나무모에 미러 (일반/밝은 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2024-08-14 17:47:39

스타트렉 온라인/에피소드/감마 사분면

파일:스타트렉 온라인 로고.png
스타트렉 온라인 에피소드
새로운 개척지
파일:Dominion_logo.png 전쟁을 위해 설계되다
감마 사분면 디스커버리의 시대
파일:DSC Starfleet Logo.png 자울라의 발견

1. 개요

2. 스토리

2.1. Storm Clouds Gather

2.2. Armistice

2.3. The Search

2.4. Doomed to Repeat

2.5. Quark's Lucky Seven

쿼크의 럭키 세븐
Quark's Lucky Seven
<colcolor=#FFD500> 미션 제공자 <colbgcolor=white>노그 대령
출시 2018년 6월 5일
보상 경험치
전문 기술
384 다이리튬 광석
케트레셀 화이트
감마 사분면 아이코니안 관문 위치
7,500 금 도금된 라티넘

다음 중 하나 선택
렉의 투척용 칼 [CrtD][CrtH][Dmg]
플라즈마 저격소총 [CrtD]x2[Dmg]
폴라론 자동소총 [CrtD]x2[Dmg]
반복 플레이 보상
192 다이리튬 광석

비고 싱글 플레이로만 완료 가능
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<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 노그 대령
My apologies for the quality of the transmission. I'm contacting you on an encrypted frequency.

I'm working on an important covert mission, and I could use your assistance. I can't go into the details over comms, but you should know - if we pull this of, it could be change the course of the Hur'q conflict in our favor.

Meet with me on Deep Space Nine to go over the details. Come alone. I've been asked to keep the details of the mission on a need-to-know basis, and right now, only you and I need to know.

알파 사분면의 DS9로 이동하세요.

이 임무는 싱글 플레이로만 완료할 수 있습니다.
8일 전

쿼크: 안돼. 절대로 안돼. 지금까지 들었던 것 중 최악의 생각이야!

롬: 내가 젹혀있지 않은 소유의 법칙을 다시 알려줘야 해?

쿼크: "제 0조: 내거스가 원하는 것은 얻어야 한다."

왜 나야? 처리인이나 데리고 와봐. 50이면 충분하다고!

리타: 너는 클링온과 연줄이 있잖아.

그리고 너는 롬이 두 번째로 신뢰하는 페렝기잖아.

쿼크: 뭐? 첫 번째는 누군데? 노그? 펠?

롬: 아니. 무기야~.

쿼크: 알았어, 그러면 걔를 보내!

롬: 하지만, 전에 그녀를 구한 건 잘했어!

쿼크: 동시에 네 아들한테 내가 또 그런 짓을 하려고 생각한다면 날 쏴달라고도 했어.

롬: 맞아, 그랬지. 자, 걱정마, 그럴 일 없을거야.

쿼크: 내가 걱정하는 건 그게 아니잖아.

롬: 우린 이게 필요해. 허크를 영원히 막을 수는 없어.

리타: 쿼크, 동맹군은 너무 얇게 퍼져있어서 도움을 받을 수는 없어.

롬: 클링온이 필요해. 안그러면 망할거야.

쿼크: 미친 짓이야. 롬, 아이코니안 함대가 어디 있는지도 모르잖아!

롬: 맞아... 하지만 스타플릿 정보국은 아이코니안을 포함한 모든 주요 위협들을 모니터링하고 있지.

쿼크: 스타플릿은 기밀 데이터를 공유하지 않는다고.

롬: 보안 콘솔에 접근할 수 있다면, 데이터를 뽑아올 수 있겠지.

근무중인 보안 요원을 붙잡아둬야 할거야.

리타: 여보, 내게 맡겨요...

그 다음 날
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{{{#!folding 브리핑
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 쿼크
Alright, Leeta. The security officer on duty is a creature of habit. Comes in on her break every day, without fail.

Your job is to keep her occupied so Rom can get what we need from the security console. Do what you need to do - smile, laugh at her jokes, whatever it takes. Put those feminine wiles of yours to good use.
Feminine wiles?
Really, Quark? I'm not here to seduce your customers. You and I both know there's more than one way to work a mark.
Whatever you say... just don't mess it up. She'll be here any minute now.
계속 }}}}}}}}}
Leeta: You worry too much, Quark. I've got this.
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{{{#!folding 로 세나와 대화
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 리타
It's your lucky day, officer - you're the Ten Millionth Customer here at Quark's! Congratulations!

