나무모에 미러 (일반/밝은 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2024-05-04 19:55:17

메이플스토리/빅뱅 이전/업데이트 연표/글로벌

1. 개요2. 2004년: 베타 테스트3. 2005년
3.1. 베타 테스트3.2. 정식 서비스 이후
4. 참고 자료

1. 개요

메이플스토리 글로벌 서비스의 빅뱅 업데이트 이전 연표를 기록한 것이다. 주요 콘텐츠 업데이트와 이벤트를 위주로 서술하였다.

2. 2004년: 베타 테스트

MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.04 is now released.
It's a more complete version of ver. 0.03}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.05 is now released.
It's a more complete version of ver. 0.04}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.06 is now released.

With the new patch, we have included a few things.

< Character >
Included an option to change skin-color for the newly-
created characters.
WARNING: This option is not available for the characters
that have already been made.

< UI >
For the skills that require a mastery of other skills,
we included a guide in the UI to fully describe the skills
needed to obtain a new skill.

< Items >
Some items/monsters that have had their names misspelled
have been corrected.

Steezy -> Stirge
Lace -> Wraith
Kapa Drake -> Copper Drake}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.07 is now released.

With the new patch, we have included a few things.

< Character >
Included an option to change hair-color for the newly-created characters.
WARNING: This option is not available for the characters that have already been made.

< Channels >
We're adding two more channels for your convenience.}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.08 is now released.

It's a more complete version of ver. 0.07}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.09 is now released.

With the new patch, we have included:

< New Login System >
As of 7pm, November 23rd, GMT, we have upgraded our
account login and security processes. We will
abandon the email ID login system and adopt a new
login system based on user IDs. All users must
create a Login ID at the "Edit Personal Info" page.
Further, all accounts must be activated by email
verification to access MapleStory.

< Gateway >
We're adding a Gateway page before logging on to the
game, with two servers to select from. You MUST
select the correct gateway to play the game.

We'll be working hard to better our service to you
on a regular basis.
Thank you, and happy Mapling.}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.10 is now released.
It's a more complete version of ver. 0.11}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.12 is now released.
It's a more complete version of ver. 0.11}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.13 is now released.
It's a more complete version of ver. 0.12}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.15 is now released.

With the new patch, we have included:

< Christmas Event >

You'll be able to access Happyville through Rooney the NPC at Ellinia. At Happyville, you'll be able to decorate various Christmas trees with your "setup" items.

The monsters in MapleStory will drop stars, bells, and other Christmas items.

Thank you, and Merry Christmas, everyone ! ! !}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.16 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.15

Thank you, and Merry Christmas, everyone!}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.17 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.16

Thank you, and Merry Christmas, everyone!}}}

3. 2005년

3.1. 베타 테스트

MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.18 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.17}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.19 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.18}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.20 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.19}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.21 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.20}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.22 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.21}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.23 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.22}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.24 is now released.

With the new patch, we have included or edited the

<System Option>
"Shake-up the screen" effect has been included.
Minor changes to the UI have been made.

If you press the 'tab' key, you can change the person
you are whispering to.

Throwing Stars' "Recharge" Icon has been changed.

You can extend or diminish the size of chatting windows

Minor modifications to NPC dialogs and certain buttons
have been made.

The size of HP, MP, and EXP. bars have been enlarged.

HP bar blinks when HP goes down under a certain value.

You can now make "processed wood" by using either branches
or firewood.

You can make the following items from Vicious in Henesys.

Arrows for bows
Arrows for crossbows
Bronze arrows for bows
Bronze arrows for crossbows
Steel arrows for bows
Steel arrows for crossbows
New capes have been added.
Blue, Red, White, and Black Magic Cape
Various Scrolls for capes have been added.

You can purchase holy water in Ellinia.

