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최근 수정 시각 : 2022-10-12 23:52:19

Krunker/업데이트 내역/시즌 1

파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: Krunker/업데이트 내역
1. 1.0.x
2. 1.1.x
3. 1.2.x
4. 1.3.x
5. 1.4.x
6. 1.5.x
7. 1.6.x
8. 1.7.x
9. 1.8.x
10. 1.9.x

Krunker 업데이트 내역
베타 시즌 1 시즌 2

1. 1.0.x

1.1. UPDATE 1.0.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-30
* 새로운 보조무기 레이저 피스톨 추가
* 관전 기능 추가 (자유 시점만 가능)
* 커스텀 게임에 목숨 설정 추가
* Canyon 맵을 로테이션에서 제거
* 순위표가 비었을 때 나타나던 문제 해결
* 매치매이커 업데이트
* Fixed Name Exploit[원문]
* 고급 맵 편집기 URL 업데이트
* 서버 목록의 플레이어 수 동기화 관련 문제 해결
* 로딩 시간이 빨라짐
* 게임이 시작되지 않았을 때 '플레이어 기다리는 중' 문구를 추가함
* 더 이상 게임 시작을 기다리는 중에 오브젝트를 파괴할 수 없음

1.2. UPDATE 1.0.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-03
* Changes to main menu
* Offloaded Database Server away from Game Servers (Should fix: Please try later issue)
* Added Spectating setting to Custom Settings
* Server Browser now Checks if lobby is full before you join it
* Added Min Players Setting for custom servers
* Added Streamer Display to Main Menu
* Adjusted Matchmaker (Should fix the lobby full issueon half empty lobbies)
* Server Fixes

1.3. UPDATE 1.0.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-05
* Added Spectating Icon to Leaderboard
* Made Leaderboard a bit wider
* Increased Alien Blaster Ammo to 6 and Reduced Recoil a bit
* Small Shading Adjustment
* Added 3rd Person Setting to Custom Games (Need to fix aiming)
* Added 10 new Weapon Skins
* Added Health Bars and names to Spectating

1.4. UPDATE 1.0.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-07
* Optimizations for Database Calls
* Small Changes to Menu
* Spectators no longer show on the leaderboard
* Spectators now listed as number
* Updated Third Person Animations
* Adjusted Shaders a bit
* New Sniper Sound

1.5. UPDATE 1.0.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-10
* New Pistol Sound
* Adjusted Game UI Layout a bit
* Made Menu Window Wider
* Fixed timer bug in infected
* Fixes to Database
* Upgraded Database Servers
* Buffed Alien Blaster Damage
* Winner is now determined by who was last alive (Lives modes)
* Added Setting to Disable Points from Kills
* Updated Default Shaders
* Added Experimental Shader Setting (Exposed EffectComposer to public scope)
* Updated Some Textures

1.6. UPDATE 1.0.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-15
* Increased Max KR Limit at the end of Round to 30
* New Crates and Barrels
* Resized Barrels a bit (You may have to fix your maps)
* Added MMOK Link to Menu
* Added Edge Noise to Planes in Editor (WIP: Good For: Sand, Snow and Grass on Edges)
* Reset all Settings
* Fixed Issue where your custom maps arent shown anymore
* Sound Plays in slow motion at the end of the round as well
* Sounds are played in slow motion if time scale is changed
* Added Shader Settings to Settings Menu
* Changes to Burg:
* Lighting
* Fixed Doors to now be bangable
* More Clutter
* Added Connection near underpass
* Visual Overhaul
* Added Containers to Mid
* Added Container to Long
* Fixed Ramp Exploit
* Improved Weapon Shading
* Fixed Bounding Box Rotation in Editor
* Fixed Rotation issue on Import
* Updated some default textures
* Several New Clutter items in Editor

1.7. UPDATE 1.0.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-15
* Fixed FPS issue from Last Update
* Renamed xD Spray
* New Mad Man Spray
* Optimzations

1.8. UPDATE 1.0.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-18
* Updated Weapon Walking Animations a bit
* You can now upload a thumbnail with your map (40 KB Limit)
* Updated Maps List to show thumbnails (Grid View)
* Added More detail to Burg Background
* Made Setting Sliders Wider
* Darkened shadows around crosshair
* Fixed Copy Paste for Colours in Editor

1.9. UPDATE 1.0.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-24
* Can upload thumbnail for mods as well now
* New Billboard
* Updated Mod Guide
* Added Cosmetic Changes to Burg
* Database Optimizations
* Added More Servers to certain Regions
* Matchmaker fixes
* Added Door Object to Editor (WIP)
* Added Shadow Res Setting to Maps in Editor
* Added Close Call Kill Bonus when HP is at 20%
* Added 4 new Sprays
* Extended Kill Feed Timer from 1.5s to 2.0s

1.10. UPDATE 1.0.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-02-28
* Hack Fixes
* Sexy new Billboard
* Fixed Mod Search Error
* Matchmaker Fixes
* Fixed text boxes in Safari

2. 1.1.x

2.1. UPDATE 1.1.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-12
* New Main Menu Design/Layout
* Added new Map to Rotation: Sub Zero
* Added sliding mechanic (Crouch mid air to slide on landing: Slight Speed boost)
* Visual Updates to Burg
* Made Hole to Long Higher on Burg
* Shadow Resolution no longer affected by non colliding objects
* Added new Textures to Editor
* New Assault Rifle Sound Effect
* New SMG Sound Effect
* New Shotgun Sound
* Added Comeback Kill Bonus (+25)
* Hack Prevention
* New LMG Sound
* New Revolver Sound
* Adjusted Crouch Animation for all guns
* Made Hitmarker a bit louder
* Made Casing Sound a bit louder
* Fixed Rocketeer Close Call glitch
* Fixed Stuck on Please Wait... issue in host menu
* Server Fixes
* Ending a Players Streak now Gives Bonus Points
* Increased Visual Recoil of revolver
* When ammo falls below 25% gun sound changes slightly (For other players too)
* Updated Door Model
* Updated Walking Animations
* Improved Crosshair Visiblity
* Updated Crate and Barrel Texture
* Animated Hitmarker
* Reduced Damage Dropoff for Alien Blaster
* Fixed Being Put in the Wrong Region

2.2. UPDATE 1.1.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-12
* Fixed KR Not Updating on Menu
* Fixed Glitched Outline Around Scope
* Tweaked Default Region
* Fixed Scrolling on End UI
* Social Button now Opens New Tab