You've just won a free drink and a free spin at the Dabo table. Quark, why don't you pour the lucky winner a drink? What'll it be, constable?
로 세나 장교
Thanks, I'll take an aced raktajino... I'm on duty.

I can't stay too long, but I suppose I have enough time for a spin at the table. Lead the way!
계속 }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 쿼크와 대화하기
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 리타
Quark! Will you turn that... "holo-me" off, please? It's creeping me out!

You've just won a free drink and a free spin at the Dabo table. Quark, why don't you pour the lucky winner a drink? What'll it be, constable?
What now?
This is why I like the Holo-Leeta... she doesn't complain as much as the original. There. Happy?
Yes! Thank you, Quark! }}}}}}}}}
Leeta: The free drink will get her to relax...
...and then some Dabo to keep her busy.
Leeta: One loss to remove suspicion...
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<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 로 세나 장교
Looks like my luck's ran out. Ah, well, thanks for the drink and the spin. Better get back to my station.
Don't be so hasty, friend! The law of averages is on your side here, trust me. Have another spin - on the house. What've you got to lose?
로 세나 장교
Okay, you've convinced me. One more spin... why not?
계속 }}}}}}}}}
Leeta: ...and then a victory to real her in.
리타: 다보입니다!

쿼크: 잘 했군. 하지만 그 "승리"는 당신의 몫이라고.

좋아, 경비의 정신이 팔렸어. 일하러 갈 시간이야.

롬: 문 계기판을 헤제하는 건 애들 장난일거야...
Rom: This is the most secret maintenance panel.
Chief O'Brien needed me to fix it once.
Rom: Once I'm in, I can install a backdoor.
Then, we can access the system from the console at Quark's.
Leeta: She's heading back, Rom. Get out of there!
Rom: Relax, everyone, it's done. I'm on my way back.
Quark: Try not to look conspicuous. Or guilty.
Rom: Okay.
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 쿼크
Can't believe you pulled that off. Being the Nagus hasn't made you go soft between the lobes.

Let's figure this out before security gets wise. Use the console behind the bar and find out what you can about the Iconians.

Oh, and while you're at it? Look for any other useful information in there too. Some of it could be valuable, you know.
Relax, Brother. I'll have these files cracked in no time. Starfleet encryption's good, but it's nothing compared to what we use in the Commerce Authority. That's actually difficult! }}}}}}}}}
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 위협 정보 기록
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{{{#!folding Borg
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 87961.3

Intermittent Borg activity in the quadrant. We've been able to track a Unimatrix vessel, and our countermeasures are keeping its fleet at bay. The recent escalation of the Hur'q Conflict is straining the number of resources available for Borg surveillance.
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{{{#!folding Breen
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 87983.1

Breen forces continue to harrass the Defiri, though hostilities have not intensified of late.

The Breen have made no overtures toward the Dominion since their recent return to the Alpha Quadrnat. Looks like the honeymoon might be over at last.
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{{{#!folding Fek'ihri
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 88139.9

A lafge Fek'ihri has been spotted in transit to the Gamma Quadrant. Analysis of their course suggests they're heading toward the renegade iconian fleet.

Interesting. If the two of them manage to eliminate each other, well... that'll be two less headaches to keep me up at night.
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{{{#!folding Hur'q
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 89001.7

Major Hur'q activity throughout the Four Quadrants. As expected, Alliance forces are spread thin in attempts to protect critical sites in their own territory as well as within the Dominion.

The Klingons continue to stay out of it, with the exception of a tiken force of volunteers. Efforts to enlist the full aid of the Empire to data have faltered.
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{{{#!folding Icnoians
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 88039.8

T'Ket's fleet is currently in the Pheben Sector, moving through deep space. She's keeping a low profile for the most part, avoiding conflict with both the Dominion and the Hur'q. Anything foolish enough to get in her sights doesn't live long enough to regret it, however. The wreckage of a Gamma pirate flotilla will testify to that.
That's all the info I need. }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding Na'kuhl
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 87997.9

I can't help but be impressed by the Na'Kuhl. Their star is all but dead, their world's an ice ball... and against all domers, even the Hur'q. Every Na'kuhl big enough to carry a phaser fought, and they actually won. I thought Tellarites were stubborn...
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{{{#!folding Terrans
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 88006.2

There have been some recent Terran incursions from the Badlands, but nothing overly organized. As of now, there hasn't been any sight of Admiral Leeta since her attack on DS9. Perhaps she has vinally given up? One can only hope.
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{{{#!folding Tholians
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 89101.1

Tholian web technology has worked well against the Hur'q so far. They ensnared 70% of a Hur'q fleet shortly after it dropped out of warp; the rest of the fight was brief and one-sided.

