1. 개요
United States Army Reserve Command, 미합중국 육군예비군사령부는 미국 육군의 예비군 부대를 관리하는 사령부로 사령관은 육군 중장이 보임된다.2. 역사
1967년, 로버트 맥나마라 국방장관의 노력으로 육군 예비군이 설립되었고, 1988년에 미국 육군전력사령부와 육군 예비군을 이중통제하는 상황에 대한 의회의 문제 제기 덕분에 1990년, 육군전력사령부와의 임무 분담이 확실해지면서 현재의 체계가 자리잡았다.이어서 같은 해 만들어진 국방수권법을 통해 육군예비군사령부가 설치되어 현재까지 이어져오고 있다.
==# 편제 #==
- 제1임무지원사령부 / 1st Mission Support Command
제166지역지원단 / 166th Regional Support Group
제210지역지원단 / 210th Regional Support Group
- 제7임무지원사령부 / 7th Mission Support Command
제361민사여단 / 361st Civil Affairs Brigade
제510지역지원단 / 510th Regional Support Group
- 제9임무지원사령부 / 9th Mission Support Command
제3동원지원단 / 3rd Mobilization Support Group
제100보병대대 / 100th Infantry Battalion
제303기동향상여단 / 303rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
제322민사여단 / 322nd Civil Affairs Brigade
제658지역지원단 / 658th Regional Support Group
제1984미국육군병원 / 1984th United States Army Hospital
제4960복합훈련여단 / 4960th Multi-Functional Training Brigade
태평양육군 지원부대 / Army Pacific Support Unit
태평양전구지원단 / Theater Support Group Pacific
- 제63즉응사단 / 63rd Readiness Division
- 제81즉응사단 / 81st Readiness Division
- 제88즉응사단 / 88th Readiness Division
- 제99즉응사단 / 99th Readiness Division
- 제3의무사령부 (파병 지원) / 3rd Medical Command (Deployment Support)
제5의무여단 / 5th Medical Brigade
제8의무여단 / 8th Medical Brigade
제332의무여단 / 332nd Medical Brigade
제338의무여단 / 338th Medical Brigade
제804의무여단 / 804th Medical Brigade
- 제75혁신사령부 / 75th Innovation Command
혁신육군응용단 / Innovation Army Application Group
지원단 - 애버딘 무기 시험장 / Support Group - Aberdeen Proving Ground
- 제76작전대응사령부 / 76th Operational Response Command
제1우주여단 / 1st Space Brigade
비상대비연락사무소 / Emergency Preparedness Liaison Office
제209지역지원단 / 209th Regional Support Group
제415화학여단 / 415th Chemical Brigade
제76특수임무부대 / Task Force 76
육군 예비제대 및 증강부대 / Army Reserve Elements and Augmentations
제3육군증강중대 / 3rd Army Augmentation Company
육군전력사령부 증강부대 / Army Forces Command Augmentation Unit
- 제79전구지원 지원사령부 / 79th Theater Sustainment Support Command
제103원정지원사령부 / 103th Expeditionary Sustainment Command
제311원정지원사령부 / 311th Expeditionary Sustainment Command
제364원정지원사령부 / 364th Expeditionary Sustainment Command
제451원정지원사령부 / 451st Expeditionary Sustainment Command
- 제80훈련사령부 (육군 학교 시스템) / 80th Traning Command (The Army School System)
제94훈련사단 (전력 지원) / 94th Training Division (Force Sustainment)
제100훈련사단 (리더 육성) / 100th Training Division (Leader Development)
제102훈련사단 (기동 지원) / 102nd Training Division (Maneuver Support)
- 제84훈련사령부 (전투 지원 훈련) / 84th Traning Command (Combat Support Traning)
제78훈련사단 (작전) / 78th Training Division (Operations)
제86훈련사단 / 86th Training Division
제87훈련사단 / 87th Traning Division
제91훈련사단 (작전) / 91st Training Division (Operations)
- 제85미국육군예비군지원사령부 / 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command
제4기병여단 / 4th Cavalry Brigade
제5기갑여단 / 5th Armored Brigade
제120보병여단 / 120th Infantry Brigade
제157보병여단 / 157th Infantry Brigade
제174보병여단 / 174th Infantry Brigade
제177기갑여단 / 177th Armored Brigade
제181보병여단 / 181th Infantry Brigade
제189보병여단 / 189th Infantry Brigade
- 제108훈련사령부 (초기 훈련) / 108th Training Command (Initial Entry Training)
제95훈련사단 (초기 훈련) / 95th Training Division (Initial Entry Training)
