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최근 수정 시각 : 2019-02-17 13:30:03


파일:Public Domain Icon.svg이 파일은 퍼블릭 도메인 상태에 있는 소프트웨어의 스크린샷입니다.

퍼블릭 도메인 상태에 있는 소프트웨어의 스크린샷은 마찬가지로 퍼블릭 도메인이며 누구나 자유로이 어떤 목적으로나 제한없이 사용할 수 있습니다.

주의: 이 라이선스 틀을 저작권이 만료되지 않은 GPL 등으로 배포된 소프트웨어의 스크린샷에 부착하지 마세요.

1. 기본 정보2. 이미지 설명

1. 기본 정보

출처 https://cosmos.network/design/assets
날짜 알 수 없음
저작자 Interchain Foundation
저작권 Interchain Foundation
기타 2. Correct Use of Trademark Designations
Two symbols are generally used in the United States to demonstrate a trademark owner's claims to rights in a trademark: ™ or ®. The ® symbol signifies that the mark has been registered in the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) or a state trademark office. When a mark is not registered in the United States, the ™ symbol should be used to designate that the term is a trademark. It is important to place these symbols directly after the trademark.

Correct Usage
View the correct usage of logos

COSMOS™ software

Incorrect Usage
COSMOS software™

Although it is not necessary to use a symbol every time a trademark is used in printed materials or on packaging or labels, a trademark symbol should be used at least once on the printed materials, packaging, or labels. For logos, the appropriate symbol should be locked with the logo so that it is used consistently each time the logo is used.

Additional factors need to be considered when identifying marks outside of the U.S. For instance, some countries do not recognize the ® symbol. In other countries, improper use of the ® symbol can result in forfeiture of trademark rights. Therefore, the ™ symbol, rather than the ® symbol, should be used directly after the mark for all products or materials that may be distributed outside of the United States.

If it is not feasible or aesthetically desirable to place the ® or ™ symbol with a mark, the mark can be followed by an asterisk (*) that references a footnote similar in form to one of the following statements:

Reg. U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. (if applicable)
This is a trademark of The Interchain Foundation in the United States and other countries.
This is a registered trademark of The Interchain Foundation in the United States and other countries. (again, if applicable)
Alternatively, for labels, packaging, brochures, advertising or promotional materials intended for use in several countries, the following note could appear at the end of the document:

"COSMOS is a trademark of The Interchain Foundation in the United States and other countries."

2. 이미지 설명

코스모스의 공식 로고