At least Tholian xenophobia is consistent; our attempts to negotiate for web technology have been ignored.
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{{{#!folding Tzenkethi
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Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 89001.7

Getting a lot of disturbing reports from Tzenkethi space lately. Whispers of corruption in the highest ranks, and talks of a coup are in the air on Tzenketh. The Autarch's days might be numbered after his crusade failed, though the arrival of the Hur'q has kept him on the throne... for now.
}}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 쿼크
Alright, Rom. A deal is a deal. You found the Iconians, so I guess it's my turn now.

Time to put the team together?
Not Yet. }}}}}}}}}
일주일 후

쿼크: 그리고 그게 할 일이야. 대결.

렉: 게일라는 어디있는데?

쿼크: 그래? 지난번에 인질을 쐈잖아. 안 불렀어.

롬: 브런트, 자네의 데이터베이스 기술이 우리가 물건을 찾는 데 도움을 줄 거야.

브런트: 그랜드 내거스를 돕는 것은 언제나 즐겁죠. 철수.

쿼크: 여전히 33조의 고수잖아. 그렇지, 브런트?

노그: "상사에게 아첨하는 것은 나쁠 게 없다."

브런트: 물론이지! 내 배가 또 필요한 모양이구만. 그렇지?

롬: 이번에는 아니야. 경우에 따라... 싸울 수 있는 배가 필요할거야.

노그: 그리고 우리의 친구 덕분에 곧 생길거예요...

쿼크: 좋아. 모두 모였군. 그리고? 풀 컨소시엄.

((여러 페렝기들이 투덜거린다))

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{{{#!folding 브리핑
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 쿼크
Here we are, . The cloaking device I... acquired from my cousin Gaila is working like a charm. Keep an eye on it, though. I'd rather not attract the attention of the Iconians or the Fek'ihri, for that matter!
Looks like they're busy trying to blow each other to bits out there. Let's use that to our advantage.

You see those Iconian Sentry Probes? They use those to detact cloaked ships, so you'll want to disable'em befor we move much closer. This cloak is good, but it's not THAT good.
Understood. }}}}}}}}}
Quark: Getting in's the easy part. We're cloaked and unexpected.
Nog: That should be enough to get to the flagship undetected.
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 쿼크
Well, we can all stop holding our breath now, it worked.

, if you'd be so kind as to fly us up behind that massive Iconian ship, we'll be on our way.
That should be easy, too. }}}}}}}}}
Leck: I'm looking forward to this.
Quark: Almost there. Just take it nice and easy...
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 쿼크
We made it. I can't believe I'm actually going to sneak onto an Iconian flagship and... (sigh)

Keep the engine running, okay? I have a feeling we're going to need to get out of here in a hurry.
Your shuttle is prepped. Good luck
조금 있다가 }}}}}}}}}
노그: 이렇게 가까이서 본 적은 없는데... 인상적이네요.

쿼크: 인상적이기보다는 무서운 것 같은데. 이건 미친 짓이야...
쿼크: 노그, 넌 공학자야. 400에 사고 500에 팔지.

롬: 보안 체계를 비활성화하는 건 너에게 달려있단다, 아들아.

노그: 알겠어요. 저는 전쟁에서 저들의 기술을 본 적이 있어요.
노그: 실망시키지 않을게요, 아버지. 빠져나갑시다.

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{{{#!folding 브리핑
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 쿼크
We're first, Nog. We needed to lower the local security so Brunt and Leck can do their jobs.
No problem. I memorized the schematics for this vessel on the way here; there are engineering colsoles we can use for that nearby. Follow me.
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
Quark: Head left here, Nog.
Nog: I've studied Iconian systems, I can unlock these doors.
Quark: Good. We'll have to disable security in Engineering, though.
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<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 노그
If I send in the approriate signals to the door, I should be able to toggle the door locks. The good news is that my tricorder can get me the signal I need to send. The bad news is that the Iconian systems only take trinary input. I think I see how the inputs work, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Here are some example trinary values:
0000 = 0 | 0012 = 5 | 0101 = 10
0001 = 1 | 0020 = 6 | 1000 = 27
0002 = 2 | 0021 = 7 | 1111 = 53
0010 = 3 | 0022 = 8 | 2000 = 54
0011 = 4 | 0100 = 9 | 2222 = 80
Signal Needed: XX