The following monsters deliver physical damage instead of
magical damage from now on.
Lupin: Throwing Bananas
Zombie Lupin: Throwing Bananas
King Slime: Jump Attack
Mushmom: Jump Attack
The following monsters use skills from now on.
Iron Hog: Power-UP Lv. 1
Stone Golem: Power-Up Lv. 1, Physical Defense-Up Lv. 1
Dark Stone Golem: Power-Up Lv. 2, Physical Defense-Up Lv. 2
New Monsters have been added.
Jr. Boogie: Lv. 30
Pairy: Lv. 30
Characters can be in the following states now.
Poisoned: HP decreases as time passes
Frozen: characters cannot move
Sealed: characters cannot use skills
Dark-Magic: Both Magical and Physical Attack Accuracy
Weak: characters cannot jump
Stunned: characters cannot move
Cursed: characters get low Exp.
The effect of following skills has been changed.
Heal: characters cannot use the "heal" skill when they are on a
ladder, but can get EXP. when restoring HP of party members.
You can see your wand or staff when you use the "fire arrow" skill.
New quest has been added.
Nella in Kerning City: Lv. 15
New quest has been added.
Nella in Kerning City: Lv. 25
Some of maps have been modified.}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.25 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.24
}}}* v0.26b (2005.02.02.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.26 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.25
}}}* v0.27b (2005.02.03.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.27 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.26
}}}* v0.28b (2005.02.07.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.28 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.27
}}}* v0.29b (2005.02.18.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.29 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.28
}}}* v0.30b (2005.02.26.)
* 불법 유저 신고 기능 추가
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.30 is now released.

With the new patch, we have included the following:


You can now report a user engaging in illegal
activities simply by right-clicking the character.
}}}* v0.31b (2005.03.03.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.31 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.30
}}}* v0.32b (2005.03.04.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.32 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.31
}}}* v0.33b (2005.03.10.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.33 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.32
}}}* v0.34b (2005.03.25.)
* 싱가포르/말레이시아 서버 및 글로벌(서구) 서버 분리
* NPC 명칭 변경
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.34

As of March 25, 2005, there will be a separate download files for
the (Singapore / Malayasia) East and (Global) West Servers.
Please download the appropriate files.

You are currently downloading the EAST (Singpaore / Malaysia) client.

If you are downloading the wrong client, please cancel
and download the correct client on our webpage.

With this patch,
we have also changed the names of the following :


Natasha : Nikolai
Grandpa Monglong: Mr. Goldstein
Dr. Cantsee: Dr. Squint
Cute: Doofus
Kaizi: Casey
Gregory Son: Arturo
Helena: Athena Pierce
Hines: Grendel the Really Old
Etran: Francois
Manstein: Cutthroat Manny
Mapa: Don Hwang
Monglong: Mong from Kong
Pete Schwetty: Mr. Sweatbottom
Jack Schwetty: Mr. Wetbottom
Sitting Bull: Dances with Balrog

We have also renamed some monsters and items, including the scrolls,
armors, etc.
}}}* v0.35b (2005.04.19.)
* 상세 불명
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.41 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.40

3.2. 정식 서비스 이후

Hi This is TestPatch..}}}MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.03 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.02
}}}* V0.04 (2005.06.28.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.04 is now released.

It's more complete version of Ver. 0.03
}}}* V0.05 (2005.07.14.)
* 여름방학 서핑보드 이벤트 및 운영자 이벤트 진행
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory Ver. 0.5 is now released.
With this patch, the following contents will become available:

Summer Items Set 2:
Surfing Board
Black Tube
Emergency Rescue Tube
Colorful Tube
Inclusion of GM Event Games
Ola Ola
MapleStory Physical Fitness Test
Coconut Harvest
Good luck with the events!

-MapleStory Staff
}}}* V0.06 (2005.08.01.)
* 미니게임 콘텐츠 추가
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
MapleStory Ver. 0.6 is now released.
With this patch, the following contents will become available:

Minigame Items
Thank you, and Happy Mapling!

-MapleStory Staff}}}Client Patch ver. 0.7 is now released.

A new quest is added - Cody and the Theme Park.
Removal of Summer Items from the monsters.}}}Client Patch ver. 0.8 is now released.

It's an improved version of 0.7

Thank you, and Happy Mapling
}}}* V0.09 (2005.10.19.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
Client Patch ver. 0.9 is now released.

It is a minor patch applied to fix some bugs that have been found after the previous page.

Thank you, and Happy Mapling
}}}* V0.10 (2005.10.25.)
* 리아(Ria)의 할로윈 이벤트 진행
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
Hello, Maplers!

MapleStory Client ver. 0.10 is now released.

