1. 개요
더 헌터: 야생의 부름의 패치 내역.2. 최신 업데이트 버전 확인
2017년 6월 2일 기준으로 최신버전은 1.7 버전 이다.3. 업데이트
3.1. 1.01 패치
- Keybinding menu to not crash when unsupported hardware such as certain controllers or joysticks is connected
- Crash fix in settings menu
- Performance improvement for situations where large numbers of unharvested animals are located on the map.
- Crash fix for the map related to the player icon
- Crash fix for leaving multiplayer games
3.2. 1.02 패치
- Fix for “Invite to game” feature on Steam that would ultimately lead to a crash
- Crash fix for hovering over specific icons in the map
- Crash fix for ragdoll synchronization for spawned animals
- Disabled joining friends in multiplayer games when the game is not running
- Miscellaneous crash fixes
3.3. 1.10 패치
게임 플레이:- Added cool-down timer to animal warning calls
- Animal warning call probability is now affected by animal difficulty
- Adjusted how easily animals can hear you when walking through grass and bushes in Layton Lake District
- Adjusted vegetation sound volumes in Layton Lake District
- Reworked player progression - less cost and faster unlocks
- Resolved issue with side mission Sommer #2
사용자 인터페이스:
- Fix for hunting stands that can’t be interacted with
- Improved performance after tracking a large number of clues
멀티 플레이:
- Fix for multiplayer crashes related to Multiplayer menu
작은 수정사항:
- Fix for menu music not playing
- Improved sound mix for UI
- Improved sound mix for Black Bear
- Improved sound mix for music in outposts
- Added jumping sounds for player character
게임 플레이:
- Improved animal spawn points to avoid tight positions for pathfinding
- Fix for "Active Skill" tutorial would not play until restarting the game
- Heart rate is now affected when jumping
- Improved clue system for need zones
- Added glint effect on collectables
- Improvements to navigation mesh
- Fix for female foxes awarding negative score
- Fix for non-climbable ladders
- Fix for HunterMate showing missions from the previously visited reserve
- Fix for revolver exit animation
- Fix for occasionally misaligned muzzle flash when using quickshot
- Improved scope behaviour while aiming and walking
- Improved Lever Action Rifle animations
- Improved shotgun reload animation (displaying wrong bullet count)
- Improved animations for compound bow
- Fixed so that performing an action will never lock the player into place (firing, aiming, reloading etc.)
- Tweaked scatter for hipshot and fixed some issues with scatter in aim
사용자 인터페이스:
- Removed leaving reserve warning message after loading reserve
- Fixed bug where attaching ammo would hide item details
- Improving readability of codex pages, slow down scrolling text
- Added game logo to main menu
- Improved Key binding UI and fixed issue with double clicking
- Removed “Reserve Selection” text
- Added camera as bindable key
- Added “Use Skill” as bindable key
- Added numpad as bindable keys
- Fix for audio clue HUD never being shown again after having it visible and entering the menu
- Changing the “buy” button in the store to “owned” after purchase
- Inventory updates quicker after making changes in the storage
- Improved display of available amount of currency
- Added warning prompt when starting a new game
- Re-enabled HUD when using the camera
- Fix for weapon rewards not showing
- Improved Storage screen usability
- Fixed “night time” in codex vs. mission conditions (night time starts at 19:00)
- Artifacts are now added to the Codex page when picked up
- Mouse sensitivity now works as intended
- Toggling “Mission System” in settings now works as intended
멀티 플레이:
- Fix for network collectables competing with regular collectables
- Disabled changing reserve in Multiplayer
- Addressed memory leaks
- Slightly improved performance of water reflections
- Fix for appearing underwater when changing position (loading screen)
- Multiple fixes regarding spawn point and camera sequences
- Fix for critter related crash
- Collision fixes in Layton Lake District
- Missing shaders added
- Various mission fixes
- Crashfix when switching reserve
- Various fixes for floating props
- Crashfix when switching between single and multiplayer games
- Improved string jump animations of animals
- Removed breathing animation on dead animals
- Various localization fixes
- Improved water reflections
- Fixed broken glint effect while it’s raining
- Rain drops are now properly occluded by structures
- Added particle effects while walking through foliage
- Fix for animals running in place in certain animations
- Fixed bug in volumetric fog that would cause it to be wrongly occluded by vegetation
3.4. 1.11 패치
- Crashfix for bringing up the scoreboard in multiplayer (affects specific languages)
- Items are now unlocked when you exceed the requirements. Please be sure to obtain experience points for your character / weapon level to update, so that the changes can take effect.