Current Signal:
0 0 0 0 = 0

Here some example trinary values:
0000 = 0 | 0012 = 5 | 0101 = 10
0001 = 1 | 0020 = 6 | 1000 = 27
0002 = 2 | 0021 = 7 | 1111 = 53
0010 = 3 | 0022 = 8 | 2000 = 54
0011 = 4 | 0100 = 9 | 2222 = 80
Got it! And we're done here.
Done }}}}}}}}}
Nog: Heralds! Don't worry, I can handle them.
노그: 잠깐만요, 삼촌... 뭔가 오고 있어요!

쿼크: 우리가 어쩌기는 힘들 것 같은데.

렉이 손보게 두자... 아마 좋아할걸.

노그: 저게 지나간 후에 문을 잠글 수는 있을 것 같아요.

쿼크: 좋은 생각이아, 그렇게 해. 빨리.
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{{{#!folding 문을 수동으로 조작하기
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 노그
Signal Needed: XX

Current Signal:
0 0 0 0 = 0

Here some example trinary values:
0000 = 0 | 0012 = 5 | 0101 = 10
0001 = 1 | 0020 = 6 | 1000 = 27
0002 = 2 | 0021 = 7 | 1111 = 53
0010 = 3 | 0022 = 8 | 2000 = 54
0011 = 4 | 0100 = 9 | 2222 = 80
Got it! And we're done here.
Done }}}}}}}}}
Nog: We made it - this is Main Engineering.
Quark: *Ferengi Scream*
Nog: Security's offline. we're good to go.
Quark: Can we drop their rear shield for a moment?
Nog: From the other colsole. Why?
Quark: You'll see...
노그: 그게 뭐예요, 삼촌?!

쿼크: 보험 증권이라는 거야.
쿼크: 렉, 아이코니안 헤럴드에 대해 어떻게 생각해?

렉: 아주 위험한 것. 좀 쏴보고 싶은 걸. 절반에 팔고 백에 사지.

롬: 쿼크와 노그를 위한 길을 청소해주면서 할 수 있을거야.

브런트: 위험할수록 이익이 커지는군. 나도 끼도록 하지.
Nog: Leck, Brunt, you're on.
Brunt: Brunt, FCA. I'm on my way.
Leck: The hunt is on...
Leck: Magnificent! Truly Magnificent!
It's looking this way between patrol points.
I should be able to sneak up on it if I duck behind the wells.
Ooh! They fight back! Good...good!
Leck: I bet I could make that colsole explode remotely
렉: 내가 바라던 폭발은 아니지만, 그래도 잘 됐네!
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 브런트
I've found the Package. The Iconian keeps it on display in what looks like a trophy room. And here I thought they were above such... basic behavior. Humph.

I've analyzed their patrol patterns, Leck. You'll need to clear the path for Quark and Nog. I trust you'll keep the buards in that area occupied for a suitable period of time?
Of course!
Testing my skills against Iconians... this is worth more than latinum to me!

Don't get your lobes bunched, Brunt. I'll clear the path for the others...by any means neccassary.
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
Leck: More enemies to the left, and another colsole.
렉: 뭐야? 아직도 터지지 않는다고? 어이가 없네!
Leck: If I make a noise, the big one will come to investigate.
Leck: This isn't work. This is fun!
Leck: If I overload those conduits, I'm sure it will make a big explosion!
렉: 이 주변에 터지는 건 없는거야?!
Leck: Leck to Quark. The path is clear.
Quark: I'm detecting some nearby partrols.
Leck: I'll see if I can cause a distraction. Hold on.
Leck: If I blow up that colsole, it'll cause a nice distraction!
렉: 노그, 이 얼탱이 없는 아이코니안의 콘솔은 어떻게 과부하시키는거야?

노그: 쉬워요. 먼저... 잠깐만요. 삼진법은 얼마나 잘 하시나요?

렉: 어으, 신경쓰지 마. 나한테 해결책이 있어.
롬: 쿼크, 브런트가 금고를 찾으면... 그걸 바로 열면 돼.

쿼크: 나한테 쉬운 일을 주다니. 고맙다, 롬.

롬: 그때까지 렉이 아이코니안 경비들을 제거할거야.

쿼크: 방 안의 아이코니안을 말하는거야, 롬.

노그: 제가 같이 갈게요, 삼촌. 삼촌은 괜찮을 거예요.

