나무모에 미러 (일반/밝은 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2025-01-28 07:42:00


1. 개요2. 추천3. 설정
3.1. CPU3.2. MEMORY3.3. MOUSE3.4. KEYBOARD3.5. PCI3.6. VGA3.7. BOOT3.8. ATA

1. 개요

이 문서에서는 Bochs의 설정 파일인, bochsrc에 대해 설명한다.
Bochs 매뉴얼을 바탕으로 작성되었다.

문서에서 옵션을 설명하는 글에서, '지정', '설정'이란 단어가 없는 경우에는 1/0으로 활성화/비활성화를 하면 된다.

'XXX 지원 요구'가 붙어있는 옵션은 컴파일 중 해당 기능을 지원하도록 옵션을 줬을 경우에만 사용이 가능하다.
따로 설명이 붙어있지 않다면, 기본적으로 그 기능은 무시하거나, 직접 사용해서 확인해 보면 된다.

2. 추천

cpu: model=core_duo_t2400_yonah, ips=66700000, reset_on_triple_fault=1
memory: guest=512, host=512

boot: disk
vga: extension=cirrus, update_freq=30, realtime=1
pci: enabled=1, chipset=i440fx, slot1=cirrus, slot2=ne2k

mouse: enabled=1
clock: sync=realtime, time0=local
sound: driver=default, waveoutdrv=sdl
speaker: enabled=1, mode=sound
sb16: wavemode=1, dmatimer=250000

romimage: file=BIOS-bochs-latest
vgaromimage: file=VGABIOS-lgpl-latest-cirrus
ne2k: mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=slirp, script=""

ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata1: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15
#ata2: enabled=0, ioaddr1=0x1e8, ioaddr2=0x3e0, irq=11
#ata3: enabled=0, ioaddr1=0x168, ioaddr2=0x360, irq=9

ata0-master: type=disk, path="c.img"
#ata0-slave: type=cdrom, path="d.iso"
#ata1-master: type=disk, mode=vvfat, path=/sdcard/HDD
#ata1-slave: type=none

안드로이드 기준으로 작성되었으며 Windows NT 6.x이상을 구동하기위해 구성한듯 하다.

3. 설정

3.1. CPU


게스트 CPU를 옵션에 따라 가상화한다.


게스트 CPU의 모델을 지정한다. 호스트의 CPU에 따라 게스트 CPU의 설정 범위가 달라진다.
모델에 따라서 운영체제의 설치가 제한될 수 있다. 안드로이드에선 x86-64 모델은 사용 불가능하다.


게스트 CPU의 코어 개수를 지정한다. 기본 값은 1이다.
SMP 지원이 활성화되어있을 경우, 코어 수만큼 쓰레드를 실행시키기 때문에 효율적이다.
활성화되어있지 않다면, 코어 수는 증가하겠지만 일일이 가상화해야 해서 비효율적이다.

IPS 옵션

초당 가상화할 명령의 개수를 지정한다.
시간을 기준으로 하는 여러 기능에 변동을 준다. 예시로, IPS를 변경 시, VGA의 업데이트 주기가 바뀐다.
게스트에서 처리 중인 IPS는 로그 파일과 상태창에 표시되며 벤치마킹 결과에도 영향을 준다.
Final Reality같은 3D 벤치마킹도 포함되지만 IPS값이 100M이상일 경우 튕기며 너무 높은경우 요구성능도 같이 높아진다.
Bochs속도컴퓨터/컴파일러 일반적인 IPS 값 Core i7 2600 with Win7x64/g++ 4.5.285 to 95 MIPS Core 2 Q9770 with WinXP/g++ 3.450 to 55 MIPS Core 2 Duo with WinXP/g++ 3.438 to 43 MIPS Core 2 Duo with WinXP/g++ 3.421 to 25 MIPS XP with Linux 2.6/g++ 3.412 to 15 MIPS
해당 값들은 기기별로 도달할 수 있는 MIPS값을 나타낸것이다.


다른 프로세서로 제어권을 반환하기 전에, 명령의 최대 값을 프로세서로 실행에 허용한다.(?)
 - Maximum amount of instructions allowed to execute by processor before returning control to another cpu.

SMP 지원 요구.


CPU에 오류가 발생했을 때, CPU를 초기화한다.


최대 CPUID 값을 2로 제한한다.
윈도우 NT 설치와 부팅 문제가 일어날 때 필요하다.


User CPU 모델 레지스터 명세 (MSR)의 명세서 파일의 위치를 지정한다.
msrs.def에 예시가 있다.


Bochs에서 지원하지 않는 MSR 참조를 무시한다. #GP 예외를 생성하는 대신, 오류 메세지를 출력한다.
이 옵션은 설정 가능한 MSR이 활성화되어있을 때를 제외한다면, 기본적으로 활성화되어있다.


MWAIT가 CPU에 SLEEP 명령을 전달하지 않는다. 아마도, Sleep 과 같은 함수가 무시될 것으로 생각된다.

Monitor-MWAIT 지원 요구.