2.3. UPDATE 1.1.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-17
* Reduced Rubber Banding (Hopefully)
* Reduced Min Spread on SMG
* Fixed Hitmarker scaling
* Made Recoil Animations More Accurate
* Added Setting to Disable Sliding in Custom Games
* Fixed Crouch Leaning Bug when Aimed in
* Adjustments to Matchmaker (Work in Progress)
* Bullets Spread now follows the gun animation when landing
* Fixed Click Sound Volume Bug on other players
* Added Weapon Inspect (Press X)
* Improved Flash when shooting
* New SMG Model & Textures (All Skins have been Remade)
* (We will be doing this for all guns)
* Adjusted Click Sound when ammo runs out
* Separated FPS view from Other Camera
* (FOV changes no longer affect Hands and Weapon Model)
* Reduced Lag on Sub Zero
* Shading Fixes on Sub Zero
* Fixed out of Map Spots on Sub Zero
* Fixed Bugs on Sand Storm
* Added More Servers in Tokyo & Frankfurt
* Anti Cheat
* Fixed Map and Mod Voting Buttons
* Fixed Being Connected to wrong region
* Reduced Chance to Get Uncommon from Heroic Spins
* Race Mode Now Shows Milliseconds as Well
* Fixed Timer so it doesn't show :60 seconds anymore
* Server Fixes
* Rendering Class Name and Weapon name above player preview
* Updated SMG Store Preview
* Added Animation to Character Preview in Menu
* Can now Earn Limited KR from Custom Games (Capped at 20)
* (Only Games with Blue Tick in Server Browser)
* Added 5 new SMG Skins
* Renamed some of the SMG Skins
* Opening Store Makes a Sound
* Fixed Menu Player Preview Bugs
* Added Streamer Mode (Censors Bad Content)
* Increased Driftkill bonus to +50
* Increased Menu Tick Sound
* Increased Marksman Firerate
* Made FPS arms a bit thinner
* Make Weapon Inspect Look nice for all guns
* New Headshot Sound

2.4. UPDATE 1.1.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-18
* Reset Settings
* Added Separate FOV Slider for Weapon Model
* Fixed Map Testing
* Fixed Socket Issues
* Can now Cancel Inspect when Hitting the Inspect Key Again
* Old Headshot Sound
* Fixed Ping Display Being Too High
* Anti Cheat Update

2.5. UPDATE 1.1.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-18
* Added Japanese Logo on Tokyo Servers
* Adjustments to main menu
* Reduced Score Earned from Custom Games (Until I Fix exploits)

2.6. UPDATE 1.1.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-19
* Added Default Server Region Setting
* Fixed Username Rendering Glitch In Safari
* Fixed Socket Time Out On Initial Join
* Dead Socket Fixes (Again)

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-19
* Added Challenge Mode (Earn More KR per Game. But at what cost???)
* Reverted Japanese Logo
* Fixed Ping Issue
* Fixed Timeout Issue
* Fixed Inspect Key Bug with Spray
* Updated Reward Display on End Board
* Added Default Region Setting
* New Anti Cheat

2.7. UPDATE 1.1.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-23
* Added Advanced Editor
* Now Says "Game Updating" When Updating
* Socket Fixes

2.8. UPDATE 1.1.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-25
* Anti Cheat Update
* Increased Reload Time for LMG
* Added Bullet Whizzing Sound
* Improved FPS Animations
* Increased Shotgun Damage Dropoff
* Adjusted AK Alignment
* Spray N Pray now Regens Health Slower
* Reduced Marksman Spread
* Adjusted Spin Preview for Shotgun and AK
* Adjusted Recoil Animations on all guns
* Adjusted Inspect Animations
* Adjusted Some Weapon Positions on Screen
* Added new Shotgun Model (All Skins have been remade)
* Updated Shells Flying out of guns
* Renamed some Shotgun Skins
* Challenge Mode now Halves your HP
* Render Optimizations
* Made Crouch Lower
* Increased Slide Sound Volume
* Ping Fixes
* Fixed issues with Hitmarker
* Adjusted Some Gun Sounds
* New Headshot sound
* Adjusted Weapon Alignment so reticle aligns with where you shoot
* Fixed Click on Player Preview

2.9. UPDATE 1.1.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-03-30
* Adjusted Store Spin Preview Scale
* Updated AO Shaders and Lighting
* Fixed Map Loading Bug
* Reworked Recoil On Marksman
* Fixed Weapon Aim Alignment
* New Marksman Model and Skins
* Marksman Rework
* Added Red dot to Submachine Gun
* Fixed Being Scoped in after spawn bug
* Fix Lag/Ping Spikes
* Adjusted Volume of Whizz and Ricochet Sounds
* Reverted Headshot sound again
* Disabled KR in customs until Farming is fixed
* Added Attachment system logic

2.10. UPDATE 1.1.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-04-04
* Assault Rifle Remake
* Updated SMG Aim Position
* Reduced SMG Spread
* Updated Walking Animation
* Fixed Marksman Skins
* Store Purchase Fix
* Reduced Marksman HP to 90
* Increased Semi Auto Reload time
* Increased Semi Auto Spread when not ADS
* Reduced Marksman Ammo to 6
* Small Animation Adjustments
* Server Optimizations
* Fixed Huge Ping Spikes issue
* Menu Adjustments
* Can now Change Ladder Colors
* Added Free Login KR Bonus (Redeemable Every 12 Hours)

3. 1.2.x

3.1. UPDATE 1.2.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-04-06
* Fixed Free KR Bonus Button
* Optimized Database
* Added TSM_Myth Spray
* Reverted Marksman ammo to 8
* Added Input to Settings. Higher Accuracy for Sensitivity now possible
* Reduced LMG Ammo to 60

3.2. UPDATE 1.2.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-04-17
* Added CTF Mode
* Added Setting to Disable Muzzle Flash
* Disabling Particles now Hides the Bullet Casings
* Adjustments to Runner Class
* Melee Kills Award: 150 Points (Execution Bonus)
* Runner Can now punch (More melee stuff coming soon)
* Added Terrain to Editor (Work in Progress)
* Fixed Right Arm being cut off with high FOV
* Added Official Krunker Client Download Link to menu
* New Pistol Model
* Added Ladder and Ramp Previews on Editor
* Fixed Grouping Bug in editor
* Reduced Comeback Bonus Requirement to 3 deaths
* Improved Database Servers
* Increased Max Fog Distance in Editor
* Fixed Black Screen issue on client
* Fixed Ping Spike Issues (Hopefully)
* Changes to Terrain System and Visuals (Terrain will change in the coming updates. So dont put too much work into the terrain maps just yet)

3.3. UPDATE 1.2.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-04-24
* Updated Pistol Texture
* Added New Skins: Animated
* Fixed Muzzle Flash staying on screen issue
* Added Moving Texture Logic: Can be used for Water/Lava etc later
* You now can't capture the flag when the enemy has yours
* Flag Events are now shown in the chat; X Captured the Flag
* Increased Runner Range, Attack Speed and Health Regen
* Reduced Matchmaker Data
* Contraband Items can now be earned from spins
* Improved Spin Animation Accuracy
* Removed Uncommon chance from Heroic Spins
* Reduced Revolver Firerate from 300ms to 350ms
* Allowing Cross Origin Images
* Added ability to join friends game on client (Through discord)
* x0n-voX