제98훈련사단 (초기 훈련) / 98th Training Division (Initial Entry Training)
제104훈련사단 (초기 훈련) / 104th Training Division (Initial Entry Training)
- 제200군사경찰사령부 / 200th Military Police Command
제11군사경찰여단 / 11th Military Police Brigade
제290군사경찰여단 / 290th Military Police Brigade
제300군사경찰여단 / 300th Military Police Brigade
제333군사경찰여단 / 333rd Military Police Brigade
- 제335신호사령부 (전구) / 335th Signal Command (Theater)
제309전술전구신호여단 / 505th Tactical Theater Signal Brigade
제505전술전구신호여단 / 505th Tactical Theater Signal Brigade
육군예비군사이버방호여단 / Army Reserve Cyber Protection Brigade
- 제377전구지원사령부 / 377th Theater Sustainment Command
제4지원사령부 (원정) / 4th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
제143지원사령부 (원정) / 143th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
제310지원사령부 (원정) / 310th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
제316지원사령부 (원정) / 316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
육군예비군지원사령부 / Army Reserve Sustainment Command
파병지원사령부 / Deployment Support Command
- 제412전구공병사령부 / 412th Theater Engineer Command
제411공병여단 / 411th Engineer Brigade
제926공병여단 / 926th Engineer Brigade
제302기동향상여단 / 302nd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
- 제416전구공병사령부 / 416th Theater Engineer Command
제301기동향상여단 / 301st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
제372공병여단 / 372nd Engineer Brigade
제420공병여단 / 420th Engineer Brigade
- 제807의무사령부 (파병 지원) / 807th Medical Command (Deployment Support)
제2의무여단 / 2nd Medical Brigade
제139의무여단 / 139th Medical Brigade
제176의무여단 / 176th Medical Brigade
제307의무여단 / 307th Medical Brigade
제330의무여단 / 330th Medical Brigade
- 제1군 육군예비군사령부 / Army Reserve Command, First Army
- 육군예비군항공사령부 / Army Reserve Aviation Command
제11원정전투항공여단 / 11th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade
제244원정전투항공여단 / 244th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade
육군예비군항공사령부 항공지원시설 / Army Reserve Aviation Command Aviation Support Facilities
- 육군예비군경력단 / Army Reserve Carriers Group
- 육군예비군의무사령부 / Army Reserve Medical Command
육군의무전문관리사령부 / Army Medical Department Professional Management Command
의무즉응훈련사령부 / Medical Readiness and Traning Command
서부의무지역즉응지원단 / Western Medical Area Readiness Support Group
중부의무지역즉응지원단 / Central Medical Area Readiness Support Group
북동부의무지역즉응지원단 / Northeast Medical Area Readiness Support Group
남동부의무지역즉응지원단 / Southeast Medical Area Readiness Support Group
- 육군예비군법률사령부 / Army Reserve Legal Command
- 군사정보즉응사령부 / Military Intelligence Readiness Command
제208지역지원단 / 208th Regional Support Group
제648지역지원단 / 648th Regional Support Group
제505군사정보여단 / 505th Military Intelligence Brigade
전구지원사령부 / Theater Support Command
제336원정군사정보여단 / 336th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade
- 육군민사 & 심리작전사령부 (공수) / Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command (Airborne)
제2심리작전단 / 2nd Psycological Operations Group
제7심리작전단 / 7th Psycological Operations Group
제151전구정보작전단 / 151st Theater Intelligence Operations Group
제305민사사령부 / 305th Civil Affairs Command
제351민사사령부 / 351st Civil Affairs Command
제352민사사령부 / 352nd Civil Affairs Command
제353민사사령부 / 353rd Civil Affairs Command