MODEL 설명 요구 사항
bx_generic Bochs 기본 CPU [기본] CPU Level 5
pentium 인텔 펜티엄 (P54C) CPU Level 5
pentium_mmx 인텔 펜티엄 MMX CPU Level 5
amd_k6_2_chomper 암드 K6 3D (Chomper) CPU Level 5
p2_klamath 인텔 펜티엄 2 (Klamath) CPU Level 6
p3_katmai 인텔 펜티엄 3 (Katmai) CPU Level 6
p4_willamette 인텔 펜티엄 4 (Willamette) CPU Level 6
core_duo_t2400_yonah 인털 코어 듀오 T2400 (Yonah) CPU Level 6
atom_n270 인텔 아톰 N270 CPU Level 6
p4_prescott_celeron_336 인텔 셀러론 336 (Prescott) CPU Level 6 / x86_64
athlon64_clawhammer 암드 애슬론 64 2800+ (Clawhammer) CPU Level 6 / x86_64
athlon64_venice 암드 애슬론 64 3000+ (Venice) CPU Level 6 / x86_64
turion64_tyler 암드 튜리온 64 X2 모바일 TL-60 (Tyler) CPU Level 6 / x86_64
phenom_8650_toliman 암드 페넘 X3 8650 (Toliman) CPU Level 6 / x86_64
core2_penryn_t9600 인텔 모바일 코어 2 듀어 T9600 (Penryn) [추천] CPU Level 6 / x86_64
corei5_lynnfield_750 인텔 코어 i5 750 (린필드) CPU Level 6 / x86_64
corei5_arrandale_m520 인텔 코어 i5 M 520 (아란데일) CPU Level 6 / x86_64
zambezi 암드 FX-4100 (잠베지) CPU Level 6 / x86_64 / AVX
trinity_apu 암드 A8-5600K (트리니티) CPU Level 6 / x86_64 / AVX
corei7_sandy_bridge_2600k 인텔 코어 i7-2600K (샌디 브릿지) CPU Level 6 / x86_64 / AVX
corei7_ivy_bridge_3770k 인텔 코어 i7-3770K (아이비 브릿지) CPU Level 6 / x86_64 / AVX
corei7_haswell_4770 인텔 코어 i7-4770 (하스웰) CPU Level 6 / x86_64 / AVX
broadwell_ult 인텔 5Y70 (브로드웰) CPU Level 6 / x86_64 / AVX

cpu: model=bx_generic
cpu: model=atom_n270, ips=53300000
cpu: model=core_duo_t2400_yonah, ips=66700000, reset_on_triple_fault=1
cpu: model=core2_penryn_t9600, ips=106600000
cpu: model=corei7_haswell_4770, ips=340000000



게스트의 메모리 크기를 지정한다.


게스트의 메모리 크기를 지정한다. 기본 값은 32, 최대 값은 호스트의 램의 크기이다.


게스트의 메모리에 할당할 메모리 크기를 정한다.
GUEST 값보다 낮게 잡을 수도 있다. 이 때, 게스트는 존재하지 않는 메모리를 참조할 수 있다. (?)
 - This will fake guest to see the non-existing memory.
Once guest system touches new memory block it will be dynamically taken from the memory pool.
You will be warned (by FATAL PANIC) in case guest already used all allocated host memory and wants more.

memory: guest=512, host=256

3.3. MOUSE


게스트 마우스의 속성을 지정한다.


게스트 마우스의 타입을 지정한다. 기본 값은 ps2이다.

[ imps2 | serial | serial_wheel | serial_msys | bus | usb_uhci | usb_ohci | usb_xhci ]


The Bochs gui creates mouse "events" unless the 'enabled' option is
set to 0. The hardware emulation itself is not disabled by this.
Unless you have a particular reason for enabling the mouse by default,
it is recommended that you leave it off. You can also toggle the mouse
usage at runtime (RFB, SDL, Win32, wxWidgets and X11 - see below).


The default method to toggle the mouse capture at runtime is to press the
CTRL key and the middle mouse button ('ctrl+mbutton'). This option allows
to change the method to 'ctrl+f10' (like DOSBox), 'ctrl+alt' (like QEMU)
or 'f12' (replaces win32 'legacyF12' option).

mouse: enabled=1
mouse: type=imps2, enabled=1
mouse: type=serial, enabled=1
mouse: enabled=0, toggle=ctrl+f10
mouse: enabled=0



게스트 키보드의 속성을 지정한다.


Type of keyboard return by a "identify keyboard" command to the
keyboard controller. It must be one of "xt", "at" or "mf".
Defaults to "mf". It should be ok for almost everybody. A known
exception is french macs, that do have a "at"-like keyboard.


Approximate time in microseconds that it takes one character to
be transferred from the keyboard to controller over the serial path.


Approximate time in microseconds between attempts to paste
characters to the keyboard controller. This leaves time for the
guest os to deal with the flow of characters. The ideal setting
depends on how your operating system processes characters. The
default of 100000 usec (.1 seconds) was chosen because it works 
consistently in Windows.
If your OS is losing characters during a paste, increase the paste
delay until it stops losing characters.


This enables a remap of a physical localized keyboard to a
virtualized us keyboard, as the PC architecture expects.


