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최근 수정 시각 : 2021-06-07 20:50:27


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1. 기본 정보2. 이미지 설명

1. 기본 정보

날짜 20 June 2015
저작자 Evan-Amos

2. 이미지 설명

The Neo Geo CD, a video game console released by SNK in Japan in 1994. This is the top loader model, the most common version and the only one that saw a worldwide release. The Neo Geo CD was a conversion of the original Neo Geo AES hardware into a system with cheaper, more accessible media. The original AES used large cartridges that cost hundreds of dollars each, whereas this model used common CDs that cost pennies to produce. The system also included a more standard gamepad for the pack-in controller.