The following is a list of updates and changes made for this patch:

< Event >

The Halloween event quest will be conducted for one week. Ria of Kerning City is looking for Maplers to Trick or Treat with, and she is willing to offer a nice Halloween pumpkin basket in exchange for some candies. Enjoy yourself in the spirit of Halloween, as you'll see monsters wandering around town trick or treating with you. Don't worry, they won't bother you one bit.

The candy will be dropped by the Jr. Wraith's and Coolie Zombie's wandering around hunting grounds near Kerning City and Sleepywood. Don't worry, they won't attack back, so feel free to attack them!

< Item >


Pumpkin Basket (no level limit)

Cash Item

a. Hat

Witch Hat
Tiger Mask
Zombie Mushroom Hat
Evil Watermelon Hat
Cat Hat
Welding Mask
b. Overall

Cat Suit
Yellow Tights
Witch Clothes
c. Glasses

Spinning Piglet
Thank you, and Happy Mapling!

-The MapleStory Staff-
}}}* V0.11 (2005.11.02.)
* 신규 아이템 추가, 할로윈 이벤트 종료
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
Hello, Maplers!
MapleStory Client ver. 0.11 is now released!
The following is a list of updates and changes made for this patch:

< Event >

The Halloween event quest has ended, and the monsters will not be walking around towns anymore. The monsters used for the Halloween quest will also be removed from the hunting areas.
< Item >

Cash Item
a. Hat
Red Cowboy Hat
Dark Cowboy Hat
Green Swimming Goggle
Red Flight Headgear
Blue Flight Headgear
Blue Swimming Goggle
SkyBlue Camping Hat
Jester Hat
Blue Pre-School Hat
Red Pre-School Hat
Blue Polka-Dot Pajama Top
Pre-School Uniform Top (M)
Pre-School Uniform Top (F)
Blue-Striped Trainer
Orange Trainer
Red Rider
Wild Top
M-Layered T-Shirt
Orange Baseball Jacket
Skull T-Shirt

Red Swimming Suit
Blue Swimming Suit
Recycled Box
Cardboard Box
Orange Overall
Pink Overall
Blue Overall
Denim Overall
Dark Enamel Suit

Blue Rider Pants
Blue Trainer Pants
Orange Trainer Pants
Wild Pants
Preschool Pants
SkyBlue Mimi Skirt
Yellow Mimi Skirt
Red Hiphop Pants
Blue Polka-Dot Pajama Pants
Pre-school Uniform Skirt

Yellow Shades
Brown Aviator Shades
Blue Aviator Shades
Black Sunglasses

Pink-Ribboned Label Ring
Blue-Ribboned Label Ring
Pink-Ribboned Quote Ring
Blue-Ribboned Quote Ring

Blue Marble Slippers
Bunny Slippers

h.Face Accessory
Jester Mask

Red Boxing Glove

Thank you, and Happy Mapling!

-The MapleStory Staff-
}}}* V0.12 (2005.11.16.)
* 추수감사절 이벤트 진행, 알파벳 수집 이벤트 진행, 신규 아이템 추가
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
Hello, Maplers!
MapleStory Client ver. 0.12 is now released!
The following is a list of updates and changes made for this patch:

< Security Update >

We are testing a new security pin system that has been added to the game for additional game account protection. From now on, users must enter their login ID, password, and use a digital keypad and enter a security pin to access the game. The website access does not require this pin code.
The pin code is assigned at the game login. Enter your login ID and password as you would normally and follow the steps for pin code assignment.
Please email any bugs to us using the email of inquiry.
< Event >

The Thanksgiving Event will take place from Wed., November the 16th, through Wed., November the 30th. The Maple Administrator in Henesys will be collecting the alphabet letters M.A.P.L.E.S.T.O.R.Y, which will be dropped by a set of random monsters, while the turkeys will be roaming all over the Maple World dropping random new items.
< Item >

Event Item
a. Hat

Maplehontas Headpiece
Pilgrim Hat
b. Weapon

Chief Axe
Use :

Roasted Turkey
Set-up :

Wooden Alphabet "A"
Wooden Alphabet "P"
Wooden Alphabet "L"
Wooden Alphabet "E"
Wooden Alphabet "T"
Wooden Alphabet "O"
Wooden Alphabet "R"
Wooden Alphabet "Y"
Special "M"
Special "S"
Cash Item
a. Hat