This defines the keyboard shortcut to be sent when you press the "user"
button in the headerbar. The shortcut string is a combination of maximum
3 key names (listed below) separated with a '-' character.

[ alt | bksl | bksp | ctrl | del | down | end | enter | esc | f12 | home | ins | left | menu |
minus | pgdwn | pgup | plus | power | print | right | scrlck | shift | space | tab | up | win ]

keyboard: type=mf, serial_delay=200, paste_delay=100000
keyboard: keymap=gui/keymaps/x11-pc-de.map
keyboard: user_shortcut=ctrl-alt-del
keyboard: type=mf, serial_delay=250

3.5. PCI


This option controls the presence of a PCI chipset in Bochs. Currently it only
supports the i430FX and i440FX chipsets. You can also specify the devices
connected to PCI slots. Up to 5 slots are available. For these combined PCI/ISA
devices assigning to slot is mandatory if you want to emulate the PCI model:
cirrus, ne2k and pcivga. These PCI-only devices are also supported, but they
are auto-assigned if you don't use the slot configuration: e1000, es1370,
pcidev, pcipnic, usb_ohci, usb_xhci and voodoo.

pci: enabled=1, chipset=i440fx, slot1=pcivga, slot2=ne2k
pci: enabled=1, chipset=i440fx

3.6. VGA


This defines parameters related to the VGA display


Here you can specify the display extension to be used. With the value
'none' you can use standard VGA with no extension. Other supported
values are 'vbe' for Bochs VBE and 'cirrus' for Cirrus SVGA support.


This parameter specifies the number of display updates per second.
The VGA update timer now uses the realtime engine and the default
value is 5. This parameter can be changed at runtime.


If set to 1, the VGA timer is based on realtime, otherwise it is based
on the ips setting. If the host is slow (low ips, update_freq) and the
guest uses HLT appropriately, setting this to 0 and "clock: sync=none"
may improve the responsiveness of the guest GUI when the guest is
otherwise idle. The default value is 1.

vga: extension=cirrus, update_freq=10
vga: extension=vbe, update_freq=5, realtime=1

3.7. BOOT


부팅할 장치를 지정한다.

옵션 부팅 장치 비고
floopy 플로피 디스크 a로 대체 가능
disk 하드 디스크 c로 대체 가능
cdrom CD

boot: disk
boot: cdrom
boot: floopy

boot: a
boot: c

3.8. ATA


디스크의 ATA 컨트롤러를 설정한다. 최대 4개를 지정할 수 있다.

ata[0-3]: enabled=[0|1], ioaddr1=주소, ioaddr2=주소, irq=숫자

ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata1: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15
ata2: enabled=0, ioaddr1=0x1e8, ioaddr2=0x3e0, irq=11
ata3: enabled=0, ioaddr1=0x168, ioaddr2=0x360, irq=9



디스크를 설정한다.


기기의 형식을 지정한다.



파일의 형식을 지정한다.
일반적인 경우에는 지정하지 않아도 된다.

[ flat | concat | external | dll | sparse | vmware3 | vmware4 | undoable | growing | volatile | vpc | vbox | vvfat ]


디스크 파일의 위치를 지정한다. 파일이 아닌, 실제 드라이브도 지정할 수 있다.


디스크 파일의 유효성을 검증해야할 때만 지정해 주면 된다.


디스크 파일의 유효성을 검증해야할 때만 지정해 주면 된다.


디스크 파일의 유효성을 검증해야할 때만 지정해 주면 된다.


CD의 상태를 지정한다. 기본 값은 inserted이다. ejected로 비활성화한다.
디스크 파일의 유효성을 검증해야할 때만 지정해 주면 된다.


디스크의 이름을 지정한다.


취소에 대한 재시작 로그 파일의 이름을 지정한다. (?)
 - optional filename of the redolog for undoable


type of translation of the bios, only for disks.
[ none | lba | large | rechs | auto ]

ata0-master: type=disk, path=c.img
ata0-slave: type=cdrom, path=d.img
ata1-master: type=disk, mode=vvfat, path=hdd
ata1-slave: type=cdrom, path=D:

3.9. CLOCK


게스트의 시간을 조정한다.


This defines the method how to synchronize the Bochs internal time
with realtime. With the value 'none' the Bochs time relies on the IPS
value and no host time synchronization is used. The 'slowdown' method
sacrifices performance to preserve reproducibility while allowing host
time correlation. The 'realtime' method sacrifices reproducibility to
preserve performance and host-time correlation.
It is possible to enable both synchronization methods.


If this option is enabled together with the realtime synchronization,
the RTC runs at realtime speed. This feature is disabled by default.


Specifies the start (boot) time of the virtual machine. Use a time
value as returned by the time(2) system call or a string as returned
by the ctime(3) system call. If no time0 value is set or if time0
equal to 1 (special case) or if time0 equal 'local', the simulation
will be started at the current local host time. If time0 equal to 2
(special case) or if time0 equal 'utc', the simulation will be started
at the current utc time.

clock: sync=[none|slowdown|realtime|both], time0=[timeValue|local|utc]

clock: sync=none, time0=local Now (localtime)
clock: sync=slowdown, time0=315529200 Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1980
clock: sync=none, time0="Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1990" 631148400
clock: sync=realtime, time0=938581955 Wed Sep 29 07:12:35 1999
clock: sync=realtime, time0="Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 2000" 946681200
clock: sync=none, time0=1 Now (localtime)
clock: sync=none, time0=utc Now (utc/gmt)
Default value are sync=none, rtc_sync=0, time0=local
clock: sync=none, time0=local



설정 창의 그래픽 형식을 지정한다. 안드로이드에선 사용 불가능하다.