3.4. UPDATE 1.2.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-05-01
* Added More Contraband Skins
* Updated tree model
* Anti Cheat
* Added 50 New Weapon Skins
* Server Fixes
* Right Click Menu in Editor
* Added Terrain Customization
* Terrain now Receives Shadows
* Added Sky Domes to Editor
* Added Water Object to Editor (Doesn't do anything yet)
* Added Quick GUI in the editor (Right click objects, must be enabled in settings)
* Flag has a better object in editor
* Fixed not being able to click links in client
* Fixed 'Ask to Join' not sending you to proper match in client
* Fixed social
* Fixed search in server list
* Improved sky dome
* Mode voting Delayed

3.5. UPDATE 1.2.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-05-13
* Fixed Skyboxes in Game
* Added 4 New Sprays
* Gun now renders on top of everything
* Can now get Free KR more frequently
* Added 50 New Skins
* Some Exploit Fixes

3.6. UPDATE 1.2.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-05-17
* Reduced revolver firerate
* Fixes to Burg, Littletown, Sandstorm & Subzero (pebbles & out of map issues)
* Updated MMOK Billboard & Discord Link
* Added Player List (kick & ban users) (Tab to open [can be changed])
* Banning works properly now
* Updated Marksman Weapon Icon

3.7. UPDATE 1.2.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-05-19
* Ramps, Billboards and Planes are now double-sided in the editor
* Fixed not being able to use secondary's in test mode
* Added the ability to use all skins & weapons in test mode
* Added Texture Viewer / Tester (https://krunker.io/viewer.html)
* Grass texture now works again
* Fixed market stalls on Sandstorm
* Added Direct Map hosting from editor
* Default Region setting is back!

3.8. UPDATE 1.2.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-05-23
* Updated AK Skins (Better Visibility)
* Added new Sniper Model
* Updated all Sniper Skins
* Bug Fixes
* Added 2 New Sprays
* Added Free Spin Button
* Added Simon Says Mode (Host becomes Simon. Use lives Setting)
* Added Hide Full lobbies feature to Server Browser
* Added 2 new chat settings
* Fixed Out of map issue on Littletown
* Fixed all issues related to the viewer

3.9. UPDATE 1.2.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-05-25
* Added visuals to hat & back selections
* Fixed issue with viewer & changed Lighting
* Added Host Game presets

3.10. UPDATE 1.2.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-05-29
* Added Region to custom games selection
* Added Chat setting "Show Unboxings"
* You can now set the amount of points gained from score zones
* Added Checkpoints

4. 1.3.x

4.1. UPDATE 1.3.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-06-03
* Added Single Use option to Checkpoints
* Added Popup message upon setting a Checkpoint
* Added Crosshair Shadow setting
* Added FPS Counter option (Displays current frames per second not average)
* Added "Play Time" to default gamemode leaderboards
* Spawn points in the editor are now player models
* Profile icon changes based on selected class
* Mod files can now swap models
* Server Fixes
* Update to Littletown

4.2. UPDATE 1.3.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-06-20
* Updated Deagle Model
* Updated LMG Model and Skins
* Added ELO Display to Account Page
* Updated Red Dot Sight Model and Texture
* Added Ability to Select teams to Custom Game Settings
* Added Ability to Load Mods from Custom URLs
* Updated Game Stats on Advertise Page
* Reduced File Size of Weapon Models
* Added New York Servers
* Ability to add Pickupable weapons in editor
* Fixed Playerlist issue when game is ending
* Resized and moved checkpoint popup
* Added 5 new Sprays
* Fixed Billboard Bug in Editor
* Checkpoints no longer persist after hosting a game
* Added the ability to select billboards in the editor
* Fixed Key Bind Bug
* Adjustments to Sound Logic
* Made Enemy Footstep Sounds a bit louder
* Increased Runner Range
* Detective now wears Blue Jeans
* Reduced LMG Damage from 22 to 20
* Moved Default Region setting to the top
* Updated Social Page Style
* Increased Step Sound Volume
* Fixed Major Bug with Spawn System
* Updated Spectator UI
* Compressed Sounds for Better Performance
* Sound Logic Optimization
* Ability to Name Teams in Custom Matches
* Can now Rebind Mouse Keys in Settings (Wheel coming soon)
* Updated Billboards
* Fixed Copy Paste Issue in Editor
* Added Bowman Class (Crossbow)
* Added New Map

4.3. UPDATE 1.3.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-06-20
* Increased Crossbow Arrow Movement Speed
* Fixed Headshot Sound

4.4. UPDATE 1.3.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-06-21
* Added Contraband Sniper Skin
* Fixed Weapon Pickups Bug
* Fixed Invisible Weapon and Texture Bugs
* Increased Aim Speed of Crossbow
* Fixed Invalid Version Bug on Map Uploads
* Increased Crossbow DMG to 150
* Reduced Reload Time for Crossbow
* Fixed Some Exploits on New Map
* Added Unique Ambient Sound to New Map
* Fixed Weapon Pickup Popup Issue
* Removed Golden M from Kanji
* Adjusted Fence Texture

4.5. UPDATE 1.3.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-06-25
* Compressed Map File Size on Export (This will make custom maps load faster)
* New Rocketeer Weapon Model
* Weapon Pickup Sound
* Fixed Weapon Invisible Weapon Bug on Spins
* Removed Bloom Shaders for now
* Added new Spray
* Fixed Bugs with Social Page
* Updated Profile Pages with More Info
* Added Ability to follow Players on Social (WIP)
* Showing More Maps on the Hot Maps List now
* Mods List is now Shown on Profile page
* Slight Adjustments to Character Models
* Can now Move Spectate Camera up and down with Q & E
* Fixed Singapore Server issues
* Fixed Team Scores not updating in spectate view
* Fixed FFA Spectating Display
* Hitmarkers now show when you hit a destructible object
* Reduced Reload Time for Crossbow
* Fixed Player list Bug While holding button
* Team selection now shows custom team names
* Fixed Spawn Trap on Kanji
* Kanji Map Fixes & Changes
* Fixed Shading Bugs
* Fixed Weapon Pickup Bugs

4.6. UPDATE 1.3.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-06-26
* Rendering Optimizations
* Reset Settings now Resets Keybinds
* Client Side Optimization
* Further Compressed Map Exports
* Map changes to Kanji
* Added new Wing Contraband Item
* Changes to Render Precision
* Made Host Presets more visible

4.7. UPDATE 1.3.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-06-26
* Added Gun Game Mode
* Added 3 new Weapon Skins
* Made Verified Tick Blue on Leaderboards
* Small Fixes from Previous Update
* Fixed Ramps and Score Zone Bug
* Compressed some Textures