3.5. 1.20 패치
게임 플레이(Gameplay):
(Changed default speeds for crouch and prone to be slower (use “run” keybind to move faster)
웅크림 자세와 엎드린자세에서 기본 이동속도를 느리게 변경.("쉬프트(shift)"키를 사용하여 더빠르게 이동가능.)
Crouching now correctly affects Animal AI
웅크리기는 이제 동물에게 영향을 준다.
Balanced difficulty settings for photo missions.
사진 미션의 난이도가 변경.
Balanced equipment prices in the in-game store
상점의 총기, 활과 장비 유인제와 유인향의 가격이 하향하고 총알과 소모품(치료킷과 냄새 제거 스프레이)의 가격이 증가.
Fixed missions so they can be completed with the .270 Warden rifle
.270 Warden rifle로 임무 완료할수 있도록 수정.
Fixed issue with “Big Coyote Tour” mission
"큰 코요테의 여행" 미션 문제 수정.
Improved interactions of Points of Interest and Hunting Structures
관심 지점과 상호작용을 개선.
Fixed distance requirement in Sommers mission “The Fox and the Scope” to 200 meters
'The Fox and the Scope'의 미션의 거리요구가 200미터(m)로 설정되었다.
Specified the region where to find the coyote in Vualez “The Werecoyote”
'Vualez'의 'The Werecoyote'에서 이제 코요테를 찾을 수 있다.
사용자 인터페이스(User Interface):
Improved feedback for noise in HUD
HUD 소음에 대한 피드백 개선.
Various fixes for overflows, cutoffs and unlocalized strings
Fixed storage freezing when used
Harvest screen lists hit starting with 1 now
Player placed waypoints can now be seen from any distance
Fix for empty Mission Log when switching reserves
Fixed a bug where droppings would not correctly indicate time since creation and instead always show "just now" when investigated
동물의 배설물을 생성후 플레이어가 흔적을 발견하면 항상같은 내용만 표시하던 버그가 수정.
Added female breathing and damage sounds for player character
플레이어 여성캐릭터의 호흡소리와 피격시의 사운드 추가.
Added sound for Headlamp when turning it on / off
헤드램프를 On/Off 사운드를 추가.
Improvement of UI Mix
UI 믹스 개선.
Improvement of Music Mix
음악관련 믹스 개선.
Improvement of Bear mix
곰관련 믹스 개선.
Added Jump sounds for main character
플레이어의 점프 사운드를 추가.
Changed rabbits/squirrel navigation sounds
토끼와 다람쥐의 내비게시션 사운드를 변경.
Improve animal vegetation passthrough sounds
동물이 식물을 건들 때 나는 소리를 향상.
Removed spawn point outside of reserve
Various fixes for floating props in the world
Fixed issue with proning and looking through the terrain
3.6. 1.21 패치
We just released a small update to address a crash related to multiplayer mode, after releasing Patch 1.2 earlier today.
멀티플레이 모드 충돌 해결.
3.7. 1.30 패치
게임 플레이(Gameplay):
Added re-specialisation of Skills and Perks
스킬과 퍽 초기화 기능 추가.
Clues now correctly despawn after fast traveling
빠른 여행후 단서가 정상적으로 사라집니다.
Corrected expansion and penetration stats for soft point and polymeric tip rifle ammunition
소총(Rifles)의 'polymer'과 'soft-point'총알의 관통과 팽창을 통계수정.
Fix for “Connor - Lost Words” if you find the notebook before finishing the first objective
Reduced cost of ammunition
탄약 구매 비용 감소.
사용자 인터페이스(User Interface):
Fixed interactions with Hunting Stands
헌팅 스탠드와의 상호 작용 조정.