이름 설명 비고
textconfig 설정을 CUI로 한다. 콘솔을 이용한다. 리눅스 기본 값이다.
win32config 설정을 GUI로 한다. Win32API 그래픽을 이용한다. 윈도우 기본 값이다.
wx 설정을 GUI로 한다. WxWidgets 그래픽을 이용한다. wxWidgets 지원 요구.

config_interface: win32config [1]
config_interface: textconfig [2]



박스 창의 그래픽 형식을 지정한다. 

이름 종류 운영체제 비고
win32 Win32 윈도우 윈도우 기본 값이다.
svga SVGALIB 리눅스
carbon Carbon 맥 OS X
macintosh Macintosh 맥 OS
amigaos AmigaOS AmigaOS
vncsrv LibVNCServer ? 서버를 위해 존재하는 것 같다.
x X 여러 운영체제 리눅스 기본 값이다.
sdl SDL 1.2 여러 운영체제 안드로이드 기본 값이다. SDL 지원 요구.
sdl2 SDL 2.x 여러 운영체제 SDL 지원 요구.
term Curses 여러 운영체제 텍스트로 그래픽을 그린다.
rfb AT&T VNC 여러 운영체제
wx WxWidgets 여러 운영체제
nogui 여러 운영체제 윈도우 창을 표시하지 않는다.
OPTIONS 설명 지원 라이브러리 [3]
gui_debug Win32 / GTK 디버깅 GUI를 사용한다. x win32 sdl sdl2
hideIPS Bochs의 상태 줄에서 IPS를 출력하지 않는다. x win32 sdl sdl2 rfb vncsrv wx
nokeyrepeat 키를 누르고 있을 때, 반복하지 않는다. [4] x win32 sdl sdl2
timeout 클라이언트를 위해 대기한다. rfb vncsrv

display_library: win32 [5]
display_library: x [6]
display_library: sdl [7]

display_library: win32, options="hideIPS" [8]
display_library: win32, options="hideIPS, nokeyrepeat" [9]

3.12. CPUID


Bochs가 지원하는 가상화 지원 CPU의 특징과 기능을 정의한다.
이 옵션은 CPU 모델이 선택된 경우 영향을 주지 않는다.



Set the CPUID vendor string returned by CPUID(0x0). This should be a
twelve-character ASCII string. 


Set the CPUID vendor string returned by CPUID(0x80000002 .. 0x80000004). 
This should be at most a forty-eight-character ASCII string. 


Set emulated CPU level information returned by CPUID. Default value is
determined by configure option --enable-cpu-level. Currently supported
values are 5 (for Pentium and similar processors) and 6 (for P6 and
later processors).


Set model information returned by CPUID. Default family value determined
by configure option --enable-cpu-level.


Set model information returned by CPUID. Default model value is 3.


Set stepping information returned by CPUID. Default stepping value is 3.

cpuid: x86_64=1, mmx=1, sep=1, simd=sse4_2, apic=xapic, aes=1, movbe=1, xsave=1
cpuid: family=6, model=0x1a, stepping=5



The ROM BIOS controls what the PC does when it first powers on.
Normally, you can use a precompiled BIOS in the source or binary
distribution called BIOS-bochs-latest. The default ROM BIOS is usually loaded
starting at address 0xfffe0000, and it is exactly 128k long. The legacy
version of the Bochs BIOS is usually loaded starting at address 0xffff0000,
and it is exactly 64k long.
You can use the environment variable $BXSHARE to specify the location
of the BIOS.
The usage of external large BIOS images (up to 512k) at memory top is
now supported, but we still recommend to use the BIOS distributed with Bochs.
The start address is optional, since it can be calculated from image size.

romimage: file=$BXSHARE/BIOS-bochs-latest
romimage: file=$BXSHARE/bios.bin-1.7.5
romimage: file=mybios.bin, address=0xfff80000



You now need to load a VGA ROM BIOS into C0000.

vgaromimage: file=vga/vbe
vgaromimage: file=vga/cirrus
vgaromimage: file=vga/elpin


You may now load up to 4 optional ROM images. Be sure to use a 
read-only area, typically between C8000 and EFFFF. These optional
ROM images should not overwrite the rombios (located at
F0000-FFFFF) and the videobios (located at C0000-C7FFF).
Those ROM images will be initialized by the bios if they contain 
the right signature (0x55AA) and a valid checksum.
It can also be a convenient way to upload some arbitrary code/data
in the simulation, that can be retrieved by the boot loader

optromimage1: file=optionalrom.bin, address=0xd0000
optromimage2: file=optionalrom.bin, address=0xd1000
optromimage3: file=optionalrom.bin, address=0xd2000
optromimage4: file=optionalrom.bin, address=0xd3000

optramimage1: file=/path/file1.img, address=0x0010000
optramimage2: file=/path/file2.img, address=0x0020000
optramimage3: file=/path/file3.img, address=0x0030000
optramimage4: file=/path/file4.img, address=0x0040000