4.8. UPDATE 1.3.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-01
* Fixed Store Preview Animation
* Smoothed Weapon Models
* Updated Red Dot Model
* Zombies (Infected) don't Get Hurt by the zone
* Separated Maps List into Tabs
* Streamlined Map List and Publishing
* Added Crosshair Dot Setting
* Added Zone Object to Editor (BR Mode Storm WIP)
* Exploit Fixes
* Added Caching to Map list to make it load faster
* Can no longer spray on invisible objects
* Fixed Mod Issues
* Performance Fixes
* Adjusted Red Dot Texture
* Adjusted some Animations
* Closing a Spin now Sends you back to the store
* Added 4 new Skins
* Tab Menu now Works while Spectating
* Updated Rank Icons
* Fixed (Ctrl + Tab) Menu on Client
* Anti Cheat
* Updated Idle Animation
* Optimized UI Rendering
* Fixed Pickup Bug with Secondaries
* Updated all Sniper Skins (Lighting)
* Updated Existing 7 Sniper Skins
* Increased Free KR Reward to 200
* Added 5 new Sniper Skins

4.9. UPDATE 1.3.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-01
* Fixed Spectating getting Stuck Bug
* Infected cannot pickup weapons
* Fixed Editor HP Bug from last update
* Renamed Your Maps to my Maps

4.10. UPDATE 1.3.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-05
* Mode Voting at end of round
* Fixed Profiles not loading when not logged in
* Added Tournaments Page to Krunker Social
* Kicked for Inactivity is less aggressive now
* Added Custom Crosshair Settings
* Made all default maps compatible with all modes
* Init is now called at the end of the timer on the server
* Merged Utilities into regular Settings
* Increased Crossbow DMG to 200
* Reduced AK DMG Drop at Range from 10 to 5
* Terrain now Receives Shadows from Objects
* Increased Max Zone size in editor
* Small Redesign of Social Page
* Made Kanji show up a bit less in the rotation
* Added follow button to end of game board
* Added new Icons to Social Page
* Fixed End Board not showing when you join late
* Added new Sniper Skin (nV)
* Optimizations
* Crosshair no longer shows while spectating
* Added ability to Pick Ambient Sound on Maps
* Smoothed AK Model
* Smoother LMG Model
* Added new Sprays
* Fixed Store Glitch (Skin misalignment)
* Removed Confirmation from Tab Menu

5. 1.4.x

5.1. UPDATE 1.4.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-06
* Fixed Invis Nametags on Spectating
* Fixed Crash Issue
* Fixed Tournament Entries Data
* Fixed Crosshair Issues

5.2. UPDATE 1.4.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-06
* Removed Join Button from Web Version
* Added Weapon Previews to Customize Screen
* Fixed Always show setting
* Flag now Resets if carrier dies to a death zone
* Updated Tournament Page Data
* Fixed Mode Voting not working properly
* Follow Button on End Board now hides after being clicked
* Fixed Rotated Skin Bug

5.3. UPDATE 1.4.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-07
* Fixed Mod Loading Issue
* Fixed Inventory sorting issue
* Adjusted Lighting on Model Viewer
* Adjusted Cosmetic Preview Lighting
* Reduced Min Height of Terrain mountains in editor
* Registration Bug Fixes
* Added new Spray

5.4. UPDATE 1.4.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-09
* Added HP Bar Animation
* Added Phys Recoil to Vince (Shoot the floor while sliding)
* Increased AK Dmg to 25
* Adjusted Alien Blaster Animation
* Fixed some UI Bugs
* Adjusted Animations
* Adjusted Inspect Animation a bit
* Small Menu UI Adjustments
* Added Map Border property to Objects in Editor

5.5. UPDATE 1.4.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-12
* New Damage Overlay
* Updated Shading a bit
* Adjusted Landing Animation when ADS
* AK Damage Reduced to 24 from 25
* Added Bazaar (Map) Back to Rotation
* Fixed out of map spots on default maps
* Fixes to DB Scheme
* Fixed Grass shading issue
* Fixed Menu Class icon bug on load
* Fixed Shell Particle Issue
* Health Bar HUD Changes
* Added new Death message when killed by world
* Added Map Creator and Name back to UI
* Cleaned up Host Menu
* Fixed Map List Crashes
* Flipped Weapon Icons in Loadout HUD
* Littletown Fences are Penetrable now
* Added Ability to include Host Config Preset in your Map: Auto Loads in Host Menu
* Added more stats to players on social (some are new so they start at 0)
* Nukes, Accuracy

5.6. UPDATE 1.4.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-16
* Added Several Download Links for Client
* Scoped Weapons Maintain their animation when scoped in
* (Looks nicer when zooming out after shooting)
* Updated Tree Asset Texture
* Changed Sandstorm Ambient Sound
* Added NYC Servers Back
* 6 New Shotgun Skins
* Smoothed Shotgun Model
* Smoothed Rocket Launcher Model
* Added Bullet Trail to Sniper (and Setting to turn it off)
* Fixed Bug with Projectiles/tracers not hitting the correct spot
* Adjusted Sniper Recoil Animation
* Made idle animation slightly more visible
* Fixed Inside Sniper Scope Shading
* Added Shine/Metallic Look to Weapon Models
* Optimized Performance
* Fixed AO flickering at distance
* Added new Ambient Sound to Editor Selection
* Updated Ambient Sound for Bazaar
* Adjusted Spawn Rotations on all Maps
* Cached Mod List for faster loading
* Added Account Age to Profile
* Fixed Flöating objects bug
* Optimized Model Loader
* Increased Hitmarker Sound Volume
* Fixed Nuke Stat not saving
* Fixed Shading Rotation Bug: Wood Auto Rotation
* Updated FPS Hands Shading
* Added Dynamic Health Bars Setting
* Adjusted HP Bar HUD Based on Class Health
* Fixed Rotation Facing (In Game Objects now match editor rotation)
* New Sniper Sound
* Can now select facing on spawn points in editor
* Updated Dirt and Wall Texture slightly
* Fixed Settings Input Bug
* Added Hands/Melee to Gun Game
* Optimized Server Loop
* Changes to Bazaar
* Fixed Melee Weapon Swap Bug
* Optimized Bazaar
* Made + Symbol Red on HP HUD
* Added Profile Image Setting to change HUD Image
* Fixed Logout "Doing that too much" issue