Various localisation fixes
다양한 현지화 픽스.
안정성과 성능(Stability & Performance):
Enabled screen space reflections (water reflections) by default on medium and low graphics settings
Improved data collection on deadlocks (freezes)
Mini map performance optimization
Various crash fixes
Improved synchronization of all weapon reload animations
Added credits
크레딧 추가.
3.8. 1.40 패치
게임 플레이(Gameplay):
Fixed issue for shotgun score being awarded instead of rifle score for the 30-30 Lever Action Rifle.
Whitlock Model 86의 소총 점수 대신 산탄 총 점수에 대한 수정 된 문제
Fixes to address stuck and “frozen” animals.
붙어있는 동물과 "얼어 붙은"동물 수정
Reworked fall damage and physics, eliminating death by rocks and bushes.
암석과 관목로 사망하는 현상을 제거, 게임 물리학과 데미지를 재구성.
Corrected .270 Warden magazine size from 5 to 4.
.270 Huntsman 탄창 크기를 5에서 4로 수정 함
Weapon statistics tweaked to better reflect how they perform in the game.
무기 통계를 좀 더 잘 반영되도록 조정.
Sommer - Mr. Sommers Bow & Vualez #8 can now be completed with Bearclaw Lite CB-60.
Imperial and metric systems now use the same item capacity.
Aiming with the bow will no longer cause other scopes to have incorrect offset.
활로 조준시 잘못된곳을 조준하는걸 수정.
Players will no longer be hurt or killed when spawning too close to each other.
Holding breath with bows now correctly increases heart rate and decreases wobble.
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck at maximum wobble when aiming
사용자 인터페이스(User Interface):
Fixed mirrored custom waypoint
Added game version in Main Menu
주 메뉴에 추가 된 게임 버전
Improved and added localization
향상된 현지화 기능
Improved tracking cone on minimap based on tracking skill
추적 스킬을 기반으로 미니 맵에서 향상된 추적표시
Improved clearing of player icons on map
지도 상의 플레이어 아이콘 삭제 개선
안정성과 성능(Stability & Performance):
Crash fix related to mini map.
미니 맵과 관련된 충돌 수정
Fixed crash when changing reserve.
예약 변경시의 고정 된 충돌 수정.
Crash fix related to player icons on the map.
지도상의 플레이어 아이콘과 관련된 충돌 수정.
Fixed crashes related to mismatching clues.
불일치 단서와 관련된 고정 된 충돌 수정.
Additional crash fixes.
추가 충돌 수정
Improved error handling in case of graphics device failing. Players will now receive a message which is likely due to GPU being below minimal specifications.
그래픽 장치가 잘 작동하지 않는 경우의 오류 처리 개선, 이제 실행시 GPU가 최소 사양보다 부족시 경고가 나옴.
Fixed disappearing clues in multiplayer.
멀티 플레이에서 흔적이 사라지는 현상 수정.
Performance improvements when using binoculars on low graphical settings.
낮은 그래픽 설정에서 쌍안경 사용 시 성능 향상.
Weapon and item sounds now work correctly after switching items multiple times.
Terrain updates to remove tunnels
지형 업데이트로 터널현상 제거
Various fixes for floating items
변동 항목에 대한 다양한 수정
3.9. 1.41 패치
사용자 인터페이스(User Interface):
Resolved “ghost clicks” in menus after closing them. This will resolve random kicks, setting changes and more
멀티 플레이시 메뉴에서 강퇴와 설정변경을 설정 가능하다.
Added confirmation dialogue for kicking players from multiplayer games
멀티 플레이어 게임중 플레이어를 강퇴시 확인 문구를 채팅창에 추가.
Added confirmation dialogue when starting a competition in multiplayer
멀티 플레이에서 경쟁 시작시 채팅창에 확인 문구를 추가.
Reworked layout of the Multiplayer menu
멀티 플레이 메뉴 레이아웃 재구성.
Fix for crash when resetting skill tree if a skill was active
Fix for crash after confirming the harvest screen
Fix for crash if a player leaves when an arrow he/she shot was in the air
Fix for crash when shooting an animal while having an active mission
Additional improvements for freezes
3.10. 1.5 패치
게임 플레이(Gameplay):
Improved animal path finding maps. This change will decrease the risk of animals freezing / not moving.