3.16. VOODOO


실험중인 3Dfx의 Voodoo를 에뮬레이션 하는 기능이다. Voodoo 1과 Voodoo 2를 지원하지만 Voodoo 2는 아직 완벽하지 않다.

voodoo: enabled=1, model=voodoo1
voodoo: enabled=1, model=voodoo1



This defines image file that can be loaded into the CMOS RAM at startup.
The rtc_init parameter controls whether initialize the RTC with values stored
in the image. By default the time0 argument given to the clock option is used.
With 'rtc_init=image' the image is the source for the initial time.

cmosimage: file=cmos.img, rtc_init=image
cmosimage: file=cmos.img, rtc_init=time0


private_colormap: Request that the GUI create and use it's own
non-shared colormap. This colormap will be used
when in the bochs window. If not enabled, a
shared colormap scheme may be used. Not implemented
on all GUI's.

private_colormap: enabled=1
private_colormap: enabled=0
private_colormap: enabled=0



Point this to pathname of floppy image file or device
This should be of a bootable floppy(image/device) if you're
booting from 'a' (or 'floppy').
You can set the initial status of the media to 'ejected' or 'inserted'.
floppya: 2_88=path, status=ejected (2.88M 3.5" media)
floppya: 1_44=path, status=inserted (1.44M 3.5" media)
floppya: 1_2=path, status=ejected (1.2M 5.25" media)
floppya: 720k=path, status=inserted (720K 3.5" media)
floppya: 360k=path, status=inserted (360K 5.25" media)
floppya: 320k=path, status=inserted (320K 5.25" media)
floppya: 180k=path, status=inserted (180K 5.25" media)
floppya: 160k=path, status=inserted (160K 5.25" media)

{{{floppya: image=path, status=inserted}}}
{{{floppya: 1_44=vvfat:path, status=inserted}}}
{{{floppya: type=1_44}}}

The path should be the name of a disk image file. On Unix, you can use a raw
device name such as /dev/fd0 on Linux. On win32 platforms, use drive letters
such as a: or b: as the path. The parameter 'image' works with image files
only. In that case the size must match one of the supported types.
The parameter 'type' can be used to enable the floppy drive without media
and status specified. Usually the drive type is set up based on the media type.
The optional parameter 'write_protected' can be used to control the media
write protect switch. By default it is turned off.

floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0, status=inserted
floppya: image=../1.44, status=inserted
floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0H1440, status=inserted
floppya: 1_2=../1_2, status=inserted
floppya: 1_44=a:, status=inserted
floppya: 1_44=a.img, status=inserted, write_protected=1
floppya: 1_44=/dev/rfd0a, status=inserted



See FLOPPYA above for syntax

floppyb: 1_44=b:, status=inserted
floppyb: 1_44=b.img, status=inserted



Enables or disables the 0xaa55 signature check on boot floppies
Defaults to disabled=0

floppy_bootsig_check: disabled=0
floppy_bootsig_check: disabled=1
floppy_bootsig_check: disabled=0

3.22. LOG


기록 파일의 이름을 지정한다. 기본 값은 bochsout.txt이다.
사용하고 싶지 않다면 /dev/null을 사용한다.

log: /dev/null
log: bochsout.txt



This handles the format of the string prepended to each log line.
You may use those special tokens :
%t : 11 decimal digits timer tick
%i : 8 hexadecimal digits of cpu current eip (ignored in SMP configuration)
%e : 1 character event type ('i'nfo, 'd'ebug, 'p'anic, 'e'rror)
%d : 5 characters string of the device, between brackets

Default : %t%e%d

logprefix: %t-%e-@%i-%d
logprefix: %i%e%d
logprefix: %t%e%d

3.24. Log Control

Bochs has four severity levels for event logging.
{{{panic: cannot proceed. If you choose to continue after a panic, }}}
don't be surprised if you get strange behavior or crashes.
{{{error: something went wrong, but it is probably safe to continue the}}}
{{{info: interesting or useful messages.}}}
{{{debug: messages useful only when debugging the code. This may}}}
spit out thousands per second.
For events of each level, you can choose to exit Bochs ('fatal'), 'report'
or 'ignore'. On some guis you have the additional choice 'ask'. A gui dialog
appears asks how to proceed.
It is also possible to specify the 'action' to do for each Bochs facility
separately (e.g. crash on panics from everything except the cdrom, and only
report those). See the 'log function' module list in the user documentation.
If you are experiencing many panics, it can be helpful to change
the panic action to report instead of fatal. However, be aware
that anything executed after a panic is uncharted territory and can 
cause bochs to become unstable. The panic is a "graceful exit," so
if you disable it you may get a spectacular disaster instead.

panic: action=ask
error: action=report
info: action=report
debug: action=ignore, pci=report