5.7. UPDATE 1.4.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-23
* Added Marketplace:
* Sell Items to Other Players (You determine the price)
* 15 Minute Grace Period before item can be bought
* Player to Player Trading is coming later
* Fixed Spelling on Date: Dec
* Fixed Crosshair showing on Spectate Screen
* Fixed Leaderboard not updating properly when player dies
* Added Hardpoint back to bazaar
* Fix Shooting under ramp in bazaar
* Voice Chat now works on all screens
* Increased Death Height limit in the editor
* Added Missing Shotgun previews
* Fixed Bug with Weapon Pickups
* Weapon Impulse Config setting (shotgun jump mult)
* Added Animated Sniper Flap Setting (Will have unlockable Skins for challenges)
* Weapon Pickups can be Dropped again by pressing Z
* Weapon Pickups drop on Death (Only when picked up originally)
* Fixed Textures on Spinner Preview
* Server Bug Fixes
* Optimized Model Viewer
* Fixed Checkpoint spawn direction
* Added Presets back
* Updated Loadout Screens to Grid Layout instead of list
* Added Controller Support (Just plug it in and play)
* Added Object Type Name to editor
* Krunker Social no longer refreshes the page when switching tabs
* Updated Red Dot Shading on Glass
* Added New Relic Cosmetic Items
* Updated Existing Cosmetic Items
* Updated Formatting on KR Leaderboard
* Allowed odd numbers for crosshair Thickness & Size
* Scroll to Increase/Decrease camera speed when spectating
* Moved Client Download Link to Top Right Bar
* Moved Challenge Mode to Settings
* Moved Streamer Mode to Settings
* Added Link to Krunker Merch Store (Items are priced as low as we possibly can)
* New Menu Logo and Layout
* Added Anomaly Spray
* Fixed Grouping in Editor
* Fixed Server Search
* Multiple Deathzones now only kill you once
* Replaced Comp Mode in favour of LMS (1 Life No Health Regen)
* (You can still host this kind of mode by just setting max lives to 10)
* Removed Boss Mode for Now
* Added Translation Logic: Several Languages coming soon
* Added Character Preview Messages to Menu
* Added Button to Profile to Logout of all other Sessions Except Yours
* (This is useful if you think your account got hacked or if you forgot to logout at school etc)
* Added Assist Display to End Board in TDM and Hardpoint
* Removed Follow Button from End Board for now

5.8. UPDATE 1.4.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-07-29
* Knives are Next Update. Had to delay them due to a Tournament
* Reduced Market Grace Period to 10 minutes instead of 15
* Fixed Store Glitch: Sometimes showed success when item wasn't bought
* Kanji Map Overhaul
* Sandstorm Map Changes
* Team Colors now Differ when spectating
* Added Teleporters to Map Editor
* Increased Market List Size
* Added Item Counter to Inventory on Market
* Search filter no longer resets when its closed
* Moved Spectate Button back to top left
* Fixed Issue with Certain Names in Market: Names containing '
* Updated SSL Certs
* Updated Brick Texture
* Added on Kill Setting (Reduce Res, Inc FoV, Dec FoV)
* Live Based modes now determine the winner by lives remaining when timer runs out
* No longer get kicked while spectating
* Added Ability to Colorize Meshes in Editor
* Removed Bazaar from Rotation for now
* Changed Grass Mesh Color. Adjust it in Editor
* Fixed Bug where spectators count as lives in LMS
* Made Deagle Animation a bit better
* Listing Fee 5%: Deducted as soon as you list
* (To prevent Unlist Trolls/Spammers)
* Cleared Market Listings to Remove all 10m posts

5.9. UPDATE 1.4.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-06
(Ranked mode is done too. Just needs some more testing)
* Added Contraband Knives (Work in Progress)
* Fixed Spelling on Launchers
* Updated Shading on Sandstorm a bit
* Fixed Chat UI Layout on Death Screen
* Added Hand Icon for Runner and Hand Weapon
* Removed on Kill Setting
* Every Class can Use Fists now (Melee Slot Replaces Fists)
* Adjusted Weapon Swap Logic (Server Side. Won't affect gameplay)
* E Key now just Swaps between primary and secondary
* Rebound Q Key to Melee switch
* Added Key Info to Weapon display in Game
* Fixed End Board Being Stretched
* Fixed Crash with Pickups
* Reduced AK damage to 23 from 24
* Fixed Object transparency sorting/rendering
* Fixed issue with Free KR button
* Added Headshots Only Host Setting
* Added Melees & Setbacks to Gungame
* Allowed Manual Input For More Options in the Editor
* Added a "Both" node option to Teleporters
* Fixed Transparent Object issue
* Fixed Link Texture on Ramps
* Fixed Teleporting Height
* Made Ramps Doublesided
* Fixed Spinner Preview on Contrabands (Not showing rainbow)
* Adjusted Pistol ADS Zoom
* Updated Several Sniper Skins
* Updated Weapon swapping Animations
* Anti Cheat
* Added 2 new Relic Head Pieces
* Added Moving Textures to Editor
* Fixed Weapon Swap issue when lagging

5.10. UPDATE 1.4.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-07
* Replaced Hands with Default Knife
* Added Primary Weapon Rebind
* Increased Hot Maps List Size to 60
* Added Infinite Scroll function:
* (Scrolling down always swaps primary and secondary)
* (Scrolling up always swaps primary and melee)
* Added 2 new Knives to Spins
* Updated Knife Animation (Slices Left on Second Slice)
* Changed Scroll direction for Weapon Swapping
* Flipped Weapon Display on HUD
* Reverted Neon Reaver
* Added new Sniper Skin

6. 1.5.x

6.1. UPDATE 1.5.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-08
* Added Melee Kills Stat to Accounts
* Fixed Knife Search in Marketplace
* Fixed Knife Previews in Spins
* Bandwidth Optimization on Server
* Can now Search for Knives with Keyword Knife in store
* Anti Cheat Update
* Added Scroll direction Setting

6.2. UPDATE 1.5.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-10
* You can now see other Players melee weapons
* Added Unobtainable Rarity Melee Weapons
* Anti Cheat Update
* Fixed bug where ambient sound stops playing at end of round
* Added Ability to Customize Health Bar HUD Colors
* Added FaZe Spray
* Added Verified Clans (Gold Clan Tag)
* Improved Knife Slash Animation a bit
* Fixed Weapon swapping glitch
* Fixed End Message being doubled
* Added Separate Visibility Settings for Each Weapon Slot
* (Can now hide sniper but show secondary)

6.3. UPDATE 1.5.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-11
* Fixed performance issues
* Mods now work with moving textures/contraband skins
* Added Verified Clan color in more areas
* Fixed Out of Map On Kanji
* Removed The Stair Grass in Littletown

6.4. UPDATE 1.5.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-12
* Exploit Fixes
* Optimized Client Side Rendering
* (Should Fix FPS issues on low end machines)
* Important Server Side Fixes
* Anti Cheat Update
* Added Nametag options to Settings
* Added Language Settings (More coming soon)
* German
* Spanish
* Korean
* Limited to one Session Per Account (For Security)

6.5. UPDATE 1.5.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-15
* Anti Cheat Update
* Fixed Sound Issue with Ambient Sounds
* Fixed Mod Sound Issue
* Fixed some Exploits
* Fixed issue with View Model Setting
* Fixed Leaderboard Display Issue
* Increased Map List length

6.6. UPDATE 1.5.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-16
* Improved Spectating Options (First person view coming soon)
* (Fixing Jitter next Update)
* Added Setting to Map Editor to disable Shading on Specific Objects
* Added Voucher Logic to Store
* Reduced SMG Hipfire Spread
* Decreased SMG Reload Time

6.7. UPDATE 1.5.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-19
* Fixed Controller Input issues
* Added Skin Color Option
* Zombie Skins added to Infected
* Emitters are now Bundled
* Added New Class (Famas)
* Added Point Gates to Map Editor
* (Spend Score to Open them in Game)
* Server Optimizations
* Fixed Server Crash
* Bandwidth Optimization
* Fixed LINK texture in the editor
* Fixed Keybinds not being blocked when typing
* Remove WATER object from the editor
* Added Famas to Gungame
* Fixed Bug with Infected Mode

