross†Ray c.s.q.n. conflict/리듬 게임 수록/모바일 게임 cyanine D DESTRUCTION 3,2,1 Damped Fall DataErr0r/리듬 게임 수록/모바일 게임 Destr0yer/리듬 게임 수록 Dimension Hacker Disintegrate of Eden Disorder(HyuN) Distorted Fate Divergence Dogbite Don't Hurt Me Downfall(Paradigm: Reboot) E EPHMR EVERYTHING(Tatsh) Echoes of the Forest Encore(Dynamix) Equality of Equites F FATE FIRE Fading Star Final Farewell Flamenco House Forgotten Asteroid Fracture Temporelle Frey's Philosophy fatalist felys G Gloomy Flash Gray : MachineGang Gray: MachineGang Grilled Cheese Burger Grin H Halcyon/리듬 게임 수록 Heart Eyes Heartpoint Heaven's Cage Hemisphere Hiyaiya! Houkago OVERDRIVE!!!!! Hydra(Rayark) I IKAROS Incineraxion Incyde Indelible Scar Infomorph Inner Norm Intellectual Breeze Invaded Iridescence K Kakuriyo Kirakira Noel Story!! Knight Rider(WACCA) Kokytos L Last farewell Let you DIVE! Life is PIANO Little Boy Looking for Stella Lucid Trigger Luminescence M Magdalena Marsh Winds Midnight Fairy Tale MilK/리듬 게임 수록 Mint Choco Mr.Midnight macro.wav N Name of oath Never Escape New Quest NightTheater O OCCHOCO-REST-LESS OMG(Halv) On And On!! One Step Closer(Mameyudoufu) Only One Light Orfevre Oriens Ouvertüre Owari to Hajimari no Oto P PUPA/리듬 게임 수록/모바일 게임 Pantomime Paradial Resonator Paradigm Shift(モリモリあつし) Paradigm la noche Permutation Prayers for the Colourless Press Protection Protoflicker Psyched Fevereiro Pulsar(Paradigm: Reboot) R RE; Boot REDASH REDRAVE Rainmaker Rebooted Mind Restricted Access Retribution Reversed Zenith Re:End of a Dream Rondo of the 3ND resoLve S SUTTA MONDAY Save And Continue Secre+ Maneuvers Secret Illumination Selenotaxis Sense(BMS) Signal(rejection) Song for Sprites Spell of chaoS Spinel Stasis Subterranean Blastoff T TOT(Paradigm: Reboot) Tequila Sunrise And Planter's Punch The Grand F-STAR The Night City The Promised Land The Whole Rest Time' s Up Time's Up(Paradigm: Reboot) Turning POINT U Unpredictable Nascent Invasion V VEZZELiX Vault of Sky Veil of Summer(Paradigm: Reboot) Verreta verite W WHIRLWIND(BMS) WORLDCALL When the rain White : Revolve White: Revolve Winter ↑ cube ↓ Winter ↑cube↓ X Xenolith Y Yokyuumi Yorixiro Z Zephyrs 분류 리듬 게임 음악 Paradigm: Reboot