Give the path of the log file you'd like Bochs to log debugger output.
If you really don't want it, make it /dev/null or '-'. :^(

debugger_log: ./debugger.out
debugger_log: /dev/null
debugger_log: debugger.out

This defines a serial port (UART type 16550A). In the 'term' mode you can
specify a device to use as com1. This can be a real serial line, or a pty.
To use a pty (under X/Unix), create two windows (xterms, usually). One of
them will run bochs, and the other will act as com1. Find out the tty the com1
window using the `tty' command, and use that as the `dev' parameter.
Then do `sleep 1000000' in the com1 window to keep the shell from
messing with things, and run bochs in the other window. Serial I/O to
com1 (port 0x3f8) will all go to the other window.
In socket* and pipe* (win32 only) modes Bochs becomes either socket/named pipe
client or server. In client mode it connects to an already running server (if
connection fails Bochs treats com port as not connected). In server mode it
opens socket/named pipe and waits until a client application connects to it
before starting simulation. This mode is useful for remote debugging (e.g.
with gdb's "target remote host:port" command or windbg's command line option
-k com:pipe,port=\\.\pipe\pipename). Socket modes use simple TCP communication,
pipe modes use duplex byte mode pipes.
Other serial modes are 'null' (no input/output), 'file' (output to a file
specified as the 'dev' parameter), 'raw' (use the real serial port - under
construction for win32), 'mouse' (standard serial mouse - requires
mouse option setting 'type=serial', 'type=serial_wheel' or 'type=serial_msys').

com1: enabled=1, mode=null
com1: enabled=1, mode=mouse
com2: enabled=1, mode=file, dev=serial.out
com3: enabled=1, mode=raw, dev=com1
com3: enabled=1, mode=socket-client, dev=localhost:8888
com3: enabled=1, mode=socket-server, dev=localhost:8888
com4: enabled=1, mode=pipe-client, dev=\\.\pipe\mypipe
com4: enabled=1, mode=pipe-server, dev=\\.\pipe\mypipe
com1: enabled=1, mode=term, dev=/dev/ttyp9



This defines a parallel (printer) port. When turned on and an output file is
defined the emulated printer port sends characters printed by the guest OS
into the output file. On some platforms a device filename can be used to
send the data to the real parallel port (e.g. "/dev/lp0" on Linux, "lpt1" on
win32 platforms).

parport1: enabled=1, file="parport.out"
parport2: enabled=1, file="/dev/lp0"
parport1: enabled=0
parport1: enabled=1, file="parport.out"

3.27. SOUND


This defines the lowlevel sound driver(s) for the wave (PCM) input / output
and the MIDI output feature and (if necessary) the devices to be used.
It can have several of the following properties.
All properties are in the format sound: property=value
This defines the driver to be used for the waveout feature.
Possible values are 'file' (all wave data sent to file), 'dummy' (no
output) and the platform-dependant drivers 'alsa', 'oss', 'osx', 'sdl'
and 'win'.
This defines the device to be used for wave output (if necessary) or
the output file for the 'file' driver.
This defines the driver to be used for the wavein feature.
Possible values are 'dummy' (recording silence) and platform-dependent
drivers 'alsa', 'oss' and 'win'.
This defines the device to be used for wave output (if necessary).
This defines the driver to be used for the MIDI output feature.
Possible values are 'file' (all MIDI data sent to file), 'dummy' (no
output) and platform-dependent drivers 'alsa', 'oss', 'osx' and 'win'.
This defines the device to be used for MIDI output (if necessary).
This defines the driver to be used for all sound features with one
property. Possible values are 'default' (platform default) and all
other choices described above. Overriding one or more settings with
the specific driver parameter is possible.

sound: waveoutdrv=sdl, waveindrv=alsa, midioutdrv=dummy
sound: driver=default, waveout=/dev/dsp. wavein=, midiout=



This defines the PC speaker output mode. In the 'sound' mode the beep
is generated by the square wave generator which is a part of the
lowlevel sound support. The 'system' mode is only available on Linux
and Windows. On Linux /dev/console is used for output and on Windows
the Beep() function. The 'gui' mode forwards the beep to the related
gui methods (currently only used by the Carbon gui).

speaker: enabled=1, mode=sound

3.29. SB16


This defines the SB16 sound emulation. It can have several of the
following properties.
All properties are in the format sb16: property=value
This optional property controls the presence of the SB16 emulation.
The emulation is turned on unless this property is used and set to 0.
{{{midimode: This parameter specifies what to do with the MIDI output.}}}
0 = no output
1 = output to device specified with the sound option (system dependent)
2 = MIDI or raw data output to file (depends on file name extension)
3 = dual output (mode 1 and 2 at the same time)
midifile: This is the file where the midi output is stored (midimode 2 or 3).
{{{wavemode: This parameter specifies what to do with the PCM output.}}}
0 = no output
1 = output to device specified with the sound option (system dependent)
2 = VOC, WAV or raw data output to file (depends on file name extension)
3 = dual output (mode 1 and 2 at the same time)
wavefile: This is the file where the wave output is stored (wavemode 2 or 3).
0=no log
1=resource changes, midi program and bank changes
2=severe errors
3=all errors
4=all errors plus all port accesses
5=all errors and port accesses plus a lot of extra info
{{{log: The file to write the sb16 emulator messages to.}}}
microseconds per second for a DMA cycle. Make it smaller to fix
non-continuous sound. 750000 is usually a good value. This needs a
reasonably correct setting for the IPS parameter of the CPU option.