6.8. UPDATE 1.5.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-21
* Added new Mode (Prop Hunt) (Still needs player collisions)
* Updated Famas Texture
* Added more Skin Colors
* Fixed Point Gates
* Added Two new Skin colors
* Zombies skin issue fixed
* Error Response changes for Thumbnail Upload
* Fixed issue with host presets
* Fixed FOV slider issue
* Fixed Slider input restrictions
* Fixed Spawn Exploit
* Renamed Mouse Keybinds
* Adjusted Zombie Skin Color
* Fixed Time Played issue where it gets stuck at 24d
* Fixed Registration Bug (Password Incorrect issue)
* Added Setting to Client to enable Window Capture

6.9. UPDATE 1.5.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-23
* Added Map Voting to end of Round (No longer limited to vote on mode)
* Updated Kill Feed Look in Chat
* Fixed Language Translation not resetting on Settings Menu
* Fixed Bot Detected Issue
* Decreased time between Bursts on Famas
* Add Taunts to Prop Hunt: for every taunt you get a point
* Fixed Safari not Loading into Game
* Add scroll zoom to prop view
* Simon can now See all player names on Simon Says mode

6.10. UPDATE 1.5.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-25
* Increased Mod List Hot Size
* FFA will now always show up at least once on the map vote
* Added 25 new Famas Skins (1 Relic)
* Fixed Text Wrapping on Chat box
* Added Nuke Kill Icon to Kill feed
* Added Teddy Prop to Editor (inb4 waiting for ranked. Adds teddy button meme)
* Added Medals to Gun Game
* Move Point Gate to Tools

7. 1.6.x

7.1. UPDATE 1.6.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-27
* Kanji is Kill
* Can zoom in closer on Prop Hunt
* Added Nuke and Melee Counter to Profile Page in Game
* Updated Purchase Error Window
* Fixed Spinner Alignment Issue
* Added Tickrate Command to Dev Accounts (We are improving tickrate and testing)
* Added Creator Code Menu to Account Screen
* Vouchers work now. They will be given out to some streamers
* Fixed Connection issues
* Fixed Game Full issue where you get stuck on connecting
* Models can now be breakable
* Models now utilize the Visible Property
* Updated Howler & Tween
* Fixed issue with Gungame not Ending
* You can now get First Blood with Melees
* Fixed issue with Arctic Hunt not showing up in Market inventory

7.2. UPDATE 1.6.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-28
* Added Trigger Objects to Editor
* Fixed Load time Issue
* Added Terms for Creator Codes
* Minor Bug Fixes

7.3. UPDATE 1.6.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-08-31
* Ping Spike Fix (Hopefully)
* Added Score Info to XP Bar in Player Menu
* Added Signs to Editor (Custom text for Instructions, Creator Codes, Lore etc)
* (use \n to go to a new Line)
* Added Dashboard to Creator Codes (Visible once Approved/Active)
* Updated SMG Model and Textures
* Added More Servers in all Regions
* Client Fixes

7.4. UPDATE 1.6.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-04
* Optimized Bandwidth (Upload Req)
* Added Click Spam prevention to Market
* Fixed Score Info Calculation in XP Bar
* Fixed Sign transparency
* Fixed Sign rotation
* Fixed Projectile based kills
* Added Text Align to Signs
* Added More servers
* Added Import & Export for settings
* Added Hitmarker Image Customization setting
* Added UI Scale setting
* Added Saturation setting
* Added Closeable option to Point Gates
* Added Popup Medal when you purchase gate/pickup
* Updated Pickup & Point Gate popup messages
* Pickups can now require/cost score
* Prepared servers for Tickrate upgrade
* Optimization to FPS Counter

7.5. UPDATE 1.6.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-09
* Fixed Stream Display on Menu
* Server Side fixes
* Fixed Score Info Calculation in XP Bar (for new accounts)
* Fixed chat going past limit
* Default Server region shows above others
* Fixed issues with pickups
* Reverted Pickup/Pointgate message
* Fixed issue with Purchased Medal for Pickups/Pointgates
* Fixed Mode Specific settings transferring to other modes
* Fixed Mod Publishing
* Fixed Navigation Buttons in Social
* Updated Texture Viewer
* Added Melees
* Added Melee Swapping
* Added Skin Color
* Fixed Secondary Swapping
* Added More servers to NY & SIN

7.6. UPDATE 1.6.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-09
* Added new Contraband Sniper (Intervention)
* Adjusted Hand Position on Pistol
* Increased Weapon Bobbing Max Value
* Added New Setting for Weapon Lean
* Fixed Deaths in Map test mode
* Added Disable Secondaries Host option
* Added KPG stat (Kills Per Game)
* Changed Mods Setting Category to Customization
* New Customization Settings
* Added Ammo Icon Image
* Added Kills Icon Image
* Added Deaths Icon Image
* Added Damage Icon Image
* Added Timer Icon Image
* Added Game Overlay Image
* Zone now waits till game starts

7.7. UPDATE 1.6.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-12
* Fixed Market
* Removed Unintended Spawn shot on Littletown
* Fixed Translations
* Fixed Melee texture loading in Viewer
* Object shading options now works 100% of the time
* Streaks are now stackable (2 nukes in 1 life)
* Killstreak message now shows every 5 kills (used to stop at 30)
* Upgraded Servers
* Match Voting now shows what you picked
* Fixed Rare Model Color issue

7.8. UPDATE 1.6.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-17
* Nerfed Shotgun Range a bit
* Fixed FPS stutter issue
* Added Lag Compensation Setting
* (Adjust this when you have to lead your shots)
* Added Resolution Setting to the editor
* Added Double Click to Focus in editor
* Fixed Translation issues in Server Browser
* Fixed Issue with Match Voting staying yellow
* Added More Servers to ALL regions
* Fixed issue with Streams doubling
* Fixed issue with Pointgates
* Fixed Profile Image not updating
* Added Spin Again Button
* Server Fixes
* Exploit Fixes
* Added Wallbang Kill Bonus (+25)
* Added Vignette Setting

7.9. UPDATE 1.6.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-19
* Updated Intervention Texture
* Added X Offset Setting for Weapon Model
* Added Y Offset Setting for Weapon Model
* Added Customization Setting for Score Display
* Added Chat Spam Prevention
* Bandwidth Optimization
* Slight Menu UI Changes
* Added Team Score to End Board
* Added More Servers

7.10. UPDATE 1.6.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-20
* Bandwidth Optimization (Should Help Ping)
* Exploit Fixes
* Increased Free KR to 250
* Added Weapon Z Offset Setting
* Added Shadow Setting to Score Popup
* Score Display Color now effects Medals

8. 1.7.x

8.1. UPDATE 1.7.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-21
* Added Movement Speed Display Setting
* Fixed 1000+ FPS issue
* Added Warmup Timer (Work in Progress)
* Optimizations on Client Side
* Added Setting to Hide Weapon on ADS
* Added Low Spec Setting (For LOW End PCs)
* Added Shadows Setting
* Optimized Controllers
* Added Rumble to melee (For Controller Users)
* Organized some Settings
* Exploit Fixes
* Texture Fixes on Sandstorm

