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최근 수정 시각 : 2023-03-26 15:54:34

Flight into Egypt

||<tablewidth=100%><tablebordercolor=#771313><tablebgcolor=#771313> 파일:the hunchback of notre dame musical logo.png
{{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: 0 -10px -5px;"
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{{{#fff {{{#!folding [ 애니메이션 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -0px -10px"
파일:the hunchback of notre dame soundtrack.jpg
<colbgcolor=#771313><colcolor=#fff>1<colcolor=#000>The Bells of Notre Dame
2Out There
3Topsy Turvy
5God Help the Outcasts
6The Bell Tower
7Heaven's Light / Hellfire
8A Guy Like You
9Paris Burning
10The Court of Miracles
12And He Shall Smite the Wicked
13Into the Sunlight
14The Bells of Notre Dame (Reprise)
16God Help the Outcasts
Walt Disney Records: The Legacy Collection
16In a Place of Miracles (Synth Demo)
{{{#!folding [ 뮤지컬 ]
}}} ||

파일:the hunchback of notre dame musical soundtrack.jpg
발매 2016년 1월 22일
녹음 2015년 9월 28일 ~ 9월 30일
장르 뮤지컬
러닝 타임 3:26
발매사 고스트라이트 레코드
작곡가 앨런 멩컨
작사가 스티븐 슈왈츠
프로듀서 크리스 몬탄, 스티븐 슈왈츠, 앨런 멩컨, 마이클 코사린, 커트 도이치

1. 개요2. 영상 및 가사

1. 개요

2014년 샌디에이고에서 공연된 뮤지컬 노틀담의 꼽추의 넘버. 앨런 멩컨이 작곡, 스티븐 슈왈츠가 작사하였으며 성 아프로도시오 역의 닐 메이어와 콰지모도 역의 마이클 아든이 노래를 불렀다.

작중에서 콰지모도가 성 아프로도시오의 이야기에 영감을 받아 에스메랄다를 구하기 위해 나서기로 결정하고, 에스메랄다가 준 목걸이가 파리의 지도라는 것을 알아차리고 에스메랄다를 찾아나서는 노래이다.

2. 영상 및 가사

Flight into Egypt - Neal Mayer, Michael Arden, Ensemble
[ENSEMBLE, spoken]
You have to save her!

[QUASIMODO, spoken]
Save her? Me?

[ENSEMBLE, spoken]
Oh, what's the matter?
Are you afraid?
Of course he's afraid!
And he should be!
But that's what makes you a hero
Doing what you're afraid of!
A hero, or a saint!

[QUASIMODO, spoken]
You mean like saint…saint…
What’s your name again?

Saint Aphrodisius
The Bishop of Beziers
I was beheaded by
A mob in Place Saint-Cyr
And though I made a choice
I did not know would bring
My grizzly martyring
I wouldn't change a thing

For I kept safe and free
The holy family

On that flight into Egypt
Land of the date and palm
I offered shelter
To her who is Notre Dame
And if that's what I could do
Then Quasimodo, you can too

[QUASIMODO, spoken]
But even if I could go out there
How can I find her?

The amulet she gave you!

[ENSEMBLE, spoken]
But what is it?
Just a web and a jewel!
It doesn't mean anything!

No, it must be a clue made with guile and art

And she gave it to you because she knows you're smart
Think, Quasimodo
Is it hopeless

Or can you see in it something you've seen before?

[QUASIMODO, spoken]
Seen before...wait, I know this!
Look, at this line, that's a bridge, that's a street—and this jewel—

It must show where we're supposed to meet

You've done it, Quasimodo
This we're certain of

[QUASIMODO, spoken]
It's a map!
It's a map!

It's the city scene from above

[ENSEMBLE, sung]
It's a map of the city from above

[QUASIMODO, spoken]
I'll do it!
I'll go out there while it's dark, I'll find Esmeralda, and bring her back!

Just like the angel
Who warned Joseph he must flee
I'll save Esmeralda
Her angel will be me
I'll give her sanctuary
Somewhere safe to hide
Protected at my side
A little like a bride

Like saints in stone and song

For her I will be strong

And our flight into Egypt
May last your whole life long
Yes, that flight into Egypt
Will last—

Our whole life long