1. 개요
Ahriman아흐리만은 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈와 패스파인더 RPG에서 등장하는 캐릭터이며 이름에 유레는 조로아스터교와 이란 신화에 등장하는 악신인 아흐리만/앙그라 마이뉴.
2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈
던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈에서 아흐리만은 혼돈에서 태어난 태초의 두 질서 들중 하나이며 다른 하나는 코아틀의 신 자지리안이다. 이 두마리 뱀이 서로의 꼬리를 물고 돌면서 멀티버스의 초기형이 생겨났는데, 아흐리만 마음에 들지 않자 홧김에 자지리안의 꼬리를 놓지만, 자신에게는 날개가 없었으므로 추락해 베이아터의 땅으로 추락한다.[1] 엄청난 상처를 입고 흘린 피에서는 핏 핀드들이 나오고 이들이 베이아터를 정복해서 나인헬의 기초를 만든다.[2] 그 이후에는 아스모데우스 항목 참조3. 패스파인더 RPG
패스파인더에서의 묘사 |
패스파인더 RPG에서는 아스모데우스와 별개로 중립 악 성향 악신으로 등장하며 같은 중립 악 계통의 마족인 디브들 특이 모든 디브들의 군주로 아바돈을 영역으로 삼고있는 반신으로 등장한다.
3.1. 신격 데이터표
아흐리만(Ahriman) |
모든 디브들의 군주(Lord of All Divs) 출처(Source) Inner Sea Gods pg. 316 패스파인더 위키(Pathfinder Wiki) Ahriman |
세부 사항(Details) |
성향 NE 만신전(Pantheon) 다른 신(Other Deities) 관심 영역(Areas of Concern) Destruction, 디브(div), 허무주의(nihilism) 영역(Domains) 암흑(Darkness), 죽음(Death), 파괴(Destruction), 악(Evil) 보조영역들(Subdomains) Catastrophe, Fear, Loss, Rage 선호하는 무기(Favored) Weapon Whip 상징(Symbol) Black and silver eclipse 신성한 동물(들)(Sacred Animal(s)) 뱀(Snake) 신성한 색(들)(Sacred Color(s)) 검은색(Black), 은색(silver) |
복종(Obedience) |
While praying to Ahriman, destroy something of monetary or sentimental value to another person, preferably in front of someone who feels a strong emotional connection toward it. Alternatively, voluntarily take 1 point of Constitution damage while chanting praises to Ahriman and flagellating yourself with a barbed lash. After performing this obedience, your true alignment is masked from detection. Each time you perform this obedience, you select an alignment that you wish to detect as. Once chosen, this alignment can’t be changed until you perform this obedience again or 24 hours pass. The masked alignment can trick items and magic that require a particular alignment. For example, a neutral evil follower can make her alignment appear to be lawful good, which would allow her to safely pass beyond a glyph of warding keyed to lawful good. |
'Boons - Fiendish Obedience |
Evangelist |
출처(Source) Book of the Damned pg. 12 1: Ahriman’s Word (Sp) command 3/day, detect thoughts 2/day, or suggestion 1/day 2: Unassailable Conviction (Su) You know existence is pointless and find little that can affect your outlook or sway your ultimate outcome in the bleak span of existence. Once per day when you fail a Will save, you can immediately roll again and use the second result as your actual saving throw result. If you succeed at this second save, you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and saving throws for 1 hour. 3: Force the Lie (Su) Once per day, you can twist the intention of beneficial effects. As a standard action, you can create a wave of crackling black energy that fills a 30-foot-radius spread at any point within 90 feet of you. Creatures in this area other than yourself that are benefiting from a luck, morale, or sacred bonus instead treat that bonus as a penalty. You and other worshipers of Ahriman can see through this area of black energy with ease, but all other creatures treat the area as if it were under the effects of obscuring mist. The black energy persists for 1 round per Hit Die you have, and cannot be dissipated by wind effects. An affected creature can negate this adjustment to bonuses with a successful Will save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier), but this does not negate the obscuring effect. |
Exalted |
출처(Source) Book of the Damned pg. 12 1: Hamper the Righteous (Sp) protection from good 3/day, touch of idiocy 2/day, or bestow curse 1/day 2: Pierce Obfuscation (Su) You can see the bleak truth despite means to hide your vision. You can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by deeper darkness. Once per day, you can cast true seeing as a spell-like ability. 3: Call for Ruin (Sp) You can conjure some of Ahriman’s armies for your own purposes. Once per day as a standard action, you can summon 1d4+1 ghawwas, 1d3 shiras, or one sepid as if with summon monster IX, and you gain telepathy with them to a range of 100 feet. The divs summoned in this way follow your commands perfectly for 1 round per Hit Die you have before vanishing back to their home in Abaddon. The summoned divs don’t follow commands that would cause them to perform overly good acts or save mortal lives other than your own, and they immediately vanish if your orders contradict these restrictions. |
Sentinel |
출처(Source) Book of the Damned pg. 12 1: Break the Weak (Sp) inflict light wounds 3/day, death knell 2/day, or dispel magic 1/day 2: Serpentine Lash (Su) Any whip you wield becomes an extension of your embodiment of evil, lashing out against all those who fail to prostrate themselves before you and oblivion. You gain Weapon Specialization (whip) and Whip Mastery as bonus feats, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. In addition, your whip takes on the illusory appearance of a serpent, and you gain a +2 profane bonus to combat maneuver checks to trip opponents. If you wield a whip with at least a +1 enhancement bonus, you can grant it the dancing weapon special ability for 6 rounds per day as a swift action. These rounds need not be consecutive. 3: Crush Opposition (Su) Three times per day, you can target one corporeal enemy within 60 feet and call out a castigating challenge that causes the creature to painfully collapse in on itself in a crackle of black energy. The target takes 10 points of damage per Hit Dice you have. Creatures targeted by this ability can attempt a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) to reduce the damage by half. A creature slain by this effect is completely destroyed, and all items it was carrying or wearing at the time fall to the ground and become cursed for a number of hours equal to your Hit Dice. The curse on these items causes nonevil creatures who carry one of the items to take a –1 penalty on saving throws against fear and insanity effects; the penalties for carrying multiple items stack. |
네티스의 기록보관소 신격:아흐리만 데이터표 |
3.2. 유니크 몬스터
네티스의 기록보관소 유니크 몬스터 목록:아흐리만 대이터표4. 기타
5. 외부 링크
[1] 아니면 다른 썰로는 싸우다가 맞아서 추락했다고 한다. 하여튼 추락했다는 것은 사실인 듯.[2] 원주민도 있었다. 3.0, 3.5 몬스터 매뉴얼에 나오는 카이톤이란 데블처럼 바테주 표기가 안된 녀석들이 그 예로 원주민의 왕급인 자르곤(Zargon)은 물질계로 내쫒겼다. 이 자르곤은 AD&D 시절 던전으로도 나오다가 훗날 3.5 고대의 악에서도 그런 존재 중 하나로 다시 나왔다.