쿼크: 이제 훨씬 안심이 되는군.
Quark: Time for me to earn my share. Watch and learn.
Nog: Don't worry, Uncle. I've got your back.
Quark: You know, you were supposed to shoot me if I got pulled into another one of these.
Nog: I thought you meant rescue operations. I can shoot you later if you'd like.
Quark: No, it just wouldn't be the same.
Quark: *Ferengi Scream*
Quark: *sigh* He left some guarding the Trophy Room.
Nog: It's okay, Uncle. We can handle them.
Quark: Alright. Nog, Let's find the package. it has to be in one of the display cases around the room.
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{{{#!folding 데완의 조각상
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<tablebordercolor=#C0E0FF> 노그
I've seen these statues on New Romulus. They were made by the Dewans, a servitor race of the Iconians.

Not sure why T'ket would keep one of these on display. Maybe it's of a... sentimental value to her, if that's even possible.
She's not the sentimental type. }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 락박스
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Looks like a secure treasure box! I wonder what's inside... could be practically anything! Leave it to an Iconian to look up a box of valuables and hoard it away.
Well, not everyone is as good at opening locks as you, Uncle. Most people would need the appropriate key.
I'm not most people. }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 라티넘 주괴들
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That's a lot of latinum. Impressive. I could buy a starliner with that, and have enough left to buy a condo on Risa. Probably not beachfront, but it'd be nice.

It's FCA-graded, too. She must've gotten it from a Ferengi. Tough break. Seems only fitting that we acquire it...

Fine, mind on the mission. Stop looking at me like that.
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 트켓의 팔
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Is that part of an Iconian? Why would T'ket keep a severed body part? That's insane!
T'ket lost her arm when she fought Kahless during the war. She's keeping it as a trophy... or maybe a reminder of one of her few failures.

I knew she was intense, but this is pretty ridiculous!
No comment. Next? }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 골든 레코드
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Interesting... I read about these at the Academhy. Something called "NASA" sent them out on crude space probes centuries ago to initiate First Contact with alien life.

I believe this contains audio files: animal sounds, music, language samples. My Earth History instructor would love to get her hands on this. We should, ah, acquire it if we have the time!
Mind on the mission, Nog. }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 시스코의 야구공과 야구방망이
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Uncle! That looks like Captain Sisko's baseball! You don't think it's his, do you? I thought Jake took it with him.
Could be.
''Ugh, do you remember when Sisko made us play baseball against the Vulcans? Rom wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks. Put a bunch of money into that new interstellar league, too.

Still can't believe he bought a professional team - the Ferenginar Liquidators. They're terrible. Got beat by the Catian Claws by a score of 18-4, and they were cheating!
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 버드 오브 프레이 풍선
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You know, I always told the top brass at the Corps of Engineers that making the Party Poppers look like weapons was a bad idea. Any officer who uses one of those instead of a real weapon is in for a bad day.

I suspect that's how T'ket got her hand on one of these balloons. Shame.
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 프룬 주스병
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That's a bottle of prune juice. I'd recognize that color anywhere. Worf constantly demanded that I have a bottle on hand at the bar. "A warrior's drink." he called it.

More like a torture drink, I tried some, once. Let's just say that it was not a pleasant digestive experience.
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 스타플릿 휘장들
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Seeing these reminds me of the Dominion War. A lot of those were sent back home to loved ones.

Starfleet, the Klingons, the Romulans... they all have their different rituals. Even the enemy cared for their dead.
And they say you don't have a heart, Uncle.
They're right. }}}}}}}}}
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{{{#!folding 전시물을 돌아본 후
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It's too bad we don't have enough time to steal these and sell them back to people who want'em.

34th Rule of Acquisition, Nog - "War is good for business".
[계속] }}}}}}}}}
Quark: Package located - the Sword of Kahless. Now we need to retreive it.
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{{{#!folding 케일리스의 검을 회수하기
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<tablebordercolor=#F0C060> 노그
I can use this to bring the package from its display globe. I need to use the right frquencies, though. Enter the wrong one, and every alarm around will go off.

''The frequencies change periodically. Once I start this, I need to get'em all, or I'll have to start over.
I can just scan the machine for you, should be easy enough to get the frequencies.
And leave a report?
''You of all people should know that Federation tricorders record whatever they scan. Never leave a data traill

We'll do this the Ferengi way. It'll take someone with the lobes for the job. That's me.
[계속] }}}}}}}}}

2.6. Tenebris Torquent

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