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최근 수정 시각 : 2023-11-10 22:50:38

Glacier Fortress

1. 개요2. 위치3. 업적4. 보스5. 몹6. 공략
6.1. 1단계6.2. 2단계
7. 드롭

1. 개요

Glacier Fortress은 반지의 제왕 온라인에 존재하는 65랩 제한의 인스턴스 던전이며, 2010년 3월 26일에 업데이트된 Echoes of the Dead에 추가된 인스턴트 던전이다.

2. 위치

Glacier Fortress은 포로헬의 사리수마 지역의 20.1N, 78.8W에 위치하고 있는 6인 인스턴스 던전이다.

입장법: 수리퀼레에 가서, 마을의 서쪽으로 가면 서쪽 해안에 보트가 있을것이다. 그 보트를 타게 되면 포로헬 얼음만 가운데로 이동할수 있게 된다.

3. 업적

Atop the Glacial Throne
Discoverer of Sâri-surma

4. 보스

Level Name Difficulty Species Dread Morale
67 Coldbear the Wight Nemesis Bear - 107.000?
67 Osan Nemesis Giant-kind - 172.900
67 Drugoth the Death-monger (Glacier Fortress) Nemesis Gaunt Lord - 271.700


Drugoth the Death-monger (Glacier Fortress)

6. 공략

Be sure to bring ample wound and fear pots for this instance.

Tier 1
Snowbear-wight Matron aggros if any of her cubs are attacked. After killed, her ghost will spawn but wont aggro unless in proxmity. If not aggroed, the ghost will despawn shortly.
Snowbear-wight Cub are blind and will aggro if the group is close for too long. If killed in view of a Matron, the Matron will gain a +200% damage buff for each cub killed.
Fanatic does AOE damage to anyone close and also randomly knock backs.

Stage 1 - Tank and spank. If you see a red shield, it reflects 90% of damage dealt, so stop attacking when it's up. Coldbear will occasionally apply an incurable blue Ice Shards DoT that does around 1k damage each tick and damage to all fellowship members within 10m when it expires. It's best to run to a safe spot away from others until then.

Stage 2 - After Coldbear is defeated, his spirit is released and the battle continues. Frozen wights around the room will activate if walked next to, so try to avoid them. Coldbear's spirit will stun, slow, and knockback as well as continue to throw out blue DoT's, sometimes all at the same time.

"I need more power, X." Run away if he calls your name.
"Let the frost embrace you." Ice shards DoT. Run to an area away from other members until it expires. Healer needs to keep heals on this person while it does its damage.
"No more wriggling, X!"
"Stand still!"
"Your scurrying around must stop!"

Have the main tank kite the adds around the room while the off tank stays on Osan. Each wave of adds killed increases Osan's tier and he does more damage. Everyone else should burn Osan, just watch out for his AOE attack that puts a large irremovable bleed on anyone that get's hit by it. Also, if someone get's a blue eye that person will lose 100% morale if the timer expires and is still in combat. To get rid of it remove the corruption from Osan before the timer expires.

Stage 1: Drugoth begins with knock back skills so it's best to stand on the inside of him so that if he knocks you, you won't go flying off the edge. You can avoid the knock back by moving away from him when he gives his cue. There is also a constant whirlwind that moves around and will silence anyone for 10s who get's close. It can be potted if needed but it's best to avoid it if your skills are affected by it.

"You are not worthy to be near me." or "Get away from me!" Knock back, move away.
Stage 2: For the second part, the healer should stand near the closest stone right behind him. When he gives his cue to hide, everyone should run behind that stone. Anyone in his line of sight will take damage.

"Begone, mortal!" or "Begone from my sight!" or "Run and hide if you can!" Hide behind a stone.
"Come over here!" or "To me!" Drugoth summons a whirlwind.
Stage 3: In the final stretch, Drugoth will summon a spirit that stuns a member and transfers the stunned member's abilities to him. Kill the spirit quickly to clear the stun and skill transfer. For his other attacks, hide behind a stone until he is finished.

Buffs encountered: Guardian's Revenge - Reflect 90% damage

"Lend me your strength, X!" Spirit is summoned and class based skills are transferred to Drugoth.
"Those I see shall remain where they are." Hide behind a stone.
"Freeze, quivering mortals!" Freezes the entire inner area with ice shards. Hide behind a stone.
Tier 2
Challenge Mode: Kill all 4 Lieutenants during the Osan fight. This apparently leads to the 2 Guardians needing to be killed in the final

6.1. 1단계

6.2. 2단계

하드 모드:

7. 드롭