This change will potentially remove some of your discovered need zones.
Fixed point of interest being too close to a rock which killed players
You will no longer see your own discovered need zones when joining another player’s game.
Fix for player death when starting the game
Spotted animals now count correctly in the “Spot 5 Animals” competition
Consecutive harvest bonus now carries over in single player games
사용자 인터페이스(User Interface):
Localization improvements including fixing cut offs, truncations and more
Waypoint is now consistently orange on the map and mini map and has the correct icon
Callers now play in the correct distance when used by other players in multiplayer
Audio settings are now saved correctly
안정성과 성능(Stability & Performance):
Fixed memory leak in loading screen that could cause a crash.
Fixed issue with grass not showing on long distances when switching between Ultra and Low graphics settings
Performance Improvements:
Fixed issue overwriting scale of horizon and time for shaders
Removed unnecessary functions for shaders
Added culling for tree and vegetation shadows
Fixed mismatching cloud shadows
Optimized cloud particle effects
Optimized performance of vegetation shadows
Improved performance in scope view
Fixed volume fog when shadows are present
Minimized pixel jittering
Fixed mismatching shaders for shadows
Fix for flickering birds
Improved transmissions on trees
Optimized shader complexity for visual results
Fixed structures that were placed in vegetation
Fixed various floating assets
Gamepad vibration is now saved correctly
3.11. 1.6 패치
Added “Exit to main menu” button
버그 수정(Bug fixes):
Fix for a bug that lead to player characters death when spawning into the game.
Fix for an issue that would cause .338 and 7mm rifles to not have a barrel opening to the bullet chamber
Fix for an issue with Cacciatore 12G that would cause momentary clipping when used with scopes
Fix for an issue with the gamekeeper shotgun that would cause it’s rail to not correctly follow when reloading
Fix for an issue with the huntermate in prone position that could cause it to momentarily “spin”
Fix for a bug where aiming with a scope while crouched was inaccurate for the .338, 7mm and shotguns.
Footprint clues will now properly show the approximate animal weight
안정성 수정(Stability fixes):
Fix for crash occurs when changing between windowed and full screen mode, or when alt-tabbing in and out of the game.
Fix for crash if you enter deep water
Fix for crash when starting a game after animal map content has changed
Fix for crash when leaving a dead animal on the ground and traveling far away from it
Fix for crash when bagging an animal in a multiplayer game
3.12. 1.61 패치
버그 수정(Bug fixes):
Fix for the profile card in the codex not displaying the correct facial variations if you purchased one of the new character customizations.
안정성 수정(Stability fixes):
Fix for a random crash that could happen when an animal despawned
3.13. 1.62 패치
버그 수정(Bug fixes):
Range finder crosshair is now centered
Game hosts now see notifications when guests fast travel
Fix for icons not always being removed from the map when exiting to main menu and then re-entering the game.
안정성 (Stability):
Fix for a crash that could happen when animals home range became disabled because of too much hunting pressure.
If the game fails to initialize the sound system, the game will start with no sound instead of a crash. Try changing from headphones to speakers and back if you have no sound.
3.14. 1.7 패치
새로운 무료 DLC 인 사격장이 추가되었다.
버그 수정(Bug fixes):
게임 플레이(Gameplay):
tems should now unlock when requirements are already met
7mm now correctly reloads
.338 now correctly reloads
Deer grunt caller now correctly placed in hands
Tents & Groundblinds go to the backpack after dismantling (instead of storage)
Fixed issue with outposts being permanently locked (you have to walk in range of 500m for it to update)
Fix for outposts not being unlocked on clients when being unlocked on host
Reworked fall damage
사용자 인터페이스(User Interface):
Fix for tracks highlight setting getting turned off when harvesting an animal
Fix for button prompts getting stuck after exiting to main menu
Various localization fixes
Sound mix adjustment for callers
Lights at lodges no longer flicker
Firewood stands now has correct collision
Fix for various floating objects