8.2. UPDATE 1.7.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-23
* Added new Map: Undergrowth
* Increased Marksman Firerate
* Removed 'Reward' from End Table (if match doesn't give KR)
* Added Show Medals Setting
* Changed Rounding On Scoreboard
* Added Random Skin Option
* Added Region Priority Setting in Server Browser
* Renamed 'Hidden' to 'No Popup' for Point Gates & Pickups in the editor

8.3. UPDATE 1.7.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-26
* Updated Store Display
* Added FPS cap setting back to client
* Reduced Move Speed Display Fonts Size
* Added [?] Button to Skins in Market and in Game to Inspect Weapons in Viewer
* Added new Purchase Option to Store
* Added Model Swapping to Model Viewer
* Can now jump through hole in Temple Roof on Undergrowth
* Adjusted Spawns on Undergrowth
* Added Creator Code Dashboard
* Fixed KR Reward Display at end of Round
* Fixed Warmup Timer with Hardpoint
* Can no longer get Points on Hardpoint during Warmup
* Updated Random Skin Selection UI
* Added Animation to Intervention
* Added new Contraband Sniper Skin
* Added Coloration Setting
* Updated Map Previews on Vote Display
* Updated Select Maps portion of Host Game Menu

8.4. UPDATE 1.7.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-09-28
* New Anti Cheat
* Fixed Glitches on Undergrowth
* Added Popups to Client for (Market, Viewer and Social)
* Added Respawn Timer to Destructible Objects (Fixed time or Random)
* Reduced Weapon Spread on all Weapons

8.5. UPDATE 1.7.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-04
* Added Score Limit Setting to Customs
* Updated Idle Animation a bit
* Updated Spectate Display
* Added Contraband Revolver
* Added Boss Hunt Mode back
* Added Hitbox Scale setting
* Fixed Health Bar Animation with High HP
* Reduced Alien Blaster Firerate
* Added Frame Cap Setting (WIP)
* Updated Revolver Model & Textures
* Anti Cheat Update
* Added Damage Numbers (& Setting to turn them off)
* Added ability to rebind Kill Streaks (Nuke etc)
* Crouching Reduces Bullet Bloom more
* Server Optimizations
* Added new Spray
* Added Penetrable Wall to Church on Sub Zero
* Updated Spawn Behind Church on Sub Zero
* Added Server Configs to prepare for Ranked Matchmaking
* Added ability to bind Scroll Wheel (to Jump or whatever)
* Added Visual Death Barrier to the editor (Disabled by default)
* Added Create Near Option to editor (Spawns objects in front of you instead of at 0,0,0)
* Added Health & Respawn to Triggers
* Added onDestroy & onRespawn event to Triggers (onRespawn Action will apply to the player who destroyed it)
* Fixed Model Swapping in Viewer

8.6. UPDATE 1.7.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-05
* Added Team Scores back to End Screen
* Added Scale setting to DMG Numbers

8.7. UPDATE 1.7.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-07
* Fixed Infected issue
* Fixed 3rd Person Arm issue
* Added different colors for Headshot Damage
* Bandwidth Reduction on all Assets
* Server Fixes
* Fixed some connection issues

8.8. UPDATE 1.7.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-11
* Added more Info to Map List
* Add Rank Per Class: Display Level of that Class
* Made Mod list bigger
* Added 2 new Knives
* Minor Menu Changes
* Added knockback to Rocket
* Free KR now requires lvl 15
* Fixed Lives issue
* Reduced Rocket DMG a bit
* Reduced Rocket DMG to self
* Added pulsing Animation to Skin Viewer
* Usernames now link to profile in several areas
* Cleaned up social UI
* Added Headshot icon to Kill Feed

8.9. UPDATE 1.7.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-21
* Added Beta Ranked Matchmaking (Test version of Ranked mode. No ELO)
* (Queueing with Friends is coming soon)
* Added more Detailed Sales statistics to each item in store
* Added Ability to View Leaderboards based on Region
* (Regions may take a bit to update on each profile)
* Added Region Display to Profiles
* Added Random Hat, Cosmetic Option
* Increased Default FOV
* Fixed Timer issue
* Added Killstreak Display Setting
* Added more Servers to NY
* Point Gates can now be set to hidden by default (buy to spawn)
* Added Rank (ELO) Leaderboard
* Added Display to map list to Show Maps that have been updated recently
* Class Level is now shown on kill card
* Adjusted Cam position on death Screen
* Added 2 new Sprays
* Added Random Spray Selection
* Fixed Scaling on Spin Display
* Added Tick to Partnered Streamer in streamer Display
* Increased Rocketeer Ammo to 2
* Reduced Rocket Explosion DMG and Radius
* Added setting to change score popup position
* Added setting to change speed display position
* Added Setting to disable killstreaks in customs
* Optimized Explosion Particles
* Increased SMG Clip to 28
* Optimizations on Client
* Fixed Hide Weapon ADS resetting Hide Weapon
* Added Keybinds to Editor
* Fixed name colors in End Leaderboard
* Fixed Discord Rich presence on client
* Fixed Discord Join on client

8.10. UPDATE 1.7.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-23
* Reduced Free KR back to level 15
* Commando and Rocketeer can now be used in ranked
* Ranked 1v1 is now based on first to 10 kills
* Players are now locked in place during wait time in ranked
* Fixed Killstreak Counter bug
* Added new Map (Shipyard) for 1v1s
* Fixed username Alignment on Kill Card
* Fixed FOG/Emissive issue
* Increased Ranked Game time to 6 Minutes
* Fixed some Crashes

8.11. UPDATE

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-23
* Fixed Server Crash
* Fixed issue with queues

9. 1.8.x

9.1. UPDATE 1.8.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-24
* Ranked 1v1 is now 4 minutes long
* Ranked 2v2 and 4v4 are now 6 minutes long
* Added Stretched Res setting
* Fixed teleportation issue at start of ranked
* 1v1 Winner is now determined by most kills if timer runs out

9.2. UPDATE 1.8.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-29
* Added Spooky new Mode: Stalker
* Render Optimizations
* Added Item Info button below spins
* Added Sale Stat Info to each Player profile
* Moved Stretched Res setting to top of Settings menu
* Added More options for Stretched Res
* Added Custom input for Stretched Res
* Display number of players in queue for your region for ranked games
* Fixed Player name colors on end board when spectating
* Cancel ranked game countdown if player leaves
* Centered Rotation around item in Model Viewer
* Now shows ends game after 30 seconds if ranked game doesn't fill
* Include private and ranked games in total player count in server browser
* Disabled challenge mode in ranked
* Added host menu Map Display Animation
* Info button in inventory now links to item info page
* Reduced LMG firerate a bit
* Reduced Semi Auto firerate a bit