Transparent Hat
Sky-Blue Visor
Orange Visor
Yellow Picnic Hat
Pink Picnic Hat
Blue Picnic Hat
Purple Slanted Visor
Red Upside-down visor
Bunny Hat
Ducky Hat
Chief Hat
Puffy Brown Hat
Blue Upside-down visor
Blue Beanie
Detective Hat
Fashionable Hat
Blue Fisherman Hat
Starry Red Beanie
Starry Pink Beanie
Starry Sky-Blue Beanie
Goggled Red Cap
Goggled Black Cap
Goggled Blue Cap
b. Coat

Shine Rider
Dark Rider
Brown Wild Top
Red Wild Top
Red T-shirt w/ heart
Pink Camping Shirt
Green Camping Shirt
Blue Camping Shirt
Blue Frill Blouse
Orange Hooded Vest
Black Hooded Vest
Red Hooded Vest
Pink Hooded Vest
Beige Double-Coat
Green Double-Coat
Red Double-Coat
c. Overall

Bunny Costume
Ducky Costume
Orange Life-Jacket
Green Life-Jacket
Blue Life-Jacket
Grey Skull Overall
Red Skull Overall
Green Skull Overall
Blue Skull Overall
Orange Skull Overall
Red Swimming Trunks
Blue Swimming Trunks
White Body Tights
Black Body Tights
Premium Trenchcoat
White Holed Tights
Black Holed Tights
d. Pants

Shine Rider Pants
Dark Rider Pants
Brown Wild Pants
Red Wild Pants
Roll-up Jean
Ripped Jeans
Bell-Bottomed Faded Jeans
Pink Camping Shorts
Green Camping Shorts
Blue Camping Shorts
Blue Skirt
Baggy Jeans
Cowboy Shorts
Jean Shorts
Picnic Jean Shorts
Cargo Pants
e. Glasses

Orange Shades
Green Shades
Purple Aviator Shades
Red Hard-Rimmed Glasses
Blue Hard-Rimmed Glasses
Green Hard-Rimmed Glasses
Orange Hard-Rimmed Glasses
f. Ring

Pink-Flowered Quote Ring
Blue-Flowered Quote Ring
Skull Label Ring
Skull Quote Ring
g. Shoes

Bunny Boots
Camping Boots
Flipper Boots
Yellow Flippers
Blue Flippers
Kitty Slipper
Brown Dress Shoes
Green Ting Slippers
h. Coupons

Henesys Hair Salon (reg. coupon)
Henesys Hair Salon (reg. coupon for haircolor)
i. Weather

Sprinkled Maple Leaves
Sprinkled Maple Leaves (11-piece package)
j. Slot

equipment slot
use slot
set-up slot
etc. slot
Thank you, and Happy Mapling!

-The MapleStory Staff-}}}Hello, Maplers!
MapleStory Client ver. 0.13 is now released!
The following is a list of updates and changes made for this patch:

< Event >

The Thanksgiving Event, which consisted of the turkeys and the Alphabet Challenge, has officially ended. The winners of the challenge will be announced at a later date.
< Item >

Event Item
Sky Snowboard
Aqua Snowboard
Silver Snowboard
Golden Snowboard
Cash Item
a. Hat
Yellow Rain Cap
Red Rain Cap
Sky Blue Rain Cap
Green Rain Cap
Sky Blue Goggled Beanie
Khaki Goggled Beanie
Headphone Bandana
Brown Bucket Hat
Blue Bucket Hat
b. Glasses

Metal Shades
Red-Hearted Eye Patch
c. Overall

Yellow Raincoat
Sky Blue Raincoat
Red Raincoat
Green Raincoat
Blue Officer Uniform
Silver Officer Uniform
Black Officer Uniform
Red Officer Uniform
d. Top

Pink Snowboard Top
Sky Blue Snowboard Top
Yellow Snowboard Top
Green Snowboard Top
Starry Layered Combo
Red Trainer Jacket
Sky Blue Trainer Jacket
Pink Trainer Jacket
Black Trainer Jacket
e. Pants

Red Trainer Pants
Sky Blue Trainer Pants
Pink Trainer Pants
Black Trainer Pants
Yellow Snowboard Pants
Green Snowboard Pants
Pink Snowboard Pants
Sky Blue Snowboard Pants
f. Shoes

Yellow Rain Boots
Sky Blue Rain Boots
Red Rain Boots
Green Rain Boots
g. Ring

Bubbly Label Ring
h. Weather

Snowy Snow
i. Coupon

Henesys Skin-Care Coupon
Plastic Surgery at Henesys (reg. coupon)
Thank you, and Happy Mapling!

