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최근 수정 시각 : 2023-11-12 23:23:12




줄임말: ADC

2005년에 개설된 비공개 트래커, 이름처럼 중국, 홍콩, 인도, 일본, 한국 등의 아시아에서 발매되는 DVD, Blu-ray 토렌트 해적 사이트. 애니메이션, 드라마, 영화 등을 다룬다. 2019.3.에 시스템 관리자가 사이트를 닫은 상태로 보인다.

2018년 기준으로 9만 여 개의 자료 중에 약 1만 여 개는 블루레이 형식이다. 이 사이트는 2000 여 개의 프리리치 토렌트(golden)이 있다. 시드 박스를 사용하는 것을 허용한다. 나쁜 레이쇼 수치가 되더라도 유저를 바로 강퇴하지는 않고 한 달의 말미를 준다.

2019년 3월, 사이트가 내려간 이후로 사이트를 닫은 것으로 추정된다.

사이트 주소로 들어가면 이들이 쓰고 있던 호스트의 정책이 바뀐 것, 그리고 전처럼 이번에도 지불을 제때에 하지 않은 것을 알 수 있다. 그리고 밀린 서버비를 내기 위해서 이들의 IRC 채널로 가서 페이팔로 기부금을 내길 바라고 있다. 안정성이 없는 페이팔로 기부금을 주는 멍청한 짓은 하지 말자. 그리고 사이트가 부활하리라는 것을 아무도 보장하지 않는다.
2020년 다시 사이트가 부활했다

AsianDVDClub is currently down
If you see this message you've undoubtedly noticed that ADC has been down for a while. The downtime has been due to an unannounced policy change at our host, slow communication, bad real life timing, and (most significantly) a personal illness. Though the initial cause was a lack of funds. The good news is the host assures me that our server is still up, so it wasn't a hardware failure, takedown, database crash, or anything else along those lines. In the days after the downtime began I was in contact with the host and let them know that the bill would be paid, so our server is still up (but not externally accessible) even after all this time.

The policy change at our host was, in effect, requiring that bills be paid a ways in advance of what had historically been their due date. After some back-and-forth with the host it turns out that they cut off the network access for our server because the server bill had not been paid by this other date, and from what they said during the days after the downtime began this is because some months ago we were late/behind on payment so they want to make sure we pay our bills. However this policy change had not been effectively communicated, thus we had no idea that not only was there no longer a grace period to pay a bill but they need to be paid early to ensure no loss of service. Unfortunately this led to ADC going down at what turned out to be a very inopportune time.

Some of you have seen what the initial plan was during the downtime or at least some form of that plan: get ADC back online now and then move to a new host in the near future when possible. That plan has not really changed, though the move to a new host may be delayed for a while longer than initially planned. If you are currently an ADC member and you want to help get ADC back online by donating through PayPal, you can do so by joining our IRC channel (#asiandvdclub @ Rizon) and sending a PM to ADC's SysOp (if you don't know who that is, ask in the channel) to get the details for the donation account where you can send money. Please wait for a response - which may take a while - before sending any donations so you can be sure the money will go to the correct account.

With any luck ADC will be back online soon. Once the server is re-connected, I'll perform some checks to make sure everything is still working as it should and, as long as everything checks out, ADC will be available again shortly afterwards. This page will be manually updated as needed.

레딧에 올라온 한 사용자의 글이다. IRC 채널에서 시스템 관리자가 아무런 답이 없다는 것과 공식적인 답변이 없다는 것에 아쉬움이 있는 듯하다. 그리고 상위 관리자가 초대 프로그램을 운영한다는 것을 보아서 또 다른 사이트의 존재를 암시하고 있다.

From IRC!

<animay> Official Update: KAKERU made his offer and SysOp did not reply. I believe SysOp has closed down ADC. Do not be too harsh with his actions. I personally believe he gave us two extra years to torrent together before shutting ADC down. Thanks to Senior Moderator Mastameta for running the Invite Program and for fixing some security problems as best he could. Thanks to miamaria for getting
<animay> the TotW back up and running weekly. Thanks also to the other Torrent Moderators who, like myself, tried to make sure the uploads conformed to current ADC standards and policies. And finally, thanks to all our members who were with us over the years. I am calling this update official in that I believe SysOp has shut down ADC and he may very well not make an official announcement himself.