업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-29
* Stalker to Regens 100 HP every Kill
* Stalker now has 400 HP
* Fixed Join Game "False" issue

9.4. UPDATE 1.8.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-10-30
* Ranked Match now ends if a player leaves the game
* Added Search bar to Settings Menu
* Enabled Caching on Client Version
* Fixed Settings Import bug
* Added Support Window
* Stalker no longer makes any sound when sliding or falling
* Fix ambient sound not playing after a round ends
* Fixed Ranked Hardpoints not showing
* Soul Fang now shows when searching Knife in market
* Fixed Mod Loading issue where textures don't load properly
* Stalker now Regens 40 HP every Kill
* Fixed Greenscreen Bug where you get stuck on it
* Moved some Options in Object Config to Separate Folders (Map Editor)

9.5. UPDATE 1.8.3

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-03
* Added new Map: Freight (Work in Progress)
* Warmup now Locks you in Place
* Fixed Settings search on Client
* Controls now Export with Settings
* Added ability to load more maps when scrolling down in map list
* Adjusted Mod List to allow loading of more Mods
* Added Tabs to Mod List
* Disabled Queue button if no Queue type is selected
* Added "No settings found" Message to Setting search
* Reduced Map List Load time by a lot
* Reverted LMG Nerf
* Added more Servers in NY Region
* Added more Servers in Singapore Region
* Added more Servers in Frankfurt Region
* Menu UI changes
* Increased Knife swap Speed
* Fixed Time Played issue where its stuck at 24d
* Fixed freezing issue in map test mode
* Added Trigger Interface for Deposit boxes
* Fixed issue with emissive on ramps
* Adjusted Mod/Map Vote thumb UI
* Added new Horror Sound Scape to Editor
* Removed favorites Tab from Maps
* Fixed bug with Map Tabs loading incorrectly
* Replaced Map Update days text with simple Update text
* Fixed stuck in scope when becoming stalker
* Chat commands are now case insensitive
* Renamed Trigger Actions
* Added "Teleport to Interface" action to Triggers
* Added Secondary Interact Key
* Added Light Cone to Editor (Use to Emulate Light Shafts)
* Added Deposit Boxes to Editor (Deposit/Withdraw Score)
* (Will Support other items in the future)
* Renamed Point gates to Gates
* Renamed Constant to value in editor
* Separated Saturation/Color Hue into In-game & UI options

9.6. UPDATE 1.8.4

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-04
* Freight Layout Adjustment (More Lanes)
* Added ability to unbind controls
* Added Key to Toggle Weapon Visibility (Unbound by default)
* Added Animation to Images in Mod & Map list
* Changed Match Vote Animation
* Moved Nametag setting to Interface Group
* Renamed Nametags Setting to Nametag Display
* Added Nametag Style setting (Choose what nametags display ex: health only)
* Fixed issue with Market Sales on Profile loading incorrect info

9.7. UPDATE 1.8.5

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-06
* Added ability to send KR to other Players (Lvl 30 Required)
* Ranked Match now ends if not enough players are in the lobby after 45 seconds (No reward)
* Added Streamed Voice audio
* Particle Setting now affects all particles
* You no longer hear your own voice audio (to Avoid Echo)
* Added basic Mobile Support: Very Early Version
* Added Controller Support on Mobile (Connect Controller via Bluetooth to Phone)
* All maps are now deselected in Host Menu by default
* Ranked Modes are now deselected by default in Ranked Menu
* Reduced Render distance of particles (Optimization)
* Fixed Mac and Linux Client issues

9.8. UPDATE 1.8.6

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-07
* Reduced minimum KR gifting amount to 10 KR
* Fixed Input Box issue on Chromebook
* Fixed Desync Server Issue
* Fixed Server Crash Issue

9.9. UPDATE 1.8.7

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-08
* Fixed other players teleporting on spawn glitch
* Fixed Requeue not working Bug
* Texture Fix on Editor
* Projectile Weapons now damage Destructible objects

9.10. UPDATE 1.8.8

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-09
* Fixed Crossbow freezing players
* Fixed Deagler not showing in class selection when enabled in customs
* Fixed Killstreak counter miscounting nuke kills
* Fixed Invalid Setting inputs

9.11. UPDATE 1.8.9

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-14
* Added Inbox (Work in progress)
* Added in-game moderator dashboard
* Added Report Account Feature
* Can now send a message to player when gifting KR
* Added More Servers
* Fixed Blurry Crosshair issue
* Added Report Button to End Leaderboard
* Seperated Sensitivity/Aim Sensitivity into X & Y
* Render Optimization: Merged Triggers
* Added Basic Clan Pages (Work in Progress)
* Leaderboard Clan tags now link to Clan Roster page
* Added Vote kick Feature (Applies to Guests and low level players only)
* Added Kill & Respawn Opposing Team Triggers
* Added PointerLock setting to the Editor (Temp fix for Camera resets)
* Show Game Updating Message
* Make Queue Size Only Show Players In Your Game Modes

10. 1.9.x

10.1. UPDATE 1.9.0

업데이트 날짜: 2019-11-27
* Grouped Ranked regions together for faster Queue times
* You can now click on a message in your inbox
* Fixed Inbox issue where messages don't show
* Adjusted Report power of high level players
* Increased sign limit to 20
* Fixed Discord Rich Presence on client
* Overhauled Vote to Kick
* UI changes to Spray selection
* Changed NoAvailableServers Disconnect message
* More parts of social can be viewed while logged out
* Decreased Respawn Minimum to 0.1 (Destroyables)
* Added Key for shooting (Unbound by default)
* Optimized Controller inputs
* Inputs now reset properly when opening the menu
* Added Seperate Sensitivity Settings for controllers
* Added DeadZone Settings for controllers
* Added Show Hit Indicators Settings
* Added Opacity Settings for Chat & Chat Background
* Added Use Damage Overlay Setting
* Updated onDamage Trigger event
* Fixed Some trigger events not getting called with projectile weapons

10.2. UPDATE 1.9.1

업데이트 날짜: 2019-12-06
* Added Timeout when leaving Ranked Games (Cant Requeue for 2 hours)
* Added ELO to Ranked (WIP)
* Fixes to Logins (Login was slow at peak times)
* Added Confirmation popup to listing items on market
* Moved resource loading to GC (Faster texture loading etc)
* Market grace period reduced to 5 minutes
* Fixed Controller Trigger issue
* Added Trigger Threshold Setting for Controllers
* Fixed Clan Display (Was stuck on Loading...)
* Dead Zone Setting Separated for both sticks now
* Editor UI Changes
* Social Leaderboard Layout Changes
* Reduced Streamer Mode impact on performance
* Increase Vote To Kick Timer to 35 seconds
* Slight performance increase on low end devices

10.3. UPDATE 1.9.2

업데이트 날짜: 2019-12-07
* Reduced Ranked timeout to 1 Hour
* No one gains or loses ELO when a match is abandoned
* except the person that leaves (Loses 16 ELO)
* Disconnection issue Fix
* Added Current ELO Display to End Screen