sb16: midimode=2, midifile="output.mid", wavemode=1 MIDI to file
sb16: midimode=1, wavemode=3, wavefile="output.wav" wave to file and device
sb16: midimode=1, wavemode=1, loglevel=2, log=sb16.log, dmatimer=600000

3.30. ES1370

This defines the ES1370 sound emulation (recording and playback - except
DAC1+DAC2 output at the same time). The parameter 'enabled' controls the
presence of the device. The wave and MIDI output can be sent to device, file
or both using the parameters 'wavemode', 'wavefile', 'midimode' and
'midifile'. See the description of these parameters at the SB16 directive.

es1370: enabled=1, wavemode=1 use 'sound' parameters
es1370: enabled=1, wavemode=2, wavefile=output.voc send output to file
es1370: enabled=1, wavemode=1

3.31. NE2K

ne2k: NE2000 compatible ethernet adapter

ne2k: enabled=1, ioaddr=IOADDR, irq=IRQ, mac=MACADDR, ethmod=MODULE, ethdev=DEVICE, script=SCRIPT, bootrom=BOOTROM

IOADDR, IRQ: You probably won't need to change ioaddr and irq, unless there
are IRQ conflicts. These arguments are ignored when assign the ne2k to a
PCI slot.

MAC: The MAC address MUST NOT match the address of any machine on the net.
Also, the first byte must be an even number (bit 0 set means a multicast
address), and you cannot use ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff because that's the broadcast
address. For the ethertap module, you must use fe:fd:00:00:00:01. There may
be other restrictions too. To be safe, just use the b0:c4... address.

ETHDEV: The ethdev value is the name of the network interface on your host
platform. On UNIX machines, you can get the name by running ifconfig. On
Windows machines, you must run niclist to get the name of the ethdev.
Niclist source code is in misc/niclist.c and it is included in Windows 
binary releases.

SCRIPT: The script value is optional, and is the name of a script that
is executed after bochs initialize the network interface. You can use 
this script to configure this network interface, or enable masquerading.
This is mainly useful for the tun/tap devices that only exist during
Bochs execution. The network interface name is supplied to the script
as first parameter. The 'slirp' module uses this parameter to specify
a config file for setting up an alternative IP configuration or additional

BOOTROM: The bootrom value is optional, and is the name of the ROM image
to load. Note that this feature is only implemented for the PCI version of
the NE2000.
If you don't want to make connections to any physical networks,
you can use the following 'ethmod's to simulate a virtual network.

null: All packets are discarded, but logged to a few files.

vde: Virtual Distributed Ethernet

vnet: ARP, ICMP-echo(ping), DHCP and read/write TFTP are simulated.
The virtual host uses
DHCP assigns to the guest.
TFTP uses the 'ethdev' value for the root directory and doesn't
overwrite files.

ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=fe:fd:00:00:00:01, ethmod=fbsd, ethdev=en0 #macosx
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=fbsd, ethdev=xl0
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=linux, ethdev=eth0
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=win32, ethdev=MYCARD
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=fe:fd:00:00:00:01, ethmod=tap, ethdev=tap0
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=fe:fd:00:00:00:01, ethmod=tuntap, ethdev=/dev/net/tun0, script=./tunconfig
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=null, ethdev=eth0
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=vde, ethdev="/tmp/vde.ctl"
ne2k: ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=vnet, ethdev="c:/temp"
ne2k: mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=slirp, script=slirp.conf, bootrom=ne2k_pci.rom


pcipnic: Bochs/Etherboot pseudo-NIC

pcipnic: enabled=1, mac=MACADDR, ethmod=MODULE, ethdev=DEVICE, script=SCRIPT, bootrom=BOOTROM
The pseudo-NIC accepts the same syntax (for mac, ethmod, ethdev, script,
bootrom) and supports the same networking modules as the NE2000 adapter.

pcipnic: enabled=1, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=vnet

3.33. E1000

e1000: Intel(R) 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet adapter

e1000: enabled=1, mac=MACADDR, ethmod=MODULE, ethdev=DEVICE, script=SCRIPT, bootrom=BOOTROM

The E1000 accepts the same syntax (for mac, ethmod, ethdev, script, bootrom)
and supports the same networking modules as the NE2000 adapter.