-The MapleStory Staff-}}}Hello, Maplers!
MapleStory Client ver. 0.14 is now released!
The following is a list of updates and changes made for this patch:

< Event >

Torr's Quest is now available in Happyville. Go there and help Torr find his horn!
The 4th world, WINDIA, is now available!! Discover new friendships and create your legend in the newest world of MapleStory!!
< Game >

The 3rd Job Adv. is now available! For those of you over level 70, check El Nath for information regarding the 3rd job advancement, and make yourself become more powerful than you have ever imagined!!
The level 70 items are now available through monster drops.
< Item >

Event Item
Torr's Horn
a. Hat
Silver Planet
Bronze Planet
Mithril Planet
Red Infinium Circlet
Blue Infinium Circlet
Dark Infinium Circlet
Brown Nightfox
Blue Nightfox
Purple Nightfox
White Nightfox
Blood Nightfox
Blue Patriot
Beige Patriot
Green Patriot
Dark Patriot
b. Ear Accessory

Metal Silver Earring
Half Earring
c. Top

Bronze Platine
Mithril Platine
Orihalcon Platine
Brown Studded Top
Blue Studded Top
Dark Studded Top
Aqua Platina
Violet Platina
Blood Platina
Purple Mystique
Blue Mystique
Pink Mystique
Red Mystique
d. Overall

Blue Linex
Beige Linex
Green Linex
Dark Linex
Blue Lineros
Beige Lineros
Green Lineros
Dark Lineros
Green Enigmatic
Blue Enigmatic
Dark Enigmatic
Green Enigma
Purple Enigma
Dark Enigma
e. Pants

Bronze Platine Pants
Mithril Platine Pants
Orihalcon Platine Pants
Brown Studded Pants
Blue Studded Pants
Dark Studded Pants
Aqua Platina Pants
Violet Platina Pants
Blood Platina Pants
Purple Mystique Pants
Blue Mystique Pants
Pink Mystique Pants
Red Mystique Pants
f. Shield

Steel Ancient Shield
Silver Ancient Shield
Gold Ancient Shield
g. Weapon

Red Katana
The Judgement
Golden River
Gigantic Sledge
The Gold Dragon
Red Hinkel
Blue Hinkel
Golden Hinkel
Gross Jaegar
Red Scarab
Green Scarab
Blue Scarab
Black Scarab
Bent Judgement
Dark Ritual
Cash Item
a. Hat
Orange Beanie
Santa Hat
Blue Frill Pajama Hat
Basic Earmuff
Snowman Mask
Angel Halo
Rudolph Hat
b. Face Accessory

Santa Beard
c. Eye Accessory

Spinning Groucho
d. Overall

Mrs. Claus Costume
Santa Costume
Snowman Costume
Rudolph Suit
e. Glove

Snowman Gloves
Santa Gloves
f. Shoes

Red Santa Boots
Snowman Shoes
Black Santa Boots
Beige Golashes
Skyblue Golashes
Pink Golashes
g. Cape

Baby Angel Wings
h. Ring

Scoreboard Label Ring
i. Pet

Brown Kitty
Brown Puppy
j. Pet Item

Reindeer Hat
Naming the Pet
Water of Life
Meso Magnet
Rudolph Sleigh
k. Weapon

Angel Wand
Snowman Claw
Bag of Presents
l. Weather

m. Package

Santa Package
Mrs. Claus Package
Rudolph Package
Snowman Package (Claw)
Snowman Package (Basic)
Red Christmas Package
White Christmas Package
Angel Package
Thank you, and Happy Mapling!

-The MapleStory Staff-
}}}* V0.15 (2005.12.27.)
* 버그 수정
* {{{#!folding [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
Hello, Maplers.

MapleStory Client ver. 0.15 is now released.

This is a follow-up patch to ver. 0.14, and includes bug corrections and minor changes.

The contents for ver. 0.14 is as follows: 이하 생략}}}

4. 참고 자료