1. 개요
1. 개요
”진정한 음악가이며, 청중이 악기를 잊고 음악에만 집중하도록 이끄는 보기 드문 연주자다.”
“a real musician, one of those rare guitarists who are able to have their attendees almost forget the instrument they play, managing to have them focus on the expressivity of the music and only this.”
-롤랑 디앙
“a real musician, one of those rare guitarists who are able to have their attendees almost forget the instrument they play, managing to have them focus on the expressivity of the music and only this.”
-롤랑 디앙
안톤 바라노프(Anton Baranov
1984년에 러시아 북서 연방관구에서 태어났다. 열 살에 기타를 시작해서 2010년에 상트페테르부르크 림스키-코르사코브 음악원(Санкт-Петербургская консерватория имени Н. А. Римского-Корсакова