e1000: enabled=1, mac=52:54:00:12:34:56, ethmod=slirp, script=slirp.conf

3.34. USB_UHCI


This option controls the presence of the USB root hub which is a part
of the i440FX PCI chipset. With the portX parameter you can connect devices
to the hub (currently supported: 'mouse', 'tablet', 'keypad', 'disk', 'cdrom'
'hub' and 'printer').
If you connect the mouse or tablet to one of the ports, Bochs forwards the
mouse movement data to the USB device instead of the selected mouse type.
When connecting the keypad to one of the ports, Bochs forwards the input of
the numeric keypad to the USB device instead of the PS/2 keyboard.
To connect a 'flat' mode image as an USB hardisk you can use the 'disk' device
with the path to the image separated with a colon. To use other disk image modes
similar to ATA disks the syntax 'disk:mode:filename' must be used (see below).
To emulate an USB cdrom you can use the 'cdrom' device name and the path to
an ISO image or raw device name also separated with a colon. An option to
insert/eject media is available in the runtime configuration.
The device name 'hub' connects an external hub with max. 8 ports (default: 4)
to the root hub. To specify the number of ports you have to add the value
separated with a colon. Connecting devices to the external hub ports is only
available in the runtime configuration.
The device 'printer' emulates the HP Deskjet 920C printer. The PCL data is
sent to a file specified in bochsrc.txt. The current code appends the PCL
code to the file if the file already existed. It would probably be nice to
overwrite the file instead, asking user first.
The optionsX parameter can be used to assign specific options to the device
connected to the corresponding USB port. Currently this feature is used to
set the speed reported by device ('low', 'full', 'high' or 'super'). The
availabe speed choices depend on both HC and device. For the USB 'disk' device
the optionsX parameter can be used to specify an alternative redolog file
(journal) of some image modes. For 'vvfat' mode USB disks the optionsX
parameter can be used to specify the disk size (range 128M ... 128G). If the
size is not specified, it defaults to 504M.

usb_uhci: enabled=1
usb_uhci: enabled=1, port1=mouse, port2=disk:usbstick.img
usb_uhci: enabled=1, port1=hub:7, port2=disk:growing:usbdisk.img
usb_uhci: enabled=1, port2=disk:undoable:usbdisk.img, options2=journal:redo.log
usb_uhci: enabled=1, port2=disk:vvfat:vvfat, options2=speed:full
usb_uhci: enabled=1, port1=printer:printdata.bin, port2=cdrom:image.iso

3.35. USB_OHCI

This option controls the presence of the USB OHCI host controller with a
2-port hub. The portX parameter accepts the same device types with the same
syntax as the UHCI controller (see above). The optionsX parameter is also
available on OHCI.

usb_ohci: enabled=1

3.36. USB_XHCI


This option controls the presence of the experimental USB xHCI host controller
with a 4-port hub. The portX parameter accepts the same device types with the
same syntax as the UHCI controller (see above). The optionsX parameter is
also available on xHCI. NOTE: port 1 and 2 are USB3 and only support
super-speed devices, but port 3 and 4 are USB2 and support speed settings
low, full and high.

usb_xhci: enabled=1

3.37. PCIDEV


PCI host device mapping

pcidev: vendor=0x1234, device=0x5678



Enable GDB stub. See user documentation for details.
Default value is enabled=0.

gdbstub: enabled=0, port=1234, text_base=0, data_base=0, bss_base=0



This enables the "magic breakpoint" feature when using the debugger.
The useless cpu instruction XCHG BX, BX causes Bochs to enter the
debugger mode. This might be useful for software development.

magic_break: enabled=1



This loads symbols from the specified file for use in Bochs' internal
debugger. Symbols are loaded into global context. This is equivalent to
issuing ldsym debugger command at start up.

debug_symbols: file="kernel.sym"
debug_symbols: file="kernel.sym", offset=0x80000000

print_timestamps: enabled=1

3.41. PORT_E9_HACK


The 0xE9 port doesn't exists in normal ISA architecture. However, we
define a convention here, to display on the console of the system running
Bochs anything that is written to it. The idea is to provide debug output
very early when writing BIOS or OS code for example, without having to
bother with setting up a serial port or etc. Reading from port 0xE9 will
will return 0xe9 to let you know if the feature is available.
Leave this 0 unless you have a reason to use it.

port_e9_hack: enabled=1

load32bitOSImage: os=nullkernel, path=../kernel.img, iolog=../vga_io.log
load32bitOSImage: os=linux, path=../linux.img, iolog=../vga_io.log, initrd=../initrd.img



Bochs 창을 전체화면으로 실행한다.
AmigaOS에서만 사용 가능한다.


fullscreen: enabled=0
screenmode: name="Bochs"



Bochs의 플러그인을 지정한다.
최대 8가지 플러그인을 동시에 사용 가능하다. 그런데 name 옵션 하나밖에 없으니 어떻게 쓰라는 건지 모르겠다.
아마 plugin_ctrl처럼 줄줄이 써서 적용하는듯 하다.

user_plugin: name=bochs_plugin

3.44. MEGS


가상화할 램의 크기를 지정한다. 메가바이트 단위가 기준이며, 기본 값은 32, 최대 값은 2048이다.
MEGS는 더이상 사용되지 않으며, MEMORY로 대체한다.

megs: 32
megs: 256
megs: 512 [10]
megs: 1024
megs: 2048

[1] 윈도우[2] 윈도우 외[3] DISPLAY_LIBRARY가 아래와 같을 경우에만 이 옵션을 사용이 가능하다.[4] 키를 꾹 눌러도 한 번만 써진다.[5] 윈도우[6] 리눅스[7] 안드로이드[8] 윈도우, 상태 표시줄에서 IPS 제거[9] 윈도우, 상태 표시줄에서 IPS 제거, 키 반복 제거[10] 윈도우 9X 최대 인